Showing posts with label shrikes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shrikes. Show all posts

Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Drive Through Box Canyon

1. Greaterville rd-kab Greaterville Rd. 3-20-13

After a day of rest, Chris and I continued our birding adventures on his week off from work. I had been telling Chris about Box Canyon ever since I met him. Today seemed like the perfect day to take a drive through. Box Canyon is a canyon that cuts through the Santa Rita Mountains from the Sonoita Highway on the east to Madera Canyon on the west. While you can drive through from either direction, we decided to go from east to west since that would put the sun behind out backs and make photography and bird identification much better. I pulled off Highway 83 onto Greaterville Road and slowed down. There is very little traffic on this road and one can drive slowly with their windows down to look and listen for birds.

2. meadowlark-kabThe first part of the road is paved and meanders past ranches and pasture. Much of the land is Savannah-like with a few scattered trees. Sometimes it is possible to see antelope in this area, but we did not see any today. With hazy blue skies overhead and mild temperatures we were quite comfortable as we watched for birds outside our windows. The scattered trees become a refuge and a lookout for all kinds of birds and we were seeing and hearing thrashers, meadowlarks and sparrows. We found a shrike atop a different tree, and blackbirds around the barns. Sparrows flitted up from the grasses causing us to stop and try to find and identify them. We scanned the sky for raptors and kept a look out for anything different. It was amazing how time just slipped away as we were lost in observing birds.3. shrike-kab It was the first day of spring on this day but there was not much in bloom yet. Box Canyon starts out at a lower elevation but slowly climbs up to greater heights. At the higher elevations in the oak montane sometimes Montezuma Quail are found. While we were both aware of this possibility, we did not hold out much hope of actually seeing one, though I actually did see my first ever Montezuma Quail on this road back in 2008.


4. thrasher-kab Curve-billed thrasher on barbed wire 3-20-18

As we left the grasslands behind the Santa Rita Mountains came into view. In some of the creases and crevices the last of the winters snow still held on tenaciously. Soon it would all be melted away for good.

5. santa ritas-kab Santa Rita Mountains 3-20-13

I cannot view these mountains without thinking of the impending mine that could go in here and destroy all this habitat. So much is at stake. So much beauty and wildlife will be affected if that mine goes in. A few greedy people will make their money and walk away, leaving the rest of us to deal with the aftermath and devastation. The Santa Ritas will never be the same. I shook these gloomy thoughts away and tried to enjoy the day before me. Today there is beauty. Today there are birds!

6. dirt road-kab Pavement now gave way to dirt as we entered Box Canyon proper. We were now within the boundaries of the Coronado National Forest. Any time we heard or saw a bird we stopped and tired to identify it and add it to our list. I found one place to stop along a wash where I pulled off the road and parked. Chris and I were hearing birds all around and the spot looked promising. He went one way and I another. while he wandered down the road, I went down a steep bank into the wash. While I found pyrrhuloxias, he found a Rufous-crowned Sparrow! It was a life bird for him!

7. Chris r-kab Chris with a look of triumph after having found and photographed a Rufous-crowned Sparrow.

8. mound-kab This was the upper part of a nearby hill.


9. waxwings and robins-kab Waxwings and Robins 3-20-13

A bit farther along the road we pulled off again and watched as flocks of birds flew over our heads. At first we were not sure what we were seeing, but then we realized that we were seeing a mixed flock of robins and Cedar Waxwings! Chris and I had been searching for waxwings all year with no luck. I’m not sure who said it first, but one of us commented, “So this is where they have been hiding!” We were quite happy to get them on our list for the year. There was a huge flock here feeding on hackberries.

10. towhee and AZWO-kab Canyon Towhee and Arizona Woodpecker on agave 3-20-13

As we stood there discussing the robins and waxwings I heard a light, tap-tapping which sounded like a woodpecker to me. I trained my binoculars in the direction of the sound and soon found its source. at first I thought it was a Ladder-backed woodpecker, but soon realized it was an Arizona woodpecker! It was not only a First of the Year (FOY) for me, but also the first time I had seen this species since moving back to Arizona last summer. And there at the base of the plant on one of its broad, spiky leaves was a Canyon Towhee to boot!

11. cow-kab Since this is open range, we did see a few cattle as well.

12. cattle guard-kab Cattle Guards and fences are used to keep the cattle in certain areas.

13. foothills-kab Much of the drive through Box Canyon is just about the scenery.

14. canyon rd-kab 

15. box canyon-kab 

16. canyon-kab 

17. curves-kab 

18. box canyon-kab Eventually the road emerges onto the bajada of the Santa Rita Mountains and the Santa Rita Experimental Range. Here the land opens out before us once again and we start to see and hear Cactus Wrens and Black-throated Sparrows.

19. hawk n shrike-kab I pulled the car up quickly when I spotted this Red-tailed Hawk and a Loggerhead Shrike on these utility wires. We watched as the pair stared each other down. At one point the shrike actually dive-bombed the hawk, but the hawk was not impressed and the shrike went back to its position.

20. BTSP-kab Farther down the road I pulled up sharply when we saw a couple of small birds in some ocotillo. They turned out to be Black-throated sparrows. By now we were passing Florida Canyon. We had been on the road since 7 a.m. without breakfast or lunch. I was quite hungry and ready to eat but Chris seems to be able to push himself much farther than I can without eating. As we drew nearer the paved road that lead to Madera Canyon, Chris suggested we take a quick detour there to see what we could see before heading into town to eat. By now it was nearly 1:30 PM, but I agreed. We are both such obsessive birders and we know it! I was nearing the pavement when I noticed an idiot light on in my car. It said one of my tires was losing pressure. Well, this has happened before when I have changed elevations. I thought it was from being higher up in the mountains and coming down, but as I turned onto the road I heard a sound that was unfamiliar for my car. Chris rolled down his window and looked out. “Pull over,” he said, “You have a flat tire!”

21. oops-kab And sure enough, I did!

Well that was the end of birding for this day. I felt so awful but Chris quickly took charge. My cell wasn’t working but Chris’ was. We made a few phone calls, then soon realized we would have to change the tire ourselves. As usual, we worked as a team and though I had never changed a tire on my vehicle before we soon located the spare underneath the back of the car. Chris was quite the gentleman and crawled underneath to dislodge it for me. Thankfully I had a big old towel I keep in the back so he did not have to lay in the dirt. Then, after getting the stupid 3 piece jack set up, I kneeled on the same towel and worked the jack since it was hard for Chris to bend down that far.22. chris-kab Still, Chris was my hero on this day. I cannot thank him enough. In the end it all worked out. We got the flat tire off and the gimpy spare on and drove into town on all back roads going only 50 mph, the supposed speed limit for the spare. The closest Firestone was 30 miles away in Tucson but we made it. A friend came to pick us up and we all went out to eat together before Chris dropped me at home and picked up his car. However, obsessive birders that we are, we were still counting birds along the edge of the parking lot at the tire store when we thought we heard and saw an oriole. We never did find it.


Note: Since this was such a long drive, we broke the count into three sections of 5 miles or less:

Birds Seen on Greaterville Road on 3-20-13 (Start 7:45 AM; 3.2 miles; 1:17 hours.)

  1. Turkey Vulture
  2. Northern Harrier
  3. Red-tailed Hawk
  4. Eurasian Collared dove
  5. Mourning Dove
  6. Gila Woodpecker
  7. Ladder-backed Woodpecker
  8. American Kestrel
  9. Say’s Phoebe
  10. Loggerhead Shrike
  11. Common raven
  12. Northern Mockingbird
  13. Curve-billed thrasher
  14. Canyon Towhee
  15. Rufous-winged Sparrow
  16. Chipping Sparrow
  17. Vesper Sparrow
  18. Lark Sparrow
  19. Lark bunting
  20. White-crowned Sparrow
  21. Eastern Meadowlark
  22. Brewer’s Blackbirds
  23. House Finch

Birds seen in Box Canyon on 3-20-2013 (Start 9:25 AM; 3:23 hours; 4.8 miles)

  1. Turkey Vulture
  2. Northern Harrier
  3. Cooper’s Hawk
  4. Ladder-backed Woodpecker
  5. Arizona woodpecker
  6. Northern Flicker
  7. Cassin’s Kingbird
  8. Mexican jay
  9. Common raven
  10. Verdin
  11. Rock Wren
  12. Cactus Wren
  13. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher
  14. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
  15. American Robin
  16. Curve-billed thrasher
  17. Cedar Waxwing
  18. Canyon Towhee
  19. Rufous-winged Sparrow
  20. Rufous-Crowned Sparrow (seen only by Chris)
  21. Chipping Sparrow
  22. Black-throated Sparrow
  23. Northern Cardinal
  24. Eastern Meadowlark
  25. Lesser Goldfinch
  26. Dark-eyed Junco

Birds seen on the Santa Rita Experimental Range on 3-20-13 (Start 12:45 PM; 39 minutes: 6.1 miles)

  1. Gambel’s Quail
  2. Turkey Vulture
  3. Red-tailed Hawk
  4. Loggerhead Shrike
  5. Cactus wren
  6. Northern Mockingbird
  7. Black-throated Sparrow
  8. Lark Sparrow

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Birding Bliss at Roosevelt Lake

1. Roosevelt lake-kab Roosevelt Lake State Park 3-18-13

It was the middle of March when Chris Rohrer and I went on a birding adventure to Boyce Thompson Arboretum and Roosevelt Lake. It was after noon by the time we left Boyce Thompson, and by the time we stopped to eat lunch and then headed north it was after 4 p.m. when we arrived at the lake. I had always wanted to come back to this lake and go birding after Gus and I stopped by her eon our way home from an anniversary weekend in Payson back in June of 2010. Not only did I want to show Chris this marvelous birding location, I also wanted to get some birds on my Gila County bird list. I also wanted Chris to get birds in Gila County as well, since this would be his first time ever birding here.

2. Cliffs-kab When we pulled off the road and into the first parking lot at a place called Windy Point, we were not disappointed. Blackbirds, finches and sparrows fluttered around the parking lot. Great Blue Herons flapped slowly over the water, while Vultures and hawks soared overhead. In the surrounding brush we saw and heard Gambel’s Quail. And to make it all perfect, there was nobody around. We practically had the place to ourselves. It was Birding Bliss!

3. bullet bird-kab Bullet Bird

I must have been very tired by now, because I did not take many pictures though I have so many memories of birds in my head. Also, many of the birds were out of range and the photos were not very good. When I get tired I tend to focus more on identifying what I am seeing, instead of photographing it. As I drove along the road I spotted a Loggerhead shrike in the brush along the way. After stopping the car I got out to take a shot of the bird only to have  it fly directly towards me like a bullet! While it’s not the clearest shot, I liked it anyways. We saw quite a few shrikes at Roosevelt Lake.

4. ring-billed gull-kab Ring-billed Gull 3-18-13

One of Chris’ goals was to get a Ring-billed Gull on his Arizona Life List. Chris is much better than I am at researching what birds he might see at a certain location and he already knew that the gulls had been seen her. Me? I fly by the seat of my pants and take whatever falls into my lap. The road at Windy Point winds down past several parking areas and water access points and camp grounds. By the time we got to the last parking area it was on a point of land where we could see water all around us. It was here that we found our gulls. Chris was in heaven. He was also tired at this point but when he saw the gulls his energy went right back up and he was engaged in the process once again. I now knew that he had found his Bliss.

5. shrike-kab Loggerhead Shrike 3-18-13

The sun was swiftly sinking in the west and a cool breeze wafted over the blue water. I wanted us to get all the way to the Roosevelt Bridge but it was soon apparent that we would not make it that far tonight. Chris and I got into the car and drove just a wee bit farther north to a spot called Cottonwood Cove and were once again overwhelmed by the amount of birds we were seeing. In a tall tree near the parking lot cormorants and herons had a rookery going. In the grass around us numerous sparrows flitted about. We found a vermilion flycatcher in a nearby tree. Chris and I ran off in different directions pursuing whatever caught our fancy! As colored filled the sky the sounds of herons and cormorants permeated the air. Shadows deepened to purple. Vultures drifted overhead. It all felt so magical and in such contrast to the hot, sunny, crowded morning. It was balm for out souls. I saw a different sparrow in a bush near the parking lot. In the gloaming I trained my binoculars on it trying to identify what I was seeing. To my utter surprise, in this wild place, I found a female House Sparrow! Oh well, that made just one more species for this list!

6. night-kab With darkness now upon us, we got in the car and headed for Tucson, a long, three hour ride. We were both spent but happy. We stopped once along the way for coffee and a snack at the only place that was open in Globe: a Safeway grocery store! It was while we were on highway 79 between Oro Valley and Florence that we got the final bird of the day when  Great Horned Owl flew right in front of my car! Since I was driving, Chris logged it into eBird for us on his BirdLog app. It was a long day and near midnight when I finally pulled into my driveway, but I was not sorry. Though I like Boyce Thompson Arboretum, I would have to say that Roosevelt lake was my favorite experience on this day, and I cannot wait to go back. I know I have only scratched the surface of the birding possibilities there! I suspect that once summer arrives, it will be quite different with all the people on the water and camping, but for the month of March in spring, it was truly Birding Bliss!


Birds Seen at Roosevelt Lake on 3-18-2013

  1. Turkey Vulture-seen while driving on highway
  2. Rock Pigeon
  3. Mourning Dove
  4. Common Raven
  5. Eurasian Collared Dove
  6. Gambel’s Quail-Windy Point
  7. Neotropic cormorant
  8. Double Crested Cormorant
  9. Great Blue Heron
  10. golden Eagle
  11. Northern Harrier
  12. Red-tailed Hawk
  13. Ring-billed Gull
  14. Gila Woodpecker
  15. Loggerhead Shrike
  16. Verdin
  17. Phainopepla
  18. Yellow-rumped Warbler
  19. Abert’s Towhee
  20. Savannah Sparrow
  21. Red-winged Blackbird
  22. Western Meadowlark
  23. Great-tailed Grackle
  24. House Finch
  25. Lesser Goldfinch
  26. Black-crowned Night Heron-Cottonwood Cove
  27. Zone-tailed Hawk
  28. Vermilion Flycatcher
  29. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
  30. Vesper Sparrow
  31. Black-throated sparrow
  32. White-crowned Sparrow
  33. Northern Cardinal
  34. House Sparrow

Note: Bird species are listed in the order of first sightings. Bold lettering denotes birds seen at a new location. Some species were seen at all locations.

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