We all have a role to play in promoting positive outcomes for children and families. Our educators are on the frontlines of this work, helping children succeed through all aspects of life. The below information is intended to help educators connect families to resources that may alleviate stress and provide education and resources on reporting child abuse or neglect. When we identify the root causes of familial stress and conflict, children and families are able to thrive.
How to Recognize Child Abuse or Neglect in Virtual Settings
A Guide for Educators
Plan an assignment that asks students to write out what they did the day before.
What activities did they pursue?
How did they spend their time?
Notice the details.
Ask Questions.
Questions such as “what did you have for breakfast today?”
Or “how did you sleep last night?”
These questions can provide clues to a child’s wellness.
Educate yourself on the physical and behavioral signs of child abuse and neglect.
For example, a behavioral sign of physical abuse could be complaining of soreness.
Identifying Child Abuse and Neglect During COVID-19
In the below video, Division of Family Services Director Trenee Parker discusses how to identify child abuse and neglect during the pandemic. In this virtual world, quick tips include asking questions, paying attention to a child’s surroundings, and educating yourself on the behavioral and physical signs of abuse or neglect. If you are concerned about a child, please reach out to 1-800-292-9582 or report online at iseethesigns.delaware.gov.