Student Accessibility Services Student Accessibility Services (SAS) is the arm of the Student Affairs Office that works with licensed professional consultants to review requests for disability accommodations. SAS works to ensure that accommodations are provided to students who have established a disability that limits them in a major life activity. Students who wish to apply for an accommodation may do so on a voluntary, self-identifying basis through the SAS Online portal. The portal is also for students applying to be note-takers. Juan Carlos Ramirez, Disabilities Support Services Specialist: Juan has been in the students with disabilities services field for over 5 years before joining Loyola Law School. He completed his Master's of Science degree in Rehabilitation counseling at Cal State LA with a concentration on Higher Education and Career Counseling Certification and undergraduate degree in Rehabilitation Services. He has worked with various higher education systems (Community College, Cal State, and University of California) to identify support services for students with disabilities throughout his professional career. His philosophy for working as a Disability Support Services Specialist consists of a holistic approach as well as collaboration with campus partners to ensure support services are individually tailored to each student’s experience. Student Accessibility Services (Located in the Office of Student Affairs) (213) 736-8151 Accommodations are granted to provide a fair and equal opportunity to access the Law School curriculum and program. Reasonable accommodations are available to meet the needs of individual students. This may include, but is not limited to adjustments to a student's course load or class schedule, access to class transcription and other in-class resources, adaptive aids, and examination accommodations. The Law School is also committed to supporting students who require a service animal. In providing reasonable accommodations, Loyola Law School reserves the right not to waive any requirements essential to the curriculum or the Law School’s educational mission. Eligibility Eligibility At LMU Loyola Law School, we are committed to supporting our students' diverse needs and ensuring equitable access to our academic programs. To be eligible for accommodations, a student must provide written documentation that establishes a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and California law. This process involves providing information that describes the disabling condition and its resulting limitation on major life activities. It is most helpful if documentation is from a qualified professional who is familiar with the student’s history and current condition. Medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and school psychologists are among the professionals who routinely evaluate, diagnose, and treat disabilities. Loyola Law School does not conduct any diagnostic testing. In alignment with the recent changes to the California State Bar's accommodation process, we have adopted a new streamlined review process. This change is designed to simplify and expedite the accommodation requests for our students, ensuring a more efficient and supportive experience. Our updated process allows for previously received accommodations to be approved without the need for additional documentation, provided certain criteria are met. We believe this approach will greatly benefit our students by reducing administrative processing time and providing timely access to necessary accommodations. For more detailed information on the criteria and how to apply, please refer to the guidelines in the Supporting Documentation section. When to Apply When to Apply Entering students should apply during the first week of August. Continuing students should apply immediately. The process of reviewing the application and accompanying documentation can be lengthy especially where the accommodations requested are extensive. Because of the time needed for processing and approving accommodations requests, students should use all reasonable efforts to submit an application and documentation no later than six weeks prior to a scheduled midterm or six weeks prior to the first day of the final examination period. If submitted beyond that deadline, the Law School will make its best effort to process a student’s application for accommodation. However, applications received less than two weeks prior to these times may be denied if there is insufficient time to gather and review the appropriate documentation, evaluate possible accommodations, or to implement an accommodation. Loyola Law School reserves the right to request independent evaluations before granting or extending a request for reasonable accommodation. In addition, the Law School reserves the right to deny a request if the accommodation sought is not supported by the data in the assessment or documentation. How to Apply How to Apply Students should apply online through SAS Online Services and submit all supporting documentation. Students should then check their LLS email address for updates and requests. After submitting an application, SAS will contact students at their LLS email address to inform them of any additional documentation needed. When the file is complete, SAS will review the application. The review process may take up to 15 business days. Supporting Documentation Supporting Documentation Supporting documentation must include a written report from a qualified professional that specifies a diagnosis. Since a diagnosis alone does not automatically establish a disability or indicate what accommodations are appropriate, students must include an evaluation report that details how their diagnosis has affected their major life activities. The more thorough and detailed the information, the easier it is for SAS to understand the nature and impact of a disability and expedite the application. Incomplete documentation may result in a request for additional information. Information from qualified professionals must include their names and titles as well as the date(s) of evaluation. There are many qualified professionals that conduct diagnostic testing for learning disabilities or ADD/ADHD. Please find a courtesy list of qualified professionals who have worked with Loyola Law School students. Other supporting documentation may include verification of previous accommodations (e.g., accommodation letters from undergraduate institutions and LSAT accommodation award letter). Below are documentation guidelines for various conditions. Students should review the guidelines carefully and share them with their treating professional. ADD/ADHD Documentation Guidelines Learning Disability Documentation Guidelines Physical Disability Documentation Guidelines Psychiatric Disability Documentation Guidelines Please note that obtaining an evaluation does not guarantee a student that they will qualify for accommodations under the ADA or California law. Streamlined Review Process Prior accommodations will be approved by Loyola Law School without the need for further documentation if all the following are satisfied: The prior accommodations were approved for a permanent disability; You are requesting the same (or lesser) accommodations granted on the high stakes exam*; Loyola Law School offers equivalent testing accommodations; You submit proof of the prior approval of accommodations granted by the testing entity; You certify you are experiencing the same functional limitations by the permanent disability; You submit a testing accommodations application with all sections completed; And your request is not for more than 100% extra time and/or a private room**. All applicants requesting testing accommodations through the streamlined approval process must submit a complete testing accommodations application through SAS Online Services, certify they are currently experiencing the same functional limitations as when they took the high stakes exam, and upload a copy of their accommodation verification letter. *A high-stakes exam refers to the MPRE, LSAT, SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, MCAT, DAT, or GED. **Requests for more than 100% extra time and/or a private room must be reviewed through the Standard Review Process. Accommodations Accommodations A wide range of accommodations are made available to students with documented disabilities. These include, but are not limited to, the following: Academic Schedule Reduced course load Flexibility in class scheduling (a.m./p.m. classes) In-Class Accommodations for note taking Audio recording of lectures Preferential seating Use of a computer in class Adaptive Aids Books in alternate format/.pdf Examination Accommodations Additional time on examinations Reduced distraction testing environment Large print examinations Dictating answers to examination questions to a transcriber Food/water/medication in exam room Breaks during examinations Confidentiality & Grievances Confidentiality & Grievances All forms, documentation, and correspondence related to the application for accommodations are confidential and kept separately from the student’s official record. Limited information is only shared with other Law School Departments to effectuate the accommodations (e.g., staff in the Office of Student Affairs, staff members involved in examination and accommodation arrangements). If a student has a grievance or a complaint regarding a disability accommodation or related matter, it should be reported to Student Affairs. If Student Affairs is unable to resolve the matter informally, the student will have the opportunity to present their concerns to the Dean of Students. If the student is dissatisfied with the resolution of the matter by the Dean of Students, the student should submit a written complaint to the Associate Dean for Faculty. If the Associate Dean is unable to resolve the matter or if the student is dissatisfied with the resolution, the written complaint will be forwarded to the Vice President for Human Resources for investigation and decision. Information about this procedure is available here or from the Office of Student Affairs. Accommodations for the MPRE & Bar Exam Accommodations for the MPRE & Bar Exam Students requesting exam accommodations for the California State Bar Exam, the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE) or other state bar examinations should know that the accommodation application process and documentation requirements may differ from higher education standards and standardized testing guidelines such as the SAT, LSAT, or GRE. In other words, receipt of ADA accommodations in college and/or law school does not guarantee approval for exam accommodations on any bar exam. Students are advised to plan early and take the time to review the testing accommodation standards for each agency. Applying early and planning carefully will allow applicants to maximize their chances of successfully submitting requests for ADA accommodations on the MPRE and/or state bar examinations. For the California State Bar Exam, applicants are encouraged to petition for accommodations for at the beginning of their last year of law school and should file a petition no later than three (3) months prior to the exam they intend to take. Visit the State Bar of California website for more information. See also Requesting Testing Accommodations for the California State Bar Exam.