Thesis Chapters by João Manoel Rodrigues Neto
Resumo: A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o desenvolvimento de pressupostos episte... more Resumo: A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o desenvolvimento de pressupostos epistemológicos, ontológicos e metodológicos defendidos por B. F. Skinner e suas proposições para intervir em questões sociais, entre 1953 e 1960. Em certa medida, buscou-se dar continuidade à pesquisa de Andery (1990), na qual foram analisadas todas as publicações de Skinner entre 1931 e 1953, com Science and Human Behavior como última obra analisada. Investigou-se de que maneira Skinner avançou na definição dos pressupostos de sua ciência e na proposição de análises e intervenções sociais nos primeiros anos após a publicação de Science and Human Behavior. Para isso, considerando-se a suposição de indissociabilidade entre a ciência do comportamento proposta por Skinner e sua abordagem de questões sociais, foram identificados e coletados todos os textos disponíveis de Skinner publicados entre 1953 e 1960 após Science and Human Behavior, visando identificar o que houve de mudança/continuidade em relação ao desenvolvimento anterior do sistema explicativo skinneriano. Os textos selecionados foram analisados com base em dois grupos de categorias de análise: 1. Trechos relativos à constituição de pressupostos ontológicos, epistemológicos e metodológicos da ciência do comportamento; e 2. Trechos relativos à constituição de propostas sociais. Foram encontrados acréscimos, mas nenhuma ruptura, em relação ao período analisado por Andery (1990) em todas as categorias analisadas. Os resultados obtidos na presente pesquisa permitem afirmar que Skinner aprimorou os pressupostos de sua ciência e suas propostas sociais, introduzindo novas discussões conceituais e novos dados de pesquisa básica e aplicada relevantes para a temática
Abstract: The present research had as an objective analyzing the development of epistemological, ontological and methodological assumptions defended by B. F. Skinner and his proposi-tions to intervene in social questions, between 1953 and 1960. To a certain extent, we sought to continue the research of Andery (1990), in which all of the publications of Skin-ner between 1931 and 1953 were analyzed, with Science and Human Behavior as the last analyzed work. We investigated how Skinner advanced in the definition of the assump-tions of his science and the proposition of social analyzes and interventions in the first years after the publication of Science and Human Behavior. Therefore, considering the assumption of inseparability between the science of behavior proposed by Skinner and his approach to social issues, all of Skinner’s available texts, published between 1953 and 1960 after Science and Human Behavior, were identified and collected, in order to classify how much of it was changed/maintained when compared with the previous development of the skinnerian explanatory system. We analyzed the selected texts based on two groups of categories: 1. Excerpts related to the constitution of ontological, epistemological and methodological assumptions of behavioral science; and 2. Excerpts related to the consti-tution of social propositions. There were additions, but no rupture, in all categories ana-lyzed when we compared our data with those of the period analyzed by Andery (1990). The results obtained in the present research allow us to sustain that Skinner improved the assumptions of his science and his social proposals, introducing new conceptual discus-sions and new data from relevant basic and applied research
Papers by João Manoel Rodrigues Neto
Behavior and Social Issues, 2020
The present research had as its objective analyzing the development of epistemological, ontologic... more The present research had as its objective analyzing the development of epistemological, ontological and methodological assumptions defended by B. F. Skinner and his propositions to intervene in social questions, between 1953 and 1960. To a certain extent, we sought to continue the research of Andery (1990), in which all of the publications of Skinner between 1931 and 1953 were analyzed, with Science and Human Behavior as the last analyzed work. We investigated how Skinner advanced in the definition of the assumptions of his science and the proposition of social analysis and interventions in the first years after the publication of Science and Human Behavior. All of Skinner's available texts, published between 1953 and 1960 after Science and Human Behavior, were identified and collected, in order to classify how much of it was changed/maintained when compared with the previous development of the Skinnerian explanatory system. We analyzed the selected texts based on two groups of categories: 1. Excerpts related to the constitution of ontological, epistemological and methodological assumptions of behavioral science; and 2. Excerpts related to the constitution of social propositions. There were additions, but no rupture, in all categories analyzed when we compared our data with those of the period analyzed by Andery (1990). The results obtained in the present research allow us to sustain that Skinner improved the assumptions of his science and his social proposals, introducing new conceptual discussions and new data from relevant basic and applied research.
Psicologia - Teoria e Prática, 2019
O estudo teve por objetivo identificar variáveis controladoras de comportamentos obsessivo-compul... more O estudo teve por objetivo identificar variáveis controladoras de comportamentos obsessivo-compulsivos de um participante adulto, com base em três estratégias de avaliação. Na primeira, Avaliação Funcional Indireta, recuperaram-se registros de sessões de terapia frequentadas pelo participante, em que foram descritas condições favorecedoras dos comportamentos obsessivo-compulsivos. Na segunda, Avaliação Funcional Descritiva, observou-se o comportamento do participante em sessões nas quais se dispunham tarefas antes indicadas como desencadeantes do comportamento-problema. Na terceira, Análise Funcional Breve – Teste de Função Única, foram manipuladas condições de demanda e controle, a fim de examinar a hipótese funcional de que o comportamento-problema seria mantido por fuga/ esquiva de tarefas. Embora divergentes, os resultados das avalições permitiram descartar a hipótese de que o comportamento-alvo seria mantido pela retirada da tarefa. Discutem-se a pertinência da adoção de diferentes estratégias de avaliação no trabalho clínico e a fragilidade de intervenções unicamente orientadas por relatos verbais.
Palavras-chave: Análise do Comportamento; Análise Funcional; Transtorno Obsessivo-Compulsivo (TOC); Avaliação Funcional Indireta; Avaliação Funcional Descritiva.
Psicologia Teoria e Prática, 2019
The study aimed to identify the controlling variables of obsessive-compulsive behaviors of an adu... more The study aimed to identify the controlling variables of obsessive-compulsive behaviors of an adult participant, based on three evaluation strategies. For the first one, Indirect Functional Assessment, the researchers recovered records of therapy sessions attended by the participant, in which conditions favorable to obsessive-compulsive behaviors were described. For the second one, Descriptive Functional Assessment, the researchers observed the participant’s behavior during sessions in which they presented tasks previously mentioned as triggering of the problem behavior. For the third one, Brief Functional Analysis – Single Function Test, the researchers manipulated a demand condition and a control condition, aiming to examine the functional hypothesis that the problem behavior would be maintained by escape/avoidance of tasks. Although dissonant, the results allowed the researchers to discard the negative reinforcement hypothesis. It is discussed the pertinence of the adoption of different evaluation strategies for clinical practice and the frailties of interventions guided only by verbal reports.
Keywords: Behavioral Analysis; Functional Analysis; Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD); Indirect Behavior Assessment; Descriptive Behavior Assesment.
Thesis Chapters by João Manoel Rodrigues Neto
Abstract: The present research had as an objective analyzing the development of epistemological, ontological and methodological assumptions defended by B. F. Skinner and his proposi-tions to intervene in social questions, between 1953 and 1960. To a certain extent, we sought to continue the research of Andery (1990), in which all of the publications of Skin-ner between 1931 and 1953 were analyzed, with Science and Human Behavior as the last analyzed work. We investigated how Skinner advanced in the definition of the assump-tions of his science and the proposition of social analyzes and interventions in the first years after the publication of Science and Human Behavior. Therefore, considering the assumption of inseparability between the science of behavior proposed by Skinner and his approach to social issues, all of Skinner’s available texts, published between 1953 and 1960 after Science and Human Behavior, were identified and collected, in order to classify how much of it was changed/maintained when compared with the previous development of the skinnerian explanatory system. We analyzed the selected texts based on two groups of categories: 1. Excerpts related to the constitution of ontological, epistemological and methodological assumptions of behavioral science; and 2. Excerpts related to the consti-tution of social propositions. There were additions, but no rupture, in all categories ana-lyzed when we compared our data with those of the period analyzed by Andery (1990). The results obtained in the present research allow us to sustain that Skinner improved the assumptions of his science and his social proposals, introducing new conceptual discus-sions and new data from relevant basic and applied research
Papers by João Manoel Rodrigues Neto
Palavras-chave: Análise do Comportamento; Análise Funcional; Transtorno Obsessivo-Compulsivo (TOC); Avaliação Funcional Indireta; Avaliação Funcional Descritiva.
Keywords: Behavioral Analysis; Functional Analysis; Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD); Indirect Behavior Assessment; Descriptive Behavior Assesment.
Abstract: The present research had as an objective analyzing the development of epistemological, ontological and methodological assumptions defended by B. F. Skinner and his proposi-tions to intervene in social questions, between 1953 and 1960. To a certain extent, we sought to continue the research of Andery (1990), in which all of the publications of Skin-ner between 1931 and 1953 were analyzed, with Science and Human Behavior as the last analyzed work. We investigated how Skinner advanced in the definition of the assump-tions of his science and the proposition of social analyzes and interventions in the first years after the publication of Science and Human Behavior. Therefore, considering the assumption of inseparability between the science of behavior proposed by Skinner and his approach to social issues, all of Skinner’s available texts, published between 1953 and 1960 after Science and Human Behavior, were identified and collected, in order to classify how much of it was changed/maintained when compared with the previous development of the skinnerian explanatory system. We analyzed the selected texts based on two groups of categories: 1. Excerpts related to the constitution of ontological, epistemological and methodological assumptions of behavioral science; and 2. Excerpts related to the consti-tution of social propositions. There were additions, but no rupture, in all categories ana-lyzed when we compared our data with those of the period analyzed by Andery (1990). The results obtained in the present research allow us to sustain that Skinner improved the assumptions of his science and his social proposals, introducing new conceptual discus-sions and new data from relevant basic and applied research
Palavras-chave: Análise do Comportamento; Análise Funcional; Transtorno Obsessivo-Compulsivo (TOC); Avaliação Funcional Indireta; Avaliação Funcional Descritiva.
Keywords: Behavioral Analysis; Functional Analysis; Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD); Indirect Behavior Assessment; Descriptive Behavior Assesment.