Hey! No worries thanks for sharing your experience, sorry to hear it didn't work out :( What are your specs?
My specifications (If I understood correctly) :
Processor : Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual - CPU : T3400 ...
Operating System: Windows Seven: Home Premium Edition - Service Pack 1 - 64 bits.
RAM : 2.00_Go
Hope the information is sufficient!
Anyway, an attachment is available. The downside is that it is in French.
Translation : French > English.
Thank you ! Strangely, it only crashed the second time! The first one it worked, there were just lags which made the game unplayable.
Surely this is new, but I have seen the absolute minimums.
Strangely, games requiring a GTX also work with GeForce.
Likewise, I will soon have a new system or PC, which may solve the problem. My current PC is old (around 2007) but powerful enough for this year despite its graphic configurations not phew!
Improved-Bot-Translation_2.0 : French > English.