Papers: Prehistory by petra houfkova
Long-strip and terraced fields systems form significant elements of the current cultural landscap... more Long-strip and terraced fields systems form significant elements of the current cultural landscape. When evaluating
their significance, it is necessary to determine their origins and to further specify their development.
However, archeological researchers have encountered problems in dating field systems that were exposed to intensive
agriculture in the 20th century AD. In this study, we describe a combination of approaches used to confirm the current landscape's High Medieval origin of the long-strip terrace-like field system of the former village of Malonín, which is located in the Bohemian Forest Mts., Czech Republic. The methods employed are radionuclide dating, geographic information system (GIS)-based reconstruction using old maps, historical documents, and archeological and palaeobotanical records. Our study evaluated the historical significance of field
boundaries in the form of hedgerows, which have stabilized the pattern of the agricultural landscape since medieval times. The results of this study provide a basis for further land use planning and for conserving the cultural landscape.
Papers by petra houfkova
Practically no stable prehistoric settlements were known in the area east of the town Český Kruml... more Practically no stable prehistoric settlements were known in the area east of the town Český Krumlov in South Bohemia so far (Fig. 1: A, B). Only in recent years several sites from the Bronze and Iron Age (Chvojka 2007, 29–55; Michálek 2007, 57–58), including the burial mound near the village Zahrádka (Fig. 1: C) have been documented. Zahrádka is a typical burial ground of the transition from Hallstatt Period to Early La Tène Period in the area of South Bohemia. Most of the graves of this period were conducted as burial of unburnt bodies under tumuli. Cremation burials without tumuli were less frequent. Also reuse of Bronze Age burial grounds in the Iron Age is typical for the region of South Bohemia. Most of the archaeological excavations of tumuli grounds from the Hallstatt/Early La Tène Period in the Czech Republic took place in 19th century (Michálek 2007, 58) and modern interdisciplinary environmental-archaeological research with the aim to reconstruct the burial rite has not be...
The Holocene, 2017
Vedoucí práce: Mgr. Hana Krylová, Ph.D. Prohlašuji, že jsem tuto práci vypracovala samostatně a v... more Vedoucí práce: Mgr. Hana Krylová, Ph.D. Prohlašuji, že jsem tuto práci vypracovala samostatně a všechny použité prameny a literaturu jsem uvedla v závěrečném seznamu. Děkuji Mgr. Hance Krylové, Ph.D. za velmi ochotné a podnětné vedení diplomové práce. Děkuji za čas, který mi v rámci konzultací věnovala i za vhled do různých možností zpracování tématu.
CATENA, 2015
ABSTRACT Long-strip and terraced fields systems form significant elements of the current cultural... more ABSTRACT Long-strip and terraced fields systems form significant elements of the current cultural landscape. When evaluating their significance, it is necessary to determine their origins and to further specify their development. However, archeological researchers have encountered problems in dating field systems that were exposed to intensive agriculture in the 20th century AD. In this study, we describe a combination of approaches used to confirm the current landscape's High Medieval origin of the long-strip terrace-like field system of the former village of Malonín, which is located in the Bohemian Forest Mts., Czech Republic. The methods employed are radionuclide dating, geographic information system (GIS)-based reconstruction using old maps, historical documents, and archeological and palaeobotanical records. Our study evaluated the historical significance of field boundaries in the form of hedgerows, which have stabilized the pattern of the agricultural landscape since medieval times. The results of this study provide a basis for further land use planning and for conserving the cultural landscape.
Hydrobiologia, 2014
Wet sediments of a former water reservoir were discovered during an archaeological rescue excavat... more Wet sediments of a former water reservoir were discovered during an archaeological rescue excavation. Vegetation and environmental changes taking place in the mediaeval suburbs of Prague, Czech Republic, from the tenth to the middle of the fourteenth century were investigated. The origin and function of the water reservoir was revealed using a multi-proxy approach that combined the results of macrofossil, pollen, diatom, antracological, archaeo-zoological and sedimentological analyses. Gradual changes of the surrounding vegetation were documented. Field indicators increased in time, whereas proportions of broadleaf trees and shrubs decreased; proportions of ruderal plants increased continually. A gradual decline of Handling editor: M. Power
Archeologické rozhledy, 2020
The metal hoard discovered in 2013 during a metal detector survey on the western slope of the roc... more The metal hoard discovered in 2013 during a metal detector survey on the western slope of the rocky Babí lom ridge near Svinošice village (Blansko district) contains six socketed axes, two spearheads and half of an ingot of nearly pure copper. Based on the axes and the unusual point of the spearhead with openings in the blade of foreign origin, the find is dated to the final stage of the Urnfield period. The hoard is emarkable both for the documentation of its original intentional arrangement and for the topographical situation in connection with a watercourse, the dominant landscape feature of the Babí lom ridge and assumed original road. An analysis of preserved plant remnants also contributed in conjunction with radiocarbon dating to the reconstruction of the way the hoard was deposited and the local vegetation spectrum. The settlement-topographic analysis showed a correlation with the period settlement of the region, where, thanks also to the new find, one of the deposition macro-accumulations in Moravia is located.
The paper presents the results of bioarchaeological analyses (plant macro-remains analysis, anthr... more The paper presents the results of bioarchaeological analyses (plant macro-remains analysis, anthracological analysis, pollen analysis and archaeozoological analysis) which were done on samples taken from the fills of features investigated at the construction site of a new hall for the company AISIN in the Písek industrial zone in 2014. The fills of several dozen archaeological features dating to the transition between the Early and Middle Bronze Age, the Middle Bronze Age, the Late Bronze Age, the Hallstatt period and the La Tène period were examined and floated. These investigations enabled us to reconstruct changes in the forest and landscape structure. The obtained palaeoeconomic findings are very important.
On the issue of rib hoards from an Early Bronze Age settlement context: the hoard from Kučeř in s... more On the issue of rib hoards from an Early Bronze Age settlement context: the hoard from Kučeř in south Bohemia from the perspective of archaeology and archaeobotany. Thanks to a professionally documented find context, a hoard of ribs discovered in 2012 in Kučeř in the Písek region (Czech Republic) allowed several important questions to be raised. Besides a typological analysis of artefacts from the hoard in a context in which individual ribs were divided into a total of four groups, archaeobotanical analyses and radiocarbon dating were also performed. One important question is the relationship between the hoard and the settlement whose existence was confirmed in several small trenches, making it possible to analyse the relationship between Early Bronze Age mass finds and contemporary flatland settlements in the broader territory of eastern Europe. Palynological analysis and an analysis of plant macro-remains allow for thought on the character of human activities in the settlement area. A comparison of archaeobotanical and radiocarbon data from the hoard and the occupation layer then enable deliberation on the mutual
relationship between these two components.
Former Lake Komořany, located in Northwest Bohemia in Central Europe, provides multiple proxies (... more Former Lake Komořany, located in Northwest Bohemia in Central Europe, provides multiple proxies (pollen, plant macrofossils, diatoms, chironomids and sediment chemistry) that allowed reconstruction of the development of its aquatic environment and catchment, throughout the Holocene. In order to reconstruct the climatic forcing of this development, we performed a pollen-based reconstruction of climate changes using the best modern analogue method. The climate reconstruction was successful for the interval of 10.0–3.2 ka BP. We demonstrate that shifts in climate were coupled with biotic changes within the lacustrine environment. Both processes were interconnected mainly through changes in the water level status of the lake. The most
significant climatic and environmental changes were recorded at 9.1, 6.3, 4.8/4.7, 3.8 and 3.5 ka BP.
Two secondary backfilled wells and remnants of a walled building, likely a school, were excavated... more Two secondary backfilled wells and remnants of a walled building, likely a school, were excavated during a salvage excavation of a medieval part of Písek, Bakaláře Square (South Bohemia, Czech Republic) in 2008. Well 1 was completely uncovered, whereas only the upper part of well 2 was
excavated; the wells being dated to the 14th century A.D.
Well 1 was examined by bioarchaeological methods (analyses of plant macroremains, anthracology and xylotomy, pollen, dendrochronology, archaeozoology, palaeoparasitology, and diatoms), as well as by traditional archaeological typology of central European artefacts (ceramics, wood, fragments of
glass, slag, and daub). It was possible to detect imported materials of various origins and to reconstruct
the environment of the town and town background, as well as the common practices for hunting, growing, and waste management in medieval times.
This contribution summarises the most important results of the environmental methods applied in a... more This contribution summarises the most important results of the environmental methods applied in a study of a significant hillfort at Vrcovice (South Bohemia) from the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age. Attention was already paid to the environmental attributes of the archaeological sources (e.g. phosphate analysis) during systematic excavations over the years 1963–1966. Important findings emerged out of archaeo-environmental research conducted here in 2013, during which a number of methods were applied to study the economic system (archaeozoology, food detection by antibodies, plant macro-remains), the natural environment (anthracology, palynology) and the reconstruction of the original form of fortification (magnetic susceptibility, remanent magnetization). Samples were also obtained for two radiocarbon dates. The hillfort at Vrcovice ranks among the most important resources for the study of fortified settlements from the Bronze Age in Bohemia due to the holistic approach taken.
Bioarchaeologická rekonstrukce pohřebního ritu – případová studie na základě organického materiál... more Bioarchaeologická rekonstrukce pohřebního ritu – případová studie na základě organického materiálu z halštatské mohyly
na lokalitě Zahrádka (jižní Čechy, Česká republika)
This contribution summarises the most important results of the environmental methods applied in a... more This contribution summarises the most important results of the environmental methods applied in a study of a significant hillfort at Vrcovice (South Bohemia) from the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age. Attention was already paid to the environmental attributes of the archaeological sources (e.g. phosphate analysis) during systematic excavations over the years 1963–1966. Important findings emerged out of archaeo-environmental research conducted here in 2013, during which a number of methods were applied to study the economic system (archaeozoology, food detection by antibodies, plant macro-remains), the natural environment (anthracology, palynology) and the reconstruction of the original form of fortification (magnetic susceptibility, remanent magnetization). Samples were also obtained for two radiocarbon dates. The hillfort at Vrcovice ranks among the most important resources for the study of fortified settlements from the Bronze Age in Bohemia due to the holistic approach taken.
The article brings basic information about a new find of a late or latest LaTène Period hoard, wh... more The article brings basic information about a new find of a late or latest LaTène Period hoard, which contained primarily round artefacts. It is the first find of such a hoard in South Bohemia; till today there were known only LaTène hoards of iron items or of coins. The archaeological analyses are accompanied by the results of palynological analysis of taken samples.
Abstrakt: Dvojdílné hradiště Všemyslice -Kozí vrch je unikátní svým jednofázovým osídlením a za c... more Abstrakt: Dvojdílné hradiště Všemyslice -Kozí vrch je unikátní svým jednofázovým osídlením a za chovalými nadzemními relikty. Výrazné porušení akropole vyvolalo drobný archeologický výzkum uskutečněný v roce 2014, při kterém byl kladen dů raz na aplikaci environmentálních metod. Byla po řízena radiokarbonová data datující hradiště, sou hlasně s nalezenou keramikou, na počátek střední doby bronzové zhruba mezi léta 1650-1500 před Kristem. Na základě získaných dat je rekonstruo váno minulé přírodní prostředí. Pozornost je za měřena také na subsistenční strategii obyvatel hra diště. Představena jsou nová zjištění o konstrukci okraje akropole a charakteru zachovaných archeo logických situací na předhradí.
Hydrobiologia, 2014
Wet sediments of a former water reservoir were discovered during an archaeological rescue excavat... more Wet sediments of a former water reservoir were discovered during an archaeological rescue excavation. Vegetation and environmental changes taking place in the mediaeval suburbs of Prague, Czech Republic, from the tenth to the middle of the fourteenth century were investigated. The origin and function of the water reservoir was revealed using a multi-proxy approach that combined the results of macrofossil, pollen, diatom, antracological, archaeo-zoological and sedimentological analyses. Gradual changes of the surrounding vegetation were documented. Field indicators increased in time, whereas proportions of broadleaf trees and shrubs decreased; proportions of ruderal plants increased continually. A gradual decline of semi-natural hygrophilous vegetation was accompanied by an inverse tendency in trampled vegetation. All these trends indicate an intensification of human activity around the pool. A similar intensification of anthropogenic influence is clearly visible in the development of the aquatic environment. According to the diatom composition, the base of the profile is the result of sedimentation in considerably oligotrophic conditions. A successive deterioration of water quality was documented by various organisms (diatoms, green algae, water macrophyta, fishes and intestinal parasites). The high content of dissolved nutrients, probably connected with anoxia, could have caused the disappearance of both diatoms and fishes.
Laboratory profile. Ten years anniversary of the research laboratory.
In 2012 an archaeological excavation was carried out in the rock cavity Velbloud in Klokočské ská... more In 2012 an archaeological excavation was carried out in the rock cavity Velbloud in Klokočské skály (cadastral area of Bělá u Turnova). It is a niche-like cavity which is 12 m wide, 8 m deep, and 3.5 m high. The test pit measured 1 × 4 m. Its sedimentary fill was removed in quadrants with a side measuring 0.5 m, in individual layers with a thickness of 10 cm. Three horizons were distinguished which were separated from each other by contact surfaces. The top C horizon consists of the current walking surface of the cave and a c. 0.5 m thick block of sediment. The following B horizon fills the gap between the levels of 0.5 and 0.9 m. At the level of the B horizon, there are large sandstone blocks which originate from the cavity's collapsed ceiling. The lowest A horizon consists of alternating loess, loessial soils, and sandy layers. The stony bedrock was not reached, the excavation finished at a depth of 160 cm beneath the current surface. The dating of horizons C and B was possibl...
The purpose of this study is to investigate a woodland history of the floodplain river forests du... more The purpose of this study is to investigate a woodland history of the floodplain river forests during the neolithic-roman period in the central Moravia (Czech Republic). The goal of our study is an interpretation of the anthracological data from the archraeological sites and the pollen data from off site profiles for reconstruction of the forest history in the central Moravia (Czech Republic). The middle holocene changes of river floodplains provides an idea of dynamic succession of forest vegetation. However the study result has showed the continuale presence of the broadleaved forest with a dominance of Quercus sp. and very common presence of Fraxinus sp. and Ulmus sp. The significant change was recorded during the Bronze Age, when the presence of Fraxinus sp. decreased and Carpinus sp. reversed. The anthracological data document the forest stability in the river floodplain during middle and upper holocene history. These results are in contrary with a noticeable vegetation changes...
Papers: Prehistory by petra houfkova
their significance, it is necessary to determine their origins and to further specify their development.
However, archeological researchers have encountered problems in dating field systems that were exposed to intensive
agriculture in the 20th century AD. In this study, we describe a combination of approaches used to confirm the current landscape's High Medieval origin of the long-strip terrace-like field system of the former village of Malonín, which is located in the Bohemian Forest Mts., Czech Republic. The methods employed are radionuclide dating, geographic information system (GIS)-based reconstruction using old maps, historical documents, and archeological and palaeobotanical records. Our study evaluated the historical significance of field
boundaries in the form of hedgerows, which have stabilized the pattern of the agricultural landscape since medieval times. The results of this study provide a basis for further land use planning and for conserving the cultural landscape.
Papers by petra houfkova
relationship between these two components.
significant climatic and environmental changes were recorded at 9.1, 6.3, 4.8/4.7, 3.8 and 3.5 ka BP.
excavated; the wells being dated to the 14th century A.D.
Well 1 was examined by bioarchaeological methods (analyses of plant macroremains, anthracology and xylotomy, pollen, dendrochronology, archaeozoology, palaeoparasitology, and diatoms), as well as by traditional archaeological typology of central European artefacts (ceramics, wood, fragments of
glass, slag, and daub). It was possible to detect imported materials of various origins and to reconstruct
the environment of the town and town background, as well as the common practices for hunting, growing, and waste management in medieval times.
na lokalitě Zahrádka (jižní Čechy, Česká republika)
their significance, it is necessary to determine their origins and to further specify their development.
However, archeological researchers have encountered problems in dating field systems that were exposed to intensive
agriculture in the 20th century AD. In this study, we describe a combination of approaches used to confirm the current landscape's High Medieval origin of the long-strip terrace-like field system of the former village of Malonín, which is located in the Bohemian Forest Mts., Czech Republic. The methods employed are radionuclide dating, geographic information system (GIS)-based reconstruction using old maps, historical documents, and archeological and palaeobotanical records. Our study evaluated the historical significance of field
boundaries in the form of hedgerows, which have stabilized the pattern of the agricultural landscape since medieval times. The results of this study provide a basis for further land use planning and for conserving the cultural landscape.
relationship between these two components.
significant climatic and environmental changes were recorded at 9.1, 6.3, 4.8/4.7, 3.8 and 3.5 ka BP.
excavated; the wells being dated to the 14th century A.D.
Well 1 was examined by bioarchaeological methods (analyses of plant macroremains, anthracology and xylotomy, pollen, dendrochronology, archaeozoology, palaeoparasitology, and diatoms), as well as by traditional archaeological typology of central European artefacts (ceramics, wood, fragments of
glass, slag, and daub). It was possible to detect imported materials of various origins and to reconstruct
the environment of the town and town background, as well as the common practices for hunting, growing, and waste management in medieval times.
na lokalitě Zahrádka (jižní Čechy, Česká republika)
as landscape changes. This paper describes recent educational and scientific activities of the centre. One of main results is realization series of international lectures of top scientists, which substantially improved capabilities of members in the Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Palaeoecology.