Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad, INDIA
Sociology (DDE)
Cloning in software systems is known to create problems during software maintenance. Several techniques have been proposed to detect the same or similar code fragments in software, so-called simple clones. While the knowledge of simple... more
Templates (or generics) help us write compact, generic code, which aids both reuse and maintenance. The STL is a powerful example of how templates help achieve these goals. Still, our study of the STL revealed substantial, and in our... more
Code clones are similar code fragments that occur at multiple locations in a software system. Detection of code clones provides useful information for maintenance, reengineering, program understanding and reuse. Several techniques have... more
Infiltration of activated neutrophils (polymorphonuclear leukocytes; PMN) into the lung is an important component of the inflammatory response in acute lung injury. The signals required to direct PMN into the different compartments of the... more
Female tree crickets (Oecanthus nigricornis) prefer large males but do not receive larger glandular courtship gifts from these males. This finding is puzzling from both the male and female perspectives, because females should prefer males... more
This paper proposes a novel heterogeneous software architecture GFTSA (Generic Fault Tolerant Software Architecture) which can guide the development of safety critical distributed systems. GFTSA incorporates an idealized fault tolerant... more
All patients if given proper guidance and education regarding diabetes care would be able to make significant improvement in their life-style which is helpful for good glycemic control. Education to diabetic patients would be more... more
Education has been considered an important and elementary tool for the development of any society. Institutions of the societies cannot grow of their own in isolation from each other, so is the case with education. Educational upliftment... more
Now, consider or not to ignore the 49% of our population has become the popular saying of the day. That 49% population has been constituted by women. Historically they have been deprived from many of their basic rights, denied from many... more
The paper illustrates the role of religion in shaping the educational behaviour of people, especially Muslims, in rural India. Rural society is relatively much influenced by religion. Religious ethos plays a significant role in... more
The paper puts forth one of the important dimensions about co-education among Muslims that was missing in the debate between Ulma and liberal Muslims. It reveals the opinion of the Muslim students who constitute the real concern and were... more
Juma sermons have been used as a platform to disseminate knowledge from the day of its start. It was never confined with the religious knowledge only because in Islam there is no division of sacred and profane. Consequently anything... more