
  1. ndarray

    An n-dimensional array for general elements and for numerics. Lightweight array views and slicing; views support chunking and splitting.

    v0.16.1 1.1M #array #matrix #multi-dimensional #matrix-operations #blas #multidimensional-array #higher-order
  2. nalgebra

    General-purpose linear algebra library with transformations and statically-sized or dynamically-sized matrices

    v0.33.2 1.2M #linear-algebra #matrix #matrix-vector #vector-math #linear #algebra #math
  3. matrixmultiply

    General matrix multiplication for f32 and f64 matrices. Operates on matrices with general layout (they can use arbitrary row and column stride). Detects and uses AVX or SSE2 on x86…

    v0.3.9 1.6M #matrix-multiplication #matrix #row-column
  4. glam

    fast 3D math library for games and graphics

    v0.30.0 423K #simd-vector #vector #matrix-vector #vector-math #matrix #quaternions #gamedev
  5. smawk

    Functions for finding row-minima in a totally monotone matrix

    v0.3.2 1.6M #matrix #dynamic-programming #linear-time #optimization #line-break
  6. euclid

    Geometry primitives

    v0.22.11 362K #matrix-vector #linear-algebra #2d-graphics #geometry #vector #vector-math #matrix
  7. sprs

    A sparse matrix library

    v0.11.3 85K #sparse-matrix #linear-algebra #matrix-operations #matrix #sparse
  8. ndarray-stats

    Statistical routines for ArrayBase, the n-dimensional array data structure provided by ndarray

    v0.6.0 138K #array #ndarray #multi-dimensional #statistical-analysis #matrix #statistics #data-analysis
  9. ndarray-linalg

    Linear algebra package for rust-ndarray using LAPACK

    v0.17.0 23K #matrix #lapack #ndarray
  10. faer

    linear algebra library

    v0.21.4 21K #linear-algebra #matrix #math #low-level #performance #high
  11. russell_sparse

    Solvers for large sparse linear systems (wraps MUMPS and UMFPACK)

    v1.9.0 2.1K #sparse-matrix #linear-solver #matrix #sparse #solver #finite-element
  12. grid

    Dynamic generic 2D data structure

    v0.16.1 123K #2d-array #data-structures #2d-vector #matrix #array #2d #matrix-vector
  13. russell_lab

    Scientific laboratory for linear algebra and numerical mathematics

    v1.9.2 230 #matrix-vector #matrix #matrix-multiplication #numerical-computation #data-points #complex-numbers #linspace
  14. matrix-sdk-base

    The base component to build a Matrix client library

    v0.10.0 2.7K #messaging #chat #ruma #matrix-chat #nio #end-to-end-encryption #matrix
  15. easy-ml

    Machine learning library providing matrices, named tensors, linear algebra and automatic differentiation aimed at being easy to use

    v2.0.0-dev.0 1.3K #machine-learning #automatic-differentiation #matrix #linear-algebra #tensor #linear-regression #deep-learning
  16. ndarray-rand

    Constructors for randomized arrays. rand integration for ndarray.

    v0.15.0 70K #ndarray #multi-dimensional #rand #random #matrix #uniform-distribution
  17. glamour

    Strongly typed linear algebra with glam

    v0.16.0 1.2K #linear-algebra #vector-math #math #matrix-vector #vector #matrix #strongly-typed
  18. linfa-linalg

    Pure-Rust implementation of linear algebra routines for ndarray

    v0.2.0 30K #linear-algebra #matrix #ndarray #linalg
  19. lightmotif

    A lightweight platform-accelerated library for biological motif scanning using position weight matrices

    v0.9.1 #matrix #bioinformatics #genomics #motif #pssm #fixed-length
  20. faer-evd

    Basic linear algebra routines

    v0.17.1 600 #linear-algebra #matrix #square-matrix #math
  21. maths-rs

    A linear algebra library for gamedev and graphics

    v0.2.6 190 #linear-algebra #vector-math #graphics #quaternions #math #vector #matrix
  22. faer-cholesky

    Basic linear algebra routines

    v0.17.1 550 #linear-algebra #square-matrix #matrix #math
  23. faer-svd

    Basic linear algebra routines

    v0.17.1 650 #linear-algebra #matrix #math #square-matrix
  24. faer-entity

    Basic linear algebra routines

    v0.20.1 19K #linear-algebra #matrix #math #low-level
  25. kmedoids

    k-Medoids clustering with the FasterPAM algorithm

    v0.5.3 1.2K #clustering #machine-learning #matrix #optimization #algorithm
  26. rusty-rain

    A cross platform CMatrix like program

    v0.3.7 440 #rain #emoji #matrix #cross-platform #cmatrix #matrix-rain #command-line
  27. faer-qr

    Basic linear algebra routines

    v0.17.1 700 #linear-algebra #matrix #square-matrix #math
  28. cgmath

    A linear algebra and mathematics library for computer graphics

    v0.18.0 72K #vector-math #matrix-vector #math #vector #matrix #quaternions #gamedev
  29. matrix-sdk-test

    Helpers to write tests for the Matrix SDK

    v0.10.0 #matrix-sdk #messaging #ruma #chat #matrix-chat #matrix
  30. bevy_math

    math functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.2 98K #bevy #vector-math #game-engine #matrix #vec2 #gamedev #representation
  31. metis

    Idiomatic wrapper for METIS, the serial graph partitioner and fill-reducing matrix orderer

    v0.2.2 5.0K #graph #partitioning #mesh #matrix #order #api-bindings
  32. lstsq

    Return the least-squares solution to a linear matrix equation

    v0.6.0 12K #linear-algebra #squares #matrix #equation #solution #bare-metal #std
  33. toodee

    A lightweight 2D wrapper around a Vec

    v0.6.0 #2d-array #matrix #array #sorting #matrix-operations #image-processing #translate
  34. faer-lu

    Basic linear algebra routines

    v0.17.1 550 #linear-algebra #lu-decomposition #square-matrix #matrix #math
  35. basic_dsp_interop

    Digital signal processing based on real or complex vectors in time or frequency domain

    v0.10.2 #signal-processing #digital-signal-processing #dsp #convolution #interpolation #fft #matrix
  36. rsparse

    solving sparse linear systems using direct methods

    v1.0.0 800 #sparse-matrix #linear-algebra #sparse #matrix #math #linear #matrix-operations
  37. discorec

    Recommendations for Rust using collaborative filtering

    v0.2.1 #recommendations #filtering #collaborative #feedback #matrix #implicit #factorization
  38. n_circular_array

    An n-dimensional circular array

    v0.1.6 490 #array #circular #matrix #matrix-vector #vector
  39. block-grid

    A quick, cache-conscious, tiled 2D array

    v1.0.0 250 #2d-array #block-size #array #2d-grid #grid #2d #matrix
  40. constgebra

    Const Linear Algebra

    v0.1.4 80K #linear-algebra #matrix-vector #vector-math #math #matrix #linear #const
  41. diffsol

    solving ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in Rust

    v0.5.2 220 #differential-equations #equation-solver #scientific-computing #ode #matrix #ordinary #linear-solver
  42. ruma-common

    Common types for other ruma crates

    v0.15.1 12K #ruma #chat #messaging #matrix-chat #networking #matrix
  43. faer-sparse

    Basic linear algebra routines

    v0.17.1 650 #sparse-matrix #linear-algebra #matrix #math #low-level
  44. vecmath

    type agnostic library for vector math designed for reexporting

    v1.0.0 68K #vector-math #vector #matrix #math #linear-algebra #piston
  45. al-jabr

    An n-dimensional linear algebra library

    v0.6.4 1.8K #linear-algebra #vector-math #matrix-operations #matrix #matrix-vector #linear #vector
  46. nalgebra-glm

    A computer-graphics oriented API for nalgebra, inspired by the C++ GLM library

    v0.19.0 13K #linear-algebra #matrix #matrix-vector #graphics-api #linear #algebra #vector-math
  47. matrixable

    Traits and structs extending capabilities of matrix-like structures

    v0.7.0 500 #matrix #traits-structs #traits #rows #matrix-ext #element #square-matrix
  48. faer-ext

    faer-rs API for interoperability with external libraries

    v0.4.1 10K #linear-algebra #matrix #math
  49. microgemm

    General matrix multiplication with custom configuration in Rust. Supports no_std and no_alloc environments

    v0.3.1 400 #linear-algebra #matrix #no-alloc #gemm #math #micro-kernel
  50. nalgebra-sparse

    Sparse matrix computation based on nalgebra

    v0.10.0 3.6K #sparse-matrix #linear-algebra #matrix #matrix-operations #dense-matrix #linear #algebra
  51. lair

    Linear algebra in Rust

    v0.7.0 550 #linear-algebra #matrix #decomposition #lu-decomposition #equation-solver #multidimensional-array
  52. lin_alg

    Vector, matrix, and quaternion operations for general purposes

    v1.0.6 500 #vector #quaternions #matrix #matrix-vector #algebra #rendering
  53. servicepoint

    CCCB Service Point Display

    v0.13.2 330 #display #cccb #udp #pixel #point #matrix #service
  54. mstickereditor

    import sticker packs from telegram, to be used at the Maunium sticker picker for Matrix

    v0.3.7 140 #sticker #messaging #chat #stickerpicker #matrix-chat #matrix
  55. orx-funvec

    Traits to unify access to elements of n-dimensional vectors which are particularly useful in algorithms requiring both flexibility through abstraction over inputs and performance through monomorphization

    v0.1.6 290 #closures #array #matrix #multi-dimensional #vec #algorithm #data-access
  56. algori

    Rust Algorithms

    v0.13.0 1.7K #sorting #matrix #math #search-algorithms #search #algorithm
  57. algebraeon

    computational algebra library re-exports for all components

    v0.0.10 370 #polynomial #matrix #number-theory #maths #factoring
  58. sophus_autodiff

    automatic differentiation with optional SIMD acceleration

    v0.14.0 300 #dual #derivative #matrix #batch #linalg #real #scalar
  59. matreex

    matrix implementation

    v0.23.2 750 #matrix #multiplication #named
  60. ruma-state-res

    An abstraction for Matrix state resolution

    v0.13.0 550 #chat #ruma #matrix-chat #user-events #api-bindings #networking #matrix
  61. rowboat

    A package for working with row/column/cell structured data AKA dataframe

    v0.1.0 170 #dataframe #table #csv #sql #matrix
  62. matrix-sdk-common

    Collection of common types and imports used in the matrix-sdk

    v0.10.0 3.3K #ruma #messaging #chat #matrix-chat #nio #matrix
  63. fragtk

    Fragment file toolkit

    v1.1.0 110 #fragment #toolkit #file #barcode #cell #matrix
  64. petal-decomposition

    Matrix decomposition algorithms including PCA (principal component analysis) and ICA (independent component analysis)

    v0.8.0 #decomposition #matrix #dimensionality #pca #ica
  65. ruma-server-util

    implementing Matrix server applications

    v0.5.0 120 #chat #ruma #messaging #matrix-chat #networking #api-bindings #matrix
  66. uatu

    A Matrix bot that watches channels

    v0.1.14 850 #bot #watcher #matrix
  67. opis

    rational number and matrix arithmetic

    v5.7.0 170 #rational-numbers #linear-regression #math #integer-arithmetic #matrix #fraction #precision
  68. kn0sys-ndarray-stats

    Statistical routines for ArrayBase, the n-dimensional array data structure provided by ndarray

    v0.7.1 100 #array #ndarray #matrix #multi-dimensional #statistics #data-structures
  69. nalgebra-lapack

    Matrix decompositions using nalgebra matrices and Lapack bindings

    v0.25.0 #linear-algebra #matrix #linear #algebra #lapack #matrix-vector #vector
  70. mdarray

    Multidimensional array for Rust

    v0.6.1 390 #array #multi-dimensional #matrix #multidimensional-array
  71. synapse-admin-api

    Types for the endpoints in the synapse admin API

    v0.7.0 130 #matrix-chat #api-bindings #ruma #chat #messaging #api-request #matrix
  72. matrixcompare

    Tools for convenient comparison of matrices

    v0.3.0 18K #sparse-matrix #dense-matrix #linear-algebra #matrix #comparison #assertions #linear
  73. blas-array2

    Parameter-optional BLAS wrapper by ndarray::Array (Ix1 or Ix2)

    v0.3.0 210 #blas #array #matrix #data-structures
  74. nano-gemm

    Small matrix multiplication

    v0.1.2 13K #matrix-multiplication #matrix #math
  75. vecmat

    Low-dimensional vector algebra with min_const_generics support

    v0.7.8 #const-generics #matrix-operations #vector-math #vector #algebra #matrix #min-const-generics
  76. lax

    LAPACK wrapper without ndarray

    v0.17.0 22K #lapack #linear-algebra #matrix #eigenvalues #ndarray #decomposition #traits
  77. vectrix

    A stack-allocated matrix type implemented with const generics

    v0.3.0 #linear-algebra #matrix-vector #matrix #vector #matrix-operations #math #row-column
  78. kn0sys_ndarray

    An n-dimensional array for general elements and for numerics. Lightweight array views and slicing; views support chunking and splitting.

    v0.17.1 110 #array #matrix #multi-dimensional #blas #higher-order
  79. trexio

    open-source file format and library developed for the storage and manipulation of data produced by quantum chemistry calculations. It is designed with the goal of providing a reliable…

    v2.5.1 110 #quantum #chemistry #file-format #wave #matrix #element #parameters
  80. euler

    Mathematics library for 3D computer graphics

    v0.4.1 13K #vector-math #math #quaternions #matrix #glsl #matrix-vector
  81. jakkunight-ali

    CLI tool for matrix calculation

    v0.0.4 180 #matrix #calculations #cli #command-line-tool #ali
  82. mats

    handling matrices and vectors

    v0.1.5 360 #matrix #matrix-vector #glsl #opengl #math #enabled #features
  83. algebraeon-rings

    Algorithms in linear algebra, polynomials, and number theory

    v0.0.10 600 #polynomial #matrix #number-theory #maths #factoring #linear-algebra
  84. zmatrix

    matrix calculation lib

    v0.1.6 420 #matrix #set #calculations #lib #kit
  85. ndarray_cg

    Math for computer graphics based on ndarray. The approach used in ndarray for computer graphics math is highly flexible and performant, even though there are many specialized crates…

    v0.2.0 100 #cg #math #ndarray #matrix #focused #highly #approach
  86. p3-matrix

    Plonky3 Matrix APIs

    v0.2.0 32K #plonky3 #matrix #api
  87. ratio-genetic

    Ratio's genetic algorithms library

    v0.4.0 100 #genetic-algorithm #analysis #ratio #matrix #problem #strategy #structure
  88. heapless_matrix

    efficient implementation of a matrix data structure in Rust. It offers functionality for creating, manipulating, and performing operations on matrices, such as transposition, summation, and multiplication.

    v0.1.5 310 #matrix #matrix-operations #linear-algebra #heapless #heap-allocation #fixed-size #memory-safety
  89. vectormatrix

    Idiomatic Matrix and Vector types for Rust

    v0.1.0 #matrix-vector #matrix #vector #vector-math #linear-algebra #math #no-alloc
  90. triangle_matrix

    Triangle matrix indexing operations

    v0.4.0 450 #matrix #triangle #matrix-operations #index
  91. rs-sci

    the scientific library

    v0.2.0 #scientific #units #complex #linear-algebra #math #vector #matrix
  92. ndarray-ndimage

    Multidimensional image processing for ArrayBase, the n-dimensional array data structure provided by ndarray

    v0.4.0 1.1K #image-processing #array #multi-dimensional #ndarray #matrix #image #data-structures
  93. cell-grid

    2d grid container

    v0.1.5 #2d-grid #grid #2d #matrix #data-structures #2d-game #no-std
  94. basic_dsp_matrix

    Digital signal processing based on real or complex vectors in time or frequency domain

    v0.10.2 #signal-processing #digital-signal-processing #matrix-operations #dsp #matrix #matrix-vector #interpolation
  95. matrix42

    A linear algebra library developed as a project in the 42 ecosystem

    v0.1.1 #linear-algebra #linear #matrix #algebra #vector #matrix-vector #42
  96. dimensionals

    Rust native generic, flexible n-dimensional array

    v0.2.1 120 #array #tensor #matrix #vector #math #matrix-operations #memory-layout
  97. chikage

    easy to understand and barebones math library for game and graphics development

    v0.2.0 #matrix #math #graphics #gamedev #floating-point #rotor #square-matrix
  98. kn0sys_ndarray_rand

    Constructors for randomized arrays. rand integration for ndarray.

    v0.16.1 110 #ndarray #rand #multi-dimensional #random #matrix #multidimensional #uniform-distribution
  99. rust-linear-algebra

    A linear algebra library for Rust

    v0.1.2 150 #linear-algebra #vector #matrix-vector #matrix #math #rust
  100. smolmatrix

    Small simple matrix library

    v0.4.0 600 #matrix #vector #smolmatrix
  101. is31fl3743b-driver

    Platform-agnostic Rust driver for the Lumissil IS31F13743B LED matrix controller

    v0.1.0 #led #driver #spi-driver #led-matrix #spi #embedded-hal-driver #matrix
  102. ring-math

    Polynomial ring math over scalar finite fields

    v0.4.0 800 #finite-fields #math #ring #polynomial #vector #matrix #operations
  103. f3l_glam

    3D Point Cloud Library

    v0.1.1 #point-cloud #computer-vision #3d #row #glam #processing #matrix
  104. vector-victor

    linear algebra crate

    v0.1.3 210 #linear-algebra #matrix-vector #matrix #graphics #generics #complex-numbers #vector
  105. xmath

    Rust port of Microsoft DirectXMath

    v0.2.9 #linear-algebra #vector-math #math #matrix #vector #linear #algebra
  106. ratio-matrix

    Ratio's matrix data library

    v0.4.3 650 #matrix #data #ratio #2d #compact
  107. gmm

    Math library for video games

    v0.3.0 #math #simd #vector-math #matrix #gamedev #matrix-vector #matrix-operations
  108. grid2d

    Two dimensional grid of runtime-defined, but unchangable size

    v0.6.0 1.1K #matrix #data-structures #2d-grid #array #fixed-size #2d-array #two-dimensional
  109. rjmatrix

    Creates the matrix in the terminal. Use c to cycle colors, 0-9 to change speed, and q to quit.

    v1.0.4 #matrix #terminal #color #speed #create #cycle #change
  110. olm-rs

    wrapper for libolm

    v2.2.0 270 #end-to-end-encryption #curve25519 #olm #cryptography #megolm #matrix
  111. directx_math

    translation of DirectXMath, a SIMD linear algebra library for use in games and graphics apps

    v0.2.2 430 #vector #matrix-vector #linear-algebra #vector-math #quaternions #quaternion #matrix
  112. simple_qp

    Allows formulating Quadratic Programming problems in a symbolic way

    v0.2.2 #quadratic #linear-programming #problem #solver #qp #matrix #back-end
  113. hasty

    interface to system BLAS libraries for fast linear algebra operations

    v0.2.5 #linear-algebra #blas #matrix-vector #matrix #matrix-operations #blas-lapack
  114. glam-ext

    Transform, isometry and more extension types for glam-rs

    v0.2.1 240 #math #vector #matrix #quaternions #gamedev
  115. rmatrix_ks

    matrix and some algebra in Rust

    v0.6.2 #matrix #matrix-operations #numbers #linear #linear-algebra #number #math
  116. ruma-push-gateway-api

    Types for the endpoints in the Matrix push gateway API

    v0.11.0 440 #ruma #messaging #api-server #chat #matrix-chat #networking #matrix
  117. ruma-identity-service-api

    Types for the endpoints in the Matrix identity service API

    v0.11.0 390 #ruma #chat #messaging #matrix-chat #api-client #networking #matrix
  118. p3-mds

    Plonky3 MDS matrix logic

    v0.2.0 31K #matrix #plonky3 #logic #mds
  119. mymatrix

    My simple matrix library that can perform fraction operations

    v0.8.0 #matrix-operations #matrix #fraction #matrix-vector #perform
  120. sparse_matrix

    do linear algebra with sparse matrix

    v0.6.3 #linear-algebra #sparse #matrix #format
  121. matrix-oxide

    Lightweight Linear Algebra Library For Rust

    v0.1.2 #linear-algebra #matrix #linear #algebra #matrices #random #math
  122. pulgamecanica_matrix

    matrix operations and linear algebra

    v1.0.1 #matrix #linear-algebra #matrix-operations #matrix-vector #math
  123. ndim

    N-dimensional array for numerals in Rust similar to NumPy

    v0.1.2 #scientific-computing #array #n-dimensional #data-structures #matrix #ndarray #numpy
  124. keypad

    Platform-agnostic driver for keypad matrix circuits

    v0.2.2 420 #input-pin #key-input #matrix #keyboard #embedded-hal-driver #row-column #circuit
  125. slas

    Static Linear Algebra System

    v0.3.1 #linear-algebra #blas #matrix #matrix-vector #vector
  126. wgm

    A fast and simple math library for game and graphics development

    v0.0.6 430 #vector-math #math #vector #matrix #gamedev
  127. optimath

    Linear Algebra using const generics for no_std and specialization to enable SIMD

    v0.3.1 #const-generics #linear-algebra #simd #matrix #specialization #nalgebra #no-std
  128. revier-glam

    Modification of the library glam-rs for the game engine Revier

    v1.1.0 #simd-vector #vector #matrix-vector #matrix #quaternions #gamedev #square-matrix
  129. ndarray-histogram

    Histogram support for n-dimensional arrays

    v0.4.0 190 #multi-dimensional #array #statistics #ndarray #matrix
  130. ruma-appservice-api

    Types for the endpoints in the Matrix application service API

    v0.12.1 410 #api-bindings #messaging #ruma #chat #matrix-chat #networking #matrix
  131. mas-keystore

    Secret keys store used by the Matrix Authentication Service

    v0.11.0 #secret-key #open-id #key-store #store-key #authentication #service #matrix
  132. simp_linalg

    A generically defined, light-weight linear algebra library for simple addition and multiplication of vectors and matrices

    v0.2.0 #linear-algebra #matrix #matrix-multiplication #matrix-vector #vector
  133. munum

    Micro 3D Math Library

    v0.2.0 100 #matrix #3d #math #wasm-component #wasm-bindings
  134. cargo-feature-matrix

    run cargo commands on a matrix of feature sets

    v0.4.1 #cargo-command #run-command #matrix #features #enabled #sets #combination
  135. bebot

    Gitlab webhook bot that publishes events to Matrix

    v0.2.2 #gitlab #webhook #bot #merge-request #matrix
  136. quaternion-matrix

    quaternion matrix for Rust

    v0.1.4 650 #quaternions #matrix #opengl #directx #graphics #3d
  137. blazing_fibonacci

    A fast Fibonacci number calculator using matrix exponentiation and fast doubling

    v0.2.5 #fibonacci-number #numbers #matrix #exponentiation #calculator #doubling
  138. psdm

    Compute a pairwise SNP distance matrix from one or two alignment(s)

    v0.3.0 120 #distance-matrix #bioinformatics #snp #sequence-alignment #matrix #pairwise #fasta
  139. tabularlib

    Small library for abstract matrices stored in single linear vectors created as practice project

    v1.0.0 #matrix #algebra #math #data-structures #matrices #mathematics
  140. reduced_row_echelon_form_jeck

    reduced_row_echelon_form is an api that lets you constuct a Matrix and convert it to RREF

    v0.1.0 #matrix #forms #row #convert #echelon #api #reduced
  141. ksq

    k-2 tree

    v0.1.2 150 #tree #bits #matrix #k-2 #layer #array #cell
  142. matrix_kit

    An abstract linear algebra library for Rust

    v0.2.6 500 #linear-algebra #matrix #abstract-algebra
  143. nd-icp

    Generic n dimensional implementation of the ICP algorithm based on SVD and the nalgebra linear algebra library

    v0.1.1 140 #matrix #icp #transformation #dimensional #svd #iteration #generic
  144. mscore

    providing core operations for computational mass spectrometry proteomics

    v0.2.1 270 #parallel #statistics #scoring #matrix
  145. flat_matrix

    that adds flat matrices

    v0.1.1 #matrix #flat #menu
  146. mas-http

    HTTP utilities for the Matrix Authentication Service

    v0.11.0 3.4K #open-id #matrix #http-client #authentication #utilities #service #client-server
  147. matrix-sdk-redis

    Redis Storage backend for matrix-sdk

    v0.1.1 #redis #matrix-sdk #store #matrix #crypto #hold #storage
  148. dithord

    capabilities for monochromatic Bayer ordered dithering on images

    v0.4.1 310 #image-processing #dithering #dither #ordered #bayer #matrix #palette
  149. matrix_engine

    a small game engine developed by drmatrix

    v0.2.4 #ecs #game-engine #basic #plugin-system #renderer #matrix #window
  150. rustmex

    providing convenient Rust bindings to Matlab MEX API's

    v0.6.3 #matlab #mex #api-bindings #matrix #science
  151. accelerate-general

    A general matrix and vector operations library using Apple's Accelerate framework

    v0.1.0 #complex-numbers #matrix-vector #matrix #vector #matrix-operations
  152. linear_algebra

    basic linear algebra operations in Rust

    v2.0.0 1.3K #matrix #vector #linear #matrix-operations #vector-math #algebra #basic
  153. stack-algebra

    Stack-allocated lightweight algebra for bare-metal rust

    v0.1.0 #linear-algebra #matrix-vector #robotics #matrix #vector #vector-math #math
  154. matty

    A neat matrix and vector library

    v0.1.0 #simd #vector #matrix #traits #array #neat
  155. mxidwc

    Matrix ID WildCard Parser

    v1.0.1 #id #wildcard #parser #matrix #bot #golang #module
  156. mas-tower

    Tower layers used by the Matrix Authentication Service

    v0.11.0 #tower-layer #open-id #authentication #service #oauth2 #matrix #provider
  157. homography

    estimation using point and line correspondences

    v0.2.0 #computer-vision #dlt #matrix #transformation #point #estimation #line
  158. fractionfree

    Fraction-free linear algebra for ndarray

    v0.1.4 220 #linear-algebra #matrix #integer #ndarray #square-matrix #lu-decomposition
  159. guff-matrix

    Fast Galois Field matrix multiplication

    v0.1.12 #matrix-multiplication #galois-field #matrix #galois #simd #ida #math
  160. calcify

    Physics vector library

    v0.8.2 #physics-simulation #physics #scientific-computing #matrix #linear-algebra #matrix-operations #matrix-vector
  161. beagle

    A basic linear algebra library for computer graphics

    v0.1.4 #linear-algebra #matrix-vector #matrix #gamedev #vector-math #vector #math
  162. chains_f2vect

    chain complexes and dg algebra manipulations

    v0.1.0 #algebra #matrix #chain #fields #linear #dg #combination
  163. matrixmultiply_mt

    Multithreaded Fork of bluss's matrixmultiply crate. General matrix multiplication of f32 and f64 matrices in Rust. Supports matrices with general strides. Uses a microkernel strategy…

    v0.2.1 #matrix-multiplication #matrix #dgemm
  164. sukker

    Linear Algebra and Matrices made easy!

    v2.1.3 120 #linear-algebra #dense-matrix #matrix #matrix-operations #matrix-vector #vector #linalg
  165. matlab-sys

    Rust bindings for the Matlab C API

    v0.3.1 #api-bindings #matlab #mex #matrix #scientific #generated-bindings #env-vars
  166. matrix_display

    display a matrix in command line with pretty unicode separators

    v1.0.0 120 #matrix #unicode-characters #command-line #display #separator #character #ansi-term
  167. rust-blas

    BLAS bindings and wrappers, fork of rblas

    v0.2.0 #linear-algebra #blas #matrix #bindings #matrix-vector #wrappers #rblas
  168. scotch

    Idiomatic wrapper for Scotch, the graph partitioner, graph clusterer and sparse matrix orderer

    v0.2.1 #sparse-matrix #graph #matrix #order #partitioning #mesh #api-bindings
  169. cumath

    Cuda-based matrix/vector computations

    v0.2.7 #cuda #matrix #gpu #ffi #wrapper #matrix-multiplication
  170. sprs-ldl

    Sparse cholesky factorization

    v0.10.0 1.4K #sparse-matrix #sparse #matrix #linear-algebra #factorization #cholesky #linalg
  171. extended_matrix

    A matrix calculation module

    v0.9.2 #matrix #calculations #extended #module #basic-operations-trait
  172. sparse-bin-mat

    A sparse implementation of a binary matrix optimized for row operations

    v0.7.0 #sparse-matrix #matrix #matrix-operations #sparse #binary
  173. sprs_suitesparse_camd

    sprs bindings to the suitesparse camd fill-in reducting ordering

    v0.3.0 #sparse-matrix #matrix #sparse #suite-sparse #linear-algebra #matrix-operations #permutation
  174. magnesia

    A math library for Rust

    v0.11.1 100 #complex-numbers #math #maths #polynomial #matrix #numerical #vector
  175. algorithm_rust

    some common rust_algorithms, Everyone can participate, and the project will continue to be updated, all the algorithms comes from <Introduction to Algorithms III>

    v0.6.0 250 #sorting #search #search-algorithms #matrix #structure #math #continuously
  176. bitshifter/mathbench

    Comparing performance of Rust math libraries for common 3D game and graphics tasks

    GitHub 0.4.2 #benchmark #linear-algebra #transform #matrix #performance #different #game
  177. gamemath

    math library for game development, written in Rust

    v0.5.0 #vector-math #math #vector #matrix #linalg #game
  178. ratio-dsm

    Ratio's DSM plotting library

    v0.8.1 600 #graph #matrix #visualization
  179. nalgebra_latex

    several robust formatters for nalgebra::Matrix, LaTeX environments, and more

    v0.1.22 #latex #matrix #nalgebra #linear-algebra
  180. metis-sys

    Raw FFI to METIS, the serial graph partitioner and fill-reducing matrix orderer

    v0.3.2 4.7K #graph #partitioning #matrix #mesh #order
  181. k2_tree

    A space-efficient representation of sparsely populated bit-matrices

    v0.5.3 #sparse-matrix #matrix #tree #bit #collection #bit-matrix
  182. generic-matrix

    Manipulations and data types that represent 2d matrix

    v0.2.2 #matrix #data #2d #represents #type
  183. nml-matrix

    A small library to work with matrices

    v0.4.1 100 #matrix #linear-algebra #nml
  184. custos-math

    Matrix operations with custos

    v0.6.3 #matrix-operations #matrix #opencl #cuda #deep-learning #arrays #open-cl
  185. morph3d

    assimp alternative (obj, gltf & glb is supported). DAE, Stl and Usdz support is comming soon.

    v0.1.1 #3d-model #obj #gltf #stl #texture #matrix #loader
  186. aljabar

    A super generic, super experimental linear algebra library

    v1.0.2 #linear-algebra #linear #vector #algebra #matrix #matrix-operations #vector-math
  187. finalfusion-utils

    finalfusion utilities

    v0.14.1 #embedding #finalfusion #quantization #conversion #matrix #format-conversion #similarity
  188. phlite

    Persistent homology, for generic matrices, that's light on memory usage

    v0.1.0 #matrix #persistence #topology #homology #linalg #sparse-matrix
  189. wrapping_coords2d

    Translate between 1D indices and 2D coordinates with wrapping

    v0.1.10 #indices #2d #coordinates #2d-grid #index #matrix #cellular-automata
  190. matrix_operations

    perform matrix operations

    v0.1.5 #matrix #math #matrix-vector
  191. tenebrous-dicebot

    An async Matrix dice bot for role-playing games

    v0.13.1 #bot #dice #dice-roll #game #games #matrix
  192. math-rs

    A basic mathematical engine

    v0.1.5 #matrix #math #algebra #mathematical
  193. sparse_complex

    solver for complex sparse matrices

    v0.1.4 #sparse-matrix #sparse #complex #linear-algebra #matrix #algebra #num-complex
  194. crystallographic-group

    Provide crystallographic group reference and useful information, e.g. lattice coordinates and symmetry operation matrices.

    v0.2.0 #symmetry #group #lattice #symbols #matrix #coordinates #operation
  195. full

    Matrix and array types for numeric values

    v0.3.0 140 #matrix #array #values #types #numeric
  196. matrix

    The package provides a matrix laboratory

    v0.22.0 190 #linear-algebra #laboratory #sparse #dense-matrix
  197. matrijs

    A small 2D matrix library. There are many like it but this one is mine.

    v0.1.1 #matrix #linear-algebra #math #f64 #mine #2d #initialization
  198. rsm-lib

    A mathematics library for Rust, providing support for vector, matrix, and scalar operations

    v0.1.0 #matrix-operations #vector #matrix #vector-math #arithmetic-operations #math #rust
  199. kaffe

    Pytorch, but make it rust :)

    v0.2.0 #neural-network #matrix #pytorch #tensorflow #numpy #ai
  200. toolbox

    tools for daily use

    v0.2.8 #algorithm #vfs #matrix #data-structures #tool
  201. matrix-oracle

    .well-known resolver for the matrix protocol

    v0.1.3 #matrix #api #server #lookup #client-server #resolver #dns-lookup
  202. linxal

    Linear Algebra package with rust-ndarray interface

    v0.6.0 #linear-algebra #matrix #ndarray
  203. ferrix

    matrix library for Rust

    v0.1.0 #linear-algebra #matrix #vector-math #vector #matrix-vector #matrix-operations #math
  204. vec_vec

    When dealing with Vec<Vec<T>> is unavoidable

    v0.5.1 #vec #nested #vec-t #matrix #data #dealing #vec-vec-t
  205. public-appservice

    A Matrix appservice for public rooms

    v0.1.0 #matrix #public #appservice
  206. faer-core

    Basic linear algebra routines

    v0.17.1 800 #matrix #matrix-multiplication #linear-algebra #matrix-operations #square-matrix #math
  207. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  208. hebrides

    Implementations for the real numbers, complex numbers, and basic linear algebra

    v0.1.46 #complex-numbers #linear-algebra #real-number #math #matrix #vector #basic
  209. gmatlib

    linear algebra in Rust and beyond!

    v0.2.0 320 #linear-algebra #matrix #numbers #matrix-calculations #language #functions #contiguous-memory
  210. simple-matrix

    generic matrix library

    v0.1.2 160 #matrix #generic #simple #reliable #row #iterator
  211. numeric

    N-dimensional matrix class for Rust

    v0.1.4 #matrix #tensor #hdf5 #matrix-vector #vector
  212. mightrix

    treat continous memory as a matrix

    v0.3.2 140 #matrix #const-generics #fixed-size #memory #stack #reftrix #array
  213. hex-matrix

    build hex matrix using byte array

    v0.2.0 #hex #byte-array #serialization #matrix #line
  214. sprs_suitesparse_ldl

    sprs bindings to the suitesparse ldl solver

    v0.8.0 #sparse-matrix #factorization #suite-sparse #sparse #cholesky #matrix #linear-algebra
  215. h_mat

    A type-safe heterogenous matrix type

    v0.1.14 #matrix #ecs #game-state #compile-time #column #heterogenous #row
  216. rmat

    minimal implementation of two-dimensional matrix algebra

    v0.1.1 #matrix #algebra #matrix-operations #basic #transpose #dot-product #two-dimensional
  217. m4ri-rust

    M4RI-based boolean linear algebra

    v0.4.0 #linear-algebra #matrix #m4ri #boolean #scientific-computing #vector #matrix-vector
  218. execute_evcxr

    execution of evcxr-supported syntax via building and executing a binary crate

    v0.1.1 #nalgebra #latex #matrix
  219. gee

    A convenience-first geometry library tailor-made for 2D games! 📐

    v0.3.0 #matrix-vector #geometry #vector-math #2d-game #vector #matrix #math
  220. numerical-linear-algebra

    linear algebra implemented using numerical methods

    v1.2.0 120 #linear-algebra #matrix #numerical-methods #numerical
  221. matrixes

    matrices up to and slightly beyond a highschool level. See README for details.

    v2.5.0 #matrix-operations #matrix #linear-algebra #math #maths #row-column
  222. xgboost

    Machine learning using XGBoost

    v0.1.4 #machine-learning #booster #training #parameters #matrix #model #gradient
  223. termatrix

    The Matrix scrolling in your terminal

    v2.2.0 #scroll #matrix #terminal #cli #cli-applications #falling
  224. einsum-codegen

    Helper for generating einsum implementation using proc-macro

    v0.1.0 #ndarray #matrix #einsum
  225. nalgebra-numpy

    conversions between nalgebra and numpy

    v0.3.0 #numpy #nalgebra #matrix #python #conversion #convert
  226. sized_matrix

    Sized matrices using const generics for better type checking and performance

    v0.3.0 #const-generics #matrix #matrix-vector #sized #linear-algebra #vector
  227. scirust

    A scientific computing library

    v0.0.5 #matrix #scientific-computing #linear-algebra #statistics #low-level #math
  228. clock-zones

    handling clock zones

    v0.4.1 #clock #zone #bounds #matrix #model #difference #dbm
  229. libmat

    tools for linear algebra

    v0.2.0 #matrix #algebra #maths #linear-algebra #matrix-vector #vector
  230. math_matrix

    highschool level matrix implementation

    v1.1.0 #matrix #math #row #items #order #level #highschool
  231. matx

    A lightweight, rusty matrix library that allows for simple and fast matrix operations

    v0.2.0 #matrix #matrix-operations #github
  232. adv_linalg_lib

    Core library for Adv_LinAlg procedral macros

    v0.1.1 #linear-algebra #algebra #linear #matrix #transformation #vector #no-alloc
  233. whichlicense_classification

    classify licenses used by the WhichLicense project

    v2.0.0 #compliance #classification #matrix #identifier #licenses #classify #status
  234. ndarray-rblas

    rblas bindings for ndarray

    v0.1.1 #blas #multi-dimensional #matrix #matrix-operations
  235. rblas

    BLAS bindings and wrappers

    v0.0.13 550 #blas #linear-algebra #f32 #f64 #bindings #wrappers #matrix
  236. quick_maths

    low-dimensional linear algebra structures

    v0.2.1 #matrix #graphics #vector #math #linear-algebra
  237. cayley

    generic, stack-allocated linear algebra stuff, such as matrices

    v0.2.0 #matrix #linear-algebra #algebra #matrix-multiplication
  238. stride

    A strided slice type

    v0.3.0 #slice #memory #const-generics #strided #elements #matrix #constant
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