When I first saw this tool I was very impressed, but frankly I was also intimidated by it! It looked like it would be too complicated with too many overwhelming moving parts for me, but I'm happy to report that Feniks did an incredible job explaining everything clearly and accommodating all my needs! The only thing I had to figure out for myself was adding sound whenever an achievement pops, which is just this one line
on "show" action Play('sound',"audio/bop2.ogg")
I put it in screen achievement_popup, right under zorder 190. Maybe Feniks has an even better way of triggering a sound effect, but its working seamlessly so far for me!
Within a single day, I was able to customize the code a great deal in a test file, recycling assets I already had:
It might not be the final look, but I wanted to show it off to give people an idea of just how clean, professional, and flexible Fenik's code is. It did take me a hot minute to read through all the notes and wrap my head around it, so anyone who's a more experienced coder than me could probably work with this code even faster! But, it is perfectly user-friendly for novices as well. :)
Highly recommended, five stars!!!