Ibentoy Kawaii Shop レビュー 253
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IBentoy is an online kawaii boutique selling cute and unique goods. Including but not limited to: Japanese and Korean stationery, kawaii backpacks, plush toys, cute accessories, kawaii mobile phone cases, etc.Let's have enjoy kawaii everthings together! We believed cuteness item is the least expensive luxury and it is one of the few things that bring us joy. It has been a great pleasure serving all of our lovely customers. Some of you might have contact with us before and some of you might not. We think it would be great if you get to know us better. Here is the ibentoy team: This store has always been a home of love, which makes us happy that so many people like what we create and what we recommend. My goal is to continue to provide lovely products in the next few years, and we hope to see more and more product choices. In our colorful world, you will never feel too old to enjoy a positive attitude to everything. Welcome to IBentoy😀, For joy~~~
ネガティブなレビューの 100%に回答しています
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