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Isaac 2

A member registered Aug 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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yeaahhhh prolly not the best hints either

glad to hear you enjoy it lol

Oooh lmao noted

(2 edits)

Ofc! glad to hear you enjoyed it lol. There is an ending, though I didn't make it clear you were supposta return to the lightning mqueen bed after you get high

Noted for the next update!

It's out 😤

Yep! workin day and night, I should probably make it more clear with timeframes in the next update. I underestimated how long it would take, and still putting everyone's suggestions in from different platforms, music, animations, etc. 

💀 noted

First 5 weasels now 25 snoop dogs lol noted

lmao noted

Hahaha noted

lmao noted

lmaooo it seems like a rite of passage to get to 1000 clicks huh 💀💀

I was quite a fan of the puzzles and how the story was implemented through the gameplay. There were some pretty cool glitchy effects (especially when you die), and the level doesn't overstay it's welcome. I will say though- I did softlock myself a few times through the game, sometimes when landing on green I stayed a rotating rectangle, I needed to replay cause santa didnt push me through the wall and the respawn didnt work, but despite that, I wasn't too bummed out 'bout it cause the game's platforming is unique. I'd be pretty cool to have some background elements with the subtle implication of the character's origins, but I also know the game is supposed to be a metaphor for showing the "real" you (Maybe have the player type in their name and have it used in cutscenes for immersion or sum). My childhood ruined/10

Thanks for your feedback! I had the chance to get to see how the web version runs on some other laptops and found that on some laptops, the game's optimization is terrible. This leads to unexpected interactions like player floatiness- Which may be fixed with the downloadable version of the game I'll provide here: For the blue side, I completely understand, I wanted to have the ability to pick up dropped enemy weapons and didn't get a chance to tweak the difficulty so that you aren't juss standing around. Here's a more fleshed out version of the concept here: . Thank you so much for your input on the game! Very useful to know before I start investing mass amounts of time into a dream project!

Nah this is peak thank you so much for the source, It's giving vivaldi  4 seasons: Winter

(1 edit)

Yo. This music is fire! I was so sad when I found out none of the music loops, especially the start screen music :(  My sad sad eardrums... Anyway, I had waves of enjoyment when I played this game. At first I was confused because the blue ships deal MASSIVE damage to you, which I felt was sorta unfair because of how fast they come at you (It had a sense of comedy to it too- you start on this grand journey, you begin reading the dialogue, you map your fingers to the contro- BOOM YOUR DEAD lol). In the commands, you have to press F for the arrow to show up, but I think something like that should be automatic. Once I got used to all of that, I found the space terminal thing and went inside. This part was chill, I discovered you can shoot yourself to death, lol (Some special dialogue would be cool here). I went to the left first to explore and clipped through the floor? I kept going right, then the game ended... I wanted more! I was just getting the hang of it and starting to have fun to the point where I re-played the game several times over, now knowing what to do and how to play. I liked the fast movement of the ships, I actually found shooting yourself quite charming in the game, and I felt once you got used to fighting spaceships, the difficulty evened out very nicely for me.  I also noticed the backgrounds everywhere zoom out? I really liked it for the start screen! Besides the credits button not working and that weird 2014 emoji symbol thing sometimes in the text, I found myself enjoying this one! Blue death rocket spaceship/ 10 

Okay the animations are definitely clean- specifically the box squish and the turning animation. The jumping animations? All animation in this game is peak. The mechanics are also peak! Suspending and pausing the world is pretty good! I quite liked having boxes suspended in the air, I can see some pretty nifty jumps/shortcuts off that. I noticed the absence of music  halfway in, is that deliberate? Anywho, this has a great level of polish. Wish there was more to play! Virtual boy/ 10 

It's something I've been adding at the end of everyone's reviews. "Frisbee halo/10, Default unity shapes/10, Talking squirrel? /10". Think of it as a final remark or the "PS" parts at the bottom of an email

(2 edits)

The first thing I noticed was the use of the palate. Man, I really like the environment textures/Color usage! When it came to gameplay, I did feel there was a difficulty spike from the get-go. I was struggling to get used to the controls, as Entering doors, Jumping , and swapping ghosts were all different buttons- I think it would have been a little more convenient if Up was jump, Down was going through doors, and space was to turn into a ghost. That way my left hand's fingers aren't trying to play twister, lol. The character prolly has a smirk on it's face cause he knows I have a skill issue, lmao. The mechanics are pretty good here! There's a range of puzzle devices as well! but the game is very unforgiving with its puzzles, often having do-or-die setups. With slightly more forgiving puzzles and maybe some more funky facial expressions for the character, I can see this being a charming platformer puzzle game. I give this Ghost switch/ 10 (Where da music at?)

This is a really unique take on the jam! Making us humans decide because we, the player, are neutral and lack bias, is something I find ironic because humans are the last species to lack bias imo lmao. Jokes aside, This delivered to me more as a task/message than as a game. I feel it leaned in a little too much on being realistic- maybe if the character notes had more whimsical life descriptions, it would be easier to become immersed. That being said, this is one of the more radical takes in the jam, and I like creators that venture far off from the standard genres of game creation. frisbee halo / 10

(1 edit)

The first thing that really hit me in this game was the music and the sound design. Man, they sure do hit. Playing the game, its a pretty solid platformer where you tack on and off a ton of switches. This was pretty cool at first, but at one point or another, it started to feel less like a puzzle and more like an obby. Near what I believe to be the 5th level, I decided to stop. The presentation is wonderful, the glow is nice, the music sets a nice relaxing mood. The controls are pretty good, and the stages start off pretty well. It would be cool if the switches set off something other than disappearing platforms, such as spawning one of those shooter things and using the bullet to hit a far off switch.

Note- I just read from another comment that dashing multiple times was possible if you switch between characters- I think this is pretty cool tech! 

(1 edit)

I loved the utilization of both of the views! It took me re-scanning the tutorial to learn how to kill the blue enemies-though that is the point of a tutorial, lol. I noticed half of the enemies exploded, I think it would be cool if the enemies could blow up other enemies! I found it pretty difficult to dodge the bullets at first, then I noticed I constantly needed to be moving away, which I found to be pretty demanding past level 2. After becoming acquainted with the game, my max score was 325. I will say that control scheme was quite comfortable for me, and that's coming from someone who prefers arrowkeys lol. I appreciated the overhead view while in 2d in the corner as well. Default Unity shapes/10

Not the best record but its fun coming back to the puzzles

After playing your game the upwards knife thing checks out lol

Personally, I enjoyed this beginning to end. This shi was straight peak. I honestly have no pressing critique other than the music (maybe have a final boss theme). At first enemies were troublesome, but I loved that it took not just brains- but skill and timing to kill any enemy in the game, even the beginning enemies starting out! Puzzles are clever, upgrades are clean, tutorials aren't long scripts of text. Most if not all things are intuitive.  I had wished I remembered you could attack upwards later in the game, as that would have saved me the trouble from platforming w the red enemies that shoot at you. Everything is just cleverly designed, and there was a fair amount of game time spent playing the game as well. This game is really good. If I were to offer the slightest nitpick of critique, it would be to add coyote jumping, as I found myself trying to make certain jumps, then fast falling like fox in smash bros melee before I pressed the button. (If you aren't familiar w coyote jump, its when you are still able to jump a split second after you walk off a platform). I can see this game being sold as-is if it featured different musical tracks and maybe upgraded graphics. Phenomenal. Straight peak.   

First and foremost, this concept is sick! I love it! I was particularly fond of the 3d swap mechanics and the graphics. the water looks awesome. In terms of visuals this is pretty good. Gameplaywise, I find that the game is fairly buggy- I put together a list:

-clipping through walls in 2d sections

-infi-jump with walls (I found myself doing this to cheese coins lol)

 the springs don't always work

 The camera also switches to some funky positions when getting coins in 3D, making it hard to see where you are going.

 When I beat the game and clicked the exit button, the game crashed- but it was over at that point so it was fine. 

This is more of a level design thing and not really a bug, but sometimes when I flip to 2D, some things straight up disappear (Like some coins and the bridge in early levels- I think there should at least be a sign of a bridge that's in the background, though I think it's still good intuition to swap into 3D. I got really passionate about this and made a visual below that kinda puts what I'm thinking into an image).

This gave me massive super paper mario vibes, with the charm from sonic 06. Honestly, once I found out the infinite jump thing, gameplay got a lot more enjoyable for me, as the jump height is pretty low. Again, I really liked the concept and was woah-ing at the 3d flip! With better control, I can see this being an excellent game. Wall jump/10

This is a more puzzle esque type of twin stick shooter! I like how you have to think about where and when you take out the red cubes! However, I noticed that if you stick too close to walls, you can't shoot. Sometimes the levels have you start in cramped positions, so this makes the game occasionally frustrating. It's also hard to gauge the hitbox on the 3d squares, so in small spaces I struggled to know where to position myself. There was also an instance of a block flying off my screen, forcing a restart for the level. As far as the theme goes, I think switching realities is great! I'd like to see it more visually represented in game, like via background. I like the use of sounds, for the game, I think it fits.  can see this as an early 3d arcade machine game! I also like how the blocks start off slow, kinda when a boss gives you a chance to attack it before it dishes out any sort of attack via a taunt or somethin. Death cube / 10

Yoooo This was awesome! The music shift was pretty nice too! I felt a decent reason to use both balls. It would be cool to be able to change ball size on command- that way, the player has to think more about when to use either ball, which would play into the game's strategy. Outrunning the spike was a pretty good puzzle. This reminds me a lot of I wanna be the guy. Blue balled/10

Welcome to game jams! Nice to have you participating, it means we all get to try a new game! The tutorial was very hand-holdy, but since it  looks like the framework for a much bigger game, I think that's good. I liked finding little dialogues, like if you went left instead of right. I was so hyped for the mini boss too, then it ended! lmao, that's like me and half my projects though. I'd like to see a more blatant use of the second perspective, like zooming out to see who's dreaming the game, and having the dreamer change parts of the level to progress. Other than that, solid game so far! I'd like to see how that boss battle pans out.

Wait hollon I hear the legend of zelda and sonic samples in the song choices, okay I see u lol (im such a nerd)

Anyway YOOO!!!! THE FIRST PERSON SHOOTING ON THE SHIP!!! YOOOO!?!?!?! shi was awesome. I was utterly blown away at the use of the second perspective. With that being said, I wish there was more reason for me to switch between the perspectives, for example, picking up powerups on foot, then the powerup applies to a different shot when you switch to the ship, or maybe looking out for landmines on foot so you make sure not to blow them up from the ship view. 

Theres only one part of the game where I had a genuine issue though- when repairing the machine in the middle of the level using spacebar, it sends you to the ship shooting mode. I instinctually pressed G like the tutorial to leave this mode as I was about to get hit, but my movement was locked. I found out that if you press space to activate first person, to get your movement back, you have to press space again and not G. I think I would find it easier if you just needed to stand near the repair machine to activate it, then only Space activates the shooting mode. Having it tied to two different buttons kind of confused me a bit.

Beyond that though, the wow factor more than made up for it! This was an exhilarating shoot em up experience! nice camera effects too, I felt the ship's power. First person perspective/10

Big kudos to wrapping things on a bad ending! I like when my expectations are twisted, it makes for a more engaging story. I also like some of the visual framing- especially in the beginning. The fire is all around you, behind you, consuming the screen, and as you leap up the steps, away from the flames, you go back down to find that there are none- there are two chances in the game, and two mirrors. I like these details! it would be cool to have the dialogue or the story change based off of if you decide to kill the monsters after the first dialogue. I could see it being played out like:

Oh so that's how you remember it? Don't change your memory now- are you going to choose to do the "right" thing out of "fear"? Because you finally feel you are being "watched"? or something like that (or maybe have it to where you are forced to kill one, so that if you do a pacifist run, you aren't still labeled as a heartless monster). 

Despite the dialogue not having sound on the first cutscene, this is a pretty great take on the theme! I didn't even notice the direct use of the palate- it looked natural! I was pretty invested, especially after the ending. You're a monster/10


The idea alone is a good take on the jam! I was stunned to find that the game has some really nice  replay value too! I beat the game once, but I felt it was a fluke so I played again to make sure I understood it- and I found most of the rooms you are probably going to go left. I don't know if this is lady luck on my side or not, but to test this out, I beat the game three times in a row just heading left without checking the rooms first. I feel most of this game's charm comes from all the neat little interactions with npcs, such as the little girl's hair changing or the girl running back then turning into a giant creature, or the giant spiders in the background, the screen flashing red- all these random events make for an experience I would have never found had I not played again, and again, and again. This is a solid entry! Spooky spooky skeletons/10

There were a lot of small details I picked up  that I liked, such as the balls being able to hit each other (lol), or how the paddle widens every time you clear a block. When the balls touch, I think it would be insane to have a shockwave that clears the blocks around the ball clash! A combo meter would be pretty cool for keeping the paddles wide, as I was sad when they shrunk back to normal size lol. I was a tiny bit confused on how loosing lives works, as I thought I lost it if it hit the bottom too much? I didn't lose a life from it, so it allowed me to progress further in the game. Congrats on your first game! I went through about 10 unfinished projects before I released my first published one.

ahhh okay I thought I couldn’t go through da door- that makes sense 

yeah I made it all the way through to where the games reversed ex: you were the ghost, you played as the alien, pong, etc

Here's two videos that show both locks:

Yo?!? peak knocked on your front door and left greatness cause man this is pretty good! The voice over made the experience more immersive too! My only complaint is that the pac man is a wee bit slow for my liking, but that is a small nitpick compared to the rest of the game, the sprite work, the message- This was straight up clean. Empathetic arcade machine/10

This is a really good take on the theme gameplay wise. I liked having the ease of upgrading to get a glimpse of the end, just to get demolished- then avoiding upgrades to make the end easier. This ebb and flow with difficulty is a very inspiring take to challenge, and I love it! Having no music fit the game nicely, kinda like a samurai showdown. My only gripe is that I wish blocking was mapped to the right mouse click, and that some of the sprites quality were improved. Again, I really like your approach to challenge!

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