Martin Warnke
Address: Universitätsallee. 1, C5.319
D-21335 Lüneburg
D-21335 Lüneburg
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Papers by Martin Warnke
About the Author"
About the Author"
What is the epistemological status of a computer simulation? Is it theory or experiment - or does it not rather form a no man's land in between, which also offers a place for deception and fraud? On the basis of empirical field research, Dippel and Warnke take a look at one of the most shocking phenomena of digitalization: the erosion of modern, fact-based truth production. Computer simulation produces something of its own through the analysis of large data sets and the recreation of elementary processes, whereby precision of world description and fundamental deception lie close together. "Depths of Deception" is an ethnography of the famous quantum physics double-slit experiment and the proposal of an Operational Realism. As an epistemological perspective, the latter recognizes that computer simulations have long been an indispensable basis of our lives, and precisely through them determine what is to be considered real. Last but not least, Dippel and Warnke therefore raise the question of the ethical consequences of algorithmic world design.
This volume contributes to the ongoing discussion on the epistemic position of computer simulations in a variety of physical disciplines, such as quantum optics, quantum mechanics, and computational physics. Originating from an interdisciplinary event, it shows that accounts of contemporary physics can constructively interfere with media theory, philosophy, and the history of science.