Papers by milena pavan serafim
Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um panorama sobre os fundamentos teóricos e normativos d... more Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um panorama sobre os fundamentos teóricos e normativos da Educação em Direitos Humanos (EDH) no âmbito do ensino superior, atribuindo especial destaque ao processo constitutivo desta prática educativa no contexto brasileiro. Para tanto, buscou-se compreender o contexto pelo qual as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) estão inseridas – em especial as universidades públicas –, bem como a fundamentação teórica acerca da EDH presente na literatura acadêmica e nos principais instrumentos e normativas brasileiras. Como resultados principais, é possível destacar o seguinte: (a) a EDH, enquanto prática educativa recente, atrela-se à perspectiva de que o compromisso social a ser assumido pelas universidades públicas consiste na produção de pesquisa básica e na formação de conhecimentos críticos; (b) esta prática, por ser parte essencial do conjunto de direitos fundamentais, tem como intuito prevenir violações e informar e fazer conhecer os direitos ...
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2017
BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic affected the work environment worldwide and forced companies to... more BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic affected the work environment worldwide and forced companies to adopt work from home (WFH) suddenly. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to identify factors that influence productivity in the WFH modality, considering the Brazilian scenario in the COVID-19 context. METHODS: The approach used was a Delphi method with 19 specialists in the subject. Three rounds were conducted; in the third round, specialists indicated how the factor influences productivity through a scale. For the data collected in this last round, data was analysed via Grey Relational Analysis technique. RESULTS: The results indicated that 17 factors could influence productivity in the WFH modality in the analysed context. Comparatively, the five factors with more capacity to influence productivity are 1) Availability of adequate equipment and peripherals to develop the work activities; 2) leadership support; 3) The adequate place to develop work activities; 4) Internet and electricity supply...
Sustainability, 2022
This article aims to evaluate improvements in opportunities for research partnerships focused on ... more This article aims to evaluate improvements in opportunities for research partnerships focused on innovation, considering the ISO 56003 guidelines, Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) concepts, and the experiences of the authors of this article, who are researchers in various areas (ex post facto). The results presented arise from structured debates and discussions. As a result of the analysis and reflections carried out, some improvement opportunities in most of the partnerships established among research groups can be visualised. Partners in a research group often debate aspects related to technical knowledge associated with the research and contractual procedures in detail; however, they do not equally emphasise other important partnership management aspects, such as the analysis of the research impacts on all stakeholders, the definition and adoption of a governance policy to better conduct the interaction among members, and other actions that can enhance the partnerships. ...
Revista Sociais e Humanas, 2017
Este artigo busca apresentar fundamentos teóricos acerca da importância atribuída à Educação em D... more Este artigo busca apresentar fundamentos teóricos acerca da importância atribuída à Educação em Direitos Humanos (EDH) à luz das ondas conservadoras e fascistas que permeiam a democracia moderna. Metodologicamente, o trabalho foi desenvolvido através de uma revisão bibliográfica da literatura científica sobre a temática dos direitos humanos fundamentais e da “nova onda fascista”, bem como da análise de documentos oficiais do Governo Federal que tratam especificamente sobre a EDH, buscando compreender como o ensino superior, mais precisamente a universidade pública, se insere dentro desta temática. Visualiza-se que, apesar desta prática educativa constituir-se enquanto alternativa local para o enfrentamento do “novo fascismo”, a incorporação desta deve ser fomentada com vistas à uma transformação cultural pautada nos princípios relativos aos direitos humanos fundamentais. É claro que, para que sua incorporação seja concretizada, é necessário considerar alguns desafios, os quais são a...
Kybernetes, 2022
PurposeThe purpose of the article is to understand how the literature has been addressing the Uni... more PurposeThe purpose of the article is to understand how the literature has been addressing the United Nations' Sixth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) to obtain an overview of the current scenario and future perspectives.Design/methodology/approachFor that, a bibliometric analysis will be conducted with documents published between 2015 and 2021 and present in the Web of Science database. Initially, 328 documents were identified, and after careful reading of titles and abstracts, 239 documents were analysed. The documents were analysed using tools available on the Web of Science database and the software Bibliometrix.FindingsAmongst the results generated, it should be highlighted the identification of the motor themes “sustainable development” + “developing countries” and “water security”, presenting a significant relevance to the field and a high development level. In addition, “human rights” was verified as an emerging theme in the context of SDG 6 debates.Originality/valueThe ...
Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas)
Gaudemar e Pachukanis construiram compreensoes marxistas que podem ser complementadas para compre... more Gaudemar e Pachukanis construiram compreensoes marxistas que podem ser complementadas para compreender as migracoes, como fenomeno social captado pelo direito, constituindo os migrantes tambem como sujeitos de direito, e que se movem em decorrencia da necessidade da circulacao da mercadoria forca de trabalho, como condicao da reproducao do capital. Objetiva-se inter-relacionar as duas compreensoes. Para tanto, utiliza-se de metodo bibliografico, abordando as obras dos dois autores e de seus comentadores, visando demonstrar que a mobilidade do sujeito de direito pode ser uma categoria para pensar as migracoes.
Sustainability, 2021
The logistics sector is characterised as an important pillar of the Brazilian economy, significan... more The logistics sector is characterised as an important pillar of the Brazilian economy, significant regarding revenue and job creation. This study aims to critically analyse the logistical operations developed by Brazilian companies in the context of Logistics 4.0 and to structure a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) matrix from the information gathered. In addition, relationships were established between the structured SWOT matrix and the targets of Sustainable Development Goal 9 (SDG 9). The methodological approach taken by the study consisted of semi-structured interviews with ten experts and data were analysed through content analysis. Once structured the SWOT matrix, the results were related with the targets of the SDG 9. The study presented the weaknesses and threats stand out in relation to the strengths and opportunities. When compared with the targets of SDG 9, it is possible to observe that many weaknesses are related to infrastructure and innovation. T...
This paper presents, based on a review of the literature, a critical approach to some of the main... more This paper presents, based on a review of the literature, a critical approach to some of the main concepts and tools frequently employed by Policy Analysis studies (here understood as a semi-institutionalized field). Policy Analysis constitutes a set of elements that allow an interest approach to public policy processes, both explicative and normative. It is in essence the study of the science of the State in action, or of a particular methodology of social research applied to the analysis of the actual behavior of public authorities. We begin by presenting some conceptual elements regarding the State and later discuss the main aspects regarding public policy (“that which is done or is not done by the State”), linking these arguments with a brief presentation
of the evolution of Policy Analysis studies. We expect this paper to serve as an introduction to those researchers interested in knowing a bit more about this field, its potentialities and limits.
Serafim, M. P; Dias, R. B. Análise de Política: Uma revisão da Literatura. Cadernos Gestão Social, V.3, n.1, p.121-134, jan/jun 2012 |
Kybernetes, 2021
Purpose The present study aimed to evaluate how Brazilian companies from different sectors are de... more Purpose The present study aimed to evaluate how Brazilian companies from different sectors are developing human resources practices in the context of Industry 4.0 and which of these practices allows better differentiate of companies. Design/methodology/approach After a systematic literature review to identify the most important human resources practices in the context of Industry 4.0, a survey with professionals from human resources area of companies operating in Brazil was carried out. Data analysis was performed through frequency evaluation and CRITIC method (Criteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation). CRITIC method was used to identify the practices that best differentiate the studied companies. Findings The analysed companies are in different evolutionary stages regarding how human resources management practices are adapting to the Industry 4.0 context. Few companies have presented reliable results to better support the transition process. Practices related to evalua...
Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 2022
Brazilian journal of operations & production management, 2022
Goal: The aim of this viewpoint is characterized by emphasizing the importance of the management ... more Goal: The aim of this viewpoint is characterized by emphasizing the importance of the management standards of the International Organization for Standardization as an information base for improvements to Brazilian managers in a scenario of profound changes caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Design / Methodology / Approach: Initially, a brief bibliographic research was carried out to base some information presented in the text. Later, the authors of this viewpoint discussed their ideas and established the reflections presented here, many of them based on their experiences and the Brazilian context. Finally, the final considerations were established. Results: The main reflections are directed in the sense that most Brazilian companies have felt harshly the consequences of the economic crisis resulting from the pandemic of Covid-19 and, in some way, they need to rethink some of their administrative practices. In this scenario of profound organizational changes, we believe that the manage...
Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 2021
This paper aims to present how the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), the Internat... more This paper aims to present how the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), the International Science Council (ISC) and the Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) of the scientific community have been acting in relation to the SDGs agenda, as well as how it mobilizes in the international scenario in the context of the construction of a global research agenda. Methodologically, it was based on bibliographic reviews on the theme, in addition to performing an exploratory mapping regarding the performance of scientific associations that deal directly with the SDGs. Several initiatives have been mapped, with a view to recognizing this global research agenda as one of the social commitments to be made by this community. As main initiatives, we highlight the performance of the SDSN, the ISC and the GUNi, among others. Besides that, we launch the hypothesis that the establishment of such networks aims to build an epistemic community in support of the SDGs.
Este trabalho busca discutir as potencialidades e limites da Educacao em Direitos Humanos (EDH) d... more Este trabalho busca discutir as potencialidades e limites da Educacao em Direitos Humanos (EDH) diante das “novas” ondas conservadoras e fascistas que permeiam a democracia moderna. Metodologicamente, o trabalho foi desenvolvido atraves de uma revisao bibliografica da literatura cientifica sobre a tematica dos direitos humanos fundamentais e da “nova onda fascista”, bem como da analise de documentos oficiais do Governo Federal que tratam sobre a EDH, buscando compreender como o ensino superior, mais especificamente a universidade publica, se insere dentro dessa tematica. Como resultados obteve-se que a EDH se encontra em processo de implementacao e, com efeito, limita-se por nao ser satisfatoriamente integrada nos sistemas de ensino em geral. Assim, para que sua incorporacao seja concretizada no âmbito do ensino superior, alguns desafios devem ser considerados, como e o caso da propria formacao docente; os processos crescentes de mercantilizacao da universidade publica e a privatizacao do ensino superior; a fragilidade historica da integracao entre ensino, pesquisa e extensao; a dificuldade em se estabelecer um contato mais sistematico e proficuo entre a universidade e segmentos e classes sociais mais pobres e com direitos violados; e, por fim, as dificuldades na democratizacao do acesso a universidade.
XXV Congresso de Iniciação Científica da Unicamp, Oct 21, 2017
Resumo O propósito desta pesquisa foi analisar as percepções de usuários, funcionários, médicos p... more Resumo O propósito desta pesquisa foi analisar as percepções de usuários, funcionários, médicos participantes e médicos não participantes do projeto Mais Médicos para o Brasil durante o seu processo de implementação no município de Limeira, localizado no estado de São Paulo.
Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional, 2015
Tecnologia Social (TS), agroecologia e agricultura familiar são temas que possuem diversas conver... more Tecnologia Social (TS), agroecologia e agricultura familiar são temas que possuem diversas convergências. A agroecologia constitui um campo de estudos e práticas que procura deter as formas de degradação e exploração da natureza e da sociedade através de ações sociais coletivas de caráter participativo na busca da implantação de sistemas de agriculturas alternativas. Já a proposta da TS vai ao encontro de tais pressupostos, contribuindo com o debate ao inserir o papel da tecnologia para diminuição de desigualdades socioeconômicas. E a agricultura familiar é reconhecida como o segmento desejado para materializar essas propostas, portadoras de um futuro mais justo e igualitário. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo aborda uma experiência que envolve tais campos tendo como objeto de estudo a TS Produção Agroecológica Integrada e Sustentável (PAIS). Ele tem como objetivo analisar a dinâmica sociotécnica da PAIS, explorando especialmente alguns de seus limites percebidos a partir dos resulta...
Revista Eletrônica de Educação, 2019
The article aims to analyze the adoption and implementation of the politics of ethnic-racial quo... more The article aims to analyze the adoption and implementation of the politics of ethnic-racial quotas at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). In order to do, we describe the political and academic processes and disputes that culminated in the adoption of this affirmative action. Methodologically, we use as a guide the approach of "educational policy contexts", dividing the ways in which the quota debate has permeated the university: context of influence on the debate on quotas (external and internal); context of text production (elaborated policy); and the context of practice (effectiveness). In general, some conflicts were perceived in the three contexts, mainly by the discussion about the effectiveness of the inclusion mechanisms already implemented by the university to the detriment of quotas. The issue of merit in the academy was fought by student and social movements, as well as teachers favoring quotas, underscoring Unicamp's delay in its implementation in ...
Papers by milena pavan serafim
of the evolution of Policy Analysis studies. We expect this paper to serve as an introduction to those researchers interested in knowing a bit more about this field, its potentialities and limits.
Serafim, M. P; Dias, R. B. Análise de Política: Uma revisão da Literatura. Cadernos Gestão Social, V.3, n.1, p.121-134, jan/jun 2012 |
of the evolution of Policy Analysis studies. We expect this paper to serve as an introduction to those researchers interested in knowing a bit more about this field, its potentialities and limits.
Serafim, M. P; Dias, R. B. Análise de Política: Uma revisão da Literatura. Cadernos Gestão Social, V.3, n.1, p.121-134, jan/jun 2012 |