List of Illustrations and Table
Or Porath
2. Growing Up Manly: Male Samurai Childhood in Late Edo-Era Tosa
Luke S. Roberts
3. For the Love of Children: Practice, Affect, and Subjectivities in Hirata Atsutane’s Household
Anne Walthall
Jinnō Yuki
5. “Children in the Wind”: Reexamining the Golden Age of Childhood Film in Wartime Japan
Harald Salomon
6. Children and the Founding of Manchukuo: The Young Girl Ambassadors as Promoters of Friendship
Koresawa Hiroaki
Aaron William Moore
8. Outdoor Play in Wartime Japan
L. Halliday Piel
9. “…And my heart screams”: Children and the War of Emotions
Sabine Frühstück
Elise Edwards
11. Treatment and Intervention for Children with Developmental Disabilities
Junko Teruyama
Kathryn E. Goldfarb
13. Monju-kun: Children’s Culture as Protest
Noriko Manabe