2016/LA/Guest List

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IndieWebCamp LA 2016

Official Guest List

If you have a personal site If you want a personal site
Are you a creator?
(You create & share design, UI/UX, and/or code)

Add yourself to the guest list by:
* Logging in with your own domain, or
* Publish a blog post saying that you're going with a link to this RSVP page and send a pingback to it.
Want a personal site? We want to help you!
If you want a personal site, or are in the process of setting it up, or want to create and contribute to the IndieWeb but don't know where to start, you’re still very welcome!
Grab a ticket and show up! We'll help you find a creator (e.g. listed below) to team up with, get your site setup to sign-in, and edit your entry!


Venue Capacity: ~100

  • Signed-up: 24
  • Spots remaining: lots

Alphabetically sorted by full display name.

Name: David Shanske βœ“

IndieWeb Projects: WordPress_Outreach_Club, Ping and Trackbacks WordPress Component Maintainer, IndieWebPress plugin developer.

Personal URL: https://david.shanske.com

Elsewhere: Twitter, Facebook, GitHub

Name: Scott Gruber

Personal URL: http://scottgruber.me

Elsewhere: @scott_gruber

Name: Jeremy Keith βœ“

Organization: Clearleft

Personal URL: https://adactio.com

Elsewhere: @adactio

Name: Tantek Γ‡elik βœ“

Organization: Mozilla

IndieWeb Projects: CASSIS JS∩PHP (on github), Whistle (URL shortener), Falcon (my CMS), RelMeAuth

Personal URL: http://tantek.com/

Elsewhere: @t, github.com/tantek

Name: Jeffrey Scudder βœ“

Name: Sevil Turner βœ“

Personal URL: sevilturner.com

Indie RSVP: [1]

Elsewhere: @sevilturner

Name: Asher Silberman βœ“

Personal URL: http://ashersilberman.com/

Elsewhere: @asherehsa

RSVPs from other sites

RSVPs from: Eventbrite, Facebook, Lanyrd, Meetup

RSVPs from Facebook

Name: Sandra Madera

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: Facebook

Name: Kathy Mirescu

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: Facebook

Name: Nuran Altier

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: Facebook, Meetup

RSVPs from Meetup.com

Name: Jocelyn Simpson βœ“

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: Meetup

Name: Rachel Upshaw βœ“

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: Facebook, Meetup

Name: Malcolm

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: Meetup

Name: Saskia Bouten

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: Meetup

Name: Alex Piner

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: Meetup

Name: Molly Holzschlag

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: Meetup

RSVPs from Eventbrite

Name: Michael Rice

Personal URL: michaelrice.com

Elsewhere: @MichaelRice

Name: Irina Kukuyeva, Ph.D.

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: @yourname

Name: Olufon Adebusola

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: @yourname

Name: Jesus Noland βœ“

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: @yourname

Name: Alexis Dei Santi

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: @yourname

Name: Neal Fultz βœ“

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: @yourname

Name: Lijun Ma

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: @yourname

Name: Eliza Khachatryan

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: @yourname

Name: Jolyon Russ

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: @yourname

Name: Kelley Chapman

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: @yourname

Name: Your Name

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: @yourname

RSVPs from Lanyard

Name: Your Name

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: @yourname

Possibly Attending

Name: Your Name

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: @yourname


Want to help? Sign up to volunteer!.

Remote Participants

As with past IndieWebCamps, we'll setup remote participation for folks who can't be there in person but can still participate during the camp over IRC and hopefully live video.

Name: gRegor Morrill

IndieWeb Projects: ProcessWire webmention and IndieAuth plugins, improving the wiki experience

Personal URL: http://gRegorLove.com

Elsewhere: @gRegorLove, github

Name: Your Name

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: @yourname


Folks that can't make it (but hopefully can participate before/after remotely!)