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Loki Nighton

A member registered Mar 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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Who wouldn't want to be a dashing little fox?

Run, dash, jump and dash some more in this cute little game; which in another life could easily have been a well loved arcade classic from the late 80's!

Moonpong: Tales of Epic Lunacy is a wonderful homage to pong that asks the question... What if pong? But roguelite?

The answer is a wonderfully vibrant game that is popping candy for the mind


With an oppressive cityscape as your backdrop you find yourself, alone, on a roof in the rain? Where will you go? What will you do? And most importantly what will you discover about yourself?


Leap, jump and bounce as a mountain climbing froggo in Valley Peaks where the locals are friendly and every mountain is its very own adventure

Packed full of character and charm, the only thing missing from this demo is a save function to jump back into the action whenever you like.

Despite this its one of the best games I've played this year and its not even in its full release state!


name=Vault Boy

name=Ash Heap




Threw together a load of gaming inspired colour palettes (I'm especially proud of WAKAWAKAWAKA) as well as a soft drink inspired 'Mixer-lumia' palette ^w^

'Time Vortex' Colour Palette Inspired by Doctor Who and the 13th Doctor's Rainbow Jumper


name=Time Vortex


'Everybody Falls' Mixolumia x Fall Guys Palette

name=Everybody Falls

Mixolumia is an Itch Dot Io indie that I didn't know I needed until I played it.

The  screw tighteningly hard difficulty and serene gameplay environment makes for a juxtaposition that keeps you in a focused flow state very much resembling that of Tetris Effect.

So if you want the difficulty and beauty of being hit in the face with a fistful of glitterthen Mixolumia is for you


Extremely simple yet extremely punishing, Germination is an action platform we that has you (a little space duder) bouncing for your survival against an ever growing horde of plants on an alien world.

As with every good arcade game it has a steep learning curve as your character becomes faster and faster the higher you bounce. Frustrating, but it’ll grow on you...

Most definitely one to have on your radar if you donated to the Itch Io Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality 🌱 💖 🌱 


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Deskspace is a mindfulness and self care tool which has proven incredibly useful to me since I spend the majority of my time producing video series much like the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality video series; the deskspace installment of which you can see right here.

Simple, well designed and a wonderfully clean UI make deskspace a joy to use


A wonderful game that I intially set out to do a video on however due to the stories succinct nature I don't want to spoil even a single moment. Savour it like you would savour a hot coffee on a cold winter morning.


Reigns meets adorable anthropomorphic animals meets the current political climate; Democratic Socialism Simulator is a brilliant vessel for political satirisation and teaching (I.e I had no idea what blockchain was and had to look it up to make an informed decision 😅)

Moreover it being in the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality also aids in the communication of its message. An absolute must play.

On a lighter note I very much enjoyed the right wing press news host being a fox 🦊 


Pink River is an Itch Dot Io indie unlike any other that I have experienced

Visually stunning, mechanically innovative and hecking difficult its blend of creativity and unique-ness is  wonderfully refreshing

Furthermore there is much that could be expanded upon here beyond its current state as a 48 hour game jam to provide different game modes/difficulties as well as a more competitive experience between friends (a point which I raise at the end of this video).

However I would be more than happy to purchase this on console platforms with its artstyle lending itself to a striking physical box release


Hop hop hop <3

Hop Together is an adorable puzzler where buns toil in the carrot mines to please their fluffy overlords >: 3

Or some fluffy friends work together to enjoy a delicious carrot...

Story wise there isn't much here but what there is in Hop Together is a beautiful and delightful puzzling experience whose only downside is that I've been left with a burning desire to see more <3 


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For today's Itch Dot Io Indie we go back to the Chalkboard and do a write up on how simplicity is key.

Simply put Chalkboard is the very essence of stellar indie gaming. Upon introducing a novel mechanic layers of difficulty are slowly added with more and more being asked of the player to consider as they travel through a peaceful yet eerie landscape.

If I were to criticise this Itch Dot Io indie it would have to be that the puzzle complexity does not fully utilise the depth afforded to it by the chalk interaction. As although the chalk drawing mechanic is a simple one there are many directions in which the chalk could be used to navigate the environment (with one boat level in particular standing out as an example of this).

However it must be noted that this is a prototype and so I will be keeping a close eye on this project as it moves forward <3

As an aside 'Chalkboard' would make for a brilliant Nintendo Indie title on the Switch were it to get an expanded stage of development as the utilisation of the Switch touch screen would make for a very tactile experience


Shoot, bounce and errr... shoot again(!) as you ricochet towards safety while evading the malevolent standers and seekers

With simple and intuitive gameplay this arcadey rogue-lite-light shooter will have you bounding after higher and higher scores.

By the way 38 is THE score to beat (which you will because I believe in you ^w^)


Shoot, bounce and errr... shoot again(!) as you ricochet towards safety while evading the malevolent standers and seekers

With simple and intuitive gameplay this arcadey rogue-lite-light shooter will have you bounding after higher and higher scores.

By the way 38 is THE score to beat (which you will because I believe in you ^w^)


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With a new Itch Dot Io Indie double bill format we take a look at LIMITO when it comes to something... completely different

What if you could only do 20 things before you died? A difficult question isn't it.

Now what if you could save yourself in those 20 actions? What would you do then?

LIMITO plays upon its novel limitation of 20 inputs and builds around it; creating a stunningly difficult and satisfying platformer that I ended up breaking...

I broke the death counter. It only goes up to 99.

Death/10 Would totally play again.


With a new Itch Dot Io Indie double bill format we take a look at 'Cooking with Cat' as the first game to kick off some new indie escapades!

Wander, cook and most importantly meow your way through the kitchen as adorable Mina while you wow your adoring fans with your culinary skills <3

Cooking with Cat is an adorable experience and where it lacks in replayability it more than makes up for in the style department with a unique visual design

In short. Meow/10



With this weeks Itch Dot Io Indie we kick back with another Game Jam entry from DDRKirby(ISQ) of 'Goodnight Meowmie' fame (a game that heckin spooked me!)

Although a shift in tone from their previous work that I've experienced 'Unlock Everything' is a piece of retro style feel good gaming that most definitely unlocked my sense of nostalgia <3


Raccoons. Skateboards. Mixtapes. Drifting.

What more could you ever want from a game?

This weeks Itch Dot Io Indie is a psychedelic mixtape fueled ride down an endless road and I love every moment of it!

Rack up higher and higher scores as you collect cassettes, rock out to awesome newfound tunes, and of course cosplay as a rambunctious teenage Rocket Raccoon with a flair for punk.

If Arcade endless runners and a continual need to push yourself to higher and higher scores is your kind of thing then look no further <3


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In this Itch Dot Io Indie we find ourselves to have been transformed into the cutest little hellspawn there ever was!

In ‘Poppy’ you flee, run away and very occasionally shoot other less kind hellspawn to appease your supervisor. Just another day in the office I suppose...

With a cute aesthetic and novel level presentation ‘Poppy’ is a must play for those who love their Itch Dot Io Indies 😻


For this weeks Itch Dot Io Indie we have a wonderful time in ‘Magic Coffee Shop’ by Jacob Bell

Not only do we get to see a breathtaking art-style but we also learn witches are responsible for the changing of the seasons from Summer to Autumn!

With a heartfelt story, relatable characters and COFFEE there's something for everyone in this breathtaking Itch Dot Io Indie <3


For this weeks Itch Dot Io Indie we answer the age old question 'What would happen if we played golf... in space'

Well with Cactusmancer's title 'Void Golf' we can finally know what it's like to fire our asteroid (golf  balls are so 2019) into the deep depths of space; and track trajectories across the stars.

Like all great puzzle games mechanics you'll be smugly assured that you understand how everything fits together, and then 20 minutes later you'll be questioning your very sanity on how to properly navigate around planetary orbits to intercept black holes.

I may have lost my sanity but I loved every moment <3


For this weeks Itch Dot Io Indie we fill out a P45 and file a P60...

Does the joke scan? I don't know too much about taxes!

What I do know is that 'Death and Taxes' is pure gold.

With a narrative focus and an puzzle based element that makes you question your own morality you have to decide who lives and who dies in a game that is constantly making yourself second guess your every action.

I'm very much looking forward to how the developers are going to flesh this demo out! <3


We delve into the witty, charming and fourth wall breaking ‘Fungy’ by @FonsecaJersey
and friends as an Itch Dot io Indie ‘xtra!

Be prepared to fight the good fight as you canvas your local town to raise awareness of global warming and fight GovCorp!

Side note: Voice may have become a little growly after narrating one character in particular... totally worth it though <3


Itch Dot Io video coming up this Friday but I had to say oh my heck this game is adorable, cute and full of character <3

I may have strained my throat a little though for the voice I gave GovCorp :P


It's that time of year again. Where the cold sets in and the weather chills your bones.

Explore an unloved graveyard full of platforming perils as you lay flowers to remember those who have no-one left to remember them.

With tight responsive controls and an astounding soundtrack this little indie darling is in my humble opinion a top 10 contender for best indie releases of 2019.


I've made a video on this Itch Dot Io Indie which will be released in around 36 hours but I just couldn't help but leave a comment here beforehand to say that the developers should be extremely proud of themselves with what they have made. This is an elegant, beautiful game with tight controls and a sweet story <3


Experience the stories of those in the Transgender community as you come to terms with your own form of gender expression.

As  someone whom is currently in the throes of their own MTF transition this game truly touched me like no other has.

In short this is beautiful and my day is immeasurably better for having played this Itch Dot Io Indie <3


Thank you it means so much to hear that you enjoyed the video! ^w^ <3


The Tutorial

a cute little platformer with happy music anD an innOcent little beaN on an advenTure.

buT looks can  be deceiving

Try to stay alive as you Run aboUt a cavernouS maze with nothing but your wiTs and some more than dubious advice from an unknown entity to guide you


With some of the smoothest platforming gameplay and the most hilarious dark humour that I've experienced since Spelunky and Portal respectively, 'The Tutorial' is an amazing Permadeath experience that will push not just your patience but your very physical being to its limits.


Up Golf.

What's Up Golf you ask?

An awesome retro golfing experience, what's up with you?

With stunning 8 bit graphics and a whole THREE colours be blown away by the most elegant and simple golfing experience I, an amateur errr... I mean totally professional golfer (yes lets go with that) has seen in a long while <3

So grab a stick and tea up those orbs for this Itch Dot Io indie as we play a round of the Kings Game!


Take playing with your food to a whole new level with 'Drinks Not Included'; the banquet stack 'em up that'll leave you hungry for more!

Succulent hot chicken. crispy onion rings. Fresh sushi. All this and more is waiting to be stacked upon high!

To make this game even more delicious I would recommend having a means to measure your success. This could take the form of a tape measure next to your plate so that you can see how high your food architecture is and would allow you to compare your score to others to tower above the competition

Other than that I had so much fun with this little Itch Dot Io Indie. Sadly I ended up having a lot of floor food (curse these butterfingers!) but I had a wonderful relaxing time regardless <3


Is the hustle and bustle of modern life getting you down? Why not go on A Short Hike and watch your troubles melt away...?

There is no death. There is no stress. There is no fail state.

Simply walk, run, jump, climb, glide and swim your way through a luscious landscape as you become lost in the peaceful current of whimful exploration in this 'Night in the Woods x Celeste' beauty that seamlessly blends an endearing narrative with gorgeously smooth platforming.

There is nothing that I can truly say other than the fact that this is a game that should be experienced by all; and is more than deserving of any and all praise that it recieves.

In short look no further for perfect gaming than this stunning indie by @adamgryu with a @Markymark665 score that truly warms the soul.


Thank you lovely developers who left a hint or two regarding the last episode.

Prepare to have your minds blown...

Scientific experiments on an alien planet.

Toxic swamps.

Time travel.

What could possibly go wrong?

With a 'Sokoban' inspired puzzle system and a narrative focus 'Xenopulse' adds a timetravel twist that offers more questions than answers...

If you love polished sound and level design (with a spare evening because heck this game is difficult!) then this Itch Dot Io Indie is for you <3


AwooooOOOOooooOOOOoooooOO... ahem

Excuse me. What I meant to say was join me for today's Itch Dot Io indie as we give chase after werewolves in 'Hunters Moon'. Fear not. I don't bite.


With slick gameplay, an inspired original soundtrack, and retro aesthetic you'll wonder why you ever played any other endless runner.



Puzzles! Explosions! Coins! Gunpowder! Explosions! Fun!

In Shortfused you have a very short fuse and lots of golden coins. Pass the fuse over/around the coins to collect them. Simple.

Not simple.

With 10 lovingly crafted puzzle screens you may want to take a break if you get stuck before you explode with frustration...

Shortfused is among the puzzle game greats; as with all good puzzle games a simple mechanic is introduced with twists and tricks thrown into the mix to slowly ramp up the difficulty.

Add a high degree of polish and an evident love for game design and you'll be hard pressed to find a better puzzle game on Itch Dot Io.


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