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Andrea "Jens" Demetrio
Creator of
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Ho dimenticato di rispondere, ma per quanto riguarda SuperCombo, sì, lo farò :D
Per quanto riguarda INABA è spiegato nella storia breve che ha un modulo vocale extra per cantare che cambia la sua voce a seconda delle esigenze - però la sua voce "naturale" è quella monotona robotica nel gioco.
Per quanto riguarda i costumi, non posso promettere molto, dipende tutto da come vanno alcuni altri progetti su cui sto lavorando...
Riposta più in dettaglio con potenziali spoilers:
* INABA è basata su un vecchio backup di Krave (H-168b) che è stato fatto prima del Black Lightning Disaster. Il backup è stato poi venduto da un contrabbandiere ad un impresario musicale, che lo ha installato su un robot di quarta categoria dando vita alla pop star robotica nota come INABA (la storia a proposito è "Tales from the Backstage - Cognitive Dissonance")
* Shaz apre un pescivendolo con Lazor dopo aver rischiato di morire di cirrosi epatica e aver lavorato per un breve periodo di tempo al cafe Jackson's (Tales from the Deep - The Saddest Clown; Tales from the Deep - In the Paradise of Pangasius)
* Bura l'ho creata per questo gioco, ma dopo l'ho inserita nel finale di Lazor. Ha qualche breve comparsata nelle storie (Tales from the Deep - In the Paradise of Pangasius)
* Al del Toro si chiamava Al de'Baran prima, ma visto che Aldebaran del Toro è un personaggio dei Cavalieri dello Zodiaco, ho preferito cambiare leggermente il nome. Al è comunque ispirato a lui e compare nella storia "Tales from the Backstage - Heaven Shall Burn" assieme al Chaingear.
* il Chaingear compare in due storie: "Tales from Stratosphere - First Blood" e "Tales from the Backstage - Heaven Shall Burn". Il suo progettista è Greschnik, il tizio che si vede nel finale di Lucia in Schwarzerblitz
* Cannon Fodder non è giocabile in Arcade perché battere Al e il Chaingear con lui è praticamente impossibile
* Al è sgravo "by design", è praticamente il semiboss finale del gioco
* Random potrebbe essere giocabile in Arcade, ma ho preferito seguire la regola per tutti i boss
* Modalità Storia richiede un po' troppo tempo e risorse, sfortunatamente :S vorrei aggiungere prologhi/epiloghi ma è un'impresa non da poco
* Sì, il vecchio costume di Junrao è brutto, no non ricordo perché non l'ho rimosso dal gioco
* Grazie per i complimenti sulla colonna sonora, questo è l'unico gioco dove l'ho praticamente composta quasi tutta io :D il mio tema preferito è Chaingear Symphony MK.IV
* Come extra, c'è una visual novel breve ("Drinking Shark Rhapsody") su che è canonica e si posiziona in mezzo alle storie
* Bea Gattonero ha cambiato nome per adeguarsi al personaggio canonico che viene menzionato nelle storie (anche se non compare direttamente)
Se hai altre domande, non esitare a scrivermi!
Ti rispondo con calma dopo, ma a livello di storia è tutto spiegato nelle storie brevi che ti ho linkato nell'altro thread! ExploJudo non è veramente canon, ma INABA e il pescivendolo di Shaz lo sono :)
I nomi cambiati sono sia una questione di versione beta che una di canon e per la cronaca Bura è nata qui, poi l'ho aggiunta nel finale di Lazor dopo :D
P.S. anche io adoro questo gioco, ma è stato una specie di side project per svago!
P.P.S.: vedi la mia risposta lunga nel post qui sotto!
Update: I am investigating the DLC issues but cannot reproduce it in my build. Can you check if you have the file called "8csgDLC1.ini" in the config/dlc folder?
As a temporary fix, if we can't find the cause:
1. Navigate to the "media/stages" folder inside the game folder
2. open "stages.ini" and add the line "../dlc/stages/8csg 0" after "training 2". Make a backup copy of "stages.ini" before doing this to avoid any issues.
This should add the stage to the game too, it's a hacky way but guaranteed to work.
Hi, RE: Bramba's Pier, I might have messed up something when I set the stage DLC up. I will double check this evening, I might have forgotten a file in the folder. Will get back to you ASAP!
As for your questions:
1. The playable Donner is technically all of them, but the "main" Donner is the one that met Kiyoko and Kaya, which is also the most human
2. The Original Donner is an integral part of Gaia, the Emperor is a manifestation of his will merged with the whole Gaia lifeform as a sort of proxy of it. We can say he got assimilated but still retained his individuality, hence working as a figurehead of sorts for it.
3. Yes, she already has more story in the canon short stories I collected on Ao3 - there are ~50 of them and Lucia has a role in the latter half. Incidentally, the short stories also conclude Silman Simmerik's character arc. Link:
There are some additional stories not yet uploaded there, I am planning to do that soonish, though.
4. This is addressed in one of the short stories that I still need to upload there, but his role was being the "brain/strategist" of the team.
5. Proto Krave is a prototype of his design that I kept in the game but is non-canon.
As an extra: there is an additional short chapter unlocked by getting Silman's, "New Life" Lejl and Cyphr's arcade endings after the Epilogue, which ultimately wraps up Lejl's story too and sets it up for the following short stories. I suggest at least watching her New Life arcade ending (it's one of the few costume-related endings)
Thank you very much again for playing till the very end and sorry for the DLC problems - I guess one file didn't make the cut or something...
This one felt great. The controls, the flow were just perfect. I have played up to the first 4 animals and first box of syringes because I didn't have enough time put aside, but what I played was well put together! I wasn't expecting the flower pot to break like that :') What were the wishlist items that spawned this game idea?
The movement system is incredibly satisfying, it's super responsive and the tech is great! The trails on the sand, the animations, the momentum! It feels incredible in hand! One thing that would be cool would be a control option that binds the camera behind the player instead of having to manually adjust it with the R-Stick, but just as an option not the default. For the rest, I would play a full game like this! Also...
I can't get past the first level, I'm too bad at horror games :') But golly, the idea is very interesting, having to choose between map, light and weapons and only being able to use one at a time feels like an interesting way to have the player react on the fly. Is there any way to outrun or distract the monster, outside of using firecrackers? I tried to turn on the lamp when it was close, but it got me anyway...
Hi, here's a short guide for the two "romance" paths, available only if the Original Version toggle is on (since they are just slightly spicier even if not really NSFW, playing with the complete safe-for-work option will toggle them off) :
Bad Ending 1: Leave Jackson's on Night 4 and, if given the prompt, push forward
Bad Ending 2: Let them in, or alternatively listen to the voices without having trusted Lejl before
Normal Ending If given the prompt, end Night 4 with Jackson. This is the default ending anyway
Shaz Dating Ending: Choose gender he/him or they/them. Serve Antifreeze to Shaz on Night 1. Say you aren't mad at him at the beginning of Night 2 ("Vince explained me everything"). When asked, mention Antifreeze again. Blush when complimented. Ask him to smash you on the counter. Answer "good luck cutting MY Sea Monster". When given the prompt on Night 4, spend the shift with Shaz
Lejl Dating Ending: Choose gender she/her. Be mad at Shaz at the beginning of Night 2 and tell him you follow the news. Tell Shaz that "Lejl is just worried for you". Ask him "Mystery? What mystery?" when talking about Lejl. On Night 3, when prompted later, tell Lejl "You have your reasons", then "Only if you kiss me". Choose all the "spicier" options that appear after that one (esp. the one after she asks you what you were expecting as a tip for the drink). Stop Lejl before she goes away. Spend your last shift with Lejl
With 2J you mean the jumping spike attack or simply Down + Attack? Currently there is a small issue where, if a direction and an input button are pressed simultaneously, the game might "eat" the direction - but it's fairly limited and *might* be the cause of the air attack input issue. Try keeping Down pressed before pushing the attack button. I have seen it happening mostly on j.2A, but I'm investigating it. Other than that, which other moves are difficult? I didn't think I found issues with the special motions, but any feedback is welcome!
My pleasure. Let me know if you still have troubles, worst case scenario I can simply show you my code!
Here's how I set up my project: SceneManager is a singleton that implements the goto_scene method. When the method is called, it emits a signal "switch_scene" which is wired to another goto_scene function in the MasterScene object. The MasterScene then frees the current scene (the only child) and instantiates a new child with the required scene type.
I hope this helps!
Hi, I am replying from my other account. It was a bug solved in Godot 4.2 related to change_scene. If you can't upgrade, the way to fix it is to avoid using the built-in change_scene and instead have a main scene with a parent Node and your current scene as a child. When you change scene, you delete the child normally and then swap it with the newly loaded scene that should replace it. This solved the issue in Godot 4.0 for me!
Please do note that this bug ONLY happens in release versions and NOT in Debug/in-editor versions!