I just tried to play (late I know) but sadly, as I suspected, my pc doesn't want to run it.
It sounds very interesting though.
Thanks for your feedback :)
If you're using keyboard-and-mouse I know exactly what you mean by the bugginess and less-than-optimal controls.
I accidentally made this mostly for gamepad (because that's what I was using) so the keyboard-and-mouse controls are kind of annoying.
As for the buggy harvesting, I was running out of time so I just threw together a simple (but not very intuitive) system for harvesting with the mouse. You just have to make sure you move the mouse between the left and right halves of the game screen instead of the left and right of the plant. (I kept doing that and I MADE IT)
If you're experiencing some other harvesting bug, let me know and I'll see what I can do once the jam is over. :)
That was actually my original plan.
I wanted herbs you had to snip by pressing 2 buttons at once, fruit type veggies like tomatoes that you had to harvest by holding a button while dragging the mouse or something like that, but I quickly realized that, based on my current skill in gamedev, I was overscoping.
I also desperately wanted to add a tutorial, but I only got the potato working properly within the last day so I knew that was out of the question. So I did my best to explain the controls on the game's page.
All things considered, I'm thankful I was able to make what I did.
Anyway, thanks for your feedback. Maybe I'll try adding more stuff once the jam is over.
(And if I can I will try out your game, but be warned I may not be able to play or rate it as my 15 year-old pc can't handle webgl 2)
I know it's been a while, but I did try scanning my pc again with the antivirus a while ago and afterwards the game stopped deleting itself.
I only remembered to say something because I was looking at the software the other day and found like 20 copies of The Chef's Shift and Typefarmer in the software's "Virus Vault".
Just thought you should know.
I think you may have missed the .pck file for the Windows download or tried to embed it.
I know with my pc I have to uncheck "Embed PCK" and zip the .exe and the .pck together for it to work. Also slide "Runnable" to on.
And make sure you pick "Export Project..." which makes it a playable build while "Export PCK/ZIP..." is not a playable build.
I played through the whole game and got gold medals on all the levels, and then I realized the "power accelerate" doesn't work with my Logitech G F310 gamepad (Xbox 360 type), which is what I used through the whole game.
I have been double tap-holding the RT on my gamepad and thinking I just couldn't tell if it was working or not and trusting that it was. My sister was playing through the levels and double pressed W and he lurched forward, successfully activating the power accelerate. :O (<- my reaction)
It worked with my gamepad if the FPS was around 30 (which happened upon unpausing if it was paused for a little while) but when it got back up to 60 I couldn't get it to work. I also tried remapping the buttons on my gamepad using third-party software and it worked that way if I didn't press RT down all the way down on the first of the double press.
Will there be an option to remap controllers and/or adjust double tap speed in the full release?
Otherwise, this is a very fun, great game and I don't think you should try to make it easier level-wise: Challenge is everything in a game like this. Greater control over the biker might be OK, but (in my opinion) everything works perfectly - except of course power accelerating (which I was able to get all gold without, so...). :)
P.S. What does "change camera" do? It seems to do nothing for me.
Never mind it did work. And it did fix the "landing on invisible platform" issue. Combat is also fixed!
I missed adding a space between the property and the value. (I had "-screen-height480" and not "-screen-height 480" without quotes of course)
I also assumed (foolishly) that it would make the window smaller, not lower resolution.
Anyway thanks again for the SOLUTION! And looking forward to fully playing! :)
I'm pretty sure it's just because of my janky Dell Latitude e6420's framerate, but when I try to do what I'm assuming is the first wall jump challenge, I can hardly get up to the platforms because Tikal acts like he is landing on a flat surface before he reaches the opposite wall and then falls. I have been able to get around this by spamming jump around that time, but mostly I fail.
What I have been able to play of this game has been very fun and interesting, but I just wanted to throw this comment out there in case it's not just my PC causing the issue. Thanks! :')
P.S. Also combos are practically impossible with my janky framerate. I'm able to defeat the hog thing but the robot is nearly impossible. (I say "nearly" because I was able to get it's health almost halfway once)
I have tested and yes, my original comment still stands. I also noticed you can't unpause with the pause button on the gamepad, so that's something else I would change.
I'm not trying to sound pushy and I am not trying to take over your game. These are just some things I noticed and thought I'd bring them to your attention.
Again, keep up the good work. :)
I have played this and I will say it is very fun! And I don't usually gravitate towards "empty world free roam" games! Really great job!
However, I have noticed a few "technical issues" and have a few suggestions for the game, should you continue to work on it.
(This is just how I would customize the current state of the game for myself and is in no way trying to put you down or criticize you or the game.)
In the order that I have come across each "issue":
1. Issue/Suggestion- Option for remapping game controllers. (With my Logitech G F310 gamepad I can't look around while sprinting and the B button pauses the game. Also, there is no button to dive with the gamepad. I tried using a third-party remapping software and it didn't do anything.)
2. Issue- The first-person camera and third-person camera can face different directions. (e.g. First-person can face south while third-person faces north causing character to turn around when you change the view and are moving forward.) Probably what I would do about this is make it so that when entering first-person mode the third-person camera matches the first-person camera angle relative to the character. I haven't used Unity so I don't know how it would work in there, but I understand the logic needed to do this. (EDIT 1 MONTH LATER: I just realized it's probably not that simple. I also found the FAQ in the game files since. Is it possible to make Cinemachine cameras children of each other? If so could it work to make the 3rd-person a child of the 1st-person and then rotate the 1st-person whether 3rd-person is active or not? Or something like that?)
3. Suggestion- Maybe a way to swim faster under water.
4. Suggestion- Also the whales are kinda slow compared to the original so I would speed them up a bit.
Like many others I would also like to see vehicles, custom Miis, NPCs and such.
Again, this is just what I PERSONALLY would change about the current state of the game.
I won't say "Nintendo needs to" but I do think it would be cool if they offered to license this game making it an official Wuhu Island free-roam.
Once more, really great job! Keep up the good work! :)
P.S. I just realized this has been updated 5 DAYS AGO! I will try the new version and say which of my "issues" still stand. :)
IDK... My computer definitely acts up from time to time, but every anti-virus thing I've ever tried said everything was fine.
The other game was Typefarmer by Antti Haavikko. I was wondering if it had something to do with Itch or some library my PC doesn't like for some reason.
I guess we'll see.
p.s. The Steam version works perfectly. Wishlisted, and excited for the full version. :-)
It won't run.
It just keeps telling me:
Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Could not create GL context: The operation completed successfully.
at Gaia.SDL2.PlatformSDL.Init(String title, Int32 width, Int32 height)
at Gaia.Engine.App.Run(String orgID, String appID, String title, Int32 width, Int32 height)
at Terminal.Game.Run() at Terminal.Win.Program.Main(String[] args) Do you have any idea what this means?
Thanks in advance. :)
p.s: I'm on Windows 10 Pro ver.1709 with
Intel HD Graphics 3000 on an oldish laptop