Do You Need to Be in the Military?

Although Norwich is famous for its Corps of Cadets and military lifestyle on campus, civilian students thrive here, too. Our online student population is a mix of both military-affiliated students and others with no military connections at all.

For 200 years, Norwich University’s Guiding Values and mission have helped create an atmosphere of excellence. We are the nation’s oldest private military college and the birthplace of ROTC, serving a diverse student body that reflects the world today, civilian, military career-focused, and online.

The simple answer is no, you do not need to be in the military or associated with the military in any way to be a Norwich Online student.

Since 1997, our online student body has been composed of people from all over the world. Our students are business professionals, servicemembers on deployment, federal, state or city employees looking to advance their careers, veterans, first responders, hobbyists, and so much more! Offering bachelor's degrees, master's degrees and professional development certificates, Norwich Online graduates build upon their Norwich educations to launch or grow careers and make outsized contributions to their communities, the nation and the world.

Student Testimonials

Matthew Higbee headshot

I wanted to earn an advanced degree; I always want to learn more and Norwich offered me an advantageous way in which to enhance my understanding of the field.

Matthew Higbee

'15 Master of Arts in Military History

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Adam Rice headshot

The program seemed well situated for someone with a professional career and was relatively self-paced.

Col Adam Rice

'24 Master of Arts in Strategic Studies

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Benjamin Robert Bradley headshot

As the tagline for Norwich University says, "Expect Challenge. Achieve Distinction," do expect challenge, but also expect to be supported by your fellow classmates and instructors along the way.

Benjamin Robert Bradley

'24 Master of Science in Cybersecurity

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Ryan Paul headshot

Norwich has proven to be up to the challenge of teaching foundational concepts while ensuring content remains relevant to today’s environment.

Ryan Paul

'21 Master of Science in Information Security & Assurance

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Wendy Gallagher headshot

I decided to return to school in the hopes of making a difference for trafficking victims.

Wendy Gallagher

'17 Master of Public Administration

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Matthew Higbee headshot

Matthew Higbee

Adam Rice headshot

Col Adam Rice

Benjamin Robert Bradley headshot

Benjamin Robert Bradley

Ryan Paul headshot

Ryan Paul

Wendy Gallagher headshot

Wendy Gallagher