Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology
Contents of the prepared book manuscript "Normativity that matters"
This paper sketches a particular line of criticism targeted at Scanlon's account of a normative reason, which is purported to kill two birds with one stone: to raise doubts about the plausibility of Scanlon's account of a normative reason... more
In his 2011 paper, Mark Schroeder launched a powerful attack on the view that ambiguity observed in some agential ‘ought’ sentences can be satisfactorily explained in terms of sentential ambiguity. His main objection concerned the... more
According to a well-homed view in linguistic semantics, deontic logic and logic of agency, some ‘ought’ sentences, like ‘Kate ought to write the report’, are ambiguous between the so-called agentive sense as when Kate is the agent of... more
In his article “Is Meaning Fraught with Ought?” (2009), Daniel Whiting advanced quite a battery of refurbished arguments for the claim that linguistic meaning is intrinsically normative. He ended the paper with the conclusion that he had... more
The paper discusses Mark Schroeder's famous objection to the interpretation of agentive ought in terms of propositional ought. The objection in question is called the Basic Problem, and it amounts to the observation that systematic,... more
The paper discusses Mark Schroeder’s famous objection to the interpretation of agentive ought in terms of propositional ought. The objection in question is called the Basic Problem, and it amounts to the observation that systematic,... more
Bernard Williams in his essay Ought and moral obligation (OMO) takes a stand on the proper logical interpretation of ‘ought’ sentences. He claims that ought being central to ethical reflection, that is, ought issuing personal requirements... more
S ą książki, które trafiają w swój czas. Pojawiają się dokładnie wtedy, gdy zapotrzebowanie na nie dopiero boleśnie wyżyna się w ludzkiej świadomości. Piszę: boleśnie, bowiem pozycje te traktują zazwyczaj o rzeczach mało przyjemnych,... more
Kantowska teoria polityczna bywa zaliczana w poczet tzw. tradycyjnych teorii umowy społecznej. Celem artykułu jest wykazanie, że Kant jest kontraktualistą nietypowym, tj. umowa społeczna nie pełni w jego teorii funkcji uzasadniania... more
RECENZJE stosowanej do toczących się współcześnie debat terminologii. Filozofia z pewnością nie skończyła się na Kancie, tym niemniej jego myśl z całą pewnością będzie stanowić źródło inspiracji, a zarazem wskazywać kierunek poszukiwań... more
Work on the monograph was funded by the National Science grant OPUS 12 for the project "Substantive semantics for normative language (on the basis of the analysis of 'ought' sentences)". Decision no. DEC-2016/23/B/HS1/02921. The monograph... more
Joanna klIMczyk 'oUgHt', ownersHip and agentiVe oUgHt: reMarKs on tHe seMantic Meaning of 'indexed oUgHt' Abstract. Bernard Williams in his essay Ought and moral obligation (OMO) takes a stand on the proper logical interpretation of... more
Wenn Madame de Staël in ihrem Buch De l'Allemagne über die damalige deutsche Kultur und Gesellschaft 1800 schreibt, macht sie darauf aufmerksam, dass die wahre Neuheit im Bereich der deutschen Sprache (es wäre hier nicht unproblematisch... more
"The Notion and the Historical Category of Gouvernementalite" Abstract General remarks on Foucault's notion of gouvernmentality and an attemtp to explicate it as a logic of the relation between the whole and the part - omnes et... more
The main attempt of this paper is to explicate the term "destruction", one of the most important notions for Heidegger's hermeneutics within the language and thought of Hans-Georg Gadamer. The question we will pose here to fulfill this... more
"Multitude: the Production of the Common" Abstact An essay discussing the historical and philosophical aspects of the notion of "multitude" in the context of postoperaist political philosophy, especially the works of Michael Hardt,... more
"Beyond the Immunization Paradigm - Biopolitics in the Philosophical Project of Roberto Esposito" Abstract The paper reconstructs the basic logic of Esposito's philosophy, that is the dynamic relation between the experience of... more