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A member registered Jun 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Oh nice thank you! It’s rare for me to be on the other side, of watching my games being played :D

Good remark on the subtitles, I wanted to add some. Just used some dialogue plugin for the first time with the latest game, shouldn’t be too difficult to display it in VR.

About hit feedback, there is a sound for when you hit an enemy, when you kill one, and when you get hit. But the audio mix is messy. Especially with a ton of enemies. And I could add clearer visual feedback.

I put a limit on the enemy spawning and tried to make it progressive to avoid being surrounded too quickly, but not enough. With a little tutorialization to explain it’s basically a fitness game it would be more enjoyable. People got surprised, but I guess that’s also a nice effect? Like a lot of people seemed to be like “wow that was a workout” only after playing the game (my wife and myself included).

And no worries about “complaining” I’m French so trust me I’m used to people complaining :D It’s all good feedback.

IIRC most documents with a date are in invalid YYYY-DD-MM, e.g. the first day the first personal letter between from Roger. There’s just one or two in the valid YYYY-MM-DD I think.

Sorry about the document with a date format ambiguity, I tried not to have date ambiguity but may have missed one. Or I may have labeled the data wrong (in terms of “this doc should be redacted”).

thanks for playing! There is a dialogue popping up if you burn a document that you technically shouldn’t have (there are a few paths and endings where you have to do “mistakes”).

But yeah maybe we also should have a positive feedback for when you are applying the rules correctly, on top of the recap that pops up at the end of the day.

(1 edit)

And everybody should write “penis” (and “a_kimb0”) in your game’s main menu monitor!

Haha, I think that’s the ending most people will get. It’s a reference to Disco Elysium btw. You can read about the other paths/endings on the gamepage.

So some of the rules and documents are a bit ambiguous to instill some moral choices (and to pay attention to clues distilled through details in the documents and story, but as someone who ironically rarely plays text-heavy games too, I totally get it if people don’t understand. It’s a hard thing to balance).

Also there are a few different paths and endings in the game. And for some, you actually have to make a “mistake” which will get you the dialog pop-up (and salary fine at the end of the day in the recap).`

Btw I’m not a native either, I’m French, which is why the game is written in some sort of conlang, English with some words replaced by their French counterpart when very close to the English word. Maybe the title should be “Fournaise in the Archive” or something 🤔

Yeah the moral ambiguity is partly by design, partly by lack of time to refine the documents & narration. But let’s say 100% by design!

It’s meant to be chilling, but also to get a laugh out of the situation, if you can. For some it’s hard to however.

Interesting! Thanks for playing. I’ll add yours to my to-stream list.

Thanks! for the lore the first chaos document (day 3) is inspired by an obscure French copypasta.

I suppose you saw the hidden message in it.

Thank you for playing and the nice words. The weekend was definitely crunchy :D

Thanks for playing and the kind feedback!

Thanks for playing! It’s kinda the intended way - I just wanted to make a game where the more intense you physically play, the stronger you are in game.

I made them extra slow but yeah maybe a bit too much. Always hard to balance such things.

oooh I didn’t know about that! Thanks.

(1 edit)

Yes I did enjoy myself! (Sorry if my humor was a bit too immature at times 🗿)

I’mma check the end on the video, thanks for providing it! Lemme know when you update the game I’ll gladly give it a try.

Thanks for playing, glad you loved it!

(1 edit)

Ok thanks again for testing and the compliment! It’s also completely unoptimized. Guess it’s time to dive into performance profiling with Godot!

I like your funny magic words man. No more seriously I think I get the idea thanks for the post and details.

I’m a noob at shaders and GPU programming too. Have you looked at Github issues on the Godot repo? And maybe opening a new one. It would get you ideas and answers from people with the required knowledge I think. We aren’t the only people who want/need this data from GPUParticles. The official Discord server also is active.

Well that’s a great start! My projects in the beginning were way worse than that.

“Scoping” is one of the overarching game jam skill that everyone sucks at. Well to different extents of course, but tbh at all skill levels people keep overestimating and underestimating.

Keep it up and one day you’ll make the great games you dream of :)

(1 edit)

Hello last but not least was your entry on my second stream!

It just kept going and going never ending! Great realization in terms of art, audio and UX. I could even toss books into the fire. But they were too enchanted to burn unfortunately. I think this game would work really well for kids.

Great job and thanks for making the game!

Btw sorry about the angle of the webcam I forgot to put it back up after I played Berjtaget…

Hello there I had the pleasure to be greeted by the w o n d e r f u l piece of music that shitty-flute-harry-potter.mp3 is when I booted up the game. You can watch my playthrough here:

Cool lil entry, good job and keep it up!

(Sorry for the angle of the webcam I forgor to put it back up after Bjergtaget… and no one commented about it in chat ofc.)

Hi there I played your game during my second stream, can watch it here (timestamped):

Nice intro! And the control scheme was fun, pretty intuitive. Kinda made me think of controlling an excavator. I was a bit confused at the end if I managed to complete the game or if I missed a crystal?

Good stuff overall and thanks for making the game!

Sorry about the angle of the webcam, I put it down for Bjergtaget and forgot to put it back up…

(2 edits)

Hi there! I played your game on my second stream, here is the playthrough (timestamped):

Took me a while to notice the line that spawns when you press trigger and to understand how to properly use the magic orb. But once I got it that’s a really fun mechanic! Similar to that other entry “Fire Wizard VR”.

You guys are gonna motivate me to actually make that VR Medieval Flail game and get my other projects sidetracked yet again, aren’t you??

Anyway good job and thanks for making the game!

Oh and sorry about the webcam angle, forgot to put it back up after playing Bjergtaget 😭

(3 edits)

Thanks for playing and the feedback! Yeah it do be cheeseable, especially since I didn’t spend enough time on tuning my intensity calculation that multiplies with damage, particle size etc.

I plan to implement a more proper gesture recognition e.g. detecting a start and sudden stop in the movement. Also I remember this I found for another project (based on, that might work with some plane projection. I know there’s already LOTS of work done for pose recognition with all sorts of tracking, I just haven’t done proper research during the jam.

I’d like to code some more complex movements for different abilities, similar to the moves in Avatar. It’s inspired by Tai Chi and other martial arts.

Thanks for letting me know it’s too dark, tonemapping is ACES (honestly I don’t know much about rendering, it just looked the best to me). It’s probably just a lack of light. I should have added more torches further in the forest, already lit. I wanted the game to be dark so that part of the experience is to light it up with your flames.

Visuals in general is my weak side in game dev, for this game it was one of my main goal to get better at that (the other was making a VR game for the first time :D)

Hey I uploaded a new Android Quest build on the game page which should work hopefully. just notifying in case you’re still curious about performance (I am, but really you don’t have to go out of your way to test it again!)

Hey there! Amazing entry. I played it on my second stream you can watch playthrough here (timestamped):

Took me a while to understand the magic system but that’s because I was too lazy to actually pick up the first sigil thingy and could read the pattern without inspecting it closely. Got stuck at the end I’m sorry, I really didn’t get what to do with Gust. Otherwise great art, audio, and interesting control scheme for the magic spells.

Great job and thanks for making the game!

Oh and sorry about the angle of the cam I put it downwards to play Bergtagen (another submission) and I forgor for the rest of the stream 🤦‍♂️

Hi I played through your game on my second stream, you can watch it here (timestamped):

Really cool concept! I’m a bit sensitive to motion sickness but got less than I thought I would (at least while I was going slow). Took me a lil while to see that I have a shield and was supposed to block the projectiles. They kinda looked like buffs with these icons? Bit confused about them. Pretty nice environment.

Good job and thanks for making the game!

Oh and sorry about the webcam, I moved it down for the submission Bjergtaget and forgot about it for the rest of the stream 🤦‍♂️

(1 edit)

Hi there I played your game on my second stream! Here is the timestamped broadcast:

It felt a bit unfinished overall or I didn’t understand how to properly interact with the things? But art looks nice and self-made and seems like you had lots of ideas. Got a little spooked when the beholder-looking things flew at me :D

Got a bit motion sick mostly from jumping down, I gotta get my body/brain used to VR locomotion again. Can try to include things like vignetting to help, idk if Godot XR Tools have it.

oh and sorry about the angle of the webcam, I moved it down for the submission Bjergtaget and forgot it for the rest of the stream 🤦‍♂️

(1 edit)

Hi I played through your game on my second stream, you can watch the playthrough here:

Cool art and was fun! Liked the narration and slightly spooky vibes. I was a bit confused at times I suppose you wanted to implement more but didn’t have time, like the guard actually chasing you? Anyway good job and thank you for making the game!

oh and sorry about the angle of the webcam, I moved it down for the submission Bjergtaget and forgot it for the rest of the stream 🤦‍♂️

(1 edit)

Hej! Jag ser att dü är dansk (eller norsk?) så jag tror att jag kan öva min svenska med dig? Jag är fransk men har bott i Sverige för 4-5 år. Ursäkta om du inte förstår, jag kan översätta (eller du kan fråga din favorit LLM/översättarapp).

Jag har börjat min andra stream med ditt spel, du kan titta på playthrough här:

Det vär roligt! Väldigt originellt och kreativt att använda kontrollern för att mäta höjden på magen. En konstig upplevelse, men på en bra väg. Nuförtiden är alla stressade och sitter för mycket, så vi andas inte riktigt. Vi behöver lära oss igen att andas, meditera, och slappna av. Min psykologfru sa att det är ett bra sätt att uppleva biofeedback.

Jag visste redan om 4-7-8 tekniken men kommer inte ihåg att ta mig tid eller att känna igen när jag behöver det. Hjälper med ångest, humörsvängningar, etc.

Bra jobbat och tack för att du skapade detta!

…Ocskå jag glömde att sätta upp webbkameran igen så för resten av streamen kunde man se bara min underkropp 🤦‍♂️ och ingen i chatten sa det till mig 🥲

Thanks for playing & hope you enjoyed the exercise!

Yeah Snopek has been helping me investigate the issue. Someone else had a similar problem where it was because glow was enabled, but I don’t. I also have a bunch of errors that show up in the web console that don’t in the PC export 🥲 It’s my first VR game so I’m discovering some “fun” stuff about it :D

Don’t own a Quest only Valve Index but I might switch if I get serious about VR dev, Meta seems to dominate the market.

(2 edits)

Hehe I’m gonna trick all the nerds into becoming healthier, that’s my secret evil-but-actually-nice plan!

Thanks for playing and the nice feedback. I do wonder about the performance too, As I don’t own a Quest it’s kinda hard for me to dev for it. WebXR doesn’t seem very reliable, doesn’t work for my Valve Index the controllers don’t show up. And my WebXR export is bugged for Quest users apparently. Can’t really test Android Quest without owning one afaik.

It’s my first VR game and I did some research yesterday, saw that Meta is dominating the market quite heavily. So yeah might be wise to switch headsets if I do get serious about VR dev (and honestly if I have less cables to worry about, all the better).

(1 edit)

Oh by the way I’m curious about how you implemented the particle streams specifically the collisions. For my game I first wanted to detect collisions with the flame particles, but it didn’t seem possible to get some sort of collision info from the GPUParticles3D, understandable since this runs as GPU code it can be hard to get this back to the CPU. So I just tweened an Area3D mimicking the visuals.

I glanced over your code under scenes/collisions but it’s a bit late, I’m too tired to properly understand something that complex 😅 You compute some sort of collision area based on the positions of the particles? I’ll take a look at the project tomorrow it’ll probably make more sense with the full picture.

Hi I struggled a bit to get things started but you can watch my playthrough here

(Valve Index on Windows) I had to recenter my play area because the broom spawned outside for some reason things were weird. I think I have to redo my room setup now 🥲

I had to stop at some point because of motion sickness, I gotta work on getting my body/brain used to this kind of experience. And I had played the Syneed one before which was also bit motion-sickness/weird-feeling inducing 😅

But nice game overall and probably really fun for the VR gamers who can take it. I remember playing a bit of “V-Racer Hoverbike” on Steam which is similar.

Hi there! The boss-fight was really cool haven’t played a VR game like that before. Hope other players do try it and don’t miss it.

I played your submission during my stream you can watch the playthrough here

I had some trouble with the gun orientation not aligning with my hand properly and had some trouble understanding the rules of the game exactly (what do I hit on the enemies? should I dodge with my head/body or is my hitbox the gun? etc).

And cool a e s t h e t i c s, kinda synthwavey (❤️)

Hey there I played your game during my playtesting stream you can watch it here

It was a really original and cool idea! Got caught off guard having to sing live 😄 I do sing as a hobby (mostly Metal, both clean and saturated voice) but am a bit out of practice for some time now. Good polish overall and actually got a lil jumpscare at the end.

I actually wanted to include a similar mic feature in my own submission to make people do like a “HAAA!” in sync with their punches to increase the power of their flames (I think it’s called “Kiai”? I have never done martial arts).

And uuuh.. don’t mind me making a reference to a famous French comedy sketch near the end in freeplay mode. It’s about monks making cheese with… a special kind of “milk” 🗿

Hey I tried playing your game but unfortunately couldn’t get it to work. I just get a black screen. Can see what happens here:

(Valve Index on Windows)

Hi there I played your submission during my stream you can watch the playthrough here

I struggled a lot with flipping the pages of the book, I’m not sure if it’s bugged or if I just didn’t understand the motion needed. Valve Index on Windows btw.

Otherwise cool idea and nice models/art style! I liked the concept of being “buried” in the moundcastle.

Hi I tried playing your game with my Valve Index on Windows but it didn’t want to start due to the permissions check :/ Not sure if it’s easy to fix but if you do I can try again. You can check this video to see what happens:

(4 edits)

Hi there I tried your game during my playtesting stream you can watch the playthrough here

I completely failed to understand you had to grab the balls with just the trigger so I kept grabbing the world and getting utterly confused, until some time during the playthrough when I finally got it.

I was still unsure if I succeeded in solving the puzzles but I think I did. Cool concept, bit “out-there” but in a nice way. First time I interact with a VR game like so. Got a bit motion-sick, I gotta get my body/brain used again to weird ones like that. And very nice visuals and music!

Hi your game was second in my playtesting stream session, you can watch the playthrough here:

I think visually it’s the best-looking one I’ve played! The timer was a bit too difficult at first. But after idk a dozen customers to try things and learn mechanics (and getting into the right mindset) I got the hang of it and could have gone on almost forever. Cool vibes of Overcooked & and other such games!

I just had a little problem with weird collisions with the table or something. I think I had the same issue with the interactables demo of Godot XR Tools.

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