The library is closed at the moment but is accessible if you make an appointment:
The library holds a collection of about 6000 books, with its main focus on the Nobel Prize and the Nobel Laureates. For the Nobel Prize, its organization, and its history, our aim is to have as complete a collection of relevant research as possible. For the Nobel Laureates, the ambition is to have a comprehensive collection of biographical material.
Apart from this core, the Research Library also contains literature about related subjects such as history of science, sociology, political history, history of literature, museum studies and creativity research. The collection also follows research and exhibitions at the museum and grows in the direction the museum is taking.
Our collections are searchable in LIBRIS.
Visit and Lending
The Research Library is closed until further notice.
The entrance is located at Källargränd 4, on one of the sides of the museum building. If you’re in doubt as how to find it, please enter through the main entrance and the staff at the desk will assist you.
Unfortunately the library can not be reached by elevator, but material can be requested for delivery to the museum.
At the moment we can not facilitate loans, but the library is part of the Swedish interlibrary system and books can be ordered through other libraries.
Assistance to Researchers
The library can offer workplaces for researchers and students working with the Nobel Prize or related subjects. They are located in the library and are held for a limited amount of time. To apply, please contact the library.
The library staff can also assist researchers in finding their way through the Nobel system and help establishing contact with different people and archives.
Postal Address (letters)
Nobel Prize Museum Research Library
Box 2245
SE-103 16 Stockholm
Postal Address (small packages)
Nobel Prize Museum Research Library
Trångsund 5
SE-111 29 Stockholm