Strength Training

Strength Training Exercises, How To Build Muscles and Strength
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Single Leg RDL Benefits
Single Leg RDL Benefits - If you are going to have a leg day or want an exercise focusing on increasing your leg strength, single leg Romanian deadlifts should definitely make your list! Single Leg RDLs offer a ton of benefits and actually have a couple of different variations. This unilateral exercise is a powerhouse of a move, so let’s explore the 7 single leg rdl benefits and why you should start incorporating them into your workouts. Click here to read more!
Cable Glute Kickbacks
What is a Cable Glute Kickback? The quick answer: one of the best glute exercises you’ll ever do. But to put it more in depth, you do a cable kickback with a cable machine while targeting the gluteal muscles. You’re probably thinking about the fact that squats do the same thing. And while squats do work the glutes, they don’t isolate the muscles as well as cable glute kickbacks. Click here to learn more about cable glute kickbacks!
Medicine Ball Squat Throws
Medicine Ball Squat Throws - Ready for a killer glute and quad exercise? We've got the exercise for you - medicine ball squat throws! In this article, we cover the four steps needed to perform the exercise. We also cover the benefits of medicine ball squat throws as well as what muscles get worked and how to work the exercise into your workout. We also touch on what size medicine ball you should be using. Click here to learn our 4 steps to explosive medicine ball squat throws!
Burpee Variations
Burpee Variations - While burpees can be tiresome, they’re worth the ache because of the calories they torch. In fact, a 125-pound person who does burpees for one minute will burn around 10 calories. If you’re wanting to kick your burpees up a notch to challenge yourself and work your body more, then there are different burpee variations you can try. Click here to learn about our 10 burpee variations and to find out if these alternates are for you!
EZ Curl Bar Weight
EZ Curl Bar Weight - Wanting to strengthen your biceps and triceps with a bar that is easy on your shoulders and wrists? Then you should try using an EZ curl bar. If you’ve ever seen an EZ bar, you may wonder why it is bent the way it is? Why is it shorter than a standard barbell? And what about the EZ curl bar weight? Click here to learn about the different ez curl bar weights, benefits and exercises!
EZ Curl Bar Weight
EZ Curl Bar Weight - Wanting to strengthen your biceps and triceps with a bar that is easy on your shoulders and wrists? Then you should try using an EZ curl bar. If you’ve ever seen an EZ bar, you may wonder why it is bent the way it is? Why is it shorter than a standard barbell? And what is the weight of an EZ curl bar? Click here to learn about the different ez curl bar weights, benefits and exercises!
Does Punching A Bag Build Muscle?
Does Punching A Bag Build Muscle? - We know that punching a bag is great for boxers. It helps them with their hand-eye coordination and foot movement. But will punching a bag actually build muscle? Click here for our post and find out if you can build muscle from punching a bag!
5 Incredible Health Benefits of Squats
Everyone says squat is the king of strength training and one of the best full-body exercises. Read this article to know why. - 5 Amazing Benefits of Squat #squats #bodybuilding #weightloss #fitness #health
Strength Training At Home: To Get Stronger, Get Creative
Fun, functional, and effective strength training at home comes down to one thing: creativity. Here are 20 exercises for inspiration. The Unconventional Route Blog | #functional #fitness #strengthtraining #athome #homeworkout #getfitathome #stuckinside #bodyweightstrength #bodyweighttraining #ditchthegym #homefitness #homegym
Pushups In The Morning
Pushups In The Morning - If you are an early riser or someone who likes to start their day targeting the upper body, pushups in the morning might be the right thing for you. Whether you are incorporating them into a morning routine, or just want to use this exercise as the way to start, pushups are something that many use as their go-to in the morning. Click here to read 4 big benefits of doing pushups in the morning!
HIIT vs Crossfit
HIIT vs Crossfit are two workouts that share some similarities but are also quite different. In this post, we break down exactly what each workout is and why someone would do each. We share pros and cons of each as well as benefits. In addition, we give a few example exercise of both HIIT and Crossfit. So, if you are interested in what both HIIT vs Crossfit workouts have to offer, click here!