Papers by Alexander Korshenko
Качество морских вод по гидрохимическим показателям. Ежегодник 2022., 2024
The Annual Report 2022 reviews the hydrochemical state and pollution of marine coastal waters and... more The Annual Report 2022 reviews the hydrochemical state and pollution of marine coastal waters and bottom sediments of the seas around Russian Federation in 2022. The Annual Report summarizes routine observation data on the quality of the seawaters and bottom sediments conducted by 16 regional chemical laboratories and North-Western Branch of NPO “Typhoon” (St.Petersburg) of the Roshydromet. The Report-2022 contains annual and/or seasonal average and maximum values of individual hydrochemical parameters of the seawater at 56 local parts of all Russian Seas. It also describes pollution of waters and bottom sediments with a wide spectrum of natural and synthetic substances. Water quality assessments based on the concentration of individual pollutants compared with the Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAC) and on the complex Index of Water Pollution (IWP). Interannual variations and long-term trends of parameters were identified where possible.
Фракции византийских трахей с именем Андроника из Крыма, 2024
An unusual unique large scyphate copper coin bearing the name of Andronicus was first published b... more An unusual unique large scyphate copper coin bearing the name of Andronicus was first published by Cecile Morrisson (1970, pl. CI, nr. (B)/01). On the obverse, Jesus sits on a high-backed throne, the letters IC-XC on the sides of the halo; on the reverse, standing Emperor holds a long patriarchal cross in his right hand raised upwards, and in his left hand – the Anexikakia, the legend of ANΔROИKOS- ΔЄСПОТOC. In the last 30 years, one whole coin of this type and 5 cut quarters have been found in the southwestern Crimea. The diameter of the whole coin is 28.5-31.8 mm; calyx height 4.7 mm; weight 4.91 g; Dies axis ratio - 7 hours. In the works of researchers, it is assumed that coins of this type were minted during the short reign of Andronicus I Comnenus (1183-1185). Various assumptions have been made about the place of minting of coins of this type: in Constantinople as a trial issue at the very beginning of the reign of the emperor, in Thessalonica during the siege of the city by the Normans (August 6-24, 1185) or at Mangup in the Crimea. The purpose of the careful cutting of a large coin into four parts could probably be to replenish the local market with the usual small change coins, the size of which resembles the pentanummium of the early Byzantine period and the cast coins of Cherson of the X century.
Анонимные медные монеты Трапезунда, 2023
Anonymous copper coins of Trebizond. Alexander Korshenko, Pavel Shevelev. Small copper coins of T... more Anonymous copper coins of Trebizond. Alexander Korshenko, Pavel Shevelev. Small copper coins of Trebizond without the name of ruler are known since middle of 19th century. They are including three different types with some varieties in each: Type I – Obv. City walls with a cross; Rev. An eagle with its head to the right, a small cross above its head; Type II - Two large letters B with a star or dot between them/ An eagle with its head to the left; Type III - A cross with the initials of St. Eugene in sectors A-Гo-Є-И (the last letter is probably retrograde N) /A large letter B with a dot in the middle and stars on the right and left. In collections and internet were found 19 specimens of all three types. For all coins images and description are made. Some special details of dies and minting were marked.
Херсонские фоллисы Маврикия Тиберия: тип IIIa (линия), 2023
Cherson follies of Maurice Tiberius: Type IIIa (Line). Alexander Korshenko. The third group of ve... more Cherson follies of Maurice Tiberius: Type IIIa (Line). Alexander Korshenko. The third group of very unusual Cherson follies with the denomination H (= 8 pentanummium) has two major variants of Obverse. At first Emperor and Empress are standing on line, while at second under their legs the dais. Dies analysis of 35 specimens from type IIIa with line allowed distinguished 6 obverses and 13 reverses. Two pairs of dies presented by 6-8 coins, but others are not more that three. All dies are illustrated by images.
Последний пентануммий Византии, 2024
Last pentanummium of Byzantine Empire. Alexander Korshenko. The unique specimen of 5-nummium coop... more Last pentanummium of Byzantine Empire. Alexander Korshenko. The unique specimen of 5-nummium cooper coin of Constantine V Copronymus (741-775) was published at 1965. Since that time five additional coins were discovered and four in vicinity of Cherson in Crimea. Five studied pentanummium still not allowed to read complete legend but only two characters TA. The coins are very small in weight (0.33-0.65 g) and size (13.18-14.14 mm).
Anonymous follis with cross. On the obverse of the anonymous follis there is a chest-shaped bust ... more Anonymous follis with cross. On the obverse of the anonymous follis there is a chest-shaped bust of the Savior, and on the reverse there is an equilateral large cross; the four arms of the cross diverge at the ends with two points, between which spheres are placed. There are short rays directed from the center in the four sectors formed by the cross. The legend is missing.
HERMES ON TAMAN LEAD TESSERAE. Among the very diverse images on the lead tesserae of the Taman Pe... more HERMES ON TAMAN LEAD TESSERAE. Among the very diverse images on the lead tesserae of the Taman Peninsula, there are specimens with a bust of Hermes in a characteristic headdress – petas (petasos/petasus is a flat, very wide hat). Hermes attributes and symbols include hermes, a rooster, a turtle, a bag, talaria (winged sandals), a winged helmet, a simple petas, as well as a palm tree, a goat, the number four, several types of fish and incense. Among the finds on the Taman Peninsula of small lead tesserae specimens with a bust of a young beardless Hermes in a petas to the right or left, as well as his attributes – Caducius and hermas, were repeatedly noted. The small size and weight, the variety of subjects on the front and back, the absence of legends, as well as the extinguishing of many copies with one or two holes do not allow repeated use of tesserae. It can be assumed that they are used as a token for deferred payment.
The history of hydrochemical research at the State Oceanographic Institute is considered. From th... more The history of hydrochemical research at the State Oceanographic Institute is considered. From the very beginning of the Department of Hydrochemistry and Monitoring of the marine environment and the further development of its laboratories and sectors, the work of the Institute's staff was connected with the network of observations of hydrochemical parameters and pollution levels of the seas of the USSR and the World Ocean. This network was created within the framework of the Hydrometeorological Service. In this regard, separate areas of the Department's work were installed: the development of instrumental methods for analyzing the concentration of ingredients of the marine environment; introduction of these methods into the practice of the Hydrometeorological Service network units; scientific and methodological management of the hydrochemical network; collection of monitoring data and creation of databases; analysis of the information received and preparation of information materials in published and electronic form for government agencies, international organizations and the general public. The development of new methods took place in numerous expeditions on all seas and oceans. The role of the leading scientists of the Hydrochemistry Department is shown and their main achievements from the beginning to the present day are briefly described.
A.N. Korshenko
A.N. Korshenko
The purpose, objectives and objects of the state monitoring of hydrochemical parameters and marine pollution are described. In 2022, research was conducted by 15 laboratories of regional departments of Roshydromet in 56 local areas of coastal areas mostly affected by anthropogenic impact. The main part of the stations is located in bays, straits, in estuarine areas of rivers, near large cities and in the waters of ports. The total number of parameters for monitoring of the marine environment in water and sediments includes 72 separate analyses: hydrological parameters of seawater, standard hydrochemical parameters, concentration of nutrients and pollutants (petroleum hydrocarbons, phenols, detergents, heavy metals and organochlorine pesticides). In 2022, the total number of chemical analyses performed amounted to 47110 measurements in seawater and 1864 in bottom sediments. For the further development of hydrochemical monitoring of the marine environment, it is necessary to adjust the structure of ongoing research, update scientific and methodological support and the regulatory framework (MAC), the corresponding material and technical base. This includes optimizing the number and location of stations, establishing different sampling rates for different ingredients, dividing chemical analyses into standard hydrochemistry ("first-day analyses") in regional laboratories and difficult work in specialized organizations, establishing the new sampling methods. It is also necessary to include new parameters and ingredients into the list of controlled substances, primarily persistent organic pollutants in water, sediments and tissues of marine organisms, pollution of the marine environment with Marine Litter and Microplastics.
Pollution of the Black Sea, 2022
Описаны результаты мониторинга гидрохимического состояния и загрязнения морских вод Кавказских пр... more Описаны результаты мониторинга гидрохимического состояния и загрязнения морских вод Кавказских прибрежных районов в рамках государственной системы наблюдений в пяти локальных участках у городов Анапа, Новороссийск, Геленджик и Сочи. В отдельных районах Крыма и Кавказа отмечено увеличение содержания биогенных элементов, растворенного органического вещества и нефтяных углеводородов. Соленость вод Керченского пролива неуклонно повышалась с 2006 г. от 11,1 до 14,8‰. Приведены результаты международного проекта ЭМБЛАС (2013-2020 гг.), который направлен на усовершенствование методов мониторинга морской среды, а его целью является развитие системы комплексного мониторинга Черного моря. Многочисленные экспедиционные исследования в 2016-2019 гг. в центральной части моря и в прибрежных водах Грузии, РФ и Украины позволили получить обширные данные стандартных океанографических наблюдений гидролого-гидрохимических параметров, гидробиологических пелагических и бентосных характеристик. Применялись различные методы определения загрязняющих веществ в морской воде, донных отложениях и тканях организмов морской биоты. Исследовалась концентрация СПАВ, фенолов, НУ и металлов в воде, к которым в донных отложениях и тканях бентосных организмов и рыб добавлялся большой список пестицидов, ПАУ, ПХБ и других органических загрязнителей. В экологически значимой концентрации в пробах воды обнаружены бензо(а)пирен, флуоррантен, гептахлор, гептахлорэпоксид, триазиновые пестициды, фармацевтические препараты, ПХБ, фосфорные антипирены. Расширенный анализ почти 66 тысяч соединений на их присутствие или отсутствие в пробах позволил выделить дополнительно еще девять потенциально опасных веществ в воде и восемь в донных отложениях.
The lead tesserae (tokens) originated from the ancient Taman area (Northern Black Sea) rather abu... more The lead tesserae (tokens) originated from the ancient Taman area (Northern Black Sea) rather abundant and about 700 pieces already discovered. They are very small (the average weight is about 1,1 g, diameter 10 mm) and often pierced. In contrary with lead tesserae from several areas of the ancient Greek world Taman’s tesserae bears a lot of different images, heaving peoples faces and figures, masks, stars and wheels, rhomb, trident, caduceus, quiver, altar, jug, ear, grape, mythical and real animals and many others. The uses of tesserae could served as replacement of coins in the relationship between a landlord and a temporary worker on agricultural plots. Some pieces with animals are presented in article.
COPPER COINS OF ALEXIOS II (TREBIZOND). The analysis of long-known and recently discovered Trebiz... more COPPER COINS OF ALEXIOS II (TREBIZOND). The analysis of long-known and recently discovered Trebizond cooper coins suggests the presence of four different types from the period of the sole reign of Alexios II (1297-1330). They were preceded by a short-term and very unusual joint issue of John II and his son Alexios II with figures of rulers on both the obverse and reverse sides of the coin. This very rare coins have non-standard long legends and a cross with a crescent in the son's hand. After that, during the long reign of Alexios, the general degradation of copper issues can be traced. The first type are the large concave coins contained the full name of the emperor and St. Eugene with a cross and a crescent on a scepter. At second type the figure of the ruler significantly changed and the name was replaced with a characteristic monogram. The next issue, significantly reduced in size, both on strongly concave and almost flat circles, contains the monogram of the name of Alexios to the right of the bust of the ruler and 8 sectors on the shield. And on the final fourth type, the monogram moved to the left and the coins became even smaller, minted on thinner blanks of a flat or slightly concave shape; the shield has 6 sectors. It was noted that most of the described coins of Alexei II of all four types were found in random finds in various areas of the Western and Eastern Crimea from Sevastopol to Kerch.
MONEY CHANGERS WALLET FROM TEPE-KERMEN. In Crimea at 7 km from Bakhchysarai, on the slope of a mo... more MONEY CHANGERS WALLET FROM TEPE-KERMEN. In Crimea at 7 km from Bakhchysarai, on the slope of a mountain with the cave town of Tepe-Kermen, a collective find was accidentally made of six small Byzantine copper weights. All the items were practically in one place on a small patch, so they can be conditionally considered as money changer's wallet. The condition of the weights is good and about the same. On the upper side of all six pieces the letter designation of the weight is cut with deep lines or marked with dots. The largest is a round and has the letters NГ (3 nomismata). The rest of the different colors are square. Two pieces has the letter N (1 nomisma) and three with the designation IB (12 keratii = ½ nomisma or semiss). All weights belong to the coin line of the Byzantine system of weights, which is based on the nomisma or solid (4.55 g) and begins with keratium (0.19 g). The wallet weights has 9.96; 3.65; 4.24; 1.97; 2.05 and 3.34 g correspondingly. In this collective find, there are no representatives of the commercial scale line, which is based on an ounce (27.29 g) and starts with a scripula (1.14 g).
Византийские полуфоллисы Херсонеса: четвертый выпуск, 2021
Chersonesus Half-Follies from Forth Issue. Alexander Korshenko.
The dies analysis of Chersonesus ... more Chersonesus Half-Follies from Forth Issue. Alexander Korshenko.
The dies analysis of Chersonesus (Crimea) half-follies with Δ (4 pentanummium) denomination from Fourth Group probably attributed to Focas (602-620) was performed. The relation scheme of 7 obverses and 12 reverses was developed for 39 specimens studied from Museums and private collections. Two thirds of Obv+Rv pairs were presented by 1-2 specimens but maximum reached eight duplicates. The general style of those coins were rather pour in comparison with shape, weight and images of previous Groups.
Unusual small copper coins with the bust o... more Alexander KORSHENKO. ФIΛOПATOРOΣ: A TESSERA OR A COIN?
Unusual small copper coins with the bust of the goddess to the right on the obverse and the legend ФI-ΛО/ПА-ТО/РОΣ in three lines around a curved branch of a palm tree on the reverse were found in very small quantity only in the South-Western Crimea. The places of finds are localized in a small area from Cape Fiolent to Balaklava. The reverse composition with a three-line inscription (ΔI-OΣ/KOY-PIA/Δ-OΣ) around the thyrsus resemble the well-known coins of Dioskourias situated on the eastern coastline of the Black Sea. The condition of most of the coins is very poor, although there are some perfectly preserved copies. The total number of finds at the moment can be roughly estimated at 20-30 specimens. Half of the known specimens of this issue have countermark with the image of a club. Several suggestions on their origin could be discussed including Cilician Tarcondimotid dynasty or local Chersonese imitation for the city dichalkoi of the 90-80's BC. Probably small copper coins could be struck of some honorary citizen or a senior city at his own expense without specifying the city affiliation. Another version suggests that the coins of this series were not minted to participate in monetary circulation, but were designed to perform the function of a tessera (token). They could be distributed among the participants of some group of "father-respecting". Belonging to this group is indicated by the corresponding legend on the reverse of the token, and its very narrow task determined the rough stylistics of the images.
Медное "золото" Крыма и Тамани, 1999
Ten later Roman and Byzantine copper coins plated by gold were found in Crimea and Taman. List of... more Ten later Roman and Byzantine copper coins plated by gold were found in Crimea and Taman. List of finds.
The Large Bronze of Valentinian III, 1995
The single type of large AE2 bronze coins of Valentinian III (425-455) was described. Probably th... more The single type of large AE2 bronze coins of Valentinian III (425-455) was described. Probably they were produced in Chersonesos in Crimea.
Дельфины Ольвии, 2001
Alexander N. Korshenko (Moscow) Dolphins from Olbia
Copper coins in the form of a dolphin... more Alexander N. Korshenko (Moscow) Dolphins from Olbia
Copper coins in the form of a dolphin are unique in ancient numismatics and known only from the area of the city of Olbia on the northern coast of the Black Sea. This study represents a morphological classification of dolphins from Olbia.
The chronological sequences of different groups of dolphins and the date of their issuing and circulation were not the aim of the current work. Nevertheless in some cases it was possible to place one group after the other on the base of their similarity.
The period of issuing dolphins has been estimated several times within different ranges: second half of the 6th—4th В.C., second half of the 6th—5th В.C., first half of the 6th (570—560)—4th В.C., end of the 6th—beginning of the 4th В. C., second half of the 6th—end of the 5th В.C., third quarter of the 6th—end of the 4th В.C. Currently it could be summarised that before dolphins up to the middle of the 6th cent. В.C. the market in the northern part of the Black Sea around Olbia was served by small cast «arrows». The last groups of dolphins were epigraphic. They have the coins in the same form as large cast «Aes» and were probably issued parallel during the 5th century В.C.
More than 300 specimens of good quality found in the upper layer of soil of the suburban area of Olbia were studied. The size, the form (height of forehead, the place of dorsal fin, presence or absence of ventral fin, straight or concave line of the abdominal edge of the body, the length and width of body) and characteristic peculiarities of relief of dolphins (presence and height of eyes, the form of abdominal part of the body, the presence of different ribs — «lateral line», «gill») were used to distinguish between different groups.
The specimens in a group are not identical due to the casting technique, therefore the more or less high variability of parameters of dolphins inside a group is usual. Some groups, named «typical», consist of dolphins with brightly expressed formal parameters (signs). Other groups, named «dependent», consist of dolphins resembling the typical form but with less clear signs or even lacking some important signs. The «dependent» dolphins could be considered as a reduction of «typical» ones, usually they are less in size and weight. Several groups were described as «unclear» due to their intermediate position between others.
It is less possible that «typical» and «dependent» groups were issued at the same mint long enough for the reduction of size, weight and style. It is easier to explain the appearance of reduction by presence of different mints, probably official for «typical» and private for «dependent». The casting technique is not too complicated and therefore could be applied even in the small domestic private manufactory. In the case of two different kinds of factories the period of similar issues could be quite short. As a result «typical» and «reduced» dolphins could appear in the same hoards as it was mentioned before. Currently it can be considered that full-size dolphins and reduced specimens circulated parallel.
Some «typical» groups of large size dolphins have no reduced copies at all.
The groups were distributed between six classes:
1. LARGE (L) — large in size and weight dolphins; they are very rare — currently 9 specimens are described.
2. FLAT (F) — the surface of dolphins has no clear structure except eyes and sometimes low rib along the edge; some groups from that class are very abundant.
3. RELIEF (R) — the surface of that dolphins has concave abdominal part and/or more or less prominent rib — «lateral line» from head to tail and «gill» dividing head and body; the eyes usually present. The dolphins of that class are rather abundant, usually large or moderate in size, most variable in form. Some groups are very close in appearance to the dolphin and atlantic sturgeon that lived in the Black Sea.
4. SMALL (S) — the class includes small dolphins of different form; some groups could be placed here or in Class F; practically all groups are very abundant.
5. NAMED (N) — rather scarce dolphins with the names APIXO, ΘY and YΘ.
6. VARIA (V) — derivatives from previous classes like cut, holed, bent etc. specimens.
Sometimes several groups inside the class additionally were grouped into clusters just to show their similarity in form and probably chronological unity.
The name for the group and cluster was given in some cases when it was possible to show the main feature of the group or the cluster in one word.
The present classification of dolphins is developed for their easy description in the finds and hoards. New finds of dolphins obviously will influence the suggested scheme. The sequence of groups can be stated later with the help of data from archaeological, metrological, metallurgical etc. studies.
A.N. Korshenko (Moscow)
Five copper scyphates (i.e. convex-con... more A.N. Korshenko (Moscow)
Five copper scyphates (i.e. convex-concave) coins, identical in technique, type and style of images, were found at the place Mangup, the former capital of the medieval principality Theodoro-Mangup in the south-west Crimea. Among this group only one coin is whole, while the rest are fragments of the same type of coins divided strictly along the axes into four parts, which were carefully cut to give them a rounded shape. The legends could be reconstructed as МАNUНΛ-ДЕСПОТ” and “АNΔРОNIKОС-ДЕСПОТ”. The diameter of coins is about 28-32 mm. According to the technique of execution and the style of images, the described coins are imitative and should be attributed to the XII-XIII centuries. The prototype was probably the coins of Manuel I (1143-1180). Based on the findings of three of the five specimens on Mangup, we can make an assumption about their local coinage.
About 150 spe... more KORSHENKO A.N.
About 150 specimens of large bronze coins (AE2) with helmeted bust of emperor to the right, holding a spear and shield at the obverse and two figures standing facing, wearing armour and holding each a spear and jointly a long cross at the reverse were studied. The legend has the complete name of Theodosius or Valentinian. CONCODRIA AGV (sic) and mint-mark CONS or COИS in exergue are at the reverse. These coins belong to the commemorative issue dedicated to the concordance of later Roman emperors Theodosius II and Valentinian III in 425 A.D. This event was reflected in several gold and copper types with both rulers at the reverse or with the legend CONCORDIA AVG. In contrary with others AE2 are very rare and occurred mainly (or probably only) in the vicinity of town Cherson (Crimea) which was the main Byzantine outpost in the northern part of the Black Sea. The coins mainly are very poor struck. Nevertheless 21 obverse and 32 reverse dies among specimens of both emperors were distinguished.
Using two details at obverse - the form of pike of spear could be described as “leaf or “arrow" type blades, the form of two bands ended the pearl diadem could be curved or straight, the coins were distributed into four groups. It seems that reverse dies were used only inside of one group. In the group some variations of style of images and legend inscriptions were quite visible. Mistakes in the legends, variations in title PF AVG, retrograde characters or their strange forms very often occurred. Additionally all tested specimens have wrong type of reverse legend. The pictures degradation at some dies was especially clear at reverse.
It was suggested that AE2 were struck in Cherson because:
- all finds were located in Cherson and it’s vicinity including Mangup.
- all coins with only the few exceptions (3 specimens) were made of yellowish bronze.
- poor quality of coins with cracks and splits.
- the wide range of coins weight (3.43-7.14g).
- the original type of reverse.
- inscriptions are blundered, sometimes with the number of mistakes, and the style of many dies is barbarous, suggesting a provincial town rather than the mint of the capital.
The time of that type could be estimated about 440 A.D. because Valentinian, which was born in 419 and married in 437, depicted with the beard. This local issue should be considered as the first coins of Cherson mint after almost one and half centuries break since Gallienus (253-268). The attempt to provide for town market the coins of habitual size AE2 couldn't be very long because of small number and simultaneous usage of dies, as well as poor quality of minting. Some time later AE2 of Leo I (457-474) in great quantity appeared in the town. This issue showed the amazing variability in the inscriptions of obverse and reverse legends. Next time Cherson struck the own coins under Zeno (476-491) and once more it was usual size AE2, bearing the reverse legend CONCORDIA like at the coins of Theodosius and Valentinian with two figures and long cross on reverse and pictures like on coins of Leo I.
Papers by Alexander Korshenko
A.N. Korshenko
The purpose, objectives and objects of the state monitoring of hydrochemical parameters and marine pollution are described. In 2022, research was conducted by 15 laboratories of regional departments of Roshydromet in 56 local areas of coastal areas mostly affected by anthropogenic impact. The main part of the stations is located in bays, straits, in estuarine areas of rivers, near large cities and in the waters of ports. The total number of parameters for monitoring of the marine environment in water and sediments includes 72 separate analyses: hydrological parameters of seawater, standard hydrochemical parameters, concentration of nutrients and pollutants (petroleum hydrocarbons, phenols, detergents, heavy metals and organochlorine pesticides). In 2022, the total number of chemical analyses performed amounted to 47110 measurements in seawater and 1864 in bottom sediments. For the further development of hydrochemical monitoring of the marine environment, it is necessary to adjust the structure of ongoing research, update scientific and methodological support and the regulatory framework (MAC), the corresponding material and technical base. This includes optimizing the number and location of stations, establishing different sampling rates for different ingredients, dividing chemical analyses into standard hydrochemistry ("first-day analyses") in regional laboratories and difficult work in specialized organizations, establishing the new sampling methods. It is also necessary to include new parameters and ingredients into the list of controlled substances, primarily persistent organic pollutants in water, sediments and tissues of marine organisms, pollution of the marine environment with Marine Litter and Microplastics.
The dies analysis of Chersonesus (Crimea) half-follies with Δ (4 pentanummium) denomination from Fourth Group probably attributed to Focas (602-620) was performed. The relation scheme of 7 obverses and 12 reverses was developed for 39 specimens studied from Museums and private collections. Two thirds of Obv+Rv pairs were presented by 1-2 specimens but maximum reached eight duplicates. The general style of those coins were rather pour in comparison with shape, weight and images of previous Groups.
Unusual small copper coins with the bust of the goddess to the right on the obverse and the legend ФI-ΛО/ПА-ТО/РОΣ in three lines around a curved branch of a palm tree on the reverse were found in very small quantity only in the South-Western Crimea. The places of finds are localized in a small area from Cape Fiolent to Balaklava. The reverse composition with a three-line inscription (ΔI-OΣ/KOY-PIA/Δ-OΣ) around the thyrsus resemble the well-known coins of Dioskourias situated on the eastern coastline of the Black Sea. The condition of most of the coins is very poor, although there are some perfectly preserved copies. The total number of finds at the moment can be roughly estimated at 20-30 specimens. Half of the known specimens of this issue have countermark with the image of a club. Several suggestions on their origin could be discussed including Cilician Tarcondimotid dynasty or local Chersonese imitation for the city dichalkoi of the 90-80's BC. Probably small copper coins could be struck of some honorary citizen or a senior city at his own expense without specifying the city affiliation. Another version suggests that the coins of this series were not minted to participate in monetary circulation, but were designed to perform the function of a tessera (token). They could be distributed among the participants of some group of "father-respecting". Belonging to this group is indicated by the corresponding legend on the reverse of the token, and its very narrow task determined the rough stylistics of the images.
Copper coins in the form of a dolphin are unique in ancient numismatics and known only from the area of the city of Olbia on the northern coast of the Black Sea. This study represents a morphological classification of dolphins from Olbia.
The chronological sequences of different groups of dolphins and the date of their issuing and circulation were not the aim of the current work. Nevertheless in some cases it was possible to place one group after the other on the base of their similarity.
The period of issuing dolphins has been estimated several times within different ranges: second half of the 6th—4th В.C., second half of the 6th—5th В.C., first half of the 6th (570—560)—4th В.C., end of the 6th—beginning of the 4th В. C., second half of the 6th—end of the 5th В.C., third quarter of the 6th—end of the 4th В.C. Currently it could be summarised that before dolphins up to the middle of the 6th cent. В.C. the market in the northern part of the Black Sea around Olbia was served by small cast «arrows». The last groups of dolphins were epigraphic. They have the coins in the same form as large cast «Aes» and were probably issued parallel during the 5th century В.C.
More than 300 specimens of good quality found in the upper layer of soil of the suburban area of Olbia were studied. The size, the form (height of forehead, the place of dorsal fin, presence or absence of ventral fin, straight or concave line of the abdominal edge of the body, the length and width of body) and characteristic peculiarities of relief of dolphins (presence and height of eyes, the form of abdominal part of the body, the presence of different ribs — «lateral line», «gill») were used to distinguish between different groups.
The specimens in a group are not identical due to the casting technique, therefore the more or less high variability of parameters of dolphins inside a group is usual. Some groups, named «typical», consist of dolphins with brightly expressed formal parameters (signs). Other groups, named «dependent», consist of dolphins resembling the typical form but with less clear signs or even lacking some important signs. The «dependent» dolphins could be considered as a reduction of «typical» ones, usually they are less in size and weight. Several groups were described as «unclear» due to their intermediate position between others.
It is less possible that «typical» and «dependent» groups were issued at the same mint long enough for the reduction of size, weight and style. It is easier to explain the appearance of reduction by presence of different mints, probably official for «typical» and private for «dependent». The casting technique is not too complicated and therefore could be applied even in the small domestic private manufactory. In the case of two different kinds of factories the period of similar issues could be quite short. As a result «typical» and «reduced» dolphins could appear in the same hoards as it was mentioned before. Currently it can be considered that full-size dolphins and reduced specimens circulated parallel.
Some «typical» groups of large size dolphins have no reduced copies at all.
The groups were distributed between six classes:
1. LARGE (L) — large in size and weight dolphins; they are very rare — currently 9 specimens are described.
2. FLAT (F) — the surface of dolphins has no clear structure except eyes and sometimes low rib along the edge; some groups from that class are very abundant.
3. RELIEF (R) — the surface of that dolphins has concave abdominal part and/or more or less prominent rib — «lateral line» from head to tail and «gill» dividing head and body; the eyes usually present. The dolphins of that class are rather abundant, usually large or moderate in size, most variable in form. Some groups are very close in appearance to the dolphin and atlantic sturgeon that lived in the Black Sea.
4. SMALL (S) — the class includes small dolphins of different form; some groups could be placed here or in Class F; practically all groups are very abundant.
5. NAMED (N) — rather scarce dolphins with the names APIXO, ΘY and YΘ.
6. VARIA (V) — derivatives from previous classes like cut, holed, bent etc. specimens.
Sometimes several groups inside the class additionally were grouped into clusters just to show their similarity in form and probably chronological unity.
The name for the group and cluster was given in some cases when it was possible to show the main feature of the group or the cluster in one word.
The present classification of dolphins is developed for their easy description in the finds and hoards. New finds of dolphins obviously will influence the suggested scheme. The sequence of groups can be stated later with the help of data from archaeological, metrological, metallurgical etc. studies.
Five copper scyphates (i.e. convex-concave) coins, identical in technique, type and style of images, were found at the place Mangup, the former capital of the medieval principality Theodoro-Mangup in the south-west Crimea. Among this group only one coin is whole, while the rest are fragments of the same type of coins divided strictly along the axes into four parts, which were carefully cut to give them a rounded shape. The legends could be reconstructed as МАNUНΛ-ДЕСПОТ” and “АNΔРОNIKОС-ДЕСПОТ”. The diameter of coins is about 28-32 mm. According to the technique of execution and the style of images, the described coins are imitative and should be attributed to the XII-XIII centuries. The prototype was probably the coins of Manuel I (1143-1180). Based on the findings of three of the five specimens on Mangup, we can make an assumption about their local coinage.
About 150 specimens of large bronze coins (AE2) with helmeted bust of emperor to the right, holding a spear and shield at the obverse and two figures standing facing, wearing armour and holding each a spear and jointly a long cross at the reverse were studied. The legend has the complete name of Theodosius or Valentinian. CONCODRIA AGV (sic) and mint-mark CONS or COИS in exergue are at the reverse. These coins belong to the commemorative issue dedicated to the concordance of later Roman emperors Theodosius II and Valentinian III in 425 A.D. This event was reflected in several gold and copper types with both rulers at the reverse or with the legend CONCORDIA AVG. In contrary with others AE2 are very rare and occurred mainly (or probably only) in the vicinity of town Cherson (Crimea) which was the main Byzantine outpost in the northern part of the Black Sea. The coins mainly are very poor struck. Nevertheless 21 obverse and 32 reverse dies among specimens of both emperors were distinguished.
Using two details at obverse - the form of pike of spear could be described as “leaf or “arrow" type blades, the form of two bands ended the pearl diadem could be curved or straight, the coins were distributed into four groups. It seems that reverse dies were used only inside of one group. In the group some variations of style of images and legend inscriptions were quite visible. Mistakes in the legends, variations in title PF AVG, retrograde characters or their strange forms very often occurred. Additionally all tested specimens have wrong type of reverse legend. The pictures degradation at some dies was especially clear at reverse.
It was suggested that AE2 were struck in Cherson because:
- all finds were located in Cherson and it’s vicinity including Mangup.
- all coins with only the few exceptions (3 specimens) were made of yellowish bronze.
- poor quality of coins with cracks and splits.
- the wide range of coins weight (3.43-7.14g).
- the original type of reverse.
- inscriptions are blundered, sometimes with the number of mistakes, and the style of many dies is barbarous, suggesting a provincial town rather than the mint of the capital.
The time of that type could be estimated about 440 A.D. because Valentinian, which was born in 419 and married in 437, depicted with the beard. This local issue should be considered as the first coins of Cherson mint after almost one and half centuries break since Gallienus (253-268). The attempt to provide for town market the coins of habitual size AE2 couldn't be very long because of small number and simultaneous usage of dies, as well as poor quality of minting. Some time later AE2 of Leo I (457-474) in great quantity appeared in the town. This issue showed the amazing variability in the inscriptions of obverse and reverse legends. Next time Cherson struck the own coins under Zeno (476-491) and once more it was usual size AE2, bearing the reverse legend CONCORDIA like at the coins of Theodosius and Valentinian with two figures and long cross on reverse and pictures like on coins of Leo I.
A.N. Korshenko
The purpose, objectives and objects of the state monitoring of hydrochemical parameters and marine pollution are described. In 2022, research was conducted by 15 laboratories of regional departments of Roshydromet in 56 local areas of coastal areas mostly affected by anthropogenic impact. The main part of the stations is located in bays, straits, in estuarine areas of rivers, near large cities and in the waters of ports. The total number of parameters for monitoring of the marine environment in water and sediments includes 72 separate analyses: hydrological parameters of seawater, standard hydrochemical parameters, concentration of nutrients and pollutants (petroleum hydrocarbons, phenols, detergents, heavy metals and organochlorine pesticides). In 2022, the total number of chemical analyses performed amounted to 47110 measurements in seawater and 1864 in bottom sediments. For the further development of hydrochemical monitoring of the marine environment, it is necessary to adjust the structure of ongoing research, update scientific and methodological support and the regulatory framework (MAC), the corresponding material and technical base. This includes optimizing the number and location of stations, establishing different sampling rates for different ingredients, dividing chemical analyses into standard hydrochemistry ("first-day analyses") in regional laboratories and difficult work in specialized organizations, establishing the new sampling methods. It is also necessary to include new parameters and ingredients into the list of controlled substances, primarily persistent organic pollutants in water, sediments and tissues of marine organisms, pollution of the marine environment with Marine Litter and Microplastics.
The dies analysis of Chersonesus (Crimea) half-follies with Δ (4 pentanummium) denomination from Fourth Group probably attributed to Focas (602-620) was performed. The relation scheme of 7 obverses and 12 reverses was developed for 39 specimens studied from Museums and private collections. Two thirds of Obv+Rv pairs were presented by 1-2 specimens but maximum reached eight duplicates. The general style of those coins were rather pour in comparison with shape, weight and images of previous Groups.
Unusual small copper coins with the bust of the goddess to the right on the obverse and the legend ФI-ΛО/ПА-ТО/РОΣ in three lines around a curved branch of a palm tree on the reverse were found in very small quantity only in the South-Western Crimea. The places of finds are localized in a small area from Cape Fiolent to Balaklava. The reverse composition with a three-line inscription (ΔI-OΣ/KOY-PIA/Δ-OΣ) around the thyrsus resemble the well-known coins of Dioskourias situated on the eastern coastline of the Black Sea. The condition of most of the coins is very poor, although there are some perfectly preserved copies. The total number of finds at the moment can be roughly estimated at 20-30 specimens. Half of the known specimens of this issue have countermark with the image of a club. Several suggestions on their origin could be discussed including Cilician Tarcondimotid dynasty or local Chersonese imitation for the city dichalkoi of the 90-80's BC. Probably small copper coins could be struck of some honorary citizen or a senior city at his own expense without specifying the city affiliation. Another version suggests that the coins of this series were not minted to participate in monetary circulation, but were designed to perform the function of a tessera (token). They could be distributed among the participants of some group of "father-respecting". Belonging to this group is indicated by the corresponding legend on the reverse of the token, and its very narrow task determined the rough stylistics of the images.
Copper coins in the form of a dolphin are unique in ancient numismatics and known only from the area of the city of Olbia on the northern coast of the Black Sea. This study represents a morphological classification of dolphins from Olbia.
The chronological sequences of different groups of dolphins and the date of their issuing and circulation were not the aim of the current work. Nevertheless in some cases it was possible to place one group after the other on the base of their similarity.
The period of issuing dolphins has been estimated several times within different ranges: second half of the 6th—4th В.C., second half of the 6th—5th В.C., first half of the 6th (570—560)—4th В.C., end of the 6th—beginning of the 4th В. C., second half of the 6th—end of the 5th В.C., third quarter of the 6th—end of the 4th В.C. Currently it could be summarised that before dolphins up to the middle of the 6th cent. В.C. the market in the northern part of the Black Sea around Olbia was served by small cast «arrows». The last groups of dolphins were epigraphic. They have the coins in the same form as large cast «Aes» and were probably issued parallel during the 5th century В.C.
More than 300 specimens of good quality found in the upper layer of soil of the suburban area of Olbia were studied. The size, the form (height of forehead, the place of dorsal fin, presence or absence of ventral fin, straight or concave line of the abdominal edge of the body, the length and width of body) and characteristic peculiarities of relief of dolphins (presence and height of eyes, the form of abdominal part of the body, the presence of different ribs — «lateral line», «gill») were used to distinguish between different groups.
The specimens in a group are not identical due to the casting technique, therefore the more or less high variability of parameters of dolphins inside a group is usual. Some groups, named «typical», consist of dolphins with brightly expressed formal parameters (signs). Other groups, named «dependent», consist of dolphins resembling the typical form but with less clear signs or even lacking some important signs. The «dependent» dolphins could be considered as a reduction of «typical» ones, usually they are less in size and weight. Several groups were described as «unclear» due to their intermediate position between others.
It is less possible that «typical» and «dependent» groups were issued at the same mint long enough for the reduction of size, weight and style. It is easier to explain the appearance of reduction by presence of different mints, probably official for «typical» and private for «dependent». The casting technique is not too complicated and therefore could be applied even in the small domestic private manufactory. In the case of two different kinds of factories the period of similar issues could be quite short. As a result «typical» and «reduced» dolphins could appear in the same hoards as it was mentioned before. Currently it can be considered that full-size dolphins and reduced specimens circulated parallel.
Some «typical» groups of large size dolphins have no reduced copies at all.
The groups were distributed between six classes:
1. LARGE (L) — large in size and weight dolphins; they are very rare — currently 9 specimens are described.
2. FLAT (F) — the surface of dolphins has no clear structure except eyes and sometimes low rib along the edge; some groups from that class are very abundant.
3. RELIEF (R) — the surface of that dolphins has concave abdominal part and/or more or less prominent rib — «lateral line» from head to tail and «gill» dividing head and body; the eyes usually present. The dolphins of that class are rather abundant, usually large or moderate in size, most variable in form. Some groups are very close in appearance to the dolphin and atlantic sturgeon that lived in the Black Sea.
4. SMALL (S) — the class includes small dolphins of different form; some groups could be placed here or in Class F; practically all groups are very abundant.
5. NAMED (N) — rather scarce dolphins with the names APIXO, ΘY and YΘ.
6. VARIA (V) — derivatives from previous classes like cut, holed, bent etc. specimens.
Sometimes several groups inside the class additionally were grouped into clusters just to show their similarity in form and probably chronological unity.
The name for the group and cluster was given in some cases when it was possible to show the main feature of the group or the cluster in one word.
The present classification of dolphins is developed for their easy description in the finds and hoards. New finds of dolphins obviously will influence the suggested scheme. The sequence of groups can be stated later with the help of data from archaeological, metrological, metallurgical etc. studies.
Five copper scyphates (i.e. convex-concave) coins, identical in technique, type and style of images, were found at the place Mangup, the former capital of the medieval principality Theodoro-Mangup in the south-west Crimea. Among this group only one coin is whole, while the rest are fragments of the same type of coins divided strictly along the axes into four parts, which were carefully cut to give them a rounded shape. The legends could be reconstructed as МАNUНΛ-ДЕСПОТ” and “АNΔРОNIKОС-ДЕСПОТ”. The diameter of coins is about 28-32 mm. According to the technique of execution and the style of images, the described coins are imitative and should be attributed to the XII-XIII centuries. The prototype was probably the coins of Manuel I (1143-1180). Based on the findings of three of the five specimens on Mangup, we can make an assumption about their local coinage.
About 150 specimens of large bronze coins (AE2) with helmeted bust of emperor to the right, holding a spear and shield at the obverse and two figures standing facing, wearing armour and holding each a spear and jointly a long cross at the reverse were studied. The legend has the complete name of Theodosius or Valentinian. CONCODRIA AGV (sic) and mint-mark CONS or COИS in exergue are at the reverse. These coins belong to the commemorative issue dedicated to the concordance of later Roman emperors Theodosius II and Valentinian III in 425 A.D. This event was reflected in several gold and copper types with both rulers at the reverse or with the legend CONCORDIA AVG. In contrary with others AE2 are very rare and occurred mainly (or probably only) in the vicinity of town Cherson (Crimea) which was the main Byzantine outpost in the northern part of the Black Sea. The coins mainly are very poor struck. Nevertheless 21 obverse and 32 reverse dies among specimens of both emperors were distinguished.
Using two details at obverse - the form of pike of spear could be described as “leaf or “arrow" type blades, the form of two bands ended the pearl diadem could be curved or straight, the coins were distributed into four groups. It seems that reverse dies were used only inside of one group. In the group some variations of style of images and legend inscriptions were quite visible. Mistakes in the legends, variations in title PF AVG, retrograde characters or their strange forms very often occurred. Additionally all tested specimens have wrong type of reverse legend. The pictures degradation at some dies was especially clear at reverse.
It was suggested that AE2 were struck in Cherson because:
- all finds were located in Cherson and it’s vicinity including Mangup.
- all coins with only the few exceptions (3 specimens) were made of yellowish bronze.
- poor quality of coins with cracks and splits.
- the wide range of coins weight (3.43-7.14g).
- the original type of reverse.
- inscriptions are blundered, sometimes with the number of mistakes, and the style of many dies is barbarous, suggesting a provincial town rather than the mint of the capital.
The time of that type could be estimated about 440 A.D. because Valentinian, which was born in 419 and married in 437, depicted with the beard. This local issue should be considered as the first coins of Cherson mint after almost one and half centuries break since Gallienus (253-268). The attempt to provide for town market the coins of habitual size AE2 couldn't be very long because of small number and simultaneous usage of dies, as well as poor quality of minting. Some time later AE2 of Leo I (457-474) in great quantity appeared in the town. This issue showed the amazing variability in the inscriptions of obverse and reverse legends. Next time Cherson struck the own coins under Zeno (476-491) and once more it was usual size AE2, bearing the reverse legend CONCORDIA like at the coins of Theodosius and Valentinian with two figures and long cross on reverse and pictures like on coins of Leo I.
The Report-2021 contains annual and/or seasonal average and maximum values of individual hydrochemical parameters of the seawater at 54 local parts of all Russian Seas. It also describes pollution of waters and bottom sediments with a wide spectrum of natural and synthetic substances. Water quality assessments based on the concentration of individual pollutants compared with the Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAC) and on the complex Index of Water Pollution (IWP). Interannual variations and long-term trends of parameters were identified where possible.
The Annual Report 2021 is intended for use by federal and regional administration bodies, environment protection and offshore industry managers, Russian and international public and ecologists. Assessments of the current state and of the long-term changes of the marine environmental pollution could be used in scientific researches and for planning of environment protection activities.
This Annual Report 2021 was compiled at the Marine Pollution Monitoring Laboratory of the N.N.Zybov’s State Oceanographic Institute of Roshydromet (SOI, Kropotkinsky Lane 6, 119034 Moscow, Russia,, Chapter “Marine pollution”).
The Report-2020 contains annual and/or seasonal averages and maximum values of individual hydrochemical parameters of the seawater at 54 local parts of all Russian Seas. It also describes the level of pollution of waters and bottom sediments with a wide spectrum of natural and synthetic substances. Water quality assessments based on the concentration of individual pollutants compared with the Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAC) and on the complex Index of Water Pollution (IWP). Interannual variations and long-term trends of parameters were identified where possible.
The Annual Report 2020 is intended for use by federal and regional administration bodies, environment protection and offshore industry managers, Russian and international public and ecologists. Assessments of the current state and of the long-term changes of the marine environmental pollution could be used in scientific researches and for planning of environment protection activities.
The Report contains annual and/or seasonal/monthly averages and maximum values of individual hydrochemical parameters of the seawaters for 2019. It also describes the level of pollution of waters and bottom sediments with a wide spectrum of natural and synthetic substances. Water quality assessments based on the concentration of individual pollutants compared with the MAC and on the complex Index of Water Pollution (IWP). Interannual variations and long-term trends of parameters were identified where possible.
The Annual Report 2019 is intended for use by federal and regional administration bodies, environment protection and offshore industry managers, Russian and international public and ecologists. Assessments of the current state and of the long-term changes of the marine environmental pollution could be used in researches and for planning of environment protection activities.
The Annual Report 2018 reviews the hydrochemical state and pollution of marine coastal waters and bottom sediments in the Russian Seas. The Annual Report summarizes the data of routine observation on the quality of marine environment conducted by 16 regional chemical laboratories and North-Western Branch of NPO “Typhoon” (St.Petersburg) of the Roshydromet in the frame of the State monitoring programme. For some regions additional information used from different national and international sources.
The Report contains annual and/or seasonal/monthly averages and maximum values of individual hydrochemical including nutrients parameters of the seawaters at 2018. It also describes the level of pollution of waters and bottom sediments with a wide spectrum of natural and synthetic substances. Water quality assessments based on the concentration of individual pollutants compared with the established MAC-2016 and on the complex Index of Water Pollution (IWP). Interannual variations and long-term trends of parameters were identified where possible.
The Annual Report 2018 is intended for use by federal and regional administration bodies, environment protection and offshore industry managers, marine ecologists, Russian and international organizations and public. Assessments of the current state and of the long-term changes of the marine environmental pollution could be used in researches and for planning of environment protection activities.
This Annual Report 2018 was compiled at the Marine Pollution Monitoring Laboratory of the N.N.Zybov’s State Oceanographic Institute of Roshydromet (SOI, Kropotkinsky Lane 6, 119034 Moscow, Russia,, Chapter “Marine pollution”).
For bibliographic purposes, this document shall be cited as:
Marine Water Pollution. Annual Report 2018. – Editor Alexander Korshenko, Moscow, “Nauka”, 2019, 224 p.
ISBN 978-5-9500646-6-1
The Report contains annual and/or seasonal/monthly averages and maximum values of individual hydrochemical parameters of the seawaters for 2016. It also describes the level of pollution of waters and bottom sediments with a wide spectrum of natural and synthetic substances. Water quality assessments based on the concentration of individual pollutants compared with the MAC and on the complex Index of Water Pollution (IWP). Interannual variations and long-term trends of parameters were identified where possible.
The Annual Report 2016 is intended for use by federal and regional administration bodies, environment protection and offshore industry managers, Russian and international public and ecologists. Assessments of the current state and of the long-term changes of the marine environmental pollution could be used in researches and for planning of environment protection activities.
This Annual Report 2016 was compiled at the Marine Pollution Monitoring Laboratory of the State Oceanographic Institute of Roshydromet (SOI, Kropotkinsky Lane 6, 119034 Moscow, Russia,, Chapter “Marine pollution”).
For bibliographic purposes, this document shall be cited as:
Marine Water Pollution. Annual Report 2016. – Editor Alexander Korshenko, Moscow, “Nauka”, 2017, 190 p.
ISBN 978-5-9500646-2-3
The Annual Report 2015 reviews the hydrochemical state and pollution of marine coastal waters and bottom sediments of the seas around Russian Federation in 2015. The Annual Report summarizes routine observation data on the quality of the seawaters and bottom sediments conducted by 16 regional chemical laboratories and North-Western Branch of NPO “Typhoon” (St.Petersburg) of the Roshydromet. For some regions additional information used from different national and international sources.
The Report contains annual and/or seasonal/monthly average and maximum values of individual hydrochemical parameters of the seawaters for 2015. It also describes the level of pollution of waters and bottom sediments with a wide spectrum of natural and synthetic substances. Water quality assessments based on the concentration of individual pollutants compared with MAC and complex Index of Water Pollution (IWP). Interannual variations and long-term trends of parameters were identified where possible.
The Annual Report 2015 is intended for use by federal and regional administration bodies, environment protection and offshore industry managers, Russian and international public and scientists. Assessments of the current state and of the long-term changes of marine environmental pollution could be used in researches and for planning of environment protection activities.
This Annual Report 2015 was compiled at the Marine Pollution Monitoring Laboratory of the State Oceanographic Institute of Roshydromet (SOI, Kropotkinsky Lane 6, 119034 Moscow, Russia,, Chapter “Marine pollution”).
For bibliographic purposes, this document shall be cited as:
Marine Water Pollution. Annual Report 2015. – Editor Alexander Korshenko, Moscow, “Nauka”, 2016, 184 p. ISBN 978-5-9500646-0-9
© Korshenko A.N. © State Oceanographic Institute (SOI)
During the last forty years nine tokens with facing bust of unknown ruler with cross and fibula (two variants of left-right position) similar to Heraclius solidus and without inscription at the obverse were discovered. All of them have at the reverse standard composition with one large cross at three steps and two small crosses, all within circle made by dashes. Each cross has dots at the ends. It seems, all tokens have the loop for hanging and struck by different dies. The location of the find is known for five specimens. These places are located on a very wide territory from Penjikent near Samarkand to the Volga river and the Crimea. The discovery of one specimen in the burial ground of the prabolgar (Turco-Bulgarian or mixed Turco-Khazar population of the Crimea) archaeological complex on the Tepsen plateau in Eastern Crimea allows to pre-attribute the time of tokens appearance around the middle of the VIII - second quarter of the X century (Maiko V.V., 2004).