Putting LOCAL First

Tucson businesses attend a Local First Business Coalition event with longtime member KXCI radio.

Since 2003, Local First Arizona has been fiercely dedicated to driving inclusive community and economic development throughout Arizona.

We have created a movement that champions a thriving and diverse economy, fostering community support and an unwavering sense of local pride and purpose in every Arizonan.

Our work shapes the future of Arizona by advocating that every individual and community deserves the opportunity to thrive, and that entrepreneurship is at the core of any lasting economy.

In rural, Tribal, suburban and urban communities across our great state, Local First is delivering resources to ensure a future focused on economic opportunity for all.


To strengthen local businesses and communities by establishing equitable systems that level the playing field for a thriving, inclusive and lasting Arizona economy.


An Arizona where success knows no boundaries. It's a world where every individual, regardless of their background, discovers fertile ground to sprout, dream and blossom.

Photo credit: Kathleen Dreier Photography

Local First serves Arizona in a variety of ways:

... while our language may have
changed and our programs may have
deepened, our core beliefs remain
steadfast. Entrepreneurship is the
key to an economy that provides
opportunity for all.
— Kimber Lanning