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  1. バッグ店


Carrinet was founded in 2016 in Gothenburg, Sweden. The company produces reusable and eco-friendly bags designed to reduce plastic waste. Our products are currently sold in 3000+ retail outlets (ICA, COOP, City Gross, etc...), as well as across numerous digital marketplaces. Visit our store to view our full collection of sustainable bags.




TrustScore 5段階評価の4.5




shop set and Veggio c

I have ordered shop set and Veggio C from them. Pros: very easy to keep products, looks great, size is good for keeping different fruits, cellulose bag is aesthetic and with shopping bags it’s good to go to the store. Cons: unfortunately they are getting dirty easily, need to wash them often, whixh is a bit annoying. And the string (the hand) is a bit too long

体験日: 2024年3月15日

Carrinet AB ロゴ

Carrinet AB からの回答

Hello! We are very glad to hear that you are happy with our products. We appreciate your feedback and will consider this for future products. Have a great day :)


Prompt delivery within 4 business days…

Prompt delivery within 4 business days and the products arrived nicely after ordering on the Carrinet website. The durability surprised me positively and it seems the bags will last to be reused many times. I wish the bags would be marked in some way for the different sizes in the Veggio set. This way it would be easier to quickly know which bag is what size. Thanks!

体験日: 2023年12月18日

Carrinet AB ロゴ

Carrinet AB からの回答

Hey Anna! Thank you for your feedback! We appreciate you taking the time to let us know what you think and are pleased that you like the products. We strive to make our products as durable as possible so that they can be used for a long time. We will take your feedback into consideration. Thanks :)


Cellulose bags

I decided to try out the cellulose bags (Veggio C 1 pack) as I have had the polyester Veggio bags since many years earlier. I am very pleased with this recent order as the cellulose bags and material is unique and is compostable. Even though the bags are biodegradable, the quality is still durable and I can easily store several kilograms of fruits in them. I received the package in about 7 dyas, which was quite long but the shipping company PostNord had delays due to weather.

体験日: 2024年1月02日

Carrinet AB ロゴ

Carrinet AB からの回答


We're thrilled you love the new cellulose bags! We're excited to have this eco-friendly material as part of our collection.

I sincerely apologize for the delay in receiving your order. We understand the frustration of waiting, and we're actively working on finding faster and more reliable shipping options to get your future Carrinet goodies to you sooner.

Thanks for your patience and understanding. We hope you have a fantastic day!


I recently checked out the new bag they…

I recently checked out the new bag they launched a while ago made from the cellulose material. I really liked these bags as the material is compostable, which the other polyester bags are not. The material was also very durable and I could easily carry 4 kilograms without worry. The order I placed on their website arrived within 7 business days to New York in USA, which is a bit long but well worth the wait. I would like to see future products have different strings for the smaller bags to make it easier to organize and distinguish.

体験日: 2023年9月06日

Carrinet AB ロゴ

Carrinet AB からの回答

Hey Justin! Thank you for the feedback - We are glad to hear you like the cellulose bags!

We apologize if the shipping took nearly a week. We always strive to have products delivered within a few days, but sometimes external factors impact the time it takes to send. We appreciate your patience.

Regarding your suggestion for different strings on smaller bags – that's a great idea! We're always looking for ways to improve the functionality and organization of our products. We'll definitely take your suggestion into serious consideration for future designs.

Thanks again for your feedback and support! We truly appreciate you being a part of the Carrinet community.


Satisifed with the product and nice design

I recently purchased the 5-pack polyester net bag at ICA in Stockholm where the products are sold. I really liked the design and being able to not use plastic and even paper bags anymore for my fruits and vegetables. The bags are very convinient to use when brining to the store as there is a large side label for me to place the price sticker from the weighing machine. I've also noticied that the bags help me organize all the produce in my fridge as they are different sizes as well.

体験日: 2023年7月14日

Carrinet AB ロゴ

Carrinet AB からの回答

Hello, thank you so much for your feedback! We are super happy to hear that you liked the bags :)


Fina påsar som håller länge

Jag beställde en shop set i blått för ett tag sedan och har varit mycket nöjd med produkten. Jag gillar hur det medföljer både dem större shopping kassarna och mindre nätpåsar då detta är precis det som behövs när jag är och handlar. Kvaliteten på polyester materiallet är mycket fin och har hållt bra under flera användningar. Jag kan dock tycka att priset är något högt.

体験日: 2023年6月28日

Carrinet AB ロゴ

Carrinet AB からの回答

Hej! Tack för ditt omdöme. Vi uppskattar verkligen att du tycker om produkten :)


Bra produkt

Bra produkt, snabb leverans

体験日: 2022年7月02日

Carrinet AB ロゴ

Carrinet AB からの回答

Hej! Tack för din feedback, vi uppskattar det verkligen :)


Carrinet's bags are not only ecological…

Carrinet's bags are not only ecological (reusable) they are also very handy, easy to wash and to store. I use some to hang up apples and potatoes in the vestibule, near the front door, behind the coats on their rack. I use them in the fridge where they are far better than plastic bags as they let air flow and hinder condensation. AND they're so easy to wash! I just got my 2nd packet of them. Now, I hope they'll make some out of recycled plastics AND, when all their bags have outlived their purposes, a way to recycle them again. Yeah, Carrinet!

体験日: 2021年11月04日

Carrinet AB ロゴ

Carrinet AB からの回答

Wow! Thank you so much Paul, for you kind words about our Company and products.


Snabb leverans

Snabb leverans, smidig att ha med när man handlar.

体験日: 2021年4月05日

Carrinet AB ロゴ

Carrinet AB からの回答

Tack Gisela för ditt fina omdöme!! Ha en underbar dag.


Lite dyrt kanske.

体験日: 2021年3月12日

Carrinet AB ロゴ

Carrinet AB からの回答

Hej Ingvar! Tack för din feedback, den är viktig för oss. Jag hoppas du blir nöjd med dina produkter. Önskar dig en riktigt härlig helg.


Snabb leverans och utmärkt produkt helt…

Snabb leverans och utmärkt produkt helt enligt beskrivningen. Lätt att knäppa fast på handväskan för att ha med till affärerna. Bra med många påsar för grönsaker och flera bärkassar.

体験日: 2020年11月16日

Carrinet AB ロゴ

Carrinet AB からの回答

Tack snälla för ditt fina omdöme om oss! Vi blir så glada!


Superbra produkt och idé

Superbra produkt och idé. Jag älskar bärkassarna (behöver bara bli bättre på att komma ihåg att ta med dem överallt!!) och de små nätpåsarna är superbra för att inte behöva ta plastpåsar till frukt och grönsaker. Jag ska köpa extra för de är jättebra att ha i kylskåpet. Tex för lök så att det inte blir fullt med skal i grönsakslådan.

Dessutom är det jättefin service från kundtjänst. Jag gjorde bort mig med en leverans men det fixade de direkt. Uppskattas högt!

体験日: 2020年11月09日

Carrinet AB ロゴ

Carrinet AB からの回答

Tack snälla för dina fina ord om oss Sylvia!! Vi blir så glada. Ha en fantastisk dag :)

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