How to Apply

Join a diverse and inclusive community shaped by a commitment to the future.

Stanford Law typically receives more than 4,500 applications annually from potential students in all 50 states, D.C., Puerto Rico and 50 countries. Some 180 of those who apply join our vibrant community. Students come from careers in the public and private sectors, small liberal arts colleges and institutes of technology, military academies and academies of art, theological seminaries and medical schools, distinguished state universities and centuries-old private universities.

For more stats on the applicants and the demographic of the students at Stanford Law School, visit the ABA-Required Disclosure page.

Joint Degree and Cooperative Programs with Other Institutions

Interdisciplinary education is a hallmark of Stanford University and a distinct strength of Stanford Law, where students can explore the many ways law intersects with other fields.

Joint Degree Application Process
SLS Students Offer Advice to Those Considering a Joint Degree

Advanced Degree Programs

The Master of Legal Studies (MLS)

The Master of Legal Studies (MLS) is a nonprofessional degree designed for advanced graduate students from the United States or abroad who have no prior legal training and whose interdisciplinary research requires knowledge of the foundations of the legal system. Only a few such students, if any, are admitted in a given year. Questions concerning the MLS should be directed to