Mineral Resources Online Spatial Data

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Mineral resources

Mineral resource occurrences

USMIN mineral deposit database

interactive map
A developing national-scale geospatial database that will be an authoritative source of information on the most important mines, mineral deposits, and mineral districts of the United States.
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Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS)

interactive map
MRDS describes metallic and nonmetallic mineral resources throughout the world. Included are deposit name, location, commodity, and references. Some records include deposit description, geologic characteristics, production, reserves, and resources. It includes the original MRDS and MAS/MILS data.
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Alaska Resource Data File (ARDF)

interactive map
Descriptions of mines, prospects, and mineral occurrences in Alaska.
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Major mineral deposits of the world

interactive map
Regional locations and general geologic setting of known deposits of major nonfuel mineral commodities.
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Global distribution of selected mines, deposits, and districts of critical minerals

Interactive map interface
Approximate locations and short descriptions of mines, deposits, and districts where critical minerals are found. The critical minerals are discussed in USGS Professional Paper 1802, and many of these locations are described in further detail in that report.
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Mineral resource assessments

National Mineral Resource Assessment 1998

interactive map
Estimates of the number and size of undiscovered mineral deposits in the US containing gold, silver copper, lead, and zinc.
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Global assessment of undiscovered copper resources

interactive map
Deposits, prospects, and permissive tracts for porphyry and sediment-hosted copper resources worldwide, with estimates of undiscovered copper resources.
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Geology and resource assessment of Costa Rica

interactive map
Geologic map at 1:500,000 scale, digitized from USGS I-1865. Includes mines, prospects, and occurrences, permissive tracts for several mineral deposit types, and gravity anomaly contours.
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Sagebrush mineral resource assessment data sources

interactive map
List of USGS information resources used in carrying out the Sagebrush Mineral Resource Assessment in 2016.
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Mineral deposits of specific types

Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits

interactive map
Information on VMS deposits from around the world with new grade and tonnage models for three subtypes of VMS deposits and data allowing locations of all deposits to be plotted using GIS
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Sediment-hosted zinc-lead deposits

interactive map
Information on sediment-hosted zinc-lead deposits from around the world with grade and tonnage models, a general classification based on geologic setting, mineralogy, with data allowing locations of these deposits to be plotted using GIS.
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Mississippi Valley-Type and clastic-dominated sediment-hosted lead-zinc deposits

interactive map
Global compilation of information on the sediment-hosted Pb-Zn deposits traditionally called sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX) and Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) deposits, including updated updated grade and tonnage data.
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Porphyry copper deposits of the world

interactive map
Global compilation of information on the porphyry copper deposits, including updated updated grade and tonnage data.
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Sediment-hosted copper deposits of the world

interactive map
Global compilation of information on the world's sediment-hosted copper deposits, including updated updated grade and tonnage data.
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PGE-Ni-Cr deposit and occurrence bibliographic database

interactive map
A compendium of previously published databases and database records that describe PGE, nickel, and chromium deposits and occurrences.
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Carbonatites of the world, explored deposits of Nb and REE

interactive map
Information on carbonatite deposits containing niobium and rare earth elements from around the world with grade and tonnage models, geologic setting, mineralogy, with data allowing locations of these deposits to be plotted using GIS.
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Rare earth element mines, deposits, and occurrences

interactive map
Location, geologic and mineral economic data for world rare earth mines, deposits, and occurrences compiled from published and non-published sources. Geographic coordinates are provided for 577 of the 799 deposits described here.
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Ni-Co laterite deposits of the world

interactive map
Location, type, mineralogy, name, tonnage and grade, and geological setting for 120 deposits of this type.
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Asbestos mines, prospects, and occurrences in the continental US

interactive map
Location, mineralogy, name, development status for 913 historic mines, prospects, and occurrences of asbestos and fibrous amphiboles.
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World phosphate mines, deposits, and occurrences

interactive map
Location, geologic characteristics, and commodities for 1,635 phosphate mines, deposits, or occurrences worldwide
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Phosphate occurrence and potential of south Asia

interactive map
Locations of known phosphate occurrences in this area, with geologic units in which such deposits may occur.
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Podiform chromite deposits

interactive map
Location and characteristics of 1,124 individual podiform chromite mineral deposits, with grade and tonnage models for chromium as well as several related elements.
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Sediment-hosted gold deposits

interactive map
Location and characteristics of 123 sediment-hosted gold deposits worldwide, with grade and tonnage data.
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Evaporite-related potash resources worldwide

interactive map
Geographic distribution and characteristics of evaporite-related potash deposits and occurrences worldwide.
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Mica deposits of the Blue Ridge in North Carolina

interactive map
Muscovite from pegmatites intruded into metamorphic rocks. Point locations with characteristics of mines and prospects.
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Mining operation and prospecting

Prospect- and mine-related features on USGS topographic maps

interactive map
Symbols indicating mining-related features digitized from historical USGS topographic maps in the conterminous US. Includes prospect pits, mine shafts and adits, quarries, open-pit mines, tailings piles and ponds, gravel and borrow pits, and other features. Work is progressing from west to east.
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Earth MRI critical mineral focus areas

interactive map
Locations of focus areas to be used in the Earth Mapping Resource Initiative (Earth MRI) for planning and collection of geophysical, geological, and topographic (lidar) data pertaining to the study of rare earth element resources in the US.
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Earth MRI data acquisition projects

Map interface combining data acquisition project areas with pertinent USGS data.
Geological, geophysical, geochemical, or lidar data acquisition projects funded by the Earth Mapping Resource Initiative (Earth MRI) pertaining to the study of critical mineral resources in the US.
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Earth MRI Geochemistry

Map interface showing geochemical analysis.
Geochemical data generated by projects funded by the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative
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Active mines and mineral plants in the US

interactive map
Mine plants and operations for commodities monitored by the National Minerals Information Center of the USGS. Operations included are those considered active in 2003 and surveyed by the USGS.
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World copper smelters

interactive map
Locations and characteristics of the copper smelters throughout the world as of 2002.
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Mineral operations outside the United States

interactive map
Locations and characteristics of active mines and mineral plants
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Mining claim activity on Federal land in the contiguous US and Alaska

interactive map
Number and type of mine claims located on Federal lands and registered with the Bureau of Land Management, by year from 1976 through 2008.
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Photographs of historical mining operations in Colorado and Utah

interactive map
A collection of photographs of mine sites, mining operations, and tailings taken prior to 1980 at a variety of sites throughout Colorado and Utah.
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Value of mineral production by state in the US

interactive map
The value of mineral production by state in the United States. The data represent commodities covered by the National Minerals Information Center of the U.S. Geological Survey.
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Federal government mineral exploration-assistance program files

Scanned documents describing applications for Federal assistance in exploring for certain strategic and critical minerals, including where the deposits were examined what minerals were found, and whether mining had occurred. These files span the years 1950 to 1974.
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Coal mines and other energy resources

We have no comprehensive database of coal mines, but can provide links to some online resources.
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Geologic data

Geologic map data

Geologic maps of US states

Digital geologic maps of the US states with consistent lithology, age, GIS database structure, and format
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Geologic map of Alaska

Geologic map of Alaska with quadrangle boundaries
Digital compilation and reinterpretation of published and unpublished geologic mapping of Alaska.
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Basement domains of the conterminous US and Alaska

interactive map
Seventy-seven major components of the North American continent were delineated at a general scale (1:5,000,000); including the general composition, geological environment, and types of primary metals endowments that can be expected in each domain.
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Geology of the conterminous United States

interactive map
A digital version of the King and Beikman (1974) Geologic Map of the United States, originally published at a scale of 1:2,500,000. It excludes Alaska and Hawaii.
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Geology of Puerto Rico

interactive map
Geologic units and faults from USGS Open File Report 98-38, concerning assessment of the mineral resources of Puerto Rico
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Large-area material map of the conterminous US

interactive map
Maps of exposed surface mineral groups derived from automated spectral analysis of satellite and airborne imaging systems; these data suggest areas that may contain mineral deposits of various types.
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Maps of hydrothermal alteration in the Basin and Range province of the US

interactive map
Maps and data showing the geographic distribution of surficial minerals likely produced by hydrothermal alteration, which may indicate areas permissive of gold and copper mineral deposits.
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National geochemical database

National Geochemical Database: Rock

interactive map
Geochemical analysis of rock samples collected and analyzed by the USGS. This dataset includes and supersedes rock data formerly released as "Geochemistry of igneous rocks in the US extracted from the PLUTO database".
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National Geochemical Database: Sediment

Interactive map showing NGDB sediment analyses
Geochemistry of sediments from the National Geochemical Database. Primarily inorganic elemental concentrations, most samples are of stream sediment in the continental US and Alaska.
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National Geochemical Database: Soil

Interactive map showing NGDB soil analyses
Geochemistry of soils from the National Geochemical Database. Primarily inorganic elemental concentrations, most samples are from the continental US and Alaska.
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National Geochemical Database: Concentrate

Interactive map showing NGDB concentrate analyses
Geochemistry of concentrates from the National Geochemical Database. Primarily inorganic elemental concentrations, most samples are from the continental US and Alaska.
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Recent, focused geochemical surveys

Alaska Geochemical Database

interactive map
Geochemical analysis of rock, sediment, soil, mineral, heavy mineral concentrate, and other samples in Alaska.
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Geochemical and mineralogical data from soils in the conterminous United States

interactive map
Systematic geochemical and mineralogical survey of soil horizons analyzed using a consistent set of methods, sample spacing 1 per 1,600 sq km.
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Geochemical and mineral maps from soils of the conterminous United States

Web interface with interpretation and maps
Geochemical and mineralogical maps along with a histogram, boxplot, and empirical cumulative distribution function plot for each element or mineral whose data are provided in DS-801
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National Geochemical Survey database

interactive map
National-scale geochemical analysis of stream sediments and soils in the US, from existing data, reanalysis of existing samples, and new sampling. Goal for sample density is one per 289 square km.
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Older geochemical collections

Geochemistry of stream sediments in the US from the NURE-HSSR database

interactive map
National-scale geochemical analysis of stream sediments and soils in the US collected and analyzed under the National Uranium Resource Evaluation program.
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Geochemistry of water samples in the US from the NURE-HSSR database

interactive map
National-scale geochemical analysis of water samples in the US collected and analyzed under the National Uranium Resource Evaluation program.
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Geochemical landscape of the conterminous US: maps of NURE-HSSR data

Lead (Pb)
Maps derived from a subset of the National Uranium Resource Evaluation Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance data. Samples are from streams, lakes, ponds, springs, playas, and soils. Includes Na, Ti, Fe, Cu, Zn, As, Ce, Hf, Pb, Th, and U.
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Chemical analyses of soils and other surficial materials of the conterminous US ("Shacklette" data)

Geochemistry of soils and other regoliths collected and analyzed by Hans Shacklette and colleagues from 1958 until about 1976.
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Geophysical surveys

Airborne geophysical surveys

interactive map
Airborne surveys measuring the earth's magnetic field, resistivity or other electromagnetic properties, or gamma ray emission over parts of North America.
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Geophysical data compilations

Magnetic anomaly map of North America

interactive map
Airborne measurement of the earth's magnetic field over all of North America provides gridded data describing the magnetic anomaly caused by variations in earth materials and structure.
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Gravity anomaly grids for the conterminous US

interactive map
Measurements of the gravitational field vary slightly from place to place due to the composition and structure of Earth's crust. These digital grids describe the isostatic and Bouguer anomalies for the conterminous US.
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Aeroradiometric grids for North America

interactive map
Gridded data generated by aerial sensing of radiation emanating from the earth's surface provides general estimates of the geographic distribution of Uranium, Thorium, and Potassium in surficial and bedrock units. Covers the conterminous US, parts of Canada and parts of Alaska.
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Geochronological data

USGS Geochron: A Database of Geochronological and Thermochronological Dates and Data

USGS Geochron Database Explorer
Published ages, dates, analytical information, sample metadata including location, and source citations. The following analytical techniques are represented in the data set: 40Ar/39Ar, K-Ar, U-Th-Pb, Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr, Lu-Hf, fission track, and luminescence.
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