LOL! You're good! I don't mind you bringing up other artist's as long as it's not to put them down-- b/c it always sucks to be complimented by someone when they're putting someone else down, which you're not doing! ^^ That's a very cool stuff!
But, my goal isn't to be published by anyone? :O I don't really have a star I'm reaching for: mostly I'm just trying to stay healthy so I can keep completing and releasing stories I wanna release. I sort of had that goal in the past (when I was much younger) but having a publisher comes with a ton of it's own problems and censorship and like, I just don't feel like I need it in this day and age where indie comic artists and game devs are so empowered (when compared to the past) to release our own work. All I really need is for more folks to look at my work and support it through where I have it and I'm good to go-- no publisher required. I don't even care if I'm in a book store because honestly you can get bigger by simply having someone who is popular on Youtube talk about it! We live in a very interesting time ^^9