
  1. cc

    A build-time dependency for Cargo build scripts to assist in invoking the native C compiler to compile native C code into a static archive to be linked into Rust code

    v1.2.14 15.8M #build-script #cargo-build #static #native #build-dependencies #compilation #compile
  2. cmake

    A build dependency for running cmake to build a native library

    v0.1.54 2.9M #build-system #build-tool #cargo-build #native
  3. native-tls

    A wrapper over a platform's native TLS implementation

    v0.2.13 5.2M #tls #tls-client #tls-connector #secure #openssl #native #platform
  4. neon

    A safe abstraction layer for Node.js

    v1.1.0-alpha.1 206K #nodejs #node #js #safe #bindings #add-on #native
  5. rustls-platform-verifier

    supports verifying TLS certificates in rustls with the operating system verifier

    v0.5.0 832K #tls-certificates #certificate #operating-system #native-tls #verification #native
  6. autotools

    A build dependency to build native libraries that use configure&make-style build systems

    v0.2.7 194K #build-system #build-dependencies #configure #native #script #makefile #projects
  7. spin_sleep

    Accurate sleeping. Only use native sleep as far as it can be trusted, then spin.

    v1.3.0 35K #sleep #spin #accurate #accuracy #native #thread #platform
  8. ntapi

    FFI bindings for Native API

    v0.4.1 1.1M #api-bindings #winapi #native #windows #ffi
  9. tauri-plugin-dialog

    Native system dialogs for opening and saving files along with message dialogs on your Tauri application

    v2.2.0 93K #tauri-app #tauri-plugin #dialog #applications #message #native #save
  10. rinf

    native business logic, Flutter for flexible and beautiful GUI

    v7.1.1 61K #cross-platform-gui #flutter #gui-framework #business #native #dart #flexible
  11. zeromq

    A native Rust implementation of ZeroMQ

    v0.5.0-pre 22K #ipc #messaging #transport #native #zmq #tcp #pattern
  12. ewebsock

    WebSocket client that works natively and on the web (WASM)

    v0.8.0 22K #websocket-client #websocket #native #web #portable
  13. ehttp

    Minimal HTTP client for both native and WASM

    v0.5.0 52K #http-client #http-request #http #native #wasm
  14. postgres-protocol

    Low level Postgres protocol APIs

    v0.6.8 713K #postgresql #low-level #client #protocols #synchronous #api #native
  15. native-dialog

    display dialogs. Supports GNU/Linux, BSD Unix, macOS and Windows.

    v0.7.0 42K #file-dialog #message #native #macos #boxes #bsd #display
  16. hdfs-native

    Native HDFS client implementation in Rust

    v0.11.1 14K #hdfs-client #hdfs #hadoop #native #kerberos #systems #benchmark
  17. deno_native_certs

    deno-native-certs loads native certificate store into rustls

    v0.3.1 13K #security-framework #certificate #rustls #macos #deno #native #keychain
  18. i-slint-compiler

    Internal Slint Compiler Library

    v1.9.2 17K #slint #declarative-ui #compiler #ui-toolkit #native #applications #wasm
  19. rn-run

    CLI tool to run react native projects

    v0.1.3 240 #react #native #command-line-tool #run #branch #android #ios
  20. hdrs

    Rust native client to hdfs

    v0.3.2 3.9K #hdfs-client #native #read-write #io-read #libhdfs #run-time
  21. rust_jsc

    High-level bindings to JavaScriptCore

    v0.3.0 110 #javascriptcore #javascript-engine #module #low-level #applications #native #synthetic
  22. iceberg

    Apache Iceberg Rust implementation

    v0.4.0 2.7K #apache #catalog #file-io #native #future #memory #tokio
  23. expo_push_notification_client

    Expo Push Notification Client for Rust

    v1.0.1 380 #push-notifications #send-notifications #notifications #push #expo #native #react
  24. rb-sys

    Rust bindings for the CRuby API

    v0.9.110 103K #ruby #bindings #api-bindings #bindings-generator #low-level #extension #native
  25. nodex

    ease of creating nodejs native addon

    v0.2.4 100 #nodejs #add-on #native #js #extension #napi #module
  26. fvm_actor_utils

    Utils for authoring native actors for the Filecoin Virtual Machine

    v12.0.1 5.2K #virtual-machine #fvm #filecoin #actors #native #run-time #mocking
  27. tauri-plugin-context-menu

    Handle native Context Menu in Tauri

    v0.8.2 1.0K #tauri-plugin #menu #context #native #click #context-menu #display
  28. sentry-rust-minidump

    Captures native crashes as minidumps and sends to Sentry

    v0.10.0 3.9K #sentry #crash #crash-reports #process #capture #native #applications
  29. tauri-driver

    Webdriver server for Tauri applications

    v2.0.3 1.2K #tauri-app #desktop-applications #web-driver #cross-platform #server #native #webview
  30. pax-chassis-ios

    Platform-specific chassis allowing Pax cartridges to be executed as native iOS apps

    v0.38.3 5.5K #cartridge #ios #pax #native #graphics #apps #rendering-engine
  31. windows-native

    Windows Native Undocumented API for Rust Language 🔥

    v1.0.44 280 #winapi #native #api-bindings #windows #com #ffi #system-api
  32. gufo-exif

    Exif loading and editing

    v0.2.0-alpha.1 5.4K #exif #metadata #editing #native #data #edit #api-access
  33. flecs

    Rust bindings for the Flecs Entity Component System

    v0.1.5 #ecs #bindings #component #entity #native #flecs-rs
  34. postgres-openssl

    TLS support for tokio-postgres via openssl

    v0.5.1 88K #postgresql #openssl #tls #tokio-postgres #driver #native #test-suite
  35. ankurah

    Observable, event-driven state management for native and web

    v0.1.5 360 #state-management #native #observable #event-driven #web #node #back-end
  36. cranelift-object

    Emit Cranelift output to native object files with object

    v0.116.1 33K #object #cranelift #native #output #wasmtime #emit #aot
  37. enfync

    Environment-friendly async utilities

    v0.1.6 700 #async-io #async #native #wasm #wasm-build
  38. unity-native-plugin

    Unity Native Plugin API for Rust

    v0.7.0 400 #unity #plugin-api #api-bindings #native #d3d12 #d3d11 #events
  39. tracing-perfetto-sdk-layer

    A provider of tracing layers for tracing-subscriber using the native C++ Perfetto SDK

    v0.12.0 1.2K #tracing-layer #tracing-subscriber #sdk #trace #perfetto #native #write
  40. web-transport

    Generic WebTransport API with native (web-transport-quinn) and WASM (web-transport-wasm) support

    v0.8.0 900 #quic #http-3 #websocket #web-transport-quinn #data-stream #generic #native
  41. nu_plugin_file_dialog

    nu plugin to select files through the native dialog

    v0.12.0 #file-dialog #nu #native #nushell-plugin
  42. crossfont

    Cross platform native font loading and rasterization

    v0.8.0 22K #font #cross-platform #glyph #loading #rasterization #native #engine
  43. bun-native-plugin

    Rustified wrapper for writing native plugins for Bun

    v0.2.0 550 #plugin #bun #native #bundler #rustified #hook #api
  44. rlst

    native linear algebra library

    v0.2.1 1.2K #linear-algebra #linear-solver #sparse #native #dense
  45. native-json

    Native JSON for Rust

    v1.2.10 #json #json-parser #json-object #deserialize-json #serialize-deserialize #native #serde-json
  46. strprintf

    Provide a way to interpolate printf-style format strings using native Rust types. Part of libnewsboat lib dependencies

    v0.1.0 1.3K #format-string #part #native #printf #types #interpolate #traits
  47. victor-db

    A browser-optimized vector database

    v0.2.0 200 #vector-database #web-api #storage #native #file #browser-optimized #transient
  48. pax-chassis-macos

    Platform-specific chassis allowing Pax cartridges to be executed as native macOS apps

    v0.38.3 7.8K #cartridge #user-input #macos #pax #native #2d-rendering #rendering-engine
  49. rust_jarm

    JARM fingerprinting in native Rust

    v0.3.7 440 #jarm #fingerprinting #cybersecurity #fingerprint #native #compute #cti
  50. ezwin

    Easy, minimal Win32 window creation

    v2.15.1 1.6K #winapi #windowing #window-creation #native #windows #time
  51. xwt-wtransport

    xwt that runs natively via wtransport crate

    v0.13.0 420 #xwt #web-transport #native #cross-platform #browser #networking #wtransport
  52. jni-toolbox

    tools to make writing JNI native functions less tiresome

    v0.2.2 900 #jni #native #java #automatic #functions #generate #extern
  53. photon-rs

    High-performance image processing library for native use and the web

    v0.3.2 1.3K #image-processing #photon #native
  54. lang-interpreter

    reimplementation of the Standard Lang interpreter

    v0.0.6 600 #language #standard #interpreter #module #native #functions
  55. tackler-api

    API components for Tackler accounting engine with native GIT SCM support

    v0.8.0 130 #accounting #scm #tackler #finance #native #git #component
  56. cmk

    A build dependency for running cmake to build a native library

    v0.1.2 36K #build-dependencies #cmake #running #native
  57. crdb-core

    Concurrently Replicated DataBase

    v0.0.1-alpha.0 #native #web-native #framework #web #async #database
  58. reqwest-cross

    Wrapper around reqwest for use in both native and wasm

    v0.7.0 500 #http-request #http #native #web-native #wasm #request #web
  59. crdb-postgres

    Concurrently Replicated DataBase

    v0.0.1-alpha.0 #native #web-native #framework #web #async #database
  60. xou816/spot

    Native Spotify client for the GNOME desktop

    GitHub 0.4.0 #spotify #gnome #client #desktop #native #gtk #user
  61. meson-next

    A build dependency crate for running Meson to build a native library

    v1.2.3 #build-system #meson #native #running #fork #instructions #ninja
  62. rust-mqtt

    MQTT client for both embedded and non-embedded devices

    v0.3.0 800 #mqtt-client #embedded-devices #async-executor #prepared #native #async-api #desktop-environment
  63. native_api_1c

    Main library for Native API 1C

    v0.10.7 110 #native #1c #api #component #platform #1c-enterprise #native-api
  64. xmake

    A build dependency for running xmake to build a native library

    v0.2.3 250 #build-tool #android-ndk #emscripten #native #build-dependencies #package-manager #toolchain
  65. crdb-server

    Concurrently Replicated DataBase

    v0.0.1-alpha.0 #native #framework #async #database #web-native #web
  66. crdb-indexed-db

    Concurrently Replicated DataBase

    v0.0.1-alpha.0 #native #web-native #framework #web #async #database
  67. nyquest

    truly native HTTP client library

    v0.0.0-alpha.1 #http-client #http #native #client #winhttp #nsurlsession
  68. crdb-client

    Concurrently Replicated DataBase

    v0.0.1-alpha.0 #native #web-native #framework #web #async #database
  69. failed-result

    A small crate for converting various failed value to result with corresponding error type

    v0.2.6 #error #io-error #conversion #failure #failed #native #value
  70. workflow-utils

    Miscellaneous utilities for the workflow-rs ecosystem

    v0.18.0 370 #utilities #framework #native #applications #web-apps #browser #dom
  71. crdb-test-utils

    Concurrently Replicated DataBase

    v0.0.1-alpha.0 #native #web-native #framework #web #async #database
  72. wasmer-object

    Wasmer Native Object generator

    v5.0.1 15K #object #wasm #wasmer #object-file #wasm-binary #wasm-module #native
  73. quickbits

    Fast bit manipulation routines for Rust's native integer types

    v0.1.1 #integer #bit #primitive-integer #bit-manip #native #routines #type
  74. nuit

    Declarative, cross-platform UI framework for Rust that uses native controls

    v0.2.0 #ui-framework #declarative-ui #cross-platform-ui #control #native #back-end #button
  75. sixtyfps-rendering-backend-gl

    OpenGL rendering backend for SixtyFPS

    v0.1.6 120 #opengl-rendering #user-interface #slint #sixtyfps #native #backend #declarative
  76. hive_metastore

    Native hive metastore client for Rust, powered by Volo

    v0.1.0 3.5K #hive #metastore #thrift #client #volo #native #run-time
  77. makepad-synth-ironfish

    Makepad ironfish example

    v0.6.0 #makepad #cargo-makepad #ui-framework #applications #design #ironfish #native
  78. nanom

    Lightweight helper library for authoring native node modules

    v0.1.2 340 #module #node #native #helper #authoring
  79. workflow-service


    v0.18.0 #async #applications #rpc-framework #logging #native #services #nwjs
  80. rust_on_rails

    Rust On Rails is a rust framework to make building native and web apps easy as possible

    v3.0.0 200 #rails #apps #native #building #framework #web-apps
  81. crdb-sqlite

    Concurrently Replicated DataBase

    v0.0.1-alpha.0 #native #web-native #framework #web #async #database
  82. android_native_window

    Android Native Window ffi ,supported to Android15

    v0.5.4 900 #window #native #android #android15
  83. crdb-cache

    Concurrently Replicated DataBase

    v0.0.1-alpha.0 #native #web-native #framework #web #async #database
  84. rb-sys-build

    Build system for rb-sys

    v0.9.110 104K #ruby #native #extension #rb-sys #rubygem #ruby-extension #system
  85. ecksport-auth

    Native auth impl using NaCl-based signing key system

    v0.3.3 #signing-key #authentication #system #native #security #impl #ecksport
  86. crdb-macros

    Concurrently Replicated DataBase

    v0.0.1-alpha.0 #native #web-native #framework #web #async #database
  87. clear-cache

    A native implementation of __builtin___clear_cache without dependency of GCC/Clang

    v0.1.1 #cache #instructions #intrinsics #native #memory #flush #clear
  88. couchbase

    The official Couchbase Rust SDK

    v1.0.0-alpha.4 320 #database #sdk #libcouchbase #native #kv #couchbase-rust-sdk
  89. bevy_eventwork_mod_websockets

    A Websocket NetworkProvider for Bevy_eventwork

    v0.3.1 #websocket #bevy #networking #transport-layer #native #gamedev #bevy-eventwork
  90. neon-runtime

    Bindings to the Node.js native addon API, used by the Neon implementation

    v0.10.1 20K #nodejs #native #node #js #add-on #neon #bindings
  91. publicviewing-cli

    Small command line application that displays one or many given URLs in a OS native WebView

    v1.3.3 #url #applications #display #web-view #native #line #window
  92. jni-utils

    Extra Utilities for JNI in Rust

    v0.1.1 6.7K #jni #java #native #async-api #bindings #conversion #higher-level
  93. crdb-helpers

    Concurrently Replicated DataBase

    v0.0.1-alpha.0 #native #web-native #framework #web #async #database
  94. dolphindb

    native API for DolphinDB

    v3.2.1 #native #api #sdk
  95. decanter

    implements basic cryptographic primitives native to the ecosystem

    v0.1.6 180 #cryptography #primitive #hash #security #ecosystem #basic #native
  96. sos-ipc

    Inter-process communication for the Save Our Secrets SDK

    v0.16.6 300 #secret #ipc #communication #inter-process #extension #native #password
  97. xwt

    A common WebTransport interface for browser and native. Write once, run anywhere. Originally intended for use with bevy.

    v0.18.0 #web-transport #cross-platform #browser #native #bevy #networking #deprecated
  98. texcore

    Create LaTeX documents using native Rust types

    v0.7.2 #latex #document #native #compile #built #tectonic #tex
  99. dotzilla

    Native Rust implementation of efficient basic linear algebra routines

    v0.2.0 130 #linear-algebra #dot #product #basic #routines #native
  100. webrtc-unreliable-client

    Just enough hacks to connect a native client to a https://github.com/triplehex/webrtc-unreliable server

    v0.3.0 400 #native #client #server #connect #github #hacks #webrtc-unreliable
  101. crdb

    Concurrently Replicated DataBase

    v0.0.1-alpha.0 #native #web-native #framework #web #async #database
  102. unity_native

    A Rustified wrapper around the Unity Native Plugin API

    v0.2.5 #plugin-api #unity #api-bindings #native #integration #projects #simplifying
  103. makepad-shader-compiler

    Makepad platform shader compiler

    v0.5.0 100 #shader-compiler #makepad #ui-framework #cargo-makepad #platform #applications #native
  104. tihu-native

    native toolset written in Rust

    v0.1.15 #native #toolset #tihu-native
  105. libxslt

    wrapper for libxslt - The XSLT C library for GNOME

    v0.1.2 #xml #xslt #gnome #welcome #workflow #native #towards
  106. hdf5-metno-types

    Native Rust equivalents of HDF5 types

    v0.10.0 5.4K #hdf5 #serialization #types #native #dataset #allocator #hdf5-types
  107. zigcli

    A build dependency for running zig to build a native library

    v0.1.0 #zig #build-tool #build-dependencies #native #running #compile #cargo
  108. neon-build

    Build logic required for Neon projects

    v0.10.1 11K #nodejs #neon #node #js #bindings #projects #native
  109. floem_reactive

    A native Rust UI library with fine-grained reactivity

    v0.2.0 170 #ui #floem #native #reactive #reactivity #read #rw-signal
  110. webview2

    Rust bindings for WebView2

    v0.1.4 600 #applications #html-css #rendering-engine #native #bindings #edge #com
  111. tackler-rs

    Services for Tackler accounting engine with native GIT SCM support

    v0.8.0 140 #accounting #tackler #regex #finance #plain-text-accounting #scm #native
  112. irondash_engine_context

    Easy access to FlutterView, FlutterBinaryMessenger and FlutterTextureRegistry for FFI

    v0.5.0 4.7K #flutter #native #engine #access #component #texture #plugin
  113. finestra

    Cross Platform Native UI Framework

    v0.3.0 #ui-framework #desktop-applications #cross-platform-ui #native #window #ui-component #label
  114. blis-src

    Rust native linking for BLIS library

    v0.2.2 3.3K #blas #blis #cblas #linker #threading #native #openmp
  115. hc-wasmer-object

    Wasmer Native Object generator

    v4.3.6-hc.1 #wasm #object #object-file #wasm-module #compilation #wasmer #native
  116. node_api

    Write Node.js native addons with Node-API in Rust

    v0.5.0 #nodejs #node #api-bindings #js #add-on #native #write
  117. ohos-node-bindgen

    easy way to write nodejs module using rust

    v6.0.3 #nodejs #n-api #node #js #module #native
  118. bevy_nfws

    A no-frills websocket client library for bevy, native and wasm

    v0.3.1 160 #websocket #websocket-client #native #bevy #nfws #wasm #task
  119. irelia_encoder

    wrapper around the native LoL APIs

    v0.1.5 110 #lol #riot-games #native #irelia #api #base64 #cargo
  120. sixtyfps-rendering-backend-qt

    Qt rendering backend for SixtyFPS

    v0.1.6 140 #user-interface #slint #qt #declarative-ui #back-end #cross-platform-gui #native
  121. chrome_native_messaging

    Chrome's Native Messaging protocol

    v0.3.0 250 #chrome #native #messaging #protocols #host #protocol
  122. r2api

    rust bindings for the radare2 native APIs

    v5.9.0 200 #api-bindings #radare2 #native #radare2-bindings #build #github #com
  123. oxygengine-network-backend-native

    Network Native backend module for Oxygengine

    v0.46.1 240 #oxygengine #back-end #networking #game-engine #ecs #native #module
  124. cabish

    Component model ABI-ish for native code

    v0.2.0 220 #component-model #wasm-component #native #abi #pointers #size #alignment
  125. russh-util

    Runtime abstraction utilities for russh

    v0.50.0 6.4K #run-time #russh #abstraction #utilities #ssh-client #native #client-server
  126. workflow-encryption

    A set of tools for rudimentary data encryption

    v0.18.0 #encryption #native #applications #rudimentary #workflow-rs #async #nwjs
  127. druid-win-shell

    Windows-specific application shell used for druid toolkit

    v0.1.1 #druid #ui-toolkit #applications #shell #user #platform #native
  128. sapp-linux

    Part of miniquad rendering library. Orignally this was a sokol-app C code transpiled to rust with c2rust and partially rewritten to more idiomatic rust.

    v0.1.15 4.0K #miniquad #rendering #native #context #cross-platform #creation #idiomatic
  129. android-sdkmanager-rs

    Rust native replacement for Android's sdkmanager

    v0.7.0 190 #android #sdkmanager #native #replacement
  130. gameboy_core

    core library to be used for Gameboy emulation

    v0.3.3 #gameboy #emulation #hardware #gameboy-emulator #sound #native #rtc
  131. rsbind

    Provide tools to bind rust trait with other language and export library artifact directly. Invoke rust functions just like you write it in native language.

    v0.6.0 #language #cross-platform #artifact #bindings #bindings-generator #ios #native
  132. xilem

    A next-generation cross-platform Rust UI framework

    v0.1.0 #ui-framework #cross-platform-ui #ui-toolkit #ui #gpu #performance #native
  133. xcomponent

    Experimental bindings of the OpenHarmonyOS ArkUI XComponent

    v0.1.2 #open-harmony #harmony-os #bindings #ark-ui #component #native #experimental
  134. notan_winit

    native backend using winit for Notan

    v0.12.1 850 #notan #winit #back-end #multimedia #native #gamedev #cross-platform
  135. tracing-perfetto-sdk-sys

    Native C++ bindings for the Perfetto SDK used by tracing-perfetto-sdk

    v0.12.0 180 #sdk #trace #bindings #tracing #perfetto #native #safe
  136. rspe

    Native Rust Reflective PE loader library

    v0.1.2 140 #pe #native #memory #loader #run-pe #execute #reflective
  137. sdkman-cli-native

    Native CLI subcommand components for SDKMAN! written in Rust. Use the binaries generated by this project in the sdk wrapper shell function from the sdkman-cli project.

    v0.5.2 380 #shell #native #sdkman #sdk #binaries #subcommand #component
  138. nfde

    Rust bindings for Native File Dialog Extended

    v0.0.8 #file-dialog #dialog #file #native #save-file #native-file-dialog
  139. ez_jni

    Macros and functions that make using Java in rust feel natural

    v0.6.3 100 #java #jni #macro #natural #bindings #interface #native
  140. floem_renderer

    A native Rust UI library with fine-grained reactivity

    v0.2.0 200 #ui #reactivity #native
  141. openrtb

    v2.5 and OpenRTB Dynamic Native Ads v1.2 types for rust

    v0.2.1 #native #dynamic #ads #deserialize #bid-response #bid-request #types
  142. vdb-rs

    OpenVDB manipulation library

    v0.6.0 #file-format #voxel #vdb #open-vdb #native
  143. zeromq-2sat

    A native Rust implementation of ZeroMQ

    v0.4.0 #zeromq #messaging #native #transport #async #pattern #sockets
  144. hpke-rs-rust-crypto

    Crypto backend for HPKE using native Rust crypto

    v0.2.0 23K #hpke #native #back-end #crypto #hpke-rs #hpke-crypto #crypto-provider
  145. automataci

    Solid Foundation for Kickstarting Your Software Development

    v1.7.0 #ci #template #git #repository #continuous-integration #native #build
  146. lzokay-native

    A pure rust port of lzookay

    v0.1.0 10K #decompression #native #compression #lzokay #lzo #decompress
  147. zeromq-twosat

    A native Rust implementation of ZeroMQ

    v0.4.0 #zeromq #native #async #transport #sockets #messaging #async-std
  148. wasmtime-obj

    Native object file output for WebAsssembly code in Wasmtime

    v0.29.0 11K #wasm #object-file #wasmtime #native #web-assembly #output #environment
  149. floem_tiny_skia_renderer

    A native Rust UI library with fine-grained reactivity

    v0.2.0 170 #ui #reactivity #native
  150. matrix-sdk-sled

    Sled Storage backend for matrix-sdk for native environments

    v0.2.0 550 #matrix-sdk #sled #storage #native #back-end #environments #store
  151. helios-dac

    interact with the Helios Laser DAC

    v0.2.0 750 #dac #laser #sdk #interact #helios #native #version
  152. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  153. azul-text-layout

    Text layout algorithms Azul desktop GUI framework

    v0.0.4 #user-interface #gui #svg #native #graphics #ui
  154. floem-editor-core

    The core of the floem text editor

    v0.2.0 160 #text #editor #floem #text-editors #native
  155. wasmer-pack

    A code generator that lets you treat WebAssembly modules like native dependencies

    v0.7.1 #wasm-module #generator #native #wasmer #pack #import #lets
  156. valor_core

    Plugin runtime as HTTP API running in server and browser

    v0.5.2-beta.0 #plugin-system #worker #api #run-time #browser #http-api #native
  157. sixtyfps-common

    Helper crate for sharing code & data structures between sixtyfps-corelib and sixtyfps-compiler

    v0.1.6 #slint #user-interface #desktop-applications #native #language #gui #toolkit
  158. captain-hook

    Cross-platform, modern and native git hooks

    v0.2.2 #git-hook #cross-platform #native #modern #husky #captain
  159. appy

    Declarative UI framework with native rendering

    v0.1.6 #ui-framework #declarative-ui #cross-platform-ui #native #applications #rendering
  160. mintaka


    v0.0.4 #shared #native #framework
  161. ambient_ui_native

    Ambient UI native host functionality. Host-only.

    v0.2.1 #ui #ambient #native #host #game-engine #host-only #wgpu
  162. prost-convert

    Generate more idiomatic rust code from GRPC proto files

    v0.3.0 #protobuf #prost #native
  163. wasmer-object-near

    Wasmer Native Object generator

    v1.0.1 #object #wasm #wasmer #native #object-file #compilation #target
  164. general_audio_native

    general_audio::AudioPlayer for native applications

    v0.3.5 #audio-playback #audio-player #native #applications #interface
  165. openwhisk-rust

    OpenWhisk Client written in Rust

    v0.1.5 #client #open-whisk #action #api-client #access #openwhisk #native
  166. floem_vger_renderer

    A native Rust UI library with fine-grained reactivity

    v0.2.0 180 #ui #reactivity #native
  167. autd3-timer

    Native timer wrapper

    v9.0.1 #timer #autd #native #autd3 #dispatch #macos #display
  168. intel_cache_native_client

    Native client for interacting with IntelCache

    v2.0.0 #native #client #command #intel-cache #input #cookies #user-name
  169. hdf5-types

    Native Rust equivalents of HDF5 types

    v0.8.1 11K #hdf5 #allocator #types #h5-alloc #varlen #native #equivalents
  170. screeps-room-regions

    Region analysis of rooms for Screeps: World in native Rust

    v0.1.3 #screeps #region #analysis #room #world #mmo #native
  171. quad-storage

    Plugin for macro-, mini-quad (quads) to save data in simple local storage using Web Storage API in WASM and local file on a native platforms

    v0.1.3 150 #local-storage #local-file #storage-api #data #platform #save #native
  172. wasmtime-rust

    Rust extension for Wasmtime

    v0.27.0 #wasmtime #wasm #web-assembly #extension #macro #native #wasi
  173. rings-transport

    Transport layer implementation for Rings Core

    v0.7.0 330 #transport-layer #web-rtc #network-communication #rings #webrtc #native #p2p
  174. optee-utee-sys

    Native bindings to the libutee library

    v0.2.0 #confidential-computing #libutee #utee #tee #native #bindings #functional
  175. xlsynth-sys

    Accelerated Hardware Synthesis (XLS/XLSynth) via Rust (Native Library)

    v0.0.73 7.7K #xls #shared #dynamic #object #accelerated #native #synthesis
  176. cargo-nuget

    Bundle Rust libraries as Nuget packages

    v0.1.0 #pack #native #package #cargo-toml #nuget #target #packaging
  177. unity-native-plugin-vulkan

    Unity Native Plugin API (Vulkan) for Rust

    v0.6.0 240 #unity #plugin-api #native #api-bindings
  178. wasmtime-cabish

    Wasmtime cabish integration

    v0.2.0 220 #wasmtime #abi #integration #cabish #native #wasm #canonical
  179. dbus-strings

    Rust native implementation of different D-Bus string types

    v0.1.0 #dbus #ipc #native #string #different #interface #arguments
  180. uuid-v4-cli

    A CLI tool to generate UUID V4

    v0.3.0 #uuid #generate #tool #command-line-tool #native #urn #wasm
  181. wasm-opt-sys

    Native wasm-opt build

    v0.116.0 202K #wasm-opt #bindings #wasm-module #build #native #optimization #binaryen
  182. wasmer-pack-cli

    A code generator that lets you treat WebAssembly modules like native dependencies

    v0.7.1 #wasm-module #native #import #generator #treat #wasmer #pack
  183. wgpu-native

    WebGPU native implementation on gfx-hal

    v0.5.1 2.9K #graphics #web-gpu #graphics-api #gfx-hal #cross-platform #native
  184. wasmedge_process_interface

    that provides Rust to WebAssembly developers with syntax for running commands functionality

    v0.2.1 #operating-system #wasm-edge #process #native #running #interface #command
  185. compiledfiles

    Parse native binary symbols for list of source files used to compile binary

    v0.8.0 550 #binary #native #source #symbols #list #file #parse
  186. capsule-ffi

    Capsule FFI bindings for native libraries

    v0.1.5 #capsule #dpdk #bindings #networking #framework #native #packet
  187. midpoint-ui

    Midpoint is an AI and open-world first game engine. Editor is WASM, but compile target is native wgpu, not WASM.

    v0.1.2 140 #midpoint #compile #editor #first #target #native #wgpu
  188. west-passthrough

    WebAssembly component, which reexports WASI from the host

    v0.1.0-rc.1 #wasm-component #wasi #re-exports #native #host
  189. rust_on_rails2

    Rust On Rails is a rust framework to make building native and web apps easy as possible

    v0.1.1 #apps #native #building #rails #framework #web-apps
  190. pseudo_encrypt

    native-Rust generic implementation of Psql's pseudo_encrypt

    v0.1.3 #encryption #postgresql #psql #generic #collision #native #u128
  191. wadge


    v0.4.0 #wasm #run-time #native #bridging #gap
  192. abio

    Safe abstractions for interfacing with the native operating system ABI

    v0.3.0 #byte #byte-slice #abi #abstraction #low-level #native #operating
  193. neon-sys

    Exposes the low-level V8/NAN C/C++ APIs. Will be superseded by N-API.

    v0.10.1 500 #nodejs #node #js #napi #bindings #native #api
  194. gameboy_opengl

    Native Gameboy emulator written in Rust!

    v0.2.8 #gameboy #native #emulation #wasm #rtc #gameboy-emulator #save
  195. cw1-subkeys

    Implement subkeys for authorizing native tokens as a cw1 proxy contract

    v2.0.0 1.9K #tokens #account #proxy #native #contract #cw1 #subkeys
  196. pgpq

    Encode Apache Arrow RecordBatches to Postgres’ native binary format

    v0.9.0 #apache-arrow #binary-format #postgresql #convert #record-batches #encode #native
  197. libnftables1-sys

    FFI bindings for libnftables1

    v0.1.1 #bindings #libnftables1 #abstraction #declaration #native #linkage #updated
  198. ckbfs-types

    CKBFS types molecule encode/decode utils and native mapping

    v0.2.1 130 #native #ckbfs #mapping #molecule #encode-decode #type
  199. jsonnet-sys

    Native bindings to the libjsonnet library

    v0.17.0 900 #jsonnet #bindings #libjsonnet #native #native-bindings
  200. openmetrics

    native parser for the OpenMetrics standard

    v0.2.1 #metrics #parser #native #standard
  201. clickhouse-driver-lz4

    LZ4 for ClickHouse Asynchronous Driver

    v0.1.0 #clickhouse #lz4 #driver #clickhouse-driver #native #data #asynchronous
  202. distant-ssh2

    enable native ssh-2 protocol for use with distant sessions

    v0.20.0 #distant #ssh #session #remote #protocols #ssh2 #native
  203. naive-cityhash

    A naive native 64/128 bit cityhash implementation for databend

    v0.2.0 2.3K #native #city-hash #naive #128-bit #v102 #databend
  204. node_api_system

    Write Node.js native addons with Node-API in Rust

    v0.5.0 #nodejs #node #js #add-on #native #node-api #write
  205. vizio-openrtb

    OpenRTB v2.5 and OpenRTB Dynamic Native Ads v1.2 types for rust forked for Vizio

    v0.2.3 110 #open-rtb #native #dynamic #ads #openrtb #deserialize #serialization
  206. ncw-convert

    Native Instruments NCW audio file to wav convertor

    v0.1.2 #file-format #instrument #wav #native #ncw #lossless #reverse-engineering
  207. pallet-asset-rate

    Whitelist non-native assets for treasury spending and provide conversion to native balance

    v18.0.0 65K #assets #conversion #balance #substrate #native #pallet #rate
  208. swsv2

    multithreaded web server built on top of native rust threads

    v0.1.0 #web-server #thread #multi-threading #built #native #top
  209. cw-asset

    Helper library for interacting with Cosmos assets (native coins and CW20 tokens)

    v4.0.0 8.5K #assets #cosmos #helper #coin #tokens #native #representation
  210. floem_vello_renderer

    A native Rust UI library with fine-grained reactivity

    v0.2.0 #native #ui #reactivity
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