A member registered Aug 29, 2023
Recent community posts
Raldi's crackhouse Old versions and new versions comments · Posted in Raldi's crackhouse Old versions and new versions comments
Yin's Birthday Bash Reimagined community · Created a new topic Somehow managed to not have a hard time with this game
I managed to beat Normal Mode and Stalk Mode each first try, well not exactly because I decided to kill myself in Normal Mode twice just to hear the jumpscare noise and see myself get burnt in an oven and I decided to kill myself in Stalk Mode to see if he crashes the game, but yeah I somehow did this game easy but I didn't record unfortunately
I struggled with Blabi mode a little bit I beat it
Here's some images of my victories and defeats that I had on my computer for a while and want get rid of
I got the easter egg where the boss before New Game+ doesn't kill because you have more health then his 45 damage attack and yes here's also my victory (both are from 4/1/2023)
I also got New Game++ on 4/1/2023
CELESTE Classic community · Created a new topic Here's some screenshots I have of my record that I just want to show and get rid of