Nigerian Literature
Recent papers in Nigerian Literature
Amerikana, içinde yaşadığımız modern toplumların en temel meseleleri hakkında sarsıcı saptamalar yapabilen, bunu yaparken de okuru adeta katılımcı bir yöntemle düşünme pratiğine dahil eden, dolayısıyla hem kapsam hem de yöntem açısından... more
The great Nigerian novelist Chinua Achebe once wrote: “Art is man’s constant effort to create for himself a different order of reality from that which is given to him.” One can see then why the Nigerian-Irish writer Melatu Uche Okorie,... more
Ser hombre o mujer homosexual no es tarea fácil ni permitida en África. Actualmente, las relaciones homosexuales y entre personas transgénero están prohibidas en una sociedad hetero-sexista que defiende la heteronorma y desprecia aquellas... more
A chapbook that highlights the menace in Nigeria and how to tackle it through Poetry
Terrorism happens to have grown on a global scale, what are are presently witnessing is the multiplier effect of the Arab spring.
The lack of local literature bedevilled African and Nigerian literatures for a long time. This contributed in no small measure to a few critics averring that Africa and Nigeria lack literature of any major type especially of the... more
Autrefois, les femmes se rendant au marché laissaient leur bébé à la garde d’un des plus jeunes membres de la maisonnée ; « quand c’était possible, on choisissait un garçonnet pour un bébé garçon et une fillette pour un bébé fille »... more
This study investigated the effect of crude oil pollution and remediation on the fungi and bacteria communities of M. indica and E. guineensis rhizospheres using three sites - Unpolluted Site (UPS), Polluted and Treated Site (PTS), and... more
"The author of this paper examines the symbolism of pollution in various modes in Toni Morrison’s Beloved and Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. He explains the symbolism of pollution as a mythic form contained and apprehended in... more
AWEJ Volume.5 Number.2, 2014 Pp.236-243 The Influence of Arabic on Nigerian Literature: a study of selected works of Abubakar Imam in Hausa Jamiu, Muhammad... more
ÖZ Bu çalışmada, Flora Nwapa'nın Women are Different adlı romanından yola çıkılarak Nijerya toplumundaki toplumsal cinsel kimlik modelleri incelenecektir. Bu romanda, Flora Nwapa Nijeryalı kadınların hakları konusunda örneğin eğitim hakkı... more
Modern African poets have shown a consistent commitment to the socio-political and economic trends of their various nations, becoming both the mouthpieces of the people and the watchdogs of leaders in all spheres of the society. This... more
The concept of mutual illumination between texts, genres, arts, and disciplines has been used in scholarly work for decades (Weisstein, 1973, 1993). Nevertheless, much of this literature lacks a firm anchor with regard to a literal source... more
Abstract: Consider now Taiye Selasi’s ‘Bye-Bye Babar’ article in The Lip Magazine of March 3, 2005 and the emergence of what has been variously described as a movement, a critical theory, a label and even a cultural commodification.... more
Akinwale Oluwole Soyinka holds the distinction of being the first African winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. His works, which have encompassed drama, novel and poetry genres, have tended to reflect the syncretism of Yoruban culture... more
Politics have been defined in countless ways by several scholars and academic materials. Aristotle, who is regarded as the father of politics, defines politics as a noble activity in which men decide the rules they will live by and the... more
The author investigates how Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu's Zahrah the Windseeker (2007), in deploying the fantasy genre and folktales, affirms its belongingness to the Nigerian literary tradition which, in the long run, complicates the notion of... more
476 novels, 261 authors, hundreds of interviews and surveys, and around ten years of extended research later, Bearing Witness by Wendy Griswold, emerges as an incredibly thorough exploration of the literary scene in the complex country... more
Across various mediums, the continent of Africa with its vast and dynamic span of cultures, countries, identities and people, is often homogenised and reduced to a single entity or concept. Of course home to extensive differences, from... more
ABSTRACT. Nigerian narratives always reveal corruption, disillusionment, mythological entities, political instability, cultural backgrounds and traditions of the tribes and nations used as context. Textual resources advertise literary... more
Stories in literature and in mythology carry a unique ability to teach, admonish, and denounce while representing a way to fight against conventional images and ideas. This article analyses Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Americanah (2013) as... more
God make him rich so he can go to India. Mallam Sidi, husband of Hotiho. Sidi's ambition is for God to make him rich so he can go to India. 'Mallam Sidi is the husband of Hotiho' The sight of a 15 ft image of Sridevi, dancing erotically... more
Les compositions romanesques de l’écrivain nigérian Chinua Achebe mettent en évidence la façon dont la colonisation a tenté de juguler un rapport accélérationniste à la temporalité par l’imposition d’un schème développementaliste global.... more
This paper offers an insight into a variety of female characters taken from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s debut novel, Purple Hibiscus and her short story collection, The Thing Around Your Neck, focusing on “Imitation”, “Jumping Monkey Hill”... more
Essay review of Purple Hibiscus, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
Literature has always inspired filmic adaptations, and African literature has its films too, mainly sourced from Francophone novels, some of which have been examined by Techeuyap, Anyinefa, and Mestaoui, among others. Nigerian literature,... more
The Postcolonial Historical Novel is the first systematic work to explore how the historical novel shapes understandings of the past in former colonies, and how it has been transformed by its appropriation in these settings. Focusing on... more
the definition and all about the movement of Magical Realism
The paper explore Chinua Achebe's vivid narration of the conflict between the animist religion of the people of Umofia and the emerging Christian faith. The paper highlights a perspective which previous reviews had failed to capture.
This study revealed that Coping Mechanism or Strategies of Women victims of domestic violence is based on empiricism (experienced based), Rationalism (logically based, and based on calculation), as well as “Metaphysism (based on... more
In spite of the encomiums often poured on Chinua Achebe for inventing the modern African novel, his orientation of resuscitating a sense of pride in Africa " s own cultural achievement tends to overshadow his interest in city life. This... more
This paper analyse the level of financial inclusion in Nigeria using data from the global findex indicators. The findings reveal that Nigeria witnessed growth in several financial inclusion indicators in the early years of financial... more
The present volume intends to show the move from theory to activism: from Marx’s reflections on Shakespeare to the ways certain narratives have an impact on social movements such as BLM, to the critique of institutions such as... more
In this paper, I explore the feminist activism represented by the creative and critical works of the award-winning Nigerian writer, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. In a move that signalled her growing international influence as a cultural... more
The application of trauma theory to postcolonial literature has provoked anxiety from critics concerned about its capacity to impose Eurocentric interpretations. This article evaluates the use of trauma as a paradigm for interpreting... more
Vers une définition de la traduction postcoloniale : problématiques, orientations et solutions. Comme l'affirme Susan Bassnett, la traduction n'arrive jamais dans un vacuum mais dans un continuum ; elle n'est pas un acte isolé, ma elle... more