Papers by matteo valentino
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
S T U D I I N O N O R E DI S T E F A N O V A S S A L L O, 2020
Throughout the ancient Greek, world mass burials are rare. Of the 10,000 excavated burials in the... more Throughout the ancient Greek, world mass burials are rare. Of the 10,000 excavated burials in the western necropolis of the Greek colony of Himera (649-409), only 16 contained more than one individual; seven of these can in all possibility be traced back to the two battles fought by Himera against the Carthaginians in 480 and 409 BCE. Written sources (Diod. 11.20ff.) state that the Himerans, accompanied by numerous Greek allies, defeated the Carthaginian forces in the first conflict whereas the loss of Greek allied support in the second battle resulted in the city's defeat and subsequent destruction. The anthropological and taphonomical studies of the human remains aim at testing the archaeological hypothesis that individuals interred in the seven mass graves can be related to the two battles. Skeleton density (skeletons per square metre), position, orientation, and conservation levels of the individuals in the mass burials were analysed and compared with a larger sample of 1,000 single burials from the same necropolis along with mass graves in other forensic and archaeological contexts. Sex, age at death, presence of skeletal stress indicators, and perimortal traumas were recorded using standard anthropologi-cal methods. In the case of poorly preserved remains, sex was estimated using site-specific discriminant functions. Although representing catastrophic samples, the results from the seven mass burials all lead to the assumption that the graves can be associated with the interment of warriors fallen in battle. Moreover, burial differences have permitted to distinguish the mass burials dating to 480 BCE from those attributed to 409 BCE.
Throughout the ancient Greek, world mass burials are rare. Of the 10,000 excavated burials in the... more Throughout the ancient Greek, world mass burials are rare. Of the 10,000 excavated burials in the western necropolis of the Greek colony of Himera (649-409), only 16 contained more than one individual; seven of these can in all possibility be traced back to the two battles fought by Himera against the Carthaginians in 480 and 409 BCE. Written sources (Diod. 11.20ff.) state that the Himerans, accompanied by numerous Greek allies, defeated the Carthaginian forces in the first conflict whereas the loss of Greek allied support in the second battle resulted in the city's defeat and subsequent destruction. The anthropological and taphonomical studies of the human remains aim at testing the archaeological hypothesis that individuals interred in the seven mass graves can be related to the two battles. Skeleton density (skeletons per square metre), position, orientation, and conservation levels of the individuals in the mass burials were analysed and compared with a larger sample of 1,000 single burials from the same necropolis along with mass graves in other forensic and archaeological contexts. Sex, age at death, presence of skeletal stress indicators, and perimortal traumas were recorded using standard anthropologi-cal methods. In the case of poorly preserved remains, sex was estimated using site-specific discriminant functions. Although representing catastrophic samples, the results from the seven mass burials all lead to the assumption that the graves can be associated with the interment of warriors fallen in battle. Moreover, burial differences have permitted to distinguish the mass burials dating to 480 BCE from those attributed to 409 BCE.
Notiziario Archeologico Soprintendenza Palermo, 2019
The new discoveries in the eastern necropolis have provided new data useful in the research on th... more The new discoveries in the eastern necropolis have provided new data useful in the research on the relationship between the colony and the indigenous peoples. The hypothesis is reinforced that in a first phase the relations were quite intense (at least in the first generations since the foundation of the colony), shedding new light on the areas affected by these exchanges. From an artistic point of view, these discoveries broaden the knowledge of the iconography used by the Sicans on medium and large sized vases. Of particular interest is the decoration painted on an amphora (SG340), where large individual aniconic figures were used to fill the sides of the vase: the Maltese cross and the stylized sun.
In this article the whole production of native ceramics recovered in the necropolises of Himera i... more In this article the whole production of native ceramics recovered in the necropolises of Himera is analyzed, material partly already published partly unpublished. The chronology of this
production is framed between the end of the seventh one and the beginnings of the sixth century b.C. And also the possible presence of native elements in the colony is analyzed.
The Western (Buonfornello) necropolis of Himera, dating from the 7th to 5th century BC, has yield... more The Western (Buonfornello) necropolis of Himera, dating from the 7th to 5th century BC, has yielded 10,096 burials, among which are six common burials (n = 2-22). On the basis of the archaeological and historical evidence, these are presumed to be the result of the Battle of Himera, fought in approximately 480 BC, or some other warfare episode taking place in the same period, and it is hypothesised that all the individuals are male. A reliable morphological sex determination is impossible in most cases due to the bad state of preservation of the pelves. The present paper aims to establish whether sex dimorphism in diaphyseal dimensions allows for the calculation of site-specific discriminant functions (DFs) that are useful for sex determination and to verify the archaeological hypothesis that all individuals in the six common burials are male. DF computation was conducted for sex determination based on the diaphyseal dimensions recorded for a sample of 89 pelvis sexed individuals (57 males and 32 females). The DFs were selected by taking into account the large number of m/f samples (n > 30) and the accuracy (>90%).
Ollus leto datus est, Reggio Calabria, 2018
The last investigations recently conducted at the Western necropolis of Himera brought 9547 tombs... more The last investigations recently conducted at the Western necropolis of Himera brought 9547 tombs to light. Thanks to these findings it has been possible to study the special rituals of both primary and secondary
incineration, the composition of the funerary equipment, above all from the quantitative point of view, and some peculiar Attic figured cinerary-kraters.
The excavation of the eastern and western necropolises of Himera involved, in some sectors, very ... more The excavation of the eastern and western necropolises of Himera involved, in some sectors, very difficult interventions, having to work in areas of the very complex railway yard, connected to other and different needs. This is the case of the two areas explored in the western necropolis below the embankment of the Palermo-Catania motorway. To ensure that the excavation was organised in a manner that met the need for scientific documentation of the tombs, which lay about 8 metres below the asphalt, a complex construction site was built, with very limited space and unusual methods. This article aims, above all, to illustrate how in the excavations for the protection of large public works, in such unfavourable environments, it is important to find all the technical solutions, necessary to reconcile scientific needs and the completion of public works, in this case of primary and fundamental importance.
Notiziario Archeologico della Soprintendenza di Palermo, 2018
The excavation of the eastern and western necropolises of Himera involved, in some sectors, very ... more The excavation of the eastern and western necropolises of Himera involved, in some sectors, very difficult interventions, having to work in areas of the very complex railway yard, connected to other and different needs. This is the case of the two areas explored in the western necropolis below the embankment of the Palermo-Catania motorway. To ensure that the excavation was organised in a manner that met the need for scientific documentation of the tombs, which lay about 8 metres below the asphalt, a complex construction site was built, with very limited space and unusual methods. This article aims, above all, to illustrate how in the excavations for the protection of large public works, in such unfavourable environments, it is important to find all the technical solutions, necessary to reconcile scientific needs and the completion of public works, in this case of primary and fundamental importance.
Notiziario Archeologico Soprintendenza Palermo, 2017
The western necropolis of Himera has been systematically investigated for a large area through ex... more The western necropolis of Himera has been systematically investigated for a large area through excavations carried out by the Soprintendenza of Palermo between 2008 and 2011. This article presents a pit grave with a particular grave goods, so that it can be extrapolated from the general context. It is material of probably local production, with the exception of a zoomorphic askòs in the form of a horse whose production place is not well clear.
Notiziario Archeologico Soprintendenza Palermo, 2016
The village, situated in the territory of Castellana Sicula, has been known for many decades beca... more The village, situated in the territory of Castellana Sicula, has been known for many decades because of the presence of archaeological remains related to a settlement of Imperial and Byzantine age. The new investigations carried out by the Soprintendenza allowed to explore two areas, highlighting an architectural complex with a large apsidal space, probably with thermal functions, and some rooms used as warehouses in which, in a layer of destruction, many transport amphoras and other artifacts dating from the 5 th and 6 th century BC were found. Two funerary hypogeic complexes with graves of Late Antiquity were also explored. The settlement of Muratore is probably to be identified as a small village, inhabited between Roman Empire until Byzantine age, located along the major road linking Palermo to the eastern and central part of Sicily, to the South of Madonie and Nebrodi.
The village, situated in the territory of Castellana Sicula, has been known for many decades beca... more The village, situated in the territory of Castellana Sicula, has been known for many decades because of the presence of archaeological remains related to a settlement of Imperial and Byzantine age. The new investigations carried out by the Soprintendenza allowed to explore two areas, highlighting an architectural complex with a large apsidal space, probably with thermal functions, and some rooms used as warehouses in which, in a layer of destruction, many transport amphoras and other artifacts dating from the 5 th and 6 th century BC were found. Two funerary hypogeic complexes with graves of Late Antiquity were also explored. The settlement of Muratore is probably to be identified as a small village, inhabited between Roman Empire until Byzantine age, located along the major road linking Palermo to the eastern and central part of Sicily, to the South of Madonie and Nebrodi.
Himera dagli alti dirupi" così la definiva Eschilo in una sua opera. E così oggi ci appare la col... more Himera dagli alti dirupi" così la definiva Eschilo in una sua opera. E così oggi ci appare la colonia greca (sito archeologico posto sulla costa settentrionale della Sicilia) distribuita su due pianori differenti a circa 80 m di dislivello l'uno dall'altro. Cosa c'entra una colonia greca con il mondo dell'Engineering? Le strade si incrociano con lo sviluppo del progetto del raddoppio ferroviario che doveva attraversare la piana di Termini Imerese, su cui giace proprio la colonia greca. Da qui è partita una macchina organizzativa dalle dimensioni inusitate per uno scavo archeologico. Si tratta, infatti, di uno dei più grandi scavi effettuati in Italia durato oltre due anni che ha coinvolto 28 tecnici tra archeologi, restauratori, disegnatori, antropologi e 65 operai. Le ricerche si sono soprattutto concentrate sulla necropoli occidentale della colonia. L'eccezionalità sta nei numeri: oltre 9500 deposizioni funerarie, circa 20.000 reperti archeologici recuperati. Non solo. Eventi storici ben individuati sul campo: otto fosse comuni della grande battaglia del 480 a.C. combattuta tra i greci d'occidente e i barbari fenici con i loro mercenari, oltre a 26 scheletri di cavalli probabilmente appartenenti alla cavalleria siracusana, che difendeva l'ala destra del fronte ellenico. Una battaglia epica che definì il destino della Sicilia a favore del mondo ellenico. A parte questi fatti ben definiti nella storia antica, cosa ci ha fornito lo scavo? Una montagna di dati storici che devono essere approfonditi nei prossimi anni dall'equipe che si è occupata dello scavo. Ma andiamo con ordine. Attraverso quali riti i greci seppellivano i defunti? Il rito dell'inumazione voleva il defunto seppellito senza alcun particolare accorgimento, ed era posto o entro fosse, o in sarcofagi di terracotta, e per i bambini entro contenitori (anfore, pithoi, hydriai). Un secondo rito era quello dell'incinerazione: i corpi venivano posti su delle pire di legname e, a differenza del mondo odierno indiano, ciò che rimaneva del corpo e del corredo funerario veniva seppellito e ricoperto da un piccolo tumulo di terra. Per ciò che riguarda le tombe, esse erano composte HIMERA: QUANDO L'INGEGNERIA SCOPRE L'ARCHEOLOGIA Tra il 2008 e il 2011 si è svolta nella necropoli occidentale di Himera (Termini Imerese, Palermo) una campagna di scavi, che costituisce una delle più importanti e significative imprese archeologiche realizzate negli ultimi anni nel bacino mediterraneo. La ricerca ha rappresentato anche un significativo modello di collaborazione tra la Soprintendenza di Palermo, che ha avuto il coordinamento scientifico dei lavori, le Ferrovie che lo hanno finanziato e la Cefalù 20 S.c.a r.l., l'impresa che ha avuto l'appalto del nuovo tratto ferroviario in costruzione lungo la linea Palermo-Messina. Gli straordinari risultati conseguiti fanno del sito di Himera, istituito dal 2010 come Parco Archeologico e diretto da Francesca Spatafora, una delle colonie greche più importanti per gli studi sui tanti aspetti legati al mondo funerario del popolo greco in età arcaica e classica, e costituiranno un patrimonio archeologico di straordinario interesse anche per la valorizzazione e lo sviluppo del turismo culturale di quest'area.
Papers by matteo valentino
production is framed between the end of the seventh one and the beginnings of the sixth century b.C. And also the possible presence of native elements in the colony is analyzed.
incineration, the composition of the funerary equipment, above all from the quantitative point of view, and some peculiar Attic figured cinerary-kraters.
production is framed between the end of the seventh one and the beginnings of the sixth century b.C. And also the possible presence of native elements in the colony is analyzed.
incineration, the composition of the funerary equipment, above all from the quantitative point of view, and some peculiar Attic figured cinerary-kraters.
La valorizzazione del patrimonio archeologico siciliano in conseguenza dei lavori per il raddoppio della ferrovia Palermo - Messina