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Blockchain and Digital Assets Discussing Code is Law in the Crypto/DAO context.11/18/24Miami, FLUSAKeynote
Distinguished Speak Series in Law, Technology & Innovation Addressing how the emerging technologies of AI threaten democratic ideals and capacity.11/16/24Tallahassee, FLUSAFlorida State UniversityKeynote
HLS Beyond Discussing How to Steal a Presidential Election.10/30/24Cambridge, MAUSAPanel
President's Speaker Series Addressing the threats we might expect in the 2024 election and reflects on the nature of the challenges created by our unique - and increasingly troubled - Electoral College system.10/22/24Bay City, MIUSADelta CollegeKeynote
What AI is doing to America's democracy Discussing the impact of artificial intelligence on the 2024 American election, and the implications that this will have for democracy in the future.10/15/24LondonEnglandPhelan US CentreLecture
Exploring Democracy- Past, Present and Future Discussing the future of democracy and citizen responsibilities.10/11/24Concord, MAUSAKeynote
Harvard ALI Democracy Deep Dive Discussing strengthening democracy through institutional innovations.09/27/24Cambridge, MAUSAFAS Boylston Hall Fong AuditoriumFireside Chat
Digitalist Papers Launch Discussing leveraging AI and digital technologies for democratic transformation.09/24/24Stanford, CAUSADavid and Joan Traitel Building of Hoover InstitutionPanel Discussion
(D)democratic Process By the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, panel discussion on the theme of how small d democratic the Democratic Party should be, precipitated by the transition from Biden to Harris as its Presidential Candidate.09/10/24VirtualPanel
Maine Citizens to End Super PACs Discussing the legal decisions over the past decade that led to Question 1 and the path forward for Question 1 post-election, including the legal arguments that we believe will lead to a landmark Supreme Court ruling.08/29/24Portland, MEUSAPresentation
Building A More Public AI Ecosystem Discussing why this is the moment for public AI.08/14/24Washington, DCUSALibrary of CongressKeynote
A Fresh Look at Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace Discussing how the premise about code as law and the power of government to make the Internet regulatable translate to today and the advance of AI.06/26/24Portsmouth, NHUSAIAPP HeadquartersKeynote
Democracy's Crisis and How it Ends Presented thoughts on what we need to do to protect our democracy at this critical time in our history.06/25/24Concord, MAUSAKeynote
The AI Awakening Exploring the implications of AI for our economy and society.05/21/24Stanford, CAUSAFireside chat
Social Media and Democracy Examining the influence that social media has on American democracy and consider the ways to honor our values in this changing landscape.05/14/24Concord, NHUSAThe Audi, Concord, NHLecture
Governing Open Source AI Discussing the challenges for governing AI, especially open source, or open-weight, AI. 04/24/24Lake ComoItalyRockefeller Center, Bellagio panel
A Politically Plausible Reform to the Electoral College At the Ash Center for Democracy's Conference on the Electoral College, presenting a strategy to achieve fractional proportional voting with the Electoral College. 04/05/24Cambridge, MAUSATaubman Building, HarvardKeynote
AI and Democracy At HLS AI retreat, discussing AI and democracy. 03/30/24Essex, MAUSApanel
AI and Democracy Discussing the challenge that AI will present for democracy, at the annual PATRIA conference in Cuba03/19/24HavanaCubaKeynote
The Need For An Article V Convention Discussing the need for an Article V convention at the annual Federalist Convention.03/09/24Cambridge, MAUSAAmes Hall, HLSpanel discussion
Resolved: America Needs An Article V Convention Debate at the Yale Political Union about whether we need an Article V convention. (Our side prevailed!)03/05/24New Haven, CTUSAYale Political Uniondebate
How to Steal A Presidential Election Discussing my book with Matt Seligman.02/26/24Cambridge, MAUSAEdmond & Lily Safra Center for Ethicsbook talk
The Internet We Have, The Internet We Deserve Lecture in the Burnes Center for Social Change02/06/24Boston, MAUSANortheastern UniversityLecture
TEDxBerlin: Democracy and AI TEDxBerlin talk about democracy and AI02/02/24BerlinGermanyAdmiralspalast BerlinKeynote
A Constitution for 2076 Conference mapping the structure of constitutional reform. 12/04/23 to 12/07/23Santa Fe, NMUSAconference
The brilliance in the Slaughterhouse Cases Presentation of paper at a conference celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Slaughterhouse Cases. 10/19/23Camden, NJUSARutgers Law Schoolconference
Berkman Klein Future of the Internet Summit Discussion of the future of democracy and technology at launch of the Berkman/Klein Applied Social Media Lab. 10/18/23Cambridge, MAUSAKlarman Hall, HBSpanel presentation
The Future of the Electoral College Fisher Broyles sponsored event discussing the future of the Electoral College. 10/17/23VirtualUSApanel discussion
New Hampshire Civics Treat Talk about the fight to reform representative democracy, and the hope there is that we might succeed. 10/13/23Manchester, NHUSAKeynote
MA Legislators Briefing Presentation about an Article V convention, and the use of Citizen Assemblies as a way to bind a convention to democratic choices.10/10/23Boston, MAUSAMassachusetts Capitolpresentation
America Democracy Summit Bi-annual democracy conference sponsored by Represent.US gathering activists from across the world.09/27/23 to 09/29/23Los Angeles, CAUSAKeynote
Taiwan AI Academy Annual Conference AI & the Law09/16/23TaipeiTaiwanKeynote Speaker
HKPF International Symposium on Cyber Policing Addressing the Threats to Smart Communications09/13/23Hong KongKeynote Speaker
Data for Health Conference 2023 Importance of the use of health data and transatlantic access to health data. Highlighting positive use cases and best practices06/21/23BerlinGermanyPanelist
Blockchain constitutionalism: the role of legitimacy in polycentric systems "What generates legitimacy in blockchain systems: crypto-economics or crypto-politics?”06/07/23FlorenceItalyEuropean University InstituteFireside Chat
The Future of Deliberation: Exploring Political, Social and Epistemic Control How Deliberation Could Fit06/02/23ReykjavíkIcelandUniversity of Iceland Lecture
Ginestié Magellan Paley-Vincent 50th Anniversary The world institutional and legal environment a decade from now, in a time of political and technological disruption05/24/23ParisFranceKeynote Address
Text and (What Kind of) History Text, History, and the Fourteenth Amendment05/20/23Stanford, CAUSAPanel Discussion
CodeX FutureLaw 2023 Workshop Navigating the Intersection: Understanding the Interplay of Generative AI and the Law04/14/23Stanford, CAUSAClosing Keynote
DAO Harvard Research Summit Session Two: Governance - Lightning talks and discussion04/10/23Cambridge, MAUSAPanel Discussion
Harvard Alumni Real Estate Board Meeting On understanding our corruptions: How good people make a bad world.03/30/23Cambridge, MAUSAFeatured Speaker
The Astor Lecture Series The Code Democracy Presumes: How Media Influence Politics03/09/23OxfordEnglandOxford Centre for Socio-Legal StudiesLecture
International Conference on Justice Legal Challenges of Artificial intelligence in Judicial Areas03/05/23RiyadhSaudi ArabiaPanel Discussion
The Federalist Society - Harvard Student Chapter The State of the Research on the Privileges or Immunities Clause02/17/23Cambridge, MAUSAPanel Discussion
Wolf-PAC Virtual Workshop 22': Powerbuilding with Purpose

Panel: United We Stand

12/17/22VirtualSpeech & Panel Moderator
The New Context Conference TOKYO 2022 Web3 Brand Management11/04/22TokyoJapanKeynote Speech and Panel Discussion
CODE Korea Conference Changing Paradigm: Evolution of the Internet07/15/22VirtualPanel Discussion
KGRI Great Thinker Series "How Can and Should the Platforms be Governed?: Assessment of EU Digital Services/Market Acts"06/24/22TokyoJapanLecture
KRGI 2040 / CCRC Joint Symposium Implication of Ukraine-Russia Digital Conflict on Democracy06/24/22TokyoJapanKeynote Address
University of Victoria Spring 2022 Convocation Ceremony Honorary Degree Recipient - Honorary Doctor of Education06/13/22Victoria, BCCanadaHonoree
Internet Archive presents Congressman Ro Khanna in conversation with Larry Lessig Dignity in the Digital Age: Making Tech Work for All of Us05/31/22San Francisco, CAUSABook Talk
XXIV Brazilian Magistrates Congress: Democracy, Innovation, and Fundamental Rights "The Impact of Disinformation on the Democratic Process"05/12/22SalvadorBrazilOpening Speech
Brown University Dermatology Residency Program Institutional Corruption and the Pharmaceutical Industry05/06/22VirtualTalk
Wiki Workshop 2022 "How Can the Internet Be So Bad and So Good? The Lessons We Must Draw and That Wiki Must Teach"04/25/22VirtualKeynote Address
Konstanz University International Colloquium - Centre for Human Data Society "Constituting the Human Data Society"04/21/22KonstanzGermanyKeynote Address
CodeX FutureLaw Conference Computational Law and the Metaverse (Do Virtual Realities Need Law?)04/07/22Stanford, CAUSAPanel Discussion
Southern Methodist University’s Underwood Law Library’s 50th Anniversary Celebration "A Minoritarian Democracy"03/31/22Dallas, TXUSAKeynote Address
Democracy: a Harvard Law School Lecture Series Session 5: Money in Politics03/21/22VirtualPanel Chair
Second Digital Day '22 "On the cultures of creativity"03/11/22VirtualKeynote Address
St. Mark's School - Gray Colloquium Democracy (Strengths and Weaknesses)02/17/22Southborough, MAUSAKeynote Address and Q&A
WSJ Special Reports Tech Roundtable "How should tech companies and data be governed and regulated?"02/16/22VirtualRoundtable Discussion
CCRC/ KGRI2040/ JST Joint Event "The Change of Media and Democracy in the Digital Society" The Future of Journalism12/20/21VirtualLead Panel Speaker
Democracy: a Harvard Law School Lecture Series

Session 3: Social Media and Democracy

11/15/21VirtualPanel Chair
"Society of Internet Platforms” International Conference hosted by the National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary "How Platforms Change Democracies — for the Worse"10/29/21BudapestHungaryKeynote Address
International Seminar on Disinformation hosted by the Superior Electoral Court of Brazil "The Impact of Disinformation on Democratic Processes"10/26/21VirtualOpening Lecture
Visioning a Better America Conference "How could We (the People) Speak Better and be Better Heard?"10/07/21VirtualTalk
Panel Discussion at the Global Forum on Democratizing Work "Democratizing the Media: Stakes and Strategies for Action"10/05/21VirtualPanel Discussion
Harvard Law School Library Book Talk: Power to the People: Constitutionalism After Populism Power to the People: Constitutionalism After Populism by Mark Tushnet and Bojan Bugarič10/05/21VirtualPanel Discussion
Creative Commons Global Forum Creative Commons09/23/21VirtualKeynote Address
TEDxMarin: What Now? Ideas for an Uncharted Future "What's Next for Democracy"09/18/21VirtualTalk
Town of Strafford Democratic Committee Fundraiser We the People Act09/12/21Rollinsford, NHUSASpeech
Equal Citizens Event on the Filibuster - Panel Discussion: Lawrence Lessig (Chair), Cliff Albright, and Eli Zupnick The Filibuster08/05/21VirtualPanel Discussion
Town of New Durham Democratic Committee Peaches & Politics Annual Fundraiser We the People Act07/31/21New Durham, NHUSASpeech
7th Circuit Bar Association Foundation - The First Amendment in the Internet Age Social Media, the First Amendment, and the Future of American Democracy06/16/21VirtualSpeech & Panel Discussion
USI 2021 Paris Unexpected Sources of Inspiration How technologies shape our relationships towards power and our responsibilities as citizens06/15/21VirtualTalk
A Conversation About HR-1: Lawrence Lessig, Jason Alexander, and Elizabeth Hira HR-106/04/21VirtualQ&A
A Conversation with Lawrence Lessig at the Columbia Political Union Lessig's body of work05/20/21VirtualQ&A
New Hampshire Ranked Choice Voting Monthly State Networking Meeting Ranked Choice Voting05/08/21VirtualSpeech
Deliberations.Us: The Electoral College The Electoral College05/01/21VirtualPlenary Address
Open Democracy Book Club They Don't Represent Us04/15/21VirtualBook Talk
iSLaCo’2021, St. Petersburg State University, Moscow «US: A(nother) Minoritarian Nation»04/08/21VirtualMaster Class
Panel Discussion: Lawrence Lessig (chair), Guy Charles, and Carol Anderson The Fight For Voting Rights Reform: Should Reformers Prioritize HR-1, HR-4, or Both?03/31/21VirtualPanel Discussion
KFCF Fresno Webinar They Don't Represent Us03/30/21VirtualWebinar
HR-1 Discussion: Lawrence Lessig & Elizabeth Hira HR-103/26/21VirtualAMA
TEDxWarwick Q&A on Lessig's Talk, “The US: Another Minoritarian Nation” «US: A(nother) Minoritarian Nation»03/24/21VirtualQ&A
University of Arizona College of Law Participatory Democracy Distinguished Speaker Series The state of our democracy and the creation and work of Equal Citizens03/23/21VirtualKeynote Address
Boston Children’s Hospital's Landmark Ideas Series “The Privacy Confusion: First Thoughts on Clearer Thinking” 03/01/21VirtualLecture
Live Facebook Event with Lawrence Lessig “The For the People Act”02/26/21VirtualLive Q&A
State Legislator Article V Caucus “Protecting the American Voice”01/26/21VirtualWebinar (with Jim Rubens and Kevin Lundberg)
Virtual Joint Meeting of the International Media Management Academic Association and the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information “The Business Model of Democratic Culture”01/21/21VirtualLecture
KGRI Great Thinker Series: Interdisciplinary Dialogues with Professor Lessig, hosted by Keio University, Tokyo, Japan Broadly acceptable architecture for data governance after the global pandemic12/18/20VirtualPanels
Screening Panel hosted by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget UnRepresented12/16/20VirtualPanel
A More Perfect Union: Ideas to Improve Our Democracy Panel, The Aspen Institute Democracy12/10/20VirtualPanel
Internet Archive Annual Event Democracy12/09/20VirtualSpeech
Hell & High Water with John Heilemann: Lawrence Lessig + Laurence Tribe The 2020 Elections; Electoral Reform11/24/20VirtualPodcast Discussion
Reaching 270 by 2024 - The Path to a National Popular Vote The Constitutionality Issue11/19/20VirtualPanel
The Soho Forum on the Electoral College: Lawrence Lessig + Richard Epstein The Electoral College11/11/20VirtualDebate
Spirit of Democracy Course, Stanford University Electoral Reform11/11/20VirtualGuest Speaker
Hot Docs Digital Conversation Series on the US Election

The 2020 Election Results and What's Next for American Democracy

Advanced Erie Problems Seminar, Harvard Law School Erie and Originalism11/10/20VirtualGuest Speaker
Election 2020 Debriefing Panel, Harvard Law School The 2020 Elections11/05/20VirtualPanel
America in One Room: Electoral College Deliberation The Electoral College11/01/20VirtualSpeaker
Equal Citizens Live Discussion The 2020 Elections10/30/20VirtualLive Discussion
Discussion on Democracy with Professor Lessig, co-sponsored by Harvard Democracy Matters, the Campaign and Advocacy Program, and the Harvard Political Union A Framework for Approaching the 2020 Elections10/20/20VirtualFeatured Guest
University of Vienna Videopodcast COVID-19 and the Law10/16/20VirtualFeatured Guest
2020 Elections Course, Department of Political Science, University of Connecticut The 2020 Elections10/09/20VirtualGuest Speaker
ACS Panel, Harvard Law School Supreme Court 2020 Review10/07/20VirtualPanel
TEDxSanAntonio Red Dot Cafe: Lawrence Lessig + H. Drew Galloway

Voting, citizenship, and the democratic institution

10/02/20VirtualModerated Conversation
WolfPAC Mock Committee Hearing US Legislation09/27/20VirtualPresenter
William & Mary Guest Lecture Chiafalo v. Washington09/24/20VirtualGuest Lecture
Georgia College of Law Panel Supreme Court 2020 Review09/23/20VirtualPanel
APSA Annual Meeting Electoral College Panel09/20/20VirtualPanel Chair
Curious Minds Festival They Don’t Represent Us03/06/20TorontoCanadaBook Talk
The Hyatt Fund, Vanderbilt Law School "The Electoral College: A Politically Plausible Fix"02/21/20Nashville, TNUSASpeech
Spheres of Influence: Examining the Interplay of Technology in the Law Symposium, JETLaw, Vanderbilt Law School 02/20/20Nashville, TNUSAKeynote Address
Publius Symposium, Constitutional Law Center, Stanford University
Fidelity & Constraint: How the Supreme Court Has Read the American Constitution
02/13/20Palo Alto, CAUSAHonoree
Justice, Taxes, and Global Financial Integrity Seminar, Yale University They Don't Represent Us02/04/20New Haven, CTUSAGuest Lecture
Ezra Klein's Why We're Polarized Book Event Why We're Polarized by Ezra Klein01/31/20Boston, MAUSADiscussion with the Author
Culture and Dissent Seminar, University of Iceland How to repair democracy01/24/20ReykjavikIcelandGuest Lecture
Democratic Constitutional Design Conference "What the Crisis in America’s Democracy Says About Democracy Anywhere"01/23/20ReykjavikIcelandPublic Lecture
Tulsi Gabbard 2020 Event 01/14/20Concord, NHUSASpeech
Democracy Town Hall with Deval Patrick 01/10/20Dover, NHUSATown Hall
The Federalist Society Annual Faculty Conference 2019 The Electoral College01/03/20Washington, DCUSADebate
Democracy Town Hall with Tom Steyer 12/21/19Nashua, NHUSAModerator
The Internet Archive Public Lecture They Don't Represent Us12/17/19San Francisco, CAUSABook Talk
The Commonwealth Club Book Talk They Don't Represent Us12/16/19San Francisco, CAUSABook Talk
The Chip Franklin Show, KGO Radio They Don't Represent Us12/16/19San Francisco, CAUSABook Interview
Roundtable Discussion with Ph.D. Students, Hebrew University of Jerusalem "The Unrepresentative Us"12/11/19JerusalemIsraelFeatured Guest
Public Lecture at Hebrew University of Jerusalem "Democracy When the People Can't Be Bothered"12/10/19JerusalemIsraelLecture
Internets of the World Conference 2019 "Is the 'Surveillance Society' a 'Society'?"12/05/19CopenhagenDenmarkSpeech
Lawrence Lessig Book Talk at Politics and Prose Bookstore They Don't Represent Us11/22/19Washington, DCUSABook Talk
A Conversation with Lawrence Lessig, The Brennan Center They Don't Represent Us11/21/19New York, NYUSAModerated Conversation
Cheddar They Don't Represent Us11/21/19New York, NYUSABook Interview
Lawrence Lessig Book Talk at The National Constitution Center They Don't Represent Us11/20/19Philadelphia, PAUSABook Talk
Greater Boston with Jim Braude, WGBH They Don't Represent Us11/19/19Boston, MAUSABook Interview
Symposium of Lawrence Lessig’s Ideas on Internet, Society and Law & Frontier Issues of the Digital Network, at Jinan University "America's Challenge: Is Market the Law?"11/16/19GuangzhouChinaKeynote Speech
Lawrence Lessig Book Talk Harvard Kennedy School They Don't Represent Us11/13/19Cambridge, MAUSABook Talk
Lawrence Lessig Book Talk at The University of New Hampshire They Don't Represent Us11/12/19Durham, NHUSABook Talk
World Frontiers Forum 2019 Towards a Humanistic Conception of the Internet11/09/19BerlinGermanyPanel
World Frontiers Forum 2019 Internet Governance11/08/19BerlinGermanyPioneer Talk
Lawrence Lessig Book Talk at the Brattle Theater, in partnership with Harvard Book Store They Don't Represent Us11/05/19Cambridge, MAUSABook Talk
Plutocracy in America Panel at Symphony Space, co-hosted by The New Republic Plutocracy in America11/04/19New York, NYUSAPanel with Tim Wu, Matt Stoller, Ganesh Sotaraman, and Zephyr Teachout
Dream Big Public Lecture, at the Cambridge Public Library The Sanctity of the Ballot10/29/19Cambridge, MAUSAModerated Conversation
Democracy Town Hall with Bill Weld 10/27/19Nashua, NHUSASpeech
The New Jersey State Bar Association Annual Meeting, Special CLE Program "The Unstoppable Walk to Political Reform"10/25/19New Brunswick, NJUSAFeatured Speaker
The PPE Society at Brown University, Roundtable
Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy
10/22/19Providence, RIUSAGuest Speaker
Conference on the Electoral College, at Harvard Law School The Electoral College10/19/19Cambridge, MAUSAKeynote Address
Bemis Free Lecture Series They Don't Represent Us10/10/19Lincoln, MAUSALecture
Recent Books on the Constitution Seminar, Georgetown Law School
Fidelity & Constraint: How the Supreme Court Has Read the American Constitution
10/08/19Washington, DCUSAGuest Speaker
Network for Responsible Public Policy Book Talk America, Compromised10/03/19Ridgewood, NJUSABook Talk
Ridgewood High School Book Talk America, Compromised10/03/19Ridgewood, NJUSABook Talk
Harvard Law School Library Book Talk
Fidelity & Constraint: How the Supreme Court Has Read the American Constitution
09/25/19Cambridge, MAUSABook Talk
XXV Meeting of the Colombian Constitutional Jurisdiction Panel II: Constitutional Judges and Social Media in the Digital Age09/19/19CartagenaColombiaPanel
Net Politics Conference, co-hosted by Wikimedia Germany "How Democracy Survives the Internet: The Lessons that Wikipedia Can Teach"09/13/19BerlinGermanyKeynote Address
Democracy Town Hall with Tulsi Gabbard 09/06/19Dover, NHUSASpeech
2019 APSA Annual Meeting The Electoral College08/29/19Washington, DCUSAPanel
Harvard Gazette Book Interview They Don't Represent Us08/23/19Cambridge, MAUSABook Interview
Harvard Law School Faculty Workshop The Supreme Court of the United States07/29/19Cambridge, MAUSATalk
State Bar of Nevada Annual Meeting 2019 "An Essentially Unrepresentative Representative Democracy"06/27/19Vail, COUSASpeech
The New Context Conference 2019 Tokyo "Reflections on the Surveillance Society: Can We Resist iIt? Do We Want to Resist It?06/24/19TokyoJapanKeynote Address
Book Talk, Treasury Executive Institute, Department of the Treasury
Fidelity & Constraint: How the Supreme Court Has Read the American Constitution
06/11/19Washington, DCUSABook Talk
New Trends in Constitutional Law Conference, at Harvard Law School America, Compromised06/05/19Cambridge, MAUSABook Talk
Students for Peace and Survival Club Speaker Series, Bethlehem Central High School "Can Democracy Survive the Internet?"05/29/19Delmar, NYUSALecture
Radio Boston WBUR 90.9 FM Interview
Fidelity & Constraint: How the Supreme Court Has Read the American Constitution
05/13/19Cambridge, MAUSABook Interview
Reclaim Our Democracy Public Lecture "POTUS 1: The Next Fight for Democracy"04/29/19Concord, MAUSALecture
EuropaCamp 2019 "Democracy's Greatest Challenge: the Demos"04/27/19HamburgGermanyKeynote Address
Global Financial Integrity Seminar, Yale University Money in politics04/22/19New Haven, CTUSAGuest Speaker
TEDxMarin: An Evening with Lawrence Lessig The future of democracy04/18/19San Rafael, CAUSALecture
Democracy Town Hall 04/07/19Concord, NHUSASpeech
Lebanon High School Guest Lecture in AP Government Campaign finance reform04/05/19Lebanon, NHUSALecture
UNRIG 2019 "What's Wrong With a Little Transparency?"03/29/19Nashville, TNUSAPanel
Harvard Law School Library Book Talk America, Compromised03/27/19Cambridge, MAUSABook Talk
Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center Talk America, Compromised03/26/19Cambridge, MAUSATalk
Donatella Della Ratta Book Talk Shooting a Revolution: Visual Media and Warfare in Syria by Donatella Della Ratta03/22/19RomeItalyDiscussion with the Author
John Cabot University Public Lecture 10 Years after Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy03/21/19RomeItalyLecture
Yale Law School Center for Private Law Spring 2019 Seminar "How Code Changes 'We'"03/19/19New Haven, CTUSALecture
UL Lafayette Saloom Speaker Series Constitutional Convention and Political Reform03/13/19Lafayette, LAUSAKeynote Address
Open Education Week, at SUNY Geneseo "On the Obligations of Scholars"03/06/19Geneseo, NYUSAKeynote Address
Democracy Entrepreneurs Conference, at Harvard Kennedy School "Challenges Facing our Democracy"03/01/19Cambridge, MAUSAFeatured Speech
Guest Lecture, Civil Procedure, Vermont Law School Civil Procedure02/27/19South Royalton, VTUSALecture
Roger McNamee Book Talk, at Harvard Law School Zucked: Waking Up to the Facebook Catastrophe by Roger McNamee02/26/19Cambridge, MAUSADiscussion with the Author
2019 Imagine Solutions Conference Leadership, Purpose, and Values02/25/19Naples, FLUSASpeech
Harper's Magazine Forum "The Limits of the Constitution"02/22/19New York, NYUSAPanel
Penn Law Faculty Ad Hoc Workshop
Fidelity & Constraint: How the Supreme Court Has Read the American Constitution (Manuscript)
02/21/19Philadelphia, PAUSASpeech and moderated Q&A
Book Talk at Harvard Book Store America, Compromised02/01/19Cambridge, MAUSABook Talk
Public Domain Day, at Suffolk University Law School "How Losing Wins: The Fight for a Public Domain"01/31/19Boston, MAUSAKeynote Address
Grand Re-Opening of the Public Domain, at the Internet Archive Public Domain01/25/19San Francisco, CAUSAKeynote Address
The Beat with Ari Melber on MSNBC "This Impeachment is Different—and More Dangerous" essay in Politico magazine01/02/19New York, NYUSAFeatured Guest
The Joe Rogan Experience 12/13/18Woodland Hills, CAUSAFeatured Guest
Harvard Club Event "When Republics Are Not: The Failure of American Democracy"12/07/18MoscowRussiaTalk
Conference on the Digital Economy Digital Economy and Competition Policy12/06/18MoscowRussiaPlenary Address
Tim Wu Book Talk The Curse of Bigness: Antitrust in the New Gilded Age by Tim Wu11/29/18Cambridge, MAUSADiscussion with the Author
RCV Event Ranked Choice Voting10/25/18Portland, MEUSASpeech
Electoral College: Stay or Go? Electoral College: Stay or Go?10/18/18Newton, MAUSAPanel
Jamie Susskind Book Talk Future Politics: Living Together in a World Transformed by Technology by Jamie Susskind10/16/18Cambridge, MAUSAPanel
Distinguished Lecture at CityU “Democracy—with American Characteristics”10/08/18Hong KongHong KongLecture
Democratic Constitutional Design Conference, at the University of Iceland How 'the People' Are Represented09/27/18ReykjavikIcelandTalk
An Evening with Sam Waterston Campaign Reform 2020 Kick-off09/18/18Concord, NHUSAConversation
Leadership Now 2018 National Member Meeting: The Path to Renewing Democracy Federal and State-Level Strategies to Fix Democracy09/14/18Boston, MAUSAPanel Moderator
APSA Annual Conference Democracy When the People Are Thinking by James Fishkin08/31/18Boston, MAUSAPanel
Wolf PAC Article V Convention08/12/18Salt Lake City, UTUSASpeech
Santa Fe Institute Workshop "On the Problem Called ‘Democracy’"08/06/18Santa Fe, NMUSATalk
Humboldt University Lecture Crafting Democratic Communities in the Digital Age07/04/18BerlinGermanyLecture
Weizenbaum Institute Workshop Democracy and Public Sphere under Conditions of Digitalization07/02/18BerlinGermanyLecture
Blockchain and the Law Book Talk Blockchain and the Law: The Role of Code by Primavera De Filippi and Aaron Wright06/13/18BerlinGermanyDiscussion with the Author
Emerging Technologies and the Future of Citizenship Conference "The People: Hearing Us, as Sensible"06/12/18BerlinGermanyLecture
American Constitution Society Convention 2018 To Amend or Not to Amend: What Path to Keeping Money Out of Politics?06/08/18Washington, DCUSALecture
The Holberg Symposium 2018: Democracy and Truth On How the People Speak06/05/18BergenNorwayLecture
Represent.Us Democracy Forum "How Corruption Is Destroying Our Democracy"05/31/18Scranton, PAUSALecture
The 20th Anniversary of Israel’s FOIA The Transparency Revolution: State of Affairs05/17/18Tel AvivIsraelLecture
EG Conference 2018 Works in Progress05/03/18 to 05/05/18Carmel, CAUSALecture
Live Ideas Festival 2018: Radical Vision "Contents under Pressure: Democracy in Crisis"04/18/18New York, NYUSALecture
Creative Commons Global Summit 2018 From unlocking free culture to reviving American democracy04/14/18TorontoCanadaLecture
“Get Money out of Politics” Summit Getting Money out of Politics04/07/18Portland, MEUSALecture
Jinan University IP Research Institute Opening Ceremony The Lessons of IP03/29/18 to 03/31/18GuangzhouChinaLecture
Unrig the System 2018, Welcome Plenary "Just Not Serious"02/02/18 to 02/04/18New Orleans, LAUSALecture
The Crisis of Democracy: Conceptual and Institutional Perspectives Conference, Yale University "Why We (the People) Can’t Help But Embarrass Democracy"01/26/18New Haven, CTUSATalk
American Voter Project: The Impact and Future of the Electoral College Conference, Columbia University Democracy01/24/18New York, NYUSATalk
“Reviving American Democracy” Conference, Northwestern University "Revive Democracy by Restoring Political Equality"01/12/18Evanston, ILUSATalk
Biss for Illinois TownHall Address Political reform12/02/17Chicago, ILUSALecture
New Hampshire Rebellion 2.0, Keynote Political reform11/30/17Hollis, NHUSALecture
Business Insider: IGNITION Equality11/30/17New York, NYUSALecture
TEDxDirigo: RISE Equality11/04/17Portland, MEUSALecture
United Nations Association Film Festival 2017, Stanford University "Meeting Snowden” film directed by Flore Vasseur10/27/17Palo Alto, CAUSALecture
Columbia Law School Workshop 10/13/17New York, NYUSALecture
Nuit du droit 2017 Artificial Intelligence and the Law10/04/17ParisFranceLecture
Le Monde Festival 09/24/17ParisFranceLecture
Cloudflare Internet Summit "Will Data Destroy Democracy?"09/14/17San Francisco, CAUSALecture
Edmund J. Safra Center for Ethics 30th Anniversary Conference, Harvard University "Institutional Corruption: The Lab and its Legacy"05/06/17Cambridge, MAUSALecture
Lund University 350th Anniversary "The Digital Society"04/24/17LundSwedenLecture
Altius Society Conference, Oxford University "We the People, and the Republic We Must Reclaim"03/02/17OxfordUnited KingdomLecture
Open Government Partnership Summit Strategies for governments and parliaments in the era of open data12/08/16ParisFranceLecture
Intelligence2 Debates Call a convention to amend the Constitution12/07/16New York, NYUSALecture
IACC 2016 Institutional corruption and money in politics12/04/16Panama CityPanamaLecture
TEDx “Leading in a Digital Age” Political leadership in times of digital populism11/08/16BerlinGermanyLecture
Bucerius Summer School on Global Governance How democracy gets defeated08/24/16HamburgGermanyLecture
New Hampshire Rebellion Declaring independence from big money in politics07/09/16New Castle, NHUSALecture
Aspen Ideas Festival 2016 Privacy and security06/30/16Aspen, COUSALecture
American Legislative Council (ALEC) Article V06/23/16Washington, DCUSALecture
Wired Next Fest Talk Campaign Finance Reform05/28/16MilanItalyLecture
Future of Democracy Conference & Lecture "Twenty-First Century Popular Sovereignty"05/20/16ReykjavikIcelandLecture
Nassau Community College Talk 2016 Presidential Election04/27/16Hempstead, NYUSALecture
Hearsay Culture 10th Anniversary Show Campaign finance reform04/26/16Greensboro, NCUSALecture
Smith College Presidential Colloquium Series Talk Equal Citizens04/20/16Northampton, MAUSALecture
Center for Public Leadership at Harvard Kennedy School Dublin Fellowship Campaign finance reform03/23/16Cambridge, MAUSALecture
SXSW Interactive Intersection of technology and humanity03/14/16Austin, TXUSATalk
Nieman Foundation Seminar Money in politics03/09/16Cambridge, MAUSALecture
Harvard Law School Election Law Series "The Failed Branch: Is There Any Way to Fix Congress?"03/08/16Cambridge, MAUSALecture
American Enterprise Institute World Forum Money in politics03/04/16Sea Island, GAUSALecture
University of Wisconsin Speaker Series Keynote
Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress—and a Plan to Stop It
03/02/16Eau Claire, WIUSABook Talk
Harvard Law School Panel: Charles Fried, Richard Lazarus, Lawrence Lessig, John Manning, Frank Michelman, Cass Sunstein, Laurence Tribe, Adrian Vermeule Remembering the Life of Justice Scalia02/24/16Cambridge, MAUSAPanel
Wheaton College Evelyn Danzig Haas ’39 Visiting Artists Program Talk "Do the Media Make Self-Governance Impossible?"02/23/16Norton, MAUSALecture
New Hampshire Rebellion Keynote Money in politics02/06/16Manchester, NHUSALecture
European Lab Winter Forum Keynote Lessons learned from running for U.S. President12/15/15ParisFranceLecture
Sydney Blockchain Workshop Panel The Future of Decentralization12/11/15SydneyAustraliaLecture
Sydney Blockchain Workshop Keynote It’s deja vu all over again: Thinking through law and code, again12/11/15SydneyAustraliaLecture
The Nantucket Project "Reclaiming Our Democracy Is the Fundamental Issue of Our Time."12/08/15San Francisco, CAUSALecture
Emergencia Brasil Panel The Political Adventures of the 21st Century12/07/15Rio de JaneiroBrazilLecture
Tufts University Panel: Lawrence Lessig and Theresa Walsh Campaign finance12/03/15Medford, MAUSAPanel Discussion
New York University Panel with Zephyr Teachout Political Corruption and the Economy of Influence12/02/15New York, NYUSALecture
Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics’ ‘Ethics Mondays’ Talk, Harvard University "Lessons Learned from Running for U.S. President"11/30/15Cambridge, MAUSALecture
Harvard Law School Panel Series: Mitch Garabedian, Lawrence Lessig, Jeannie Suk, Jonathan Zittrain "Spotlight" film discussion11/23/15Cambridge, MAUSAPanel Discussion
Harvard Law School Panel: Lawrence Lessig and Jonathan Zittrain "What I Learned Running for U.S. President"11/23/15Cambridge, MAUSAPanel Discussion
Phillips Exeter Academy Speaker Series Talk Money in politics11/20/15Exeter, NHUSALecture
Quartz’s The Next Billion Talk "Democracy Now: The Ethics of Disruption"11/16/15New York, NYUSATalk
American Enterprise Institute Talk & Panel: Lawrence Lessig and Norman Ornstein Campaign finance11/13/15Washington, DCUSATalk and Panel Discussion
New Hampshire Democratic Committee’s Harry S. Truman Dinner Talk U.S. Presidential Campaign11/01/15Berlin, NHUSALecture
Iowa Conference on Presidential Politics, Dordt College U.S. Presidential Campaign10/29/15Sioux Center, IAUSATalk
Financial Times & George Mason University’s Issues Forum U.S. Presidential Campaign10/26/15Arlington, VAUSATalk and Panel Discussion
Chicago Humanities Festival "Fixing the Republic"10/24/15Evanston, ILUSATalk and Panel Discussion
Ohio State University Democrats U.S. Presidential Campaign10/22/15Columbus, OHUSATalk
Texas Tribune Festival Panel: Lawrence Lessig and Karen Tumulty U.S. Presidential Campaign10/17/15Austin, TXUSAPanel
Creative Commons Global Summit 2015 Panel The importance of Creative Commons in the digital era10/15/15SeoulKoreaPanel
First in the Nation Community Picnic U.S. Presidential Campaign09/26/15Hampton, NHUSATalk
TEDxMidAtlantic Money in politics09/25/15Washington, DCUSATalk
New Hampshire Democratic Primary Convention U.S. Presidential Campaign09/19/15Manchester, NHUSATalk
First in the Nation Presidential Town Hall Meeting Series, New England College U.S. Presidential Campaign09/17/15Henniker, NHUSATalk
New Hampshire Democratic Committee Meeting Money in politics & New Hampshire Rebellion09/02/15Salem, NHUSATalk
Special Discussion with Lawrence Lessig Broadband & Politics08/26/15Chattanooga, TNUSATalk
PCCC National Candidate Training Equality08/02/15Washington, DCUSATalk
Bohemian Grove Equal Citizens07/21/15Monte Rio, CAUSATalk
New Hampshire Rebellion Rally for Independence The New Hampshire Rebellion07/04/15Portsmouth, NHUSATalk
Antrim and Hillsborough Democrats Blue BBQ The New Hampshire Rebellion06/27/15Hillsborough, NHUSATalk
Meet the Media Guru 10th Anniversary Democracy, technology, transparency06/11/15MilanItalyTalk
Town Hall Seattle Film Screening "Killswitch"06/04/15Seattle, WAUSATalk
“Design and Violence” Debate at MoMA Internet freedom, digital privacy, design, and civil disobedience05/28/15New York, NYUSADebate
IDEAS CITY Festival "Seeing Through the Noise"05/28/15New York, NYUSATalk
The Nantucket Project Money in politics05/27/15Greenwich, CTUSATalk
New Hampshire Rebellion Upper Valley Walk The New Hampshire Rebellion05/23/15Hanover, NHUSAConcluding Talk
Innotech Summit Talk Corruption in America, explained05/20/15LondonUnited KingdomLecture
Presentation at The Next Billion: London Global institutional corruption05/19/15LondonUnited KingdomLecture
Kendal at Hanover Money in politics, The New Hampshire Rebellion05/14/15Hanover, NHUSATalk
Digital Life Design NYC Corruption05/07/15New York, NYUSATalk
Phillips Academy All-School Meeting Voting rights, policy, and practice05/06/15Andover, MAUSATalk
“Democracy, Disintermediation and Finance: Crowdsourcing Machines” Seminar, Columbia Law School Money in politics05/05/15New York, NYUSAGuest Speaker
“Ending Institution Corruption” Conference, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University Institutional corruption05/01/15Cambridge, MAUSALecture
Day Pitney Visiting Scholar Lecture, University of Connecticut School of Law Equal Citizens04/24/15Hartford, CTUSALecture
Elizabeth Warren Campaign, Civic Hall "Run, Warren, Run"04/20/15New York, NYUSATalk
Cleveland-Marshall School of Law Money in politics04/17/15Cleveland, OHUSAGuest Lecture
Madison Vision Series, James Madison University "Madison’s Forgotten Egalitarianism"04/13/15Harrisonburg, VAUSALecture
TEDxVilnius Talk Equality04/11/15VilniusLithuaniaLecture
Rootstrikers Conference, Harvard Law School Money in politics04/06/15Cambridge, MAUSAKeynote Address
“Learning By Doing: The Real Connection Between Innovation, Wages and Wealth” Symposium, Boston University School of Law Money in politics04/06/15Boston, MAUSATalk
Conference @ Le Tank Mayday PAC, The New Hampshire Rebellion, money in politics04/02/15ParisFranceLecture
Association of College & Research Libraries Conference "Fixing America’s Corruption"03/28/15Portland, ORUSAKeynote Address
Studentafton, Lund University Institutional corruption03/17/15LundSwedenLecture
SXSW Interactive Festival Mayday PAC03/14/15Austin, TXUSATalk
Institute of Politics Fellows Lunch Money in politics03/10/15Cambridge, MAUSATalk
“Fighting Corruption in America and Abroad” Symposium, Fordham University School of Law Corruption03/06/15New York, NYUSAPanel Discussion
Film Screening, U.S. Capitol Visitor Center "Killswitch"02/25/15Washington, DCUSAFilm Talk
Roger Williams University President’s Distinguished Speaker Lecture Money in politics02/23/15Bristol, RIUSALecture
UN Summit Money in politics, democracy, and conscious capitalism02/09/15Lake Tahoe, CAUSATalk
NationSwell Council Luncheon "Innovative Thinking on Campaign Finance and Political Reform"02/02/15New York, NYUSATalk
Film Screening, Family Action Network "The Internet’s Own Boy" film01/25/15Winnetka, ILUSAPanel Discussion
New Hampshire Rebellion New Hampshire Rebellion01/21/15Concord, NHUSAConcluding Talk
Arts & Ideas Lecture, Jewish Community Center of San Francisco Mayday PAC01/08/15San Francisco, CAUSALecture
“Citizens Invited: Law Professors in the Campaign Finance Wars,” Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting Campaign finance01/04/15Washington, DCUSATalk
Ethics Matter Speaker Series, Carnegie Council Ethics; money in politics, democracy12/10/14New York, NYUSLecture
New America NYC “Curbing Corruption” Panel with Zephyr Teachout and Janine Wedel Corruption; money in politics12/09/14New York, NYUSLecture
Rhana B Sarasota to Tallahassee Walk Concluding Rally Money in politics12/03/14Tallahassee, FLUSLecture
Eleventh Annual Open Education Conference Keynote US government corruption; copyright11/19/14Arlington, VAUSLecture
Physicians for a National Health Care Program Annual Meeting Keynote Campaign finance reform and healthcare reform11/15/14New Orleans, LAUSLecture
RiverMead Retirement Community Talk The New Hampshire Rebellion; money in politics11/10/14Peterborough, NHUSLecture
Panel Participant at “Advancing a New Jurisprudence for American Self-Government and Democracy” Money in politics; democracy11/07/14Cambridge, MAUSHarvard Law SchoolLecture
Presentation at The Next Billion: New York Democracy, lessons from Hong Kong, and The Next Billion11/05/14New York, NYUSLecture
The Donoho Colloquium, Neukom Institute How to save democracy10/20/14Hanover, NHUSDartmouth CollegeLecture
Randy L. and Melvin R. Berlin Family Lectures, Inaugural Lecture Series, The University of Chicago

America: Compromised

October 16, 23, & 30, November 6, & 13 2014

10/16/14 to 11/13/14Chicago, ILUSUniversity of ChicagoLecture
Seventh Annual Hannah Arendt Center Conference Restoring American democracy10/10/14Annandale-on-Hudson, NYUSBard CollegeLecture
Seventh Annual Hannah Arendt Center Conference Restoring American democracy10/10/14Annandale-on-Hudson, NYUSBard CollegeLecture
The Nantucket Project Mayday PAC09/26/14Nantucket, MAUSLecture
Wadleigh Memorial Library Talk Money in politics09/24/14Milford, NHUSLecture
Brookline League of Women Voters Talk Money in politics; Mayday PAC09/22/14Brookline, MAUSLecture
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Citizens Rising Symposium Money in politics; Mayday PAC09/19/14Cambridge, MAUSMITLecture
Brown University Janus Forum Lecture Campaign finance reform09/17/14Providence, RIUSLecture
Harvard Institute for Learning and Teaching Panel Instructional innovation09/16/14Cambridge, MAUSLecture
Google Zeitgeist Talk Money in politics; democracy; conscious capitalism09/15/14Paradise Valley, AZUSLecture
Plymouth State University Sidore Lecture The New Hampshire Rebellion09/11/14Plymouth, NHUSLecture
Granny D Memorial Walk Talk Granny D; The New Hampshire Rebellion08/23/14Hancock, NHUSLecture
Amos Fortune Forum Talk Money in politics08/22/14Jaffrey, NHUSLecture
Acadiana Top 50 Business Luncheon Talk Money in politics08/20/14Lafayette, LAUSLecture
Nashua Rotary Club Talk Money in politics08/11/14Nashua, NHUSLecture
TEDxKC Talk Money in politics08/09/14Kansas City, MOUSLecture
Eighth Circuit Judicial Conference Keynote Money in politics08/07/14Omaha, NEUSLecture
Aspen Ideas Festival Panel The Internet’s Own Boy film06/29/14Aspen, COUSLecture
Aspen Ideas Festival Talk Money in politics06/29/14Aspen, COUSLecture
AT Kearney Global CEO Retreat Panel How technology impacts power and leadership06/23/14CartagenaColombiaLecture
Harvard Club of Salem Talk Money in politics06/18/14Salem, MAUSLecture
Milford Rotary Club Talk The New Hampshire Rebellion06/11/14Milford, NHUSLecture
Kellogg Innovation Network Talk Money in politics; Mayday PAC05/29/14Evanston, ILUSLecture
Gen Next Talk Money in politics05/22/14Newport Beach, CAUSLecture
WIRED BizCon Talk The politics of innovation05/13/14New York, NYUSLecture
Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Talk Money in politics; the New Hampshire Rebellion05/02/14Madison, WIUSLecture
University of Connecticut Talk Money in politics04/21/14Storrs, CTUSLecture
Peterborough Rotary Club Talk The New Hampshire Rebellion04/21/14Peterborough, NHUSLecture
Harvard Law School Rootstrikers Talk The New Hampshire Rebellion04/07/14Cambridge, MAUSLecture
Threats to Scholarly Knowledge Conference Panel Knowledge institutions, democratization, economies, and technologies04/06/14ViennaAustriaLecture
University of California, Berkeley, Copyright Symposium Talk Intersection of money in politics and copyright policy04/04/14Berkeley, CAUSUniversity of California, BerkeleyLecture
California Citizens Congress Talk Money in politics04/02/14San Luis Obispo, CAUSLecture
University of New Hampshire Talk Money in politics03/31/14Durham, NHUSLecture
Exeter Rotary Club Talk The New Hampshire Rebellion03/31/14Exeter, NHUSLecture
Citizen University National Conference Workshop The New Hampshire Rebellion03/21/14Seattle, WAUSLecture
Citizen University National Conference Talk Money in politics03/21/14Seattle, WAUSLecture
TED Talk The New Hampshire Rebellion03/19/14VancouverCanadaLecture
World Wide Web 25th Anniversary Discussion The power of the Web03/19/14VancouverCanadaLecture
University College London Lecture Institutional Corruption03/14/14LondonUnited KingdomLecture
Newbury College Lecture Money in politics03/11/14Brookline, MAUSLecture
Souhegan Valley Rotary Club Talk The New Hampshire Rebellion03/10/14Nashua, NHUSLecture
Maine Citizen for Clean Elections Talk Money in politics03/09/14Portland, MEUSLecture
Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service Lecture Leadership and reform03/04/14Medford, MAUSTufts UniversityLecture
Citizens United Symposium Talk Money in politics02/28/14Gulfport, FLUSStetson UniversityLecture
Windham Lecture Money in politics02/26/14Windham, NHUSLecture
Southern California Linux Expo Keynote Money in politics; role of technologists02/21/14Los Angeles, CAUSLecture
Duke University Campaign Finance Symposium Keynote Money in politics02/07/14Durham, NCUSLecture
Université catholique de Louvain Honorary Doctorate Debate and Talk Money in politics02/03/14LouvainBelgiumLecture
New Hampshire Rebellion Concluding Talk The New Hampshire Rebellion01/24/14Nashua, NHUSLecture
St. Anselm College Institute of Politics Talk The New Hampshire Rebellion01/22/14Manchester, NHUSLecture
Citizens United Anniversary Talk The New Hampshire Rebellion01/21/14Concord, NHUSLecture
Concord Rotary Club Talk The New Hampshire Rebellion01/21/14Concord, NHUSLecture
North Conway Talk The New Hampshire Rebellion01/15/14North Conway, NHUSLecture
Dartmouth College Public Lecture The New Hampshire Rebellion01/09/14Hanover, NHUSLecture
Forum D’Avignon Talk The effect of the Internet on politics11/22/13AvignonFranceLecture
University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley Forum Talk Money in politics11/08/13Berkeley, CAUSUniversity of California, BerkeleyLecture
Silicon Valley Open Debates Organizing Meeting Open political debates movement11/07/13San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Harvard Law School Reunion Keynote Money in politics10/25/13Cambridge, MAUSLecture
Oliver Wolcott Library Talk Money in politics10/24/13Litchfield, CTUSLecture
Yale Political Union Debate Corruption in US politics10/16/13New Haven, CTUSYale UniversityLecture
Thomas Endowed Library Lecture Technology and digital culture10/10/13St. Louis, MOUSWashington UniversityLecture
Washington University Law School Public Interest Law & Policy Speakers Series Talk Money in politics10/10/13St. Louis, MOUSWashington University Law SchoolLecture
Temple Beth Avodah Talk Money in politics10/06/13Brookline, MAUSLecture
Harvard Federalist Society Talk Money in politics10/04/13Cambridge, MAUSLecture
Haverhill League of Women Voters Talk Money in politics10/03/13Haverhill, MAUSLecture
Harvard Class of 1973 Reunion Panel Money in politics09/27/13Cambridge, MAUSLecture
Constitutional Accountability Center Talk McCutcheon v. FEC09/26/13Washington, DCUSLecture
Jack Miller Center Talk Framers’ definition of “corruption09/20/13Chicago, ILUSLecture
Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Awards Talk Aaron Swartz09/19/13San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Talk at “Palantir Night Live” Money in politics09/12/13San Francisco, CAUSLecture
New Hampshire Coalition for Open Democracy Talk Money in politics09/06/13Concord, NHUSLecture
Creative Commons Global Summit Keynote Creative Commons08/23/13Buenos AiresArgentinaLecture
Bilderberg Conference Big Data06/06/13 to 06/09/13Hertfordshire, UKUSLecture
Oxford Union Speech Money in politics06/05/13OxfordUnited KingdomOxford UniversityLecture
Lund University Honorary Doctorate Speech What Things Regulate Law05/30/13LundSwedenLund UniversityLecture
Lund University Debate Money in politics05/29/13LundSwedenLund UniversityLecture
Harvard-Radcliffe ’58 Reunion Speech Money in politics05/28/13Cambridge, MAUSLecture
Giles Rich Inn of Court Speech Principled Originalism05/11/13Washington, DCUSLecture
Seacoast Republican Women Talk Money in politics05/10/13Portsmouth, NHUSLecture
Brennan Center ISPS Followup Conference Money in politics05/07/13New York, NYUSLecture
Yale ISPS Conference Money in politics05/06/13New haven, CTUSLecture
TEDxMidwest Talk Money in politics05/04/13Chicago, ILUSLecture
Response to Robert Post Lecture at Harvard Campaign finance reform05/02/13Cambridge, MAUSHarvard UniversityLecture
University of Nevada Talk Money in politics04/29/13Reno, NVUSLecture
Needham League of Women Voters Talk Money in politics04/25/13Needham, MAUSLecture
Nieman Center Seminar Money in politics04/24/13Cambridge, MAUSLecture
Montclair State University Talk Money in politics04/23/13Montclair, NJUSLecture
Rootstrikers Conference Keynote Money in politics04/20/13San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Muhlenberg College Talk Congressional corruption04/15/13Allentown, PAUSLecture
Tulane University Law School Talk Institutional corruption04/11/13New Orleans, LAUSLecture
Harvard Medical Ethics Faculty Seminar Institutional corruption in medicine03/29/13Boston, MAUSLecture
University of Pennsylvania Talk Money in politics03/19/13Philadelphia, PAUSLecture
UNC Law School Talk Corruption in politics03/04/13Chapel Hill, NCUSLecture
TED Talk Money in politics02/27/13Long Beach, CAUSLecture
Harvard Hackathon Keynote University IP policies02/22/13Cambridge, MAUSLecture
Harvard Graduate Commons “Meet the Scholar” Dinner Money in politics02/20/13Cambridge, MAUSLecture
2016 Money in Politics Roundtable Money in politics01/30/13Washington, DCUSLecture
Brennan Center Jorde Symposium Money in politics01/29/13Berkeley, CAUSUniversity of California, BerkeleyLecture
Palo Alto Rotary Club Address Money in politics01/28/13Palo Alto, CAUSLecture
“Is America Governable” Conference US politics01/25/13Austin, TXUSLecture
Cato Conference Campaign finance regulation01/23/13Washington, DCUSLecture
Harvard Club of New York Lecture Money in politics01/16/13New York, NYUSLecture
Seminar on Ethics and Elections Money in politics01/11/13XalapaMexicoLecture
Kentucky Legislative Ethics Commission Lecture Money in politics01/10/13Frankfort, KYUSLecture
Stanford Media X Keynote Internet and political change01/08/13Stanford, CAUSLecture
Max Weber Lecture Policymaker integrity12/19/12FlorenceItalyLecture
Yale Law School Conference Money in politics12/13/12New Haven, CTUSYale Law SchoolLecture
New Economics Institute Schumacher Lecture Money in politics11/20/12Cambridge, MAUSLecture
UCLA Money in Politics Conference Money in politics11/17/12Los Angeles, CAUSLecture
New Hampshire Institute of Politics Talk Money in politics11/14/12Manchester, NHUSLecture
Stonehill College Talk Money in politics11/13/12Easton, MAUSLecture
Rhode Island Common Cause Talk Money in politics11/01/12Providence, RIUSLecture
Boston Book Festival Panel US politics10/27/12Boston, MAUSLecture
Amherst College Political Union Panel Money in politics10/26/12Amherst, MAUSLecture
MIT EmTech Talk Emerging technology in politics10/25/12Cambridge, MAUSLecture
Sweden Internet Conference Keynote Copyright10/23/12StockholmSwedenLecture
Berlin Political Congress Keynote US governance and the future of the Internet10/20/12BerlinGermanyLecture
iRights Roundtable Discussion Political developments10/19/12BerlinGermanyLecture
New Jersey Public Policy Network Talk Money in politics10/17/12Franklin Lakes, NJUSLecture
University of Vermont Lecture Money in politics10/13/12Burlington, VTUSLecture
Thompson Political Ethics Symposium Institutional Corruption10/11/12Cambridge, MAUSLecture
University of Michigan Ford School Lecture Republic, Lost10/08/12Ann Arbor, MIUSUniversity of Michigan Law SchoolLecture
Talk at Purpose HQ Money in politics10/07/12New York, NYUSLecture
Nantucket Project Talk Money in politics10/07/12Nantucket, MAUSLecture
New Yorker Festival Money in politics10/06/12New York, NYUSLecture
University of Illinois College of Law Baum Lecture Madison’s dilemma and civil rights10/04/12Champaign, ILUSLecture
Brennan Center Lecture & Panel Campaign finance reform10/02/12New York, NYUSLecture
Susman Godfrey Attorney Retreat Congressional corruption09/28/12Albuquerque, NMUSLecture
Montana Law Review Symposium The fight for a republican form of government09/27/12Missoula, MTUSLecture
Dorchester Speakers Bureau Money in politics09/21/12Dorchester, MAUSLecture
League of Women Voters Sunday Forum Money in Politics09/16/12Concord, MAUSLecture
Lund University Address On the Threats to a Freedom to Innovate09/13/12LundSwedenLund UniversityLecture
Address to Harvard Business School faculty Government and business09/10/12Cambridge, MAUSLecture
NYC Bar Association and Alliance for Justice Panel Election law09/05/12New York, NYUSLecture
D.E. Shaw Live Well Speaker Series Republic, Lost08/23/12New York, NYUSLecture
Contemporary Issues Forum Republic, Lost08/11/12Chautauqua, NYUSLecture
Nantucket Geschke Lecture Republic, Lost08/06/12Nantucket, MAUSLecture
Liberty Fund Conference Comparative Constitutional08/01/12 to 08/05/12TorontoCanadaConference
International Digital Law Congress Copyright06/29/12BarcelonaSpainLecture
European University Institute: Executive Seminar Money as Participation06/21/12FlorenceItalyLecture
UNESCO Speech Open Access to Education06/20/12ParisFranceLecture
North Carolina Common Cause Republic, Lost06/12/12Raleigh, NCUSLecture
Loyalsock Township Senior Highschool Commencement Address Commencement Address06/08/12Williamsport, PAUSAddress
Center for Intellectual Property: 2012 Biennial Member Conference Copyright06/06/12Baltimore, MDUSLecture
John Marshall Law School Commencement Address Commencement Address05/18/12 to 05/19/12Atlanta, GAUSJohn Marshall Law SchoolAddress
Wiscnet Internet Policy in the USA05/07/12 to 05/09/12Madison, WIUSLecture
Mashable Connect Talk After SOPA/PIPA05/03/12 to 05/05/12Orlando, FLUSLecture
SCAD Lecture Copyright Law04/29/12 to 05/01/12Savannah, GAUSLecture
Zale Lecture Republic, Lost04/25/12 to 04/27/12Stanford, CAUSLecture
Lippes Series Corruption04/18/12 to 04/19/12Buffalo, NYUSLecture
Hager Lecture Justice — Not Just the Law04/11/12 to 04/13/12Tulsa, OKUSLecture
University of New Hampshire Talk Republic, Lost04/10/12Durham, NHUSTopic
Cyberlaw Project Internet Law04/06/12ParisFranceLecture
Harvard 375th Anniversary Event Internet Law04/04/12San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Penn State Food Workshop Institutional Corruption03/28/12State College, PAUSLecture
Guiding Lights Conference Internet Law03/24/12Seattle, WAUSLecture
Center for Public Integrity Talk Current State of Money in Politics02/24/12Washington, DCUSLecture
Public Goods Lecture Republic, Lost01/18/12Santa Barbara, CAUSLecture
SALT Talk Republic, Lost01/17/12San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Israel Talk Republic, Lost12/08/11Tel AvivIsraelLecture
New Hampshire Rotary Talk Republic, Lost11/17/11Portsmouth, NHUSLecture
Soros Lecture Corruptions, Large and Small11/07/11BudapestHungaryCentral European UniversityLecture
Coffee Party ‘Enough is Enough’ Citizens Rally Government Reform10/29/11Washington, DCUSLecture
The Athenaeum Series at Claremont McKenna College Republic, Lost10/27/11Claremont, CAUSLecture
Berkeley Arts & Letters Talk Republic, Lost10/26/11Berkeley, CAUSLecture
Stanford Lunchtime Talk Republic, Lost10/25/11Stanford, CAUSLecture
The Booksmith Talk Republic, Lost10/25/11San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Commonwealth Club of California Talk Republic, Lost10/24/11San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Town Hall Seattle Lecture Republic Lost10/22/11Seattle, WAUSLecture
GW Law School Lecture Republic, Lost10/18/11Washington, DCUSLecture
North Jersey Public Policy Network Lecture Republic, Lost10/17/11Mahwah, NJUSLecture
ICDE Lecture Open and Distance Learning10/03/11BaliIndonesiaLecture
Kenyon College Lecture Republic, Lost09/27/11Gambier, OHUSLecture
George Mason University Fall for the Book Republic, Lost09/20/11Arlington, VAUSLecture
Creative Commons Summit Creative Commons09/17/11WarsawPolandLecture
Creative Commons Netherlands Keynote Creative Commons09/15/11AmsterdamNetherlandsLecture
Villa d’Este Forum Information and Communication Technology09/03/11Lake ComoItalyLecture
Music: The Frontier of the Future — Creativity, Technology and Public Policies P2P Culture, Creative Commons08/24/11Sao PauloBrazilLecture
HSM Negotiations Forum Intellectual Property08/24/11Sao PauloBrazilLecture
Historypin Launch Historypin07/11/11New York, NYUSLecture
iLead Good Soul Corruption07/06/11Dartmouth, NHUSLecture
NetHui Transparency07/01/11AucklandNew ZealandLecture
Aspen Ideas Festival Wikileaks06/28/11Aspen, COUSLecture
Aspen Ideas Festival Congress06/27/11Aspen, COUSLecture
LA Copyright Society Copyright06/08/11Los Angeles, CAUSLecture
PdF New York Citizens06/06/11New York, NYUSLecture
e-G8 Forum Innovation05/25/11ParisFranceLecture
World Telecommunications and Information Society Day E-Governance, Transparency05/16/11ErbilIraqLecture
All Souls Unitarian Church Citizens United04/29/11New York, NYUSLecture
Guardian Activate Summit Democracy, Corruption04/28/11New York, NYUSLecture
Swiss Library Science Talk Access04/19/11BernSwitzerlandLecture
CERN Access04/18/11GenevaSwitzerlandLecture
Biennale Democrazia Institutional Corruption04/16/11TurinItalyLecture
ABA Techshow Code is Law04/11/11Chicago, ILUSLecture
Free Press Conference Change Congress04/08/11Boston, MAUSLecture
OIDP Conference Citizenship04/07/11LleidaSpainLecture
AAB O2 Conference Series Free Culture04/05/11BerlinGermanyLecture
Patriots for Change Change Congress03/28/11Cleveland, OHUSLecture
UC Berkeley Change Congress03/16/11Berkeley, CAUSUniversity of California, BerkeleyLecture
FIU College of Law Change Congress03/07/11Miami, FLUSLecture
Yale Legal Theory Workshop Institutional Corruption03/03/11New Haven, CTUSLecture
Coffee Party Austin Change Congress02/28/11Austin, TXUSLecture
Tufts Poverty, Power and Research Initiative Institutional Corruption02/22/11Medford, MAUSLecture
Harvard Thinks Big Institutional Corruption02/17/11Cambridge, MAUSLecture
IBM Center for Social Software Institutional Corruption02/07/11Cambridge, MAUSLecture
Suffolk University Donahue Lecture Corruption02/03/11Boston, MAUSLecture
Palm Beach Democratic Club Change Congress01/31/11Palm Beach, FLUSLecture
For the People Summit Citizens United01/21/11Washington, DCUSLecture
Public Campaign Citizens United01/20/11Washington, DCUSLecture
Creative Commons China Mainland Open11/14/10BeijingChinaLecture
WIPO Global MEeting Copyright11/04/10GenevaSwitzerlandLecture
PDX Voter Owned Elections Campaign Finance Reform10/28/10Portland, ORUSLecture
Creative Commons Lebanon Copyright10/25/10BeirutLebanonLecture
Kosmopolis Intellectual Property10/23/10BarcelonaSpainLecture
TEDxSan Antonio Citizenship10/16/10San Antonio, TXUSLecture
Big Apple Coffee Party Forum Change Congress10/15/10New York, NYUSLecture
Cambridge Forum Change Congress10/13/10Cambridge, MAUSLecture
Vimeo Awards Copyright10/08/10New York, NYUSLecture
Ideas Matter Citizens United09/30/10Cambridge, MAUSLecture
The Coffee Party Convention Campaign Finance Reform09/25/10Louisville, KYUSLecture
Brown University Janus Lecture Citizens United09/17/10Providence, RIUSLecture
InternetBeta Conference Copyright09/15/10RzeszowPolandLecture
Action Speaks Free Culture08/13/10Providence, RIUSLecture
TEDxBoston Campaign Finance Reform07/29/10Boston, MAUSLecture
Common Cause NC Change Congress06/22/10Raleigh, NCUSLecture
Common Good Forum Government Accountability06/15/10Philadelphia, PAUSLecture
Athabasca University Lecture on the Occasion of an Honorary Degree06/12/10AthabascaCanadaLecture
Creative Commons Asia Open06/04/10SeoulKoreaLecture
Dartmouth College Talk Change Congress05/27/10Dartmouth, NHUSLecture
Democracy Alliance Citizens United04/30/10Laguna Beach, CAUSLecture
American Society of Media Photographers Copyright04/21/10New York, NYUSLecture
SNW Conference U.S. Broadband Policy04/12/10Orlando, FLUSLecture
Coffee Party: Money, Values, and Government Change Congress04/10/10Cambridge, MAUSHarvard UniversityLecture
Brown University, Democracy Matters Change Congress04/09/10Providence, RIUSLecture
Hugo Black Lecture at Wesleyan University Corporate speech04/07/10Middletown, CTUSUniversity of ConnecticutLecture
ILO Institute Institutional Corruption03/31/10Boston, MAUSLecture
Rebooting Democracy Campaign Finance Reform03/27/10Portland, ORUSLecture
Intel: Beyond the Cube Campaign Finance Reform03/24/10Hudson, MAUSLecture
LimeWire Innovation Corruption03/22/10New York, NYUSLecture
Male Survivor Conference Institutional Responsibility03/20/10New York, NYUSLecture
University of Cincinnati, Chesley Distinguished Visiting Professor Institutional Corruption03/19/10Cincinnati, OHUSLecture
Telecom Italia Internet Freedom03/11/10RomeItalyLecture
TEDxNewYork Openness03/06/10New York, NYUSLecture
Nieman Foundation for Journalism Intellectual Property02/24/10Cambridge, MAUSLecture
MacArthur Foundation Institutional Corruption02/18/10Chicago, ILUSLecture
Book Club Talk Remix02/17/10Chicago, ILUSLecture
Rethinking Campaign Finance Reform Conference Campaign Finance Reform02/10/10New York, NYUSLecture
AAP/PSP Citizens United02/04/10Washington, DCUSLecture
American Constitution Society Citizens United02/01/10Cambridge, MAUSLecture
Telefonica Foundation, Sao Paulo, Brazil Intellectual Property01/29/10Sao PauloBrazilLecture
Cato Institute — Lunchtime Talk The Anti-Right Status Quo01/27/10Washington, DCUSLecture
Wesson Lectures in Problems of Democracy Institutional Corruption01/19/10Stanford, CAUSLecture
Amsterdam University Lecture upon the Occasion of an Honorary Degree01/09/10AmsterdamNetherlandsLecture
Bowling Green University From Copyright to Corruption12/02/09Bowling Green, OHUSLecture
Forum d’Avignon Copyright Reform11/20/09AvignonFranceLecture
Swedish Parliament Lecture Copyright Reform11/18/09StockholmSwedenLecture
Discussion with Moderate Party Copyright reform11/17/09StockholmSwedenLecture
University of Georgia Georgian Constitution11/16/09TbilisiGeorgiaLecture
Harvard Alumni Association Institutional Corruption11/09/09Cambridge, MAUSLecture
Educause 2009 Science and Copyright11/05/09Denver, COUSLecture
Safra Center Public Lecture Institutional Corruption10/08/09Cambridge, MAUSLecture
Database Center for Life Science Symposium Copyright reform10/05/09TokyoJapanLecture
Copyright in the Digital Age Copyright reform10/04/09KyotoJapanLecture
Change Congress House Party Change Congress09/24/09San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Change Congress House Party Change Congress09/23/09Cupertino, CAUSLecture
Netroots Nation Change Congress08/15/09Pittsburgh, PAUSLecture
Al Gore IT Solutions Summit Change Congress08/04/09San Francisco, CAUSLecture
The Google Settlement Google Books Settlement07/31/09Cambridge, MAUSLecture
World Technology Network Award ceremony07/16/09New York, NYUSLecture
Aspen Ideas Festival Change Congress07/03/09Aspen, COUSLecture
America’s Future Conference Change Congress06/01/09Washington, DCUSLecture
Banco Court Public Lecture Corruption05/29/09BrisbaneAustraliaLecture
Vice Chancellor’s Breakfast Event What Change Obama Needs05/29/09BrisbaneAustraliaLecture
Copyright Conference The Culture Wars05/27/09CanberraAustraliaLecture
German Trend Conference Remix05/14/09HamburgGermanyLecture
Brennan Center Change Congress05/08/09Washington, DCUSLecture
Classical Residence Change Congress05/05/09Palo Alto, CAUSStanford UniversityLecture
Mori Museum Remix05/01/09TokyoJapanLecture
Science and Technology Wing of Penn and Penn Engineering Machines Gone Wild (technology and social control)04/17/09Philadelphia, PAUSUniversity of PennsylvaniaLecture
Quartz Music Electronic Awards Creative Commons04/03/09ParisFranceLecture
re:publica Remix04/02/09BerlinGermanyLecture
Accenture Privacy03/31/09Palo Alto, CAUSLecture
Green Festival Green Culture03/29/09Seattle, WAUSLecture
Meet the Media Guru Change v2 and Corruption03/27/09MilanItalyLecture
Optical Fiber Conference Getting the Network the World Needs03/24/09San Diego, CAUSLecture
Legally Speaking at Hastings Law School Biographical03/19/09San Francisco, CAUSLecture
SXSW Change v203/14/09Austin, TXUSSXSW InteractiveLecture
Intel Change v203/12/09Santa Clara, CAUSLecture
Kellogg School of Management Change Congress03/05/09Evanston, ILUSLecture
New York Public Library Fair Use (with Shepard Fairey and Steven Johnson)02/25/09New York, NYUSLecture
Google Change Congress02/19/09Mountain View, CAUSLecture
Yale Club, Silicon Valley Change Congress02/12/09San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Microsoft Remix02/05/09Redmond, WAUSLecture
ILO Institute Change Congress01/30/09San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Los Gatos Rotary Club Change Congress01/28/09Los Gatos, CAUSLecture
Stanford Leading Matters Conference Three Views of the Constitution01/24/09Los Angeles, CAUSLecture
Apple Computer Corruption01/22/09Cupertino, CAUSLecture
Netroots Nation Conference Change Congress12/17/08San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Computer History Museum Remix12/16/08Mountain View, CAUSLecture
Cisco’s The New Public Sector Corruption12/10/08StockholmSwedenLecture
Search Engine Strategies Remix12/08/08Chicago, ILUSLecture
Speech, Privacy and the Internet Conference Privacy and the Internet11/20/08Chicago, ILUSLecture
Carnegie Council Remix11/18/08New York, NYUSLecture
92nd St Y Talk Remix11/17/08New York, NYUSLecture
Most Disparaged Branch Conference How a Congress Might be Changed11/15/08Boston, MAUSLecture
Monaco Media Prize Award Ceremony IP11/13/08CannesFrancePrize
Conference of the Library and Information Association of New Zealand Lecture: Keeping the outside outside the box11/05/08AucklandNew ZealandLecture
University of Auckland Talk Lecture: Keeping Culture Free11/03/08AucklandNew ZealandLecture
Chicago Humanities Festival Lecture: Change Congress10/30/08Chicago, ILUSLecture
Digital Media Conference Lecture: Free Culture and Free Society: Can the West Love Both?10/23/08Hong KongChinaLecture
Rosenthal Lectures Law and Technology10/20/08 to 10/21/08Chicago, ILUSNorthwestern UniversityLecture
Spanish IT Conference Lecture: Remix10/17/08VitoriaSpainLecture
Government 2.0 Summit Lecture: Change Congress10/15/08New York, NYUSLecture
Financial Times Awards IP10/14/08New York, NYUSPrize
EU Presidency Conference Panel: Challenges of the International Cooperation10/07/08NiceFrancePanel
Digital Age 2.0 Conference Cyberspace10/01/08Sao PauloBrazilConference
Sara Fine Lecture Series Lecture: A Declaration for Independence09/25/08Pittsburgh, PAUSPittsburgh Law SchoolLecture
One Web Day Lecture: Change Congress09/22/08New York, NYUSLecture
Emerce Lecture: Hybrids and Sharecropping09/18/08AmsterdamNetherlandsLecture
Commonwealth Club Talk Lecture: Change Congress08/13/08Mountain View, CAUSLecture
iCommons Summit Moving down to corruption07/30/08SapporoJapanLecture
Creative Commons Singapore Launch Creative Commons07/27/08SingaporeSingaporeLecture
Brainstorm Tech Conference Panel: 2018 Life on the Net07/22/08Half Moon Bay, CAUSPanel
Momentum Conference Lecture: Change Congress07/21/08San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Netroots Nation Lecture: Change Congress07/19/08Austin, TXUSLecture
Aspen Institute Conference Democracy06/30/08Aspen, COUSConference
Democracy in Action Community Conference Lecture: Change Congress06/27/08Washington, DCUSLecture
Personal Democracy Forum Lecture: Change Congress06/24/08New York, NYUSLecture
OECD Ministerial Conference Panel: Improving Economic Performance & Social Welfare06/18/08SeoulKoreaPanel
National Conference for Media Reform Lecture: Media at a Critical Juncture06/06/08Minneapolis, MNUSLecture
Marcus Evans – IP Law Summit Lecture: Getting Beyond the IP Wars06/03/08Las Vegas, NVUSLecture
Society for Computers and Law Conference Lecture: Corruption 2.0- The Next Problem Technology Must Solve04/30/08LondonUnited KingdomLecture
MUDAM IP04/27/08LuxembourgLuxembourgConference
Senate Commerce Committee Hearings Innovation04/22/08Washington, DCUSHearings
FCC Hearing – Public Hearing on the Future of the Internet Innovation04/17/08Stanford, CAUSHearings
Center for Information Technology and Society Event Lecture: Changing Congress: Lessons Learned by a Copyright Activist04/11/08Santa Barbara, CAUSLecture
European IP Law Summit Lecture: Remix – Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy04/07/08MontreuxSwitzerlandLecture
Harvard University Event Lecture: Building the Change Congress Movement04/04/08Cambridge, MAUSHarvard UniversityLecture
Penn State Conference Lecture: Free Learning and Teaching to Teach and Learn03/29/08State College, PAUSLecture
Bucknell University Conference Lecture: Remix – Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy03/27/08Lewisburg, PAUSLecture
Sunlight Foundation Event Lecture: Launch of the Change Congress Project03/19/08Washington, DCUSLecture
Law School of Seoul National University Conference Lecture: Regulation of the Internet03/14/08San Diego, CAUSLecture
Creative Commons Korea Conference Lecture: Creative Commons03/13/08SeoulKoreaLecture
ETech Panel: Coding Against Corruption03/05/08San Diego, CAUSPanel
Sun Microsystems Conference on Global Education Panel: IP02/27/08San Francisco, CAUSPanel
9th Annual Privacy and Security Conference Lecture: Privacy and Internet Security02/07/08VictoriaCanadaLecture
Last Free Culture Speech Lecture: Free Culture01/31/08Stanford, CAUSLecture
MIDEM Net IP01/26/08CannesFranceConference
Green Festival Lecture: Green Culture11/10/07San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Jessie and John Danz Lecture Series Lecture: Is Google (2008) Microsoft (1998)?11/02/07Seattle, WAUSUniversity of WashingtonLecture
Common Ground 5th International Book Conference Lecture: Into the World of Hybrids10/21/07MadridSpainLecture
Google Mini Summit Panel: What Threats and Opportunities are Google and Other Internet Companies Not Paying Enough Attention to?10/02/07Mountain View, CAUSPanel
4th Danish Social Forum Lecture: IP09/28/07CopenhagenDenmarkLecture
Con Law Center Constitution Day Lecture: Corruption09/25/07Stanford, CAUSLecture
Ithiel de Sola Memorial Lecture Lecture: Future of democracy and expression08/31/07Chicago, ILUSLecture
iCommons Summit Croatia Creative Commons06/15/07DubrovnikCroatiaConference
CISAC Conference IP05/30/07BrusselsBelgiumConference
Creativity and Innovation in a Digital Culture Seminar Panel: Creativity and Innovation in a Digital Culture05/29/07SevillaSpainPanel
20th Anniversary of Harvard Ethics Center Panel: Justice: True in Theory but not in Practice?05/19/07Cambridge, MAUSHarvard UniversityPanel
Eyebeam Event Lecture: Free Culture05/17/07New York, NYUSLecture
Digital Freedom Exposition Lecture: Free Culture in a Read-Write World04/19/07CapetownSouth AfricaLecture
Kings College Conference Lecture: Code04/06/07LondonUnited KingdomLecture
DoCoMo Talk Lecture: Free Culture03/28/07Palo Alto, CAUSLecture
TED Conference Lecture: How Creativity is Being Strangled by the Law03/08/07Monterey, CAUSLecture
Creative Commons Portugal Launch Creative Commons12/15/06LisbonPortugalConference
Gartner Information Securities Conference Lecture: Future of Ideas11/29/06Las Vegas, NVUSLecture
Open University of the UK Launch Lecture: Open Learn and Creative Commons10/25/06LondonUnited KingdomLecture
Conference on Media Wisdom IP10/12/06AmsterdamNetherlandsConference
Forbes Net Neutrality Debate Debate: The “Broadband Brawl: A Debate Over Net Neutrality10/05/06Reno, NVUSDebate
Creative Commons Wired Concert Creative Commons09/29/06New York, NYUSConcert
Chris Anderson and Lawrence Lessig at NYPL Discussion: The Rise and Fall of the Blockbuster09/28/06New York, NYUSDiscussion
New Context Conference IP09/27/06TokyoJapanConference
Wizards of OS Workshop Cyberspace09/15/06BerlinGermanyWorkshop
Creative Commons Columbia Launch Creative Commons08/22/06BogetaColumbiaConference
Linuxworld Cyberspace08/15/06San Francisco, CAUSConference
Wikimania Lecture: Ethics of the Free Culture Movement08/04/06Cambridge, MAUSLecture
Socrates Society Weekend Panel: Innovation and Growth on the Internet07/01/06 to 07/02/06Aspen, COUSPanel
iLaw Peru and Creative Commons Peru Launch Cyberspace06/27/06 to 06/28/06LimaPeruConference
iCommons Summit Creative Commons06/23/06 to 06/26/06Rio de JaneiroBrazilConference
Center for American Progress Seminar Lecture: The Wealth of Networks: How US Internet policies are undermining both freedom and growth06/16/06Washington, DCUSLecture
Union Square Ventures Talk Lecture: US Public Policy and How It Is Hampering Innovation06/15/06New York, NYUSLecture
Google Print Event 06/12/06Los Angeles, CAUS
Creative Commons Denmark Launch 06/10/06CopenhagenDenmark
Hay Literary Festival Lecture: Free Culture05/29/06WalesUnited KingdomLecture
Daum Corporation Seminar Lecture: Creative Commons and problems of copyright05/27/06Jeju IslandKoreaLecture
Seoul Digital Forum Lecture: Read Write vs Read Only Culture05/26/06SeoulKoreaLecture
Creative Commons Sri Lanka Launch 05/22/06 to 05/23/06ColomboSri LankaMay 22-23, 2006
Global Interactive Gaming Summit & Expo Lecture: How Regulation Will Happen — The Leviathan Is Coming05/16/06MontrealCanadaLecture
Comedies of Fair Use Conference Lecture: Lawrence Lessig on The Current State of Fair Use04/28/06New York, NYUSNYULecture
Swarthmore University Free Culture Forum Lecture: Free Culture movement04/21/06Philadelphia, PAUSLecture
BILETA Conference and Creative Commons Malta Launch Lecture: Harmonizing Free Culture Globally04/07/06 to 04/08/06MdiniaMaltaLecture
Lecture on Innovation and Construction of Internet System at Guangzhou University Lecture: Creative Commons03/31/06GuangzhouChinaLecture
Renmin University Conference and Creative Commons China launch Lecture: The Role of Creative Commons in an Information Economy03/29/06 to 03/30/06BeijingChinaLecture
International Symposium Lecture: Creative Commons and Free Culture03/27/06TokyoJapanLecture
Rochester Institute of Technology Seminar Lecture: Free Culture, the Creative Commons and the Future of Creativity in a Digital Era03/24/06Rochester, New YorkUSLecture
Free Culture Club Forum Lecture: Creative Commons03/23/06Boston, MAUSNortheastern UniversityLecture
iLaw Mexico and Creative Commons Mexico Launch 03/16/06 to 03/18/06Mexico CityMexico
Malaysia Launch 03/04/06Kuala LumpurMalaysia
Flash Forward Lecture: Flash: Building the Read/Write Internet03/01/06Seattle, WAUSLecture
Tech Expo Lecture: Technology and scholarship02/24/06Houston, TXUSUniversity of HoustonLecture
Creative Commons Film Screening — Teach 02/17/06San Francisco, CAUS
Innovation Funders Network 2006 Summit Lecture: Theme is around innovation and networks01/30/06San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Second Life Virtual Interview and Virtual Speech Lecture: Creative Commons01/18/06Second LifeThe InternetLecture
Nurturing the Creative Economy Seminar IP Future12/09/05ArundelUnited KingdomLecture
Google Print Talk 11/17/05New York, NYUSNew York Public Library
Tech Fair Lecture: Culture Remix. The nature of creativity11/16/05Dallas, TXUSUniversity of TexasLecture
Carol Rose Retirement Conference Lecture: Commons and the Public Domain11/12/05New Haven, CTUSYale Law SchoolLecture
Public Program on Art and Fair Use Lecture: Free culture11/10/05New York, NYUSAssociation of the Bar of the City of New YorkLecture
Legal Seminar in Slovenia Lecture: Should copyright include the exclusive right to copy?10/29/05LjubljanaSloveniaLecture
Creative Commons Slovenia Launch 10/28/05LjubljanaSlovenia
CCIA TechSummit Lecture: Copyright10/25/05Laguna Niguel, CAUSLecture
ITU Conference Lecture: Youth culture, remixing and copyright10/21/05OsloNorwayLecture
Creative Commons Hungary Launch 10/15/05BudapestHungary
2005 Free Culture Digital Symposium Lecture: Free Culture and Digital Libraries10/14/05Atlanta, GAUSEmory UniversityLecture
Tech Dev Speaker Series at Yahoo HQ 10/07/05Sunnyvale, CAUS
Creative Commons Argentina Launch 10/01/05Buenos AiresArgentina
The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce Seminar Panel Discussion: Should the term of copyright protection be extended or shortened in the UK?09/29/05LondonUnited KingdomPanel Discussion
Originality, Imitation and Plagiarism Conference 09/23/05Ann Arbor, MIUSUniversity of Michigan
Broadband Cities Conference Lecture: The new model for communities — overcoming the obstacles of traditional broadband options and providers09/20/05Salt Lake City, UTUSLecture
NPR Justice Talking – Debate on First Amendment in a Digital Age 09/16/05Washington, DCUS
Gartner IT and Software Asset Management Summit Lecture: The Future of Ideas09/13/05Los Angeles, CAUSLecture
An International Workshop – Creating the Information Commons of e-Science Lecture: The Experience of Creative Commons Licensing Activities and Plans for the Future09/02/05ParisFranceLecture
Entertainment Media Expo 09/01/05Los Angeles, CAUS
Copyfight Lecture: Intellectual Property and Copyright in the Digital Age07/16/05BarcelonaSpainLecture
What Grokster Really Means for Your Business Panel07/12/05Mountain View, CAUSFenwick & West LLPPanel
Fundacion OSDE Conference Lecture: Free Software, Free Culture: How property can build economic and cultural freedom07/08/05Buenos AiresArgentinaLecture
iCommons Summit 06/25/05 to 06/26/05Boston, MAUS
Harvard Law School Berkman Center iLaw Seminar Lecture: Pornography – An Application of Law, Norms, Market Architecture06/22/05Cambridge, MAUSHarvard Law SchoolLecture
Hewlett Board Meeting Lecture: IP Issues and Creative Commons’ Work06/19/05Menlo Park, CAUSLecture
American Society for Engineering Education Conference Lecture: The Creator’s Dilemma-The Struggle to Liberate Innovations and the Internet from the Law06/14/05Portland, ORUSLecture
Creative Commons Israel Launch 06/09/05San Francisco, CAUSVideo Confereence
Blackwell Publishing Conference Lecture: Internet Evolution – Reshaping Scholarly Publishing06/03/05Washington, DCUSLecture
Creative Commons South Africa Launch 05/25/05JohannesburgSouth Africa
Kopinor Symposium Lecture: Creative Commons05/20/05OsloNorwayLecture
Creative Commons Bulgaria Launch 05/16/05SofiaBulgaria
Sagonet “Theta” Discussion about Southern Africa NGOs using the Creative Commons License Lecture: Commons becomes an International Movement05/15/05JohannesburgSouth AfricaLecture
Continental Drift Conference Lecture: Understanding American Political Culture in Germany05/12/05BerlinGermanyLecture
Alfred Deakin Innovation Conference Lecture: The Creative Commons05/08/05MelbourneAustraliaLecture
Future Summit Conference Lecture: The Benefits of Distance: What to learn from Innovation Down Under05/06/05MelbourneAustraliaLecture
Alberta Library Conference Lecture: Taming the Regulation of Culture04/30/05AlbertaCanadaLecture
School of Media and Design Event Lecture: Is Writing Allowed? The struggle to preserve freedom in a digital age04/28/05Philadelphia, PAUSPhiladelphia UniversityLecture
Creative Commons Poland Launch 04/23/05KrakowPoland
Intellectual Property Law International Conference Lecture: Free Culture04/22/05KrakowPolandLecture
Federacion de Comerico Electronico Conference Lecture: Legislation in the Internet-How does the media use technology and the law to restrict creativity04/20/05MadridSpainLecture
W(h)ither the Middleman: The Role and Future of Intermediaries in the Information Age 04/08/05East Lansing, MIUS
Flash Forward San Francisco Lecture: The Costs of Copyright04/06/05San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Edinburgh International Science Festival Lecture: Cyberlaw: Who controls access to ideas on the net?04/02/05EdinburghScotlandLecture
Federalists Society’s Intellectual Property Practice Group and its Stanford Law School Chapter present a debate on Open Source and Intellectual Property Rights Panel discussion with: F. Scott Kieff and G. Marcus Cole03/30/05Palo Alto, CAUSStanford UniversityPanel discussion with
Miami, Music, Multimedia Conference Lecture: Creative Commons03/25/05Miami, FLUSLecture
Consortium for School Networking 10th Annual K-12 School Networking Conference Lecture: The Role of Open Source Access in Defining Quality Online Learning Experiences for Primary and Secondary Education03/24/05Washington, DCUSLecture
Meeting with Seoul Appellate Court Judges Discussion about general issues and trends relating to cyberspace03/23/05SeoulKoreaDiscussion about general issues and trends relating to cyberspace
Creative Commons Korea Launch 03/21/05SeoulKorea
Conference on College Composition and Communication 03/17/05San Francisco, CAUS
Emerging Technology Conference Lecture: ReMixMe. Putting the Debate in Context03/17/05San Diego, CAUSLecture
10th Annual Intellectual Property Institute Conference 03/13/05Seattle, WAUS
Lecture and Book Signing with Professor Lessig – The Tech Museum Lecture: Killing Creativity: How Today’s Intellectual Property Laws are Strangling Creativity in Music, the Arts and at Home03/09/05San Jose, CAUSLecture
The Network Society and the Knowledge Economy – Portugal in the Global Context Seminar Lecture: Leaving the 19th Century, Entering the 21st: The law reform necessary to make the networked society work03/05/05LisbonPortugalLecture
Library of Congress Workshop Lecture: Taming the Regulation of Culture03/03/05Washington, DCUSLecture
Institute of Law Symposium 02/25/05Boulder, COUSRhodes College
The Digital Broadband Migration: Rewriting the Telecom Act Lecture: Logical Layer: End-to-End02/13/05Boulder, COUSLecture
World Social Forum 01/28/05Buenos AiresArgentina
Address to the Supreme Court of Queensland Lecture: Does Copyright Have Limits: Eldred vs. Ashcroft and its Aftermath01/19/05BrisbaneAustraliaLecture
Open Content Licensing Conference Lecture: The Vision for Creative Common01/18/05BrisbaneAustraliaQueensland University of TechnologyLecture
Creative Commons Croatia Launch 01/14/05ZagrebCroatia
Real Estate Connect NYC Lecture: Innovate or Die01/10/05New York, NYUSLecture
IP and Fundamental Human Rights Conference 12/16/04TurinItaly
Creative Commons Italy Launch 12/16/04TurinItaly
Scholarship in a Digital Age Conference Lecture: Free Culture12/11/04Los Angeles, CAUSUSCLecture
Constitution in 2020 Conference 12/03/04New Haven, CTUSYale University
Italian Cyberspace Law Conference Lecture: Creative Commons11/19/04BolognaItalyLecture
Creative Commons France Launch 11/18/04ParisFrance
Computer Supported Cooperative Work 2004 Conference Lecture: Hacking the Law to Rebuild a Free Culture11/10/04Chicago, ILUSLecture
Hans Christian Anderson Conference Lecture: (Re)Creativity: How Creativity Lives11/04/04OdenseDenmarkUniversity of Southern DenmarkLecture
Consumer Electronics Association 2004 Industry Forum Lecture: Future of Ideas10/19/04San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Web 2.0 Conference Lecture: Free Culture10/05/04San Francisco, CAUSLecture
The Internet and the Law: A Global Conversation Lecture: Creative Commons10/01/04OttawaCanadaUniversity of OttawaLecture
Creative Commons Canada Launch 09/30/04OttawaCanada
SD Forum Speech Lecture: The Comedy of the Commons09/23/04Palo Alto, CAUSLecture
Wired/Creative Commons Concert 09/21/04New York, NYUS
Conversation with David Boies at the 92nd St. Y 09/20/04New York, NYUS
The Future of WIPO Workshop Panel: What is the WIPO Mission09/13/04GenevaSwitzerlandPanel
Tech Nation Summit Lecture: The Creative Commons09/09/04San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Prix Ars Electronica Forum Panel: Net Vision – Reality and Vision of the Digital Commons. Presentation on Creative Commons09/05/04TaipeiTaiwanPanel
Creative Commons Taiwan Launch 09/04/04TaipeiTaiwan
Lecture at the Supreme Court of Taiwan Lecture: Constitutional Law09/03/04TaipeiTaiwanLecture
16th Annual Instructional Technology Institute Conference — Utah State University Lecture: Free Culture09/01/04Logan, UtahUSLecture
Real Estate Connect Leadership, Innovation and Strategy conference07/30/04San Francisco, CAUSLeadership, Innovation and Strategy conference
Always On Innovation Summit 07/13/04Stanford, CAUSStanford University
American Library Association 2004 Annual Conference Panel: Open Access, Open Minds: Emerging Trends in Information, Creation, Ownership, Dissemination and Retention06/27/04Orlando, FLUSPanel
Symposium on Copyright, Piracy and the Future of Independent Filmmaking Lecture: Copyright and Piracy06/26/04Los Angeles, CAUSLecture
European Commission – TRIPS 10th Anniversary Conference Panel discussion: IPRs, Human Rights and the Public Domain06/24/04BrusselsBelgiumPanel discussion
Creative Commons Netherlands Launch 06/18/04AmsterdamNetherlands
Alcatel-SEL Foundation Lecture: Digital Commons06/14/04AldershofGermanyHumboldt UniversityLecture
Wizard of OS3 Lecture: The Future of the Digital Commons06/11/04BerlinGermanyLecture
Creative Commons Germany Launch 06/11/04BerlinGermany
Opening Celebration of the Scientific Alliance eOrganisation Lecture: Free Culture06/09/04KarlsruheGermanyLecture
Creative Commons Brazil Launch 06/04/04Porto AlegreBrazil
Creative Commons UK Forum 05/28/04OxfordUnited Kingdom
LIFT Lecture Lecture: Creative Commons in a Connected World05/27/04LondonUnited KingdomLecture
Creative Commons Finland Launch 05/24/04HelsinkiFinland
Insight & Foresight Speaker Series Lecture: The Future of Copyright, Culture and Creativity05/24/04HelsinkiFinlandLecture
Fine Print: Publishing in the Shadow of Big Media Roundtable: In the Shadow of Big Media05/21/04Irvine, CAUSRoundtable
OSDL: Linux User Advisory Council Meeting Lecture: The Good of the Journal in a Digital Age05/20/04San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Harvard Law School Berkman Center iLaw Seminar 05/13/04Boston, MAUS Launch – Swarthmore College Lecture: The Code of Privacy04/24/04Swarthmore, PAUSLecture
UCLA Public Lecture Lecture: Free Culture04/22/04Los Angeles, CAUSLecture
Ted Seymore Lecture 04/16/04Milwaukee, WIUS
NTT/ICC Symposium Lecture: Creative Commons-Free Culture03/20/04TokyoJapanLecture
Second Annual Symposium on Scholarly Communications Lecture: The progress of science: What’s at stake in the free culture debate03/12/04Albuquerque, NMUSUniversity of New MexicoLecture
MacArthur Foundation President’s Roundtable Lecture: Rethinking IP in the digital context and the work of Creative Commons03/10/04Chicago, ILUSLecture
Carleton College Lecture Lecture: Rebuilding the Creative Commons02/27/04Northfield, MNUSLecture
Radcliffe Lecture, Harvard University Lecture: On Rebuilding Free Culture02/12/04Cambridge, MAUSHarvard UniversityLecture
Sundance Digital Center Forum 01/17/04Park City, UtahUS
RSA Music and Technology Conference Panel: Which copyright policies will best support innovation?01/15/04LondonUnited KingdomPanel
Royal Society of Arts Lecture Lecture: Getting the Law Out of the Way01/14/04LondonUnited KingdomLecture
Oxford Media Convention 01/13/04OxfordUnited KingdomOxford University
ALISE Conference Lecture: The Commons That Libraries Can Build01/07/04San Diego, CAUSLecture
WSIS: Scientific Information Working Group roundtable: Diversity in Cyberspace12/11/03GenevaSwitzerlandroundtable
UNESCO High-Level Symposium “Building Knowledge Societies – from Vision to Action” Lecture: Freeing Knowledge from Unnecessary Burdens12/10/03GenevaSwitzerlandLecture
RIETI Policy Symposium “System Design in the Age of Broadband II” 12/04/03TokyoJapan
GLOCOM Forum 12/02/03TokyoJapan
Eyebeam Distinguished Creativity Panel 11/21/03New York, NYUS
NYU Colloquium in Legal, Political, and Social Philosophy with Professors Dworkin & Nagel 11/20/03New York, NYUS
Opensource Turin, Italy11/18/03TurinItalyCSI PiemonteTurin, Italy
Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia 11/17/03Reggio EmiliaItaly
Viacom Corporate Retreat 11/11/03Scottsdale, AZUS
OOPSLA, Onward! 2003 Lecture: Free Culture: The limited but essential role of property in building an environment for creativity10/28/03Anaheim, CAUSLecture
Kastenmeier Lecture Lecture: The Forgotten Balance of Robert Kastenmeier10/24/03Madison, WIUSUniversity of WisconsinLecture
USC Debate with Hilary Rosen 10/21/03 to 10/22/03Los Angeles, CAUS
Pop! Tech 2003 “Sea Change” Lecture: The Future of Ideas10/17/03Camden, MEUSLecture
AHLA Technology and Health Law Program 10/16/03San Francisco, CAUS
T.I. Contact 2003 Lecture: On Becoming Innovation Environmentalists10/10/03QuebecCanadaLecture
Build Value CEO Forum Panel: The Last Mile & The Spectrum: Who Owns the Airwaves and Who Should Control It?10/08/03Half Moon Bay, CAUSPanel
Openwave Anti-Abuse Conference Lecture: What is SPAM?09/24/03Santa Barbara, CAUSLecture
GDR TICS Conference Lecture: The role of the public domain in supporting cultural criticism06/27/03ParisFranceLecture
Shanahan Lecture lecture: Free Culture: The struggle to liberate creativity and the Internet from the law05/12/03New York, NYUSCooper Unionlecture
Lazerow Lecture Lecture: Building the Creative Commons05/08/03Los Angeles, CAUSUCLALecture
European Parliament Patent Hearing 05/07/03BrusselsBelgium
Aurora Forum 2003 05/05/03Stanford, CAUS
McGovern Lecture, Medical Libraries Association lecture: Protecting a Creative Commons for Knowledge05/04/03San Diego, CAUSlecture
Microsoft Connectivity Principles Press Conference 04/24/03Washington, DCUS
Clio Society Lecture 04/24/03Chicago, ILUS
Judge James R. Browning Lecture in Law School Lecture: Building the creative commons04/11/03Missoula, MTUSLecture
Almaden Institute 2003 Keynote: Teaching Architecture: The choices that privacy requires04/10/03Almaden, CAUSKeynote
Computers, Freedom and Privacy 2003 04/04/03New York, NYUS
The Economics of the Motion Picture Industry Panel: Digital Production and Distribution04/03/03St. Louis, MOUSPanel
iLaw 2003 – Berkman Center of the Harvard Law School 03/24/03 to 03/28/03Rio de JaneiroBrazil
Loyola University of Chicago Law Journal Conference Law governing code governing law: The Mess the Internet Has Created03/21/03Chicago, ILUSLoyola UniversityLaw governing code governing law
InfoSec World 2003 03/10/03Orlando, FLUS
South by Southwest 2003 Talk:Building a Layer of Sanity into the World of IP03/09/03Austin, TXUSTalk
Hewlett Foundation Open Knowledge Meeting 03/03/03Menlo Park, CAUS
Spectrum Policy: Property or Commons? 03/01/03 to 03/02/03Stanford, CAUSStanford Law School
The Law & Technology of DRM Panel: Impacts of DRMs on flows of Information02/28/03Berkeley, CAUSUniversity of California, BerkeleyPanel
Bell Labs General Research Colloquium 02/21/03Murray Hill, NJUS
Princeton Walter E. Edge Lecture 02/20/03Princeton, NJUSPrinceton University
Digital Rights Summit 02/19/03Santa Clara, CAUSIntel Corporation
World Summit on the Information Society 02/17/03GenevaSwitzerland
Chicago Historical Society Debate 02/15/03Chicago, ILUS
Digital Rights Management Conference 02/07/03LondonUnited KingdomBBC London
The Politics of Code Conference Keynote: Shaping the Future of the Next Internet02/06/03OxfordUnited KingdomOxford UniversityKeynote
Business Law Center Lecture Lecture: The Creative Commons11/28/02TokyoJapanUniversity of Tokyo Faculty of LawLecture
Symposium on The Rule of Law and New Communications Technologies Keynote: The Tragedy of the Innovation Commons? Reconciling Private Claims with Public Interest10/10/02Washington, DCUSThe Catholic University of AmericaKeynote
Free Software Foundation Benefit 08/14/02San Francisco, CAUS
New Democrat Network Panel: The Future of Digital Media08/12/02Palo Alto, CAUSPanel
Spectrum Policy Task Force 08/01/02Washington, DCUSFederal Communications Commission
Syllabus Conference on Education Technology Keynote: To Promote the Progress of Science: Law’s regulation of the Creative Process07/30/02Santa Clara, CAUSKeynote
O’Reilly Open Source Convention Keynote: Freeing Culture07/24/02San Diego, CAUSKeynote
Designing for Resiliency, TTI/Vanguard Conference Talk: The Architecture of Resiliency07/16/02BrusselsBelgiumTalk
Information Ownership and Control 07/13/02RüschlikonSwitzerland
iLaw-Berkman Center for Internet and Society 07/01/02 to 07/05/02Cambridge, MAUSHarvard Law School
Technology and Innovation Forum 06/27/02Washington, DCUS
The Economics of Open Source Software 06/21/02ToulouseFranceL’Institut d’Economie Industrielle (IDEI)
INET 2002 06/19/02Washington, DCUSThe Internet Society
American Library Association Lecture: The Creative Commons06/16/02Atlanta, GAUSLecture
USENIX Annual Technical Conference Keynote: The Internet’s Coming Silent Spring06/13/02Monterey, CAUSKeynote
Law and Informatics Research Institute (IRI) 06/10/02StockholmSwedenStockholm University
The Information Society Keynote: Code as Law on Cyberspace06/07/02AmsterdamNetherlandsThe Royal Academy of Arts and SciencesKeynote
TERENA Networking Conference Keynote: Free Culture06/03/02LimerickIrelandKeynote
Mechanics’ Institute Library 05/30/02San Francisco, CAUS
BIG Brains: Technology Forecasts for 2002 and Beyond, Business Internet Group 05/29/02San Francisco, CAUS
World Economic Forum 05/22/02Washington, DCUS
O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference Keynote: Creating the Commons05/16/02Santa Clara, CAUSKeynote
Digital Law 2002 05/08/02Sao PauloBrazil
Dunwody Distinguished Lecture 04/26/02Gainesville, FLUSUniversity of Florida Levin College of Law
Digital Landscapes: Redrawing the Boundaries in Entertainment, Media, and the Law-SLATA Conference 04/20/02Stanford, CAUSStanford Law School
Free Code, Free Speech, Free Culture 04/11/02Boston, MAUSBoston University
American Constitutional Society Lecture 04/05/02Washington, DCUS
Georgetown Hart Lecture 04/04/02Washington, DCUS
Hochelaga Lectures, University of Hong Kong 03/25/02Hong KongChina
Workshop in Law, Philosophy and Political Theory 03/14/02Berkeley, CAUSUniversity of California, Berkeley
Judge William H. Orrick, Jr. Visiting Lecture 03/14/02Berkeley, CAUSUniversity of California, Boalt Hall
Developments in Copyright 03/09/02Austin, TXUSSXSW Interactive
From Text to Performance: Law and Other Performing Arts 03/07/02Austin, TXUSUniversity of Texas at Austin School of Law
World Congress on Information Technology 03/01/02AdelaideAustralia
McCarthy Center for Intellectual Property and Technology Law Speaker Series 02/21/02San Francisco, CAUSUSF School of Law
Hogan & Hartson Jurimetrics Lecture in honor of Lee Loevinger Lecture: Architecting the Innovation Commons02/14/02Tempe, AZUSASU College of LawLecture
American Assembly 02/09/02Harriman, NYUSColumbia University
Is Open Source the Future of Software? 02/08/02Washington, DCUSAEI-Brookings Joint Center
Tenzer Distinguished Lecture in Intellectual Property Law 02/07/02New York, NYUSCardozo University
Political Science Institute 02/01/02ParisFrance
Regulation of Information Platforms Symposium 01/27/02Boulder, COUSUniversity of Colorado at Boulder, School of Law
University of Toronto Seminar: The Law of Cyberspace01/01/02TorontoCanadaSeminar
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) Distinguished Lecturer01/01/02Kona, HIUSDistinguished Lecturer
Harvard Law School Berkman Center iLaw Seminar Lecture: Law, Code, Market, and Social Norms01/01/02SingaporeSingaporeLecture
Yale University Elliot Lecture Lecture: Free Commons, Free Culture12/01/01New Haven, CTUSYale UniversityLecture
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Lecture: How the Architecture Mattered12/01/01Stanford, CAUSLecture
Microsoft Campus Lecture: The Architecture of Innovation11/01/01Redmond, WAUSLecture
USC Annenberg School for Communication Lecture: Innovation and the Internet11/01/01Los Angeles, CAUSLecture
USC Annenberg School for Communication Debate with Jack Valenti, President, MPAA: Creativity, Commerce and Culture11/01/01Los Angeles, CAUSDebate with Jack Valenti, President, MPAA
Darklight Digital Film Festival Lecture11/01/01DublinIrelandLecture
Duke University Public Domain Conference Lecture: Networks: The Public Domain in Bandwidth, Software and Content11/01/01Durham, NCUSLecture
Master of Business Law Program, University of St. Gallen Lecture: Broadband, Interactive Networks Law11/01/01Austin, TXUSLecture
O’Reilly Peer-to-Peer Conference Lecture: Preserving the Innovation Commons: What’s Really at Stake11/01/01Washington, DCUSLecture
RIETI Conference Lecture: The Architecture of Innovation10/01/01TokyoJapanLecture
ACM/IEEE Lecture Lecture: The Innovation Commons10/01/01Los Angeles, CAUSLecture
Trademarks in Cyberspace Forum Lecture10/01/01Chicago, ILUSLecture
Linux World Lecture: The New New Old War08/01/01San Francisco, CAUSLecture
American Association of Law Libraries Lecture: The Law of Cyberspace07/01/01Minneapolis, MNUSLecture
8th Circuit Judicial Conference 07/01/01St. Louis, MOUS
MIT 21st Century Trust Lecture: Innovation and the Internet07/01/01Boston, MAUSMITLecture
iLaw Seminar Lecture: Law, Code, Market, and Social Norms07/01/01Cambridge, MAUSHarvard Law SchoolLecture
Rüschlikon Conference on Information Law and Policy Panel: Competition, Antitrust & Access06/01/01RüschlikonSwitzerlandPanel
International Conference on Cyberlaw Lecture: Cyber Law in the U.S.A06/01/01LisbonPortugalLecture
Forbes CEO Forum 2001 Panel: Balancing Customer Intimacy With the Call for Privacy06/01/01Scottsdale, AZUSPanel
Intel Lecture: Workshop on IP06/01/01Hillsboro, ORUSLecture
ICTI World Toy Conference Panel: IP and Innovation06/01/01Pasadena, CAUSPanel
Chaos Control Conference Lecture: Coding Control05/01/01ViennaAustriaLecture
Stanford Faculty Workshop Presentation Lecture: Copyright’s First Amendment05/01/01Stanford, CAUSLecture
Stanford Law Society Panel Title: What’s Happening at the Supreme Court05/01/01San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Berkman Center’s Open Spectrum Workshop 05/01/01Cambridge, MAUSHarvard Law School
Berkeley SIMS Graduation Lecture: Graduation Lecture05/01/01Berkeley, CAUSUniversity of California, BerkeleyLecture
Center for the Public Domain Title: Intellectual Property and Innovation05/01/01Washington, DCUSLecture
LCS Distinguished Lecturer Series, MIT Lecture: Coding Innovation05/01/01Cambridge, MAUSMITLecture
Center for Media Education Keynote:.Commons05/01/01Washington, DCUSKeynote
International Conference on Intellectual Property in Cyberspace Lecture: IP and Innovation05/01/01StresaItalyLecture
Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop 2001: A Tech Odyssey Panel: Spectrum Policy & Wireless Technology in Indian Country04/01/01Asilomar, CAUSPanel
BusinessWeek Broadband Telecom Summit 2001 Keynote: Next Victim? Will the Microsoft Antitrust Case Have Its Broadband Equivalent?04/01/01Dallas, TXUSKeynote
SD 2001: Software Development Conference Keynote: Architecting Innovation04/01/01San Jose, CAUSKeynote
Uncommon Knowledge TV Program Regulation and the Future of Cyberspace04/01/01Stanford, CAUSLecture
Digital Property Lecture, Santa Clara Law School Lecture: Law of the Horse04/01/01Santa Clara, CAUSLecture
Verizon Foundation Distinguished Lecture Series Lecture: The Internet and the Future of Democracy04/01/01Pittsburgh, PAUSCarnegie Mellon UniversityLecture
Washington University Center for Interdisciplinary Studies Conference Session: Norms of the Commons03/01/01St. Louis, MOUSSession
Copyright Law Forum Keynote: Innovation on the Internet03/01/01OttawaCanadaUniversity of OttawaKeynote
Kip & Meredith Frey Lecture Lecture: Architecting Innovation03/01/01Durham, NCUSDuke Law SchoolLecture
Princeton Program in Ethics & Public Affairs Seminar Lecture: Patience03/01/01Princeton, NJUSLecture
Princeton Institute for Advanced Study Lecture Lecture: The Architecture of Innovation03/01/01Princeton, NJUSLecture
Keck Lecture, Amherst University Lecture: The Place of Law03/01/01Amherst, MAUSLecture
National Academy of Sciences Protecting Children from Pornography Testimony 03/01/01Redwood City, CAUS
Berkeley Center for Law & Technology Beyond Microsoft Conference Panel Participant03/01/01Berkeley, CAUSUniversity of California, BerkeleyPanel Participant
Melville B. Nimmer Memorial Lecture, UCLA Lecture: Copyright’s First Amendment03/01/01Los Angeles, CAUSLecture
Horatio Ellsworth Kellar Lecture, University of Minnesota Lecture: Innovation on the Internet02/01/01Minneapolis, MNUSLecture
American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science “Patenting Genes and Business Methods: Is It Time for Congress to Cut Back Patent Protection?” Symposium 02/01/01San Francisco, CAUS
Symposium on the Constitution and the Internet Lecture: Architecting Innovation02/01/01Des Moines, IAUSDrake UniversityLecture
O’Reilly P2P Conference Keynote: The Future of P2P02/01/01San Francisco, CAUSKeynote
The Constitution and the Individual Lecture: The Law of the Internet02/01/01Los Angeles, CAUSUniversity of Southern CaliforniaLecture
Electronic Frontier Foundation BayFF Program Lecture: Innovation02/01/01Stanford, CAUSLecture
Forbes Forum on Management & Policy Moderator: Balancing Customer Intimacy with the Call for Privacy02/01/01Laguna Niguel, CAUSModerator
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 01/01/01DavosSwitzerland
Napsterization of Hollywood Conference Panel12/01/00Los Angeles, CAUSPanel
Digital Divide Conference Lecture: The Digital Divide12/01/00Stanford, CAUSStanford Law SchoolLecture
Business Week Conference on the Digital Economy Lecture: Was the Microsoft Case Just the Beginning?12/01/00San Francisco, CAUSLecture
Brazil Conference on the Internet Lecture: The Regulation of the Internet11/01/00São PaoloBrazilLecture
Washington University Conference Lecture: The Norms of the Commons11/01/00St. Louis, MOUSWashington University Law SchoolLecture
Chile Lecture: The Business of Internet Development10/01/00SantiagoChileLecture
Regulating on the Technological Edge Lecture: Open Access10/01/00Berkeley, CAUSUniversity of California, BerkeleyLecture
Judges of the 1st Circuit Conference Lecture: Patience10/01/00Martha’s Vineyard, MAUSLecture
Privacy Conference Lecture: Securing Privacy in an Electronic Age10/01/00New York, NYUSNew School UniversityLecture
ISOC Patent Debate With Q. Todd Dickinson, Jay Walker, and Tim O’Reilly10/01/00Washington, DCUSWith Q. Todd Dickinson, Jay Walker, and Tim O’Reilly
Berkman Center Debate Title: The Future of IP: With Jack Valenti10/01/00Cambridge, MAUSHarvard Law SchoolLecture
India Cyberspace Lecture: The Future of Internet Innovation09/01/00New DelhiIndiaLecture
BigHook 2000 Workshop09/01/00Boston, MAUSWorkshop
Boston University Conference on Trust Lecture: Trust09/01/00Boston, MAUSBoston UniversityLecture
Conference on Jeff Rosen, The Unwanted Gaze Lecture: Privacy and the Internet09/01/00Washington, DCUSLecture
TIAS Business School Seminar Lecture: Internet Regulation09/01/00BrusselsBelgiumLecture
John Seely Brown Memorial Lecture, University of Michigan Lecture: The Environment of Innovation09/01/00Ann Arbor, MIUSUniversity of Michigan Law SchoolLecture
Drexel University Conference Lecture: Freedom and the Internet07/01/00Philadelphia, PAUSLecture
Child Online Privacy Act Testimony 07/01/00Richmond, VAUS
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu European Conference Lecture: Innovation06/01/00VersaillesFranceLecture
Conference on New Institutional Economics Comment06/01/00DresdenGermanyComment
Free Software: A Model for Society? Lecture: Open Code and Open Societies05/01/00TützingGermanyLecture
Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen Lecture: The Law in Code05/01/00ViennaAustriaLecture
Internet Summit Panel05/01/00BarcelonaSpainPanel
The Law of Authoritarian Democracies and Authoritarianism in Democracy Comment05/01/00BudapestHungaryComment
www9 Keynote: Cyberspace’s Architectural Constitution05/01/00AmsterdamNetherlandsKeynote
IFLP Internet and Power Keynote: Law and Power in Cyberspace05/01/00Cambridge, UKUSKeynote
New Yorker Festival Panel: Business and the Internet05/01/00New York, NYUSPanel
Brightmail SPAM Summit Keynote: e2e Regulation05/01/00Washington, DCUSKeynote
Seventh Circuit Judicial Conference Keynote: Regulating Cyberspace05/01/00Chicago, ILUSKeynote
Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference Panel: IP in Cyberspace04/01/00Dana Point, CAUSPanel
New University of Lisbon Lecture: Innovation and Regulation04/01/00LisbonPortugalLecture
A Free Information Ecology in the Digital Environment Presentation: Cyberspace’s Philosophy and Philosopher04/01/00New York, NYUSPresentation
Zurich Financial Services Lecture: The Regulations of Cyberspace03/01/00St. MoritzSwitzerlandLecture
Hewlett Packard Science Lecture Lecture: The Constitution of Cyberspace03/01/00Bristol, UKUSLecture
Music Information Center Austria: Open Source Lecture: The Limits of Copyright03/01/00ViennaAustriaLecture
pcForum Lecture: The Code in Law and the Law in Code03/01/00Scottsdale, AZUSLecture
New York New Media Association Panel: The Open Source Revolution02/01/00New York, NYUSPanel
American Academy Lecture: Cyberspace’s Constitution02/01/00BerlinGermanyLecture
Privacy and Cyberspace 02/01/00Stanford, CAUSStanford Law School
Southern Cross University Summer School Teaching: The Law of Cyberspace12/01/99Byron Bay, AUUSTeaching
IT-University, Policy Lectures Lecture: Open Content, Open Values11/01/99CopenhagenDenmarkLecture
1984 Fifty Years Later Paper: The Refreshing Code of 198411/01/99Chicago, ILUSPaper
Oxford Intellectual Property Seminar Paper: IP and Cyberspace11/01/99OxfordUnited KingdomOxford UniversityPaper
The Internet: Does Cyberspace End Sovereignty? Paper: How Lawyers Will Kill the Net10/01/99TurinItalyPaper
The Internet: A Juridical as well as Digital Revolution? Conference organized by Deputy Christian Paul of the French National Assembly10/01/99ParisFranceConference organized by Deputy Christian Paul of the French National Assembly
MacArthur Conference on the New Law and Economics Conference to explore empirical approaches to the study of social norms and social meaning10/01/99Chicago, ILUSConference to explore empirical approaches to the study of social norms and social meaning
Tucker Lecture Lecture: The Death of Cyberspace10/01/99Lexington, VAUSWashington & Lee University Law SchoolLecture
The 1999 Forbes CEO Forum: Corporate Darwinism, Forbes Inc Roundtable discussion: Survival of the fittest? A Darwinian take on Microsoft, regulation and competition06/01/99Atlanta, GAUSRoundtable discussion
Open Code/Open Content/ Open Law Keynote05/01/99Cambridge, MAUSKeynote
Committee on University Resources (COUR) Conference Session: CyberEthics: The Moral Challenge of the Internet04/01/99Cambridge, MAUSHarvard UniversitySession
Roxbury Schools Deliberative Forum, DoSomething, Inc Forum subject: fairness” in the context of high school policies04/01/99Cambridge, MAUSForum subject
Computers, Freedom and Privacy 1999 Conference: The Global Internet Panel: Self-Regulation Reconsidered04/01/99Washington, DCUSPanel
Private Censorship/ Perfect Choice Conference Paper: The Values in Open Code04/01/99New Haven, CTUSYale Law SchoolPaper
Henry J. Miller Distinguished Lecture Paper: Open Code, Open Society04/01/99Atlanta, GAUSGeorgia State University College of LawPaper
Competing Competition Laws: Do We Need a Global Standard? Panel: Is Reconciliation Possible?03/01/99Boston, MAUSNew England School of LawPanel
Conference on Access to U.S. Capital Markets for Israeli High Tech Companies Panel: Issues facing high technology firms in the current economic and legal climate03/01/99Tel AvivIsraelPanel
The Legal & Policy Framework for Global Electronic Commerce Conference Panel: Setting (and Choosing) Global Technical Standards03/01/99Berkeley, CAUSUniversity of California-BerkeleyPanel
TechnoPolitics Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and Spread Spectrum03/01/99Washington, DCUSLecture
Fidelity, Economic Liberty and 1937, College of William and Mary Paper: Contestable Rights02/01/99Williamsburg, VAUSPaper
New Directions Conference 02/01/99Cambridge, MAUSKennedy School of Government
The John A. Sibley Lecture Keynote: Internet Governance and the Open Source Software Movement02/01/99Athens, GAUSUniversity of Georgia School of LawKeynote
The 1999 Forbes Forum on Management and Policy for Chief Marketing and Chief Communications Officers Conference: Brand in an Era of Disruptive Technologies02/01/99Carlsbad, CAUSConference
Fordham Spring 1999 Symposium on Media Convergence Conference: Media Convergence: Necessary, Evil or Both? The Legal, Economic and Cultural Impacts of Mega Media Mergers02/01/99New York, NYUSConference
The 7th Annual Charles Green Lecture in Law and Technology Colloquium: Kent: The School, the Life and the Legacy01/01/99Chicago, ILUSChicago-Kent College of LawColloquium
Representing the New Media Company Conference, Practicing Law Institute (PLI) Keynote: Copyright’s Commons01/01/99New York, NYUSKeynote
Graduate Legal Studies Program in Georgia Planning Meeting, Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute 12/01/98BudapestHungaryCentral European University
Digital Directions Speakers Series Paper: Cyberlaw: The New Frontier11/01/98Charlottesville, VAUSUniversity of Virginia Law SchoolPaper
1998 National Lawyers Convention, The Federalist Society Paper: Property in cSpace11/01/98Washington, DCUSPaper
Lecture Paper: Internet Governance10/01/98Durham, NCUSUniversity of North CarolinaPaper
Free Speech: Media, Law & Society Conference Seminar: Paparazzi and Privacy10/01/98Baltimore, MDUSJohns Hopkins UniversitySeminar
Seventh Annual Lavender Law Conference, National Lesbian and Gay Association Panel: Issues in Communications Law10/01/98Boston, MAUSPanel
1998 Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) Annual Conference Conference: One Planet, One Net: The Public Interest in Internet Governance10/01/98Cambridge, MAUSConference
Keynote: Governance, Free Speech & Economic Power Symposium, Northwestern University School of Law Commentator on Prof. Owen Fiss’s “Regulating Television: A New Turn in the Law?10/01/98Chicago, ILUSCommentator on Prof. Owen Fiss’s “Regulating Television
The Twenty-Sixth Annual Telecommunication Policy Research Conference (TPRC) Seminar: Content Controls10/01/98Alexandria, VAUSSeminar
GALA Workshop 09/01/98Berkeley, CAUSUniversity of Califoria-Berkeley
Being Connected Conference, Vanguard Program Presentation: Code as Law09/01/98McLean, VAUSPresentation
The Program in Ethics and the Professions Keynote: Attention Span09/01/98Cambridge, MAUSHarvard UniversityKeynote
Aspen Summit V: Cyberspace & the American Frontier, The Progress & Freedom Foundation Keynote: Governance08/01/98Aspen, COUSKeynote
The Aspen Institute Internet Policy Project 07/01/98Aspen, COUS
Conference on Constitutionalism and Democracy, New York University School of Law 07/01/98FlorenceItaly
Internet: Towards a New Society? Keynote: Internet y la proteccion de los derechos de la personalidad07/01/98ValenciaSpainThe International University Menéndez y Pelayo of ValenciaKeynote
Marshall Symposium. The Information Revolution in Midstream: An Anglo-American Perspective Panel: Law and Public Policy05/01/98Ann Arbor, MIUSUniversity of Michigan Law SchoolPanel
Conference on the Internet & Society 05/01/98Cambridge, MAUSHarvard University
Taiwan Net ’98 Keynote: The Laws of Cyberspace03/01/98TaipeiTaiwanKeynote
Textualism and the Constitution Paper: Textualism and Federalism02/01/98Washington, DCUSGeorge Washington School of LawPaper
AALS Annual Meeting Paper: Law and Interpretation Section: Interpreting 193701/01/98San Francisco, CAUSPaper
Enforcing Constitutional Court Judgments, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Georgia Paper: The History of Enforcement of Supreme Court Judgments (with Tim Wu)11/01/97TbilisiGeorgiaPaper
State Bar of Arizona, CLE Paper: The Laws of Cyberspace11/01/97Tempe, AZUSPaper
DeWitt Higgs Memorial Lecture Address: The Laws of Cyberspace10/01/97San Diego, CAUSWarren College, University of California, San DiegoAddress
Telecommunications Policy Research Conference Paper: What Things Regulate Speech09/01/97Washington, DCUSPaper
Academy of European Law Teaching: The Law of Cyberspace06/01/97FlorenceItalyLecture
Boston University Law School Faculty Workshop Paper: The Law of the Horse: What Cyberlaw Might Teach04/01/97Boston, MAUSBoston UniversityPaper
Faculty Workshop Paper: The Law of the Horse: What Cyberlaw Might Teach04/01/97Nashville, TNUSVanderbilt School of LawPaper
Local Values and Global Telecommunications, National Research Council 04/01/97Washington, DCUS
Faculty Workshop Paper: The Law of the Horse: What Cyberlaw Might Teach04/01/97Stanford, CAUSStanford University Law SchoolPaper
Case Western Reserve University Law School Paper: Lessons from a Line Item Veto Law04/01/97Cleveland, OHUSPaper
Digital Library Initiative 03/01/97Santa Fe, NMUSUniversity of Michigan
Computers, Freedom, Privacy 1997 Paper: Law, Norms and Code03/01/97San Francisco, CAUSPaper
Media Institute Paper: The Constitution As Code03/01/97Washington, DCUSCatholic UniversityPaper
Legal Theory Workshop Paper: Law, Norms, Code03/01/97Washington, DCUSG.W.U. Law SchoolPaper
Faculty Workshop Paper: Reading the Constitution in Cyberspace02/01/97Cambridge, MAUSHarvard Law SchoolPaper
Faculty Workshop Paper: Fidelity and Constraint02/01/97New York, NYUSColumbia Law SchoolPaper
Faculty Workshop Paper: Law, Norms, Code02/01/97Hamden, CTUSQuinnipiac School of LawPaper
Hartman Institute Paper: Change in Constitutional Interpretation12/01/96JerusalemIsraelPaper
Workshop on Media, Technology and the Law Discussing emerging media technology12/01/96Cambridge, MAUSHarvard Law SchoolDiscussing emerging media technology
Cordell Hull Speaker’s Forum Paper: Constitution and Code11/01/96Birmingham, ALUSCumberland School of LawPaper
American Society of Comparative Law 09/01/96Detroit, MIUS
Fidelity in Constitutional Theory Paper: Fidelity as Translation09/01/96New York, NYUSFordham Law SchoolPaper
Legal Theory Workshop Paper: The Erie-Effect09/01/96Boulder, COUSU. of Colorado at BoulderPaper
Law and Cyberspace, ACLU Panel Panel discussion05/01/96Chicago, ILUSPanel discussion
Digital Library Initiative Paper: Intellectual Property in Cyberspace05/01/96Ann Arbor, MIUSUniversity of MichiganPaper
NCAIR Virtual Magistrate Project Paper: Grounding the Virtual Magistrate (with Jack Goldsmith)05/01/96Washington, DCUSPaper
Virtue and Virtuality: Gender, Law and Cyberspace Paper: Zoning Porn and People in Cyberspace04/01/96Cambridge, MAUSMIT Program in Women’s StudiesPaper
Cyberspace and the Law, Symposium Paper: Intellectual Property in Cyberspace04/01/96Jamaica, NYUSSt. John’s Law SchoolPaper
Legal Studies Workshop Presented Paper: The Erie-effect04/01/96Charlottesville, VAUSUniversity of VirginiaPresented Paper
Colloquium on Constitutional Theory Presented Paper: The Erie-effect04/01/96New York, NYUSNYU Law SchoolPresented Paper
Kellogg Foundation, Workshop on Technology Participant03/01/96Santa Fe, NMUSParticipant
Thrower Symposium Paper: Reading the Constitution in Cyberspace02/01/96Atlanta, GAUSEmory Law SchoolPaper
Law and Borders Comment: Borders in Cyberspace02/01/96Stanford, CAUSStanford Law SchoolComment
Law, Economics, and Norms Comment: The regulation of social norms02/01/96Philadelphia, PAUSUniversity of Pennsylvania Law SchoolComment
Constitutional Courts in Eastern Europe 02/01/96Chicago, ILUSUniversity of Chicago
Cyberspace and the First Amendment Paper: The Path of Cyberlaw12/01/95New Haven, CTUSYale Law SchoolPaper
International Association of Constitutional Law Discussing comparative constitutional law09/01/95TokyoJapanDiscussing comparative constitutional law
Society of Professional Journalism Discussing Cyberspace and Libel03/01/95Stamford, CTUSDiscussing Cyberspace and Libel
Law and Economics Workshop Paper: Judicial Reputation02/01/95Cambridge, MAUSHarvard Law SchoolPaper
Address to the Class of 1997 10/01/94Chicago, ILUSUniversity of Chicago
Constitutional Courts in Transition 09/01/94WarsawPoland
International Congress of Comparative Law 09/01/94AthensGreece
Workshop on Constitutionalism in Post-Communist Russia 06/01/94NovosibirskRussia
Rights in Post-Communist Europe 06/01/94BudapestHungaryCentral European University
AALS Annual Meeting 01/01/94Orlando, FLUS
Media Rights, and Restitution in Eastern Europe 06/01/93BudapestHungaryCentral European University
Conference on Richard Epstein’s Forbidden Ground 05/01/93San Diego, CAUSUniversity of California at San Diego
Workshops on the Republic of Georgia’s Constitution 03/01/93TblisiGeorgia
Rights and Responsibilities in Electronic Community 02/01/93Washington, DCUSNational Research Council
AALS Annual Meeting Paper: The President and the Administration, Administrative Law01/01/93San Francisco, CAUSPaper
Interpretation and the Unitary Executive Paper: Readings by Our Unitary Executive12/01/92New York, NYUSCardozo Law SchoolPaper
Constitutional Drafting Workshop, Georgia and Belarus Paper: Constitutional Amending Processes12/01/92BudapestHungaryCentral European UniversityPaper
Law and Economics at Chicago Paper: Counting with Landes and Posner05/01/92Chicago, ILUSUniversity of ChicagoPaper
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