Kick-Start Sessions
Jump start your conference experience on Sunday afternoon with these engaging sessions deliver by leading organizations in the payments space. Attendance at Sunday sessions is required in order to earn all 20 Continuing Education credits for AAP and APRP.
Featuring sessions from

Smarter Faster Payments Zone
Focus on smarter and faster in the Zone. Events in this area include targeted education sessions showcasing advancements in the world of smarter and faster payments.

Executive Series
If you are a senior executive, you don’t want to miss sessions identified as philosophical discussions on critical topics.

Spotlight Speaker Series
Listen to presentations from notable subject matter professionals speaking on top-of-mind topics.

Topical Talks
Participate in these popular intimate discussion groups that enable lively dialogue and debate on today’s hottest payments topics.
And there’s more education in the hall…
Take advantage of education areas in the exhibit hall to learn more about today’s financial technology products and solutions peaking your interest. Or see what it takes to take the next step in your career as a payments professional.

George Throckmorton Innovation Center
The George Throckmorton Innovation Center, named after Nacha’s late Managing Director of Network Development, encompasses the pioneering and entrepreneurial spirit of its namesake. Located in the financial technology focused exhibit hall, the Innovation Center features demonstrations of solutions, technology, and products of interest to financial institutions and companies involved in payments, payments processing, and financial and data security. The Innovation Center also plays host to up to three high-profile education sessions.
Featuring demos from

Accreditation Awareness Center
The Accreditation Awareness Center features sessions designed to provide a glimpse into what AAP or APRP candidates might expect to learn when preparing for the AAP or APRP exams. These sessions introduce concepts that tie directly to the AAP or APRP blueprint areas and serve as a foundation for further training while on the path to successfully passing the exam. Attendees learn about other industry certifications, how to maintain the AAP and APRP credentials after passing the exam, and further education offerings, including Nacha’s TPI On Campus, TPI Home School, or training opportunities presented by the Payments Associations.