Words cannot describe how much I adore this series! All the kid characters and their imaginary friends are wonderful. You can't help but feel their pain as you get to know the kids' backstories and wish they didn't go through what they did!
Them having their imaginary friends to protect them is really endearing and it's adorable how they all formed a tight found family relationship! The writing is perfect and very emotional at times, so you really feel the impact when you get to certain points! These are what drew me into becoming such a huge fan and loving this series so much. Polo & Niccolo and Pooky & Annabelle are my favorite characters whose bonds I really adore!
The controls are manageable and the gameplay is immersive and fun! It might not be for those who are sensitive to certain elements within the game (which is warned about in the beginning as well as the game description). It might also be hard on those with motion-sickness, though there is an option to turn off motion blurring and turn down the sensitivity!