Inspiring Quotes

We believe in the power of words! We’ve gathered some of our favorite motivational quotes and Bible verses that we hope will bring you inspiration each day.
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Christian Quotes | Encouragement
If you find yourself in a dark season or going through hard times, hang on to these words of encouragement from God’s word. These uplifting verses remind us that God is still faithful although the world is fallen. Even in the midst of darkness, we have hope. Be reminded of God’s love and sovereignty through these encouraging Bible verses.
Girl Power Quotes
When you sponsor a girl with Compassion International, you directly combat the extra challenges and vulnerabilities faced by girls living in poverty. International Day of the Girl Child raises awareness about these issues and directs attention to the global efforts to “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.”
Bible Verses About Peace
Peace is a state of tranquility and contentment. It can be external — as in the absence of war, conflict, oppression and violence — or internal, as in peace of mind. But for most of us, the concept of peace is much easier to define than to attain. When we look at the wars, violence and poverty in the world, it’s easy to wonder whether humans will ever really understand the meaning of peace. That’s when it’s helpful to remember that the peace of God transcends all understanding (Philippians 4:7, NIV). This is one reason the gospel is so powerful for children living in poverty. When children in Compassion’s program learn that inner peace is possible through Christ no matter what circumstances they live in, it gives them hope. Read more about what the bible says about peace.
Christian Quotes About Love
His love never fails. At Compassion International, we strongly believe that every child is loved by God and deserves to be reminded of that love. We work hard to share God’s love with children in poverty so nobody feels unseen or hopeless. See how you can show love to children in need through child sponsorship.
Christian Quotes | Confidence
Confidence in our identity in Christ means we can cast away our anxieties. As Christians, we don’t have to be afraid of anything because we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God (Romans 8:28). God uses all circumstances — good or bad — for his glory and our growth. Knowing this, we can rejoice in the Lord always. #Quotes #Anxiety #Confidence
Children Quotes | Matthew 25:40
Whatever you did for the least of these, you did unto me. — Matthew 25:40 We empower local churches to love, care for and protect children in poverty so they can learn, grow, play and dream. In partnership with local churches around the globe, we meet each child's right-now needs, as well as their long-term needs. We also care for them spiritually by introducing them to the gospel. While children living in poverty face many challenges, eternal hope is found in Jesus.
Bible Verse | Luke 19:16
Child sponsorship is designed to empower children to create brighter futures for themselves, their families, their communities and the world. How does child sponsorship help children break the cycle of poverty? By providing access to education, health care and basic necessities, child sponsorship acts as a catalyst for lasting change. Children sponsored through Compassion are surrounded by safe adults who know them individually, live in the love of Jesus and offer the specific support they need as they journey out of poverty. Learn more about Compassion's work with children by visiting link.
Bible Verse | Matthew 11:28
What does it mean to have faith? Faith is loyalty, trust or a belief held with a strong conviction. The word of God puts it this way: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1, NIV). As followers of Christ, we seek to trust and grow in our relationship with him, even though we have never physically seen him. This guide will explore the role of faith in our Christian walk and its impact on all areas of life. See how faith has impacted lives by learning more about Compassion.
Christian Quotes | Compassion
What is compassion? Originating from the Latin compati, compassion means recognizing the suffering of others and taking action to help. The Bible is our source of truth. And inside it, we find the perfect example of compassion in the story of the Good Samaritan. To have compassion means to empathize with someone in pain and to feel compelled to ease their suffering.
Christian Quotes About Children | Wess Stafford
God cares for his children, and so do we! How beautiful is the reminder that each child is known, loved and valued in the eyes of Christ. Yet another way we can continue to love like Christ is by caring for the least of these 💙
Quotes about Faith | Christian
What does it mean to have faith? Faith is loyalty, trust or a belief held with a strong conviction. The word of God puts it this way: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1, NIV). This guide will explore the role of faith in our Christian walk and its impact on all areas of life. See how our faith has impacted lives by learning more about Compassion.
Christian Quotes | Joy
Joy is a fruit of the Spirit — deep, enduring and full of peace. It's a heart posture, not just a feeling. Rooted in faith, joy remains even in life's ups and downs. Happiness? It's beautiful but fleeting — like a breeze carrying a sweet scent, here one moment and gone the next. We pursue happiness, but we choose joy. Visit the link to see what the Bible says about joy.
Quotes about Children | CS Lewis
Jesus Cares About Children. So Do We. We are child advocates dedicated to releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name. Through sponsorships and donations, we empower local churches to love, care for and protect children in poverty so they can learn, grow, play and dream. #Quotes #ChildrenQuotes #ChristianQuotes
Children Quotes | Matthew 25:40
Whatever you did for the least of these, you did unto me. — Matthew 25:40 We empower local churches to love, care for and protect children in poverty so they can learn, grow, play and dream. In partnership with local churches around the globe, we meet each child's right-now needs, as well as their long-term needs. We also care for them spiritually by introducing them to the gospel. While children living in poverty face many challenges, eternal hope is found in Jesus.
Children Quotes | Matthew 25:40
Whatever you did for the least of these, you did unto me. — Matthew 25:40 We empower local churches to love, care for and protect children in poverty so they can learn, grow, play and dream. In partnership with local churches around the globe, we meet each child's right-now needs, as well as their long-term needs. We also care for them spiritually by introducing them to the gospel. While children living in poverty face many challenges, eternal hope is found in Jesus.