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Product Definitions
A licensing tool that electronically receives, stores and shares with regulators, licensing related documents that are submitted by producers and authorized submitters.
- Documents to support “yes” answers to background questions on licensing applications.
- State regulators can be notified when documents are submitted to the warehouse so they can access the information.
- The document only needs to be submitted once, and any participating state can obtain the document.
- The producer or submitter will be able to view previously submitted documents. However they will not have the ability to update or delete any attachments that have already been submitted.
Provides a listing of active appointments, terminations, or an appointment and termination history for a specific company** in a particular state.
- Verify individuals appointed or terminated by company.
- Check license numbers and lines of authority.
- Reference tool.
- Capability to download to workstations.
- Company data is in sync with states.
- Avoid market conduct fines from insurance departments.
** Must be an affiliated company.
For information about subscription services please contact the NIPR Business Development department.
Electronically complete and submit contact changes on-line.
- Update one, multiple or all states with a single entry.
- No fees charged by NIPR.
- Provide timely notification to states of contact change(s).
The ability for companies to renew appointments in states through a uniform process. Companies can view and pay the renewal invoice online.
- Renewal invoice based on PDB data.
- Company pays amount of invoice.
- After receipt of monies, renewal transactions are created and processed via the NIPR Gateway.
For information about subscription services please contact the NIPR Business Development department.
The Gateway requires certain data standards for the transfer of appointment and termination information between state insurance regulators and the industry.
There are two (2) options to submit appointments and terminations through the Gateway:
- Interactive Appointments and Terminations (IAT) - A front-end application that allows insurance carriers to appoint and terminate using their National Producer Number (NPN), eliminating the use of the Social Security Number (SSN). Transactions are validated with the Producer Database (PDB) prior to submission.
- Customer Programming - A company can program to send appointments and terminations directly through the Gateway (not using IAT). This option allows clients to establish specified programming requirements and to build their own product.
For information about subscription services please contact the NIPR Business Development department.
Electronic licensing is the ability for a producer to quickly and easily apply for an initial or renewal resident or non-resident license. Non-resident licenses are based upon producer’s resident state lines of authorities. Using a standardized format, the online applications verify the producer’s information with the Producer Database (PDB), so there is no need for a letter of certification.
- Common NIPR electronic filing process provides ease of electronic submission.
- Prior knowledge of license eligibility.
- Prior knowledge of costs.
- One transaction payment for multiple licenses.
- Timelier notification to producer of license status.
The National Producer Number is a unique NAIC identifier assigned through the licensing application process or the NAIC reporting systems to individuals and business entities (including, but not limited to producers, adjusters, and navigators) engaged in insurance related activities regulated by a state insurance department. The NPN is used to track those individuals and business entities on a national basis.
NPNs are assigned to all individuals and most business entities on the PDB.
- Developed for both regulators and industry.
- Notifications are sent via email indicating a change has been made to the data stored in the Producer Database (PDB).
- Alerts are for both individuals and agencies.
- Types of data changes:
- Appointments - Receives, renews or terminates an appointment.
- Demographics - Changes to a residence, business, mailing or other address in one or all of the licensed jurisdictions.
- Licensing - Amends, cancels, changes or adds a line or license.
- Regulatory Actions (RIRS) - A final regulatory action taken against them by a jurisdiction.
For information about subscription services please contact the NIPR Business Development department.
Retrieve information from PDB Detail Report in a batch file. Producers may be typed in or submitted in comma-delimited (csv) files. The data can be returned via .pdf or .xml format. XML allows the user to import, filter and manipulate the data without worrying about incompatible programs, computer networks, data structures and operating systems.
For information about subscription services please contact the NIPR Business Development department.
View all supplied information for a single producer, agency or company. This report will return information from all jurisdictions that are providing information.
This information includes:
- General demographic information such as name and address.
- License information such as states licensed, license number, license status and lines of authority.
- Appointment information such as company appointments, effective date, termination date and termination reason.
- Regulatory Actions (RIRS).
For information about subscription services please contact the NIPR Business Development department.