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BA in Music: History, Culture, and Theory Track
Visit Declaring a Music Major track for more details on how to complete this selection.
Theory/Analysis (15 hrs)
- MUS 120 (1 credit)
- MUS 121 (4 credits)
- MUS 122
- MUS 221* OR MUS 245
*A student pursuing the History, Culture, and Theory Track and writing a research thesis may substitute one elective appropriate to their research focus for MUS 221 if approved by the student's advisor.
History/Culture/Theory (20 hrs)
- MUS 200 Music, Culture, and Society
- Choose five additional courses in History, Culture, Theory
- At least two of these must be Continuning Communication courses
Performance (4 hrs)
- Choose any combination of MUS 300 or 301 courses, and/or MUS 320 Applied Music
Electives (6 hrs)
Choose two courses from the following list:
- MUS 222 Theory and Analysis IV
- Courses from History, Culture, Theory offerings
- Courses from the Composition offerings, except MUS 349R
- Three credit hours MUS 497 Supervised Reading approved by the advisor
- A cognate course arranged with the student's advisor
Optional: If approved, a student may write a capstone thesis during the senior year. Students with a GPA of 3.7 or higher may submit a proposal to complete an honors thesis in the research track. See Honors guidelines for detailed information.