中国科学院特聘核心研究员,中国科学院大学岗位教授,中国科学院大气物理研究所研究员(二级)、博士生导师,国家杰出青年基金获得者(2014且优秀结题), 国家中青年科技创新领军人才(2016),香港中文大学研究生授课教授,LASG国家重点实验室季风与海气团队负责人,中国科学院大气物理所大气科学人工智能研究中心主任(兼),中国科学院大气物理研究所所学术委员会委员,获国务院政府特殊津贴
入选美国斯坦福大学发布了"2020-2024全球前 2%顶尖科学家榜单",“气候变化研究领域全球最具影响力的1000位科学家名单”“全球顶尖前10万科学家排名(2022-2024)”“Research.com环境领域Best Scientists in China for 2023-2024”以及ESI全球地球科学领域科学家排名前1%高引用科学家目录
截止目前共发表296篇文章,其中SCI 213篇,CSCD 69篇,著作的章节共14篇,4项软著,1项发明专利
黄 刚 | 男 | 1971-11 | 气候动力学、季风动力学、海气相互作用、全球变暖(碳中和)动力学、全球变化与区域响应、ENSO、极端气候、气候模式与数值模拟、气候预测预估、资料分析、蓝天等 |
考试科目:报考博士研究生建议选考专业课为全球变化、或气候动力学、或高等天气学;报考硕士研究生第四单元考试建议选考 气象学基础综合考试
1996-09--1999-07 中国科学院大气物理研究所 博士
1994-09--1996-07 中国科学院大气物理研究所 硕士
1990-09--1994-07 成都气象学院 学士
-- 博士
-- 硕士
-- 本科
1999.9-2001.12, 助理研究员,全球变化东亚区域研究中心, 中国科学院大气物理研究所
2019.10,高访美国马里兰大学ESSIC(Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center)
2016.1-2016.2, 高访美国IPRC
2015.12, 高访美国UCLA以及UCSD的Scripps海洋研究所
2010.2-2010.5, 高访美国国际太平洋研究中心(IPRC),COLA,NOAA,哥伦比亚大学,美国
2009.8, 高访澳门地球物理及气象局
2009.6, 高访俄罗斯科学院海洋研究所以及圣彼得堡大学和俄罗斯水文气象大学
2007.6-2007.7, 高级访问学者,英国利物浦大学,英国
2005.1-2005.7, 高级访问学者,香港城市大学,香港
2004.3-2004.6, 高级访问学者,德国Max-Planck气象研究所,汉堡
2000.9-2001.1, 博士后研究,美国国际太平洋研究中心(IPRC) , 位于美国夏威夷,期间受杨松博士的邀请访问NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center及University of Maryland
1998.4-1998.5, 访问学者,韩国釜山大学大气科学系
2015-01--今 中国科学院大学岗位教授,岗位教授
2014-12--今 第二十八届气象学报编委,编委
2014-12--今 中国科学院大气物理所第九届学位评定委员会委员,学位评定委员会委员
2014-07--今 北京市自然科学基金会评专家及环境评审组组长,会评专家及环境评审组组长
2014-05--今 国家科技部重大科学研究计划项目评审专家,评审专家
2014-05--今 中国科学院网络信息中心交叉培养研究生导师,交叉培养研究生导师
2014-01--今 中国博士后科学基金评审人,评审人
2014-01--今 安徽理工大学硕士生导师,硕士生导师
2014-01--今 南京信息工程大学兼职教授博士生导师,兼职教授博士生导师
2013-07--今 北京市自然科学基金评审专家,评审专家
2013-02--今 被邀请为第三次《气候变化国家评估报告》第5章的首席作者并担任具体编写工作,首席作者
2012-06--今 南京信息工程大学博士生导师资格评审专家,评审专家
2012-06--今 第六届CNC-WCRP(中国气候研究委员会)委员,委员
2012-06--今 气候与环境研究,编委
2012-05--今 大气科学,常务编委
2011-11--今 香港中文大学高级环境规划技术理学硕士课程的特邀授课老师,特邀授课老师
2011-09--今 CODATA中委会人才团队,委员
2011-06--今 NSFC基金评审专家,评审专家
2010-10--今 北京市科技评审奖励,评审专家
2010-04--今 山东省杰出青年基金评审专家,评审专家
2010-01--今 中国气象学会动力气象委员会,委员
2009-06--今 中国科学院研究生院兼职教授及其授课教师,兼职教授及其授课教师
2008-01--今 AGU member,member
2008-01--今 成都信息工程学院高原大气与环境研究中心学术委员会委员,学术委员会委员
2008-01--今 中国气象局同行评议专家,评议专家
2008-01--今 成都信息工程学院大气科学学院兼职教授硕士生导师,兼职教授硕士生导师
1999-08--今 国外多家SCI杂志的评审人(jc,cd,nature子刊等),评审人
1999-07--今 为国内多家杂志的评审人(中国科学,科学通报,AAS等),评审人
(1) 2024年1月,获AAS期刊2023年度优秀编委奖;
(2) 2024年1月,获得2023年国务院政府特殊津贴;
(3) 2024年1月,作为首席教授负责的气候动力学课程,荣获中国科学院大学2023年学院级研究生优秀课程;
(4) 2024年1月,入选美国斯坦福大学发布了"2023全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单"(World's Top 2% Scientists 2023)
(5) 2023年9月,“海洋快慢响应对大尺度气候的影响”获得中国气象局2023年度科技成果评价良好等级(第一完成人)
(6) 2023年7月,中国科学院大学地球与行星科学学院“杰出贡献教师”
(7) 2023年4月,入选Research.com环境领域Best Scientists in China for 2023
(8) 2022年9月, 黄刚课题组的“全球变暖下ENSO对东亚夏季气候影响及变化机理”被国家气象局“十三五”以来气象科技成果评定为优秀成果
(9) 2022年3月14日,全球顶尖前10万科学家排名-国内第265名
(10) 2021年5月25日,入选美国斯坦福大学发布了"2020全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单"(World's Top 2% Scientists 2020)
(11) 2021年4月20日,入选气候变化研究领域全球最具影响力的1000位科学家名单(中国有89名科学家入选)
(12) 2020年12月,获中国科学院“朱李月华”优秀教师奖;
(13) 2020年12月,获国家杰出青年基金验收优秀项目,整个地学21个项目中唯一的三项优秀之一,也是大气海洋地理口的唯一入选项目;
(14) 2020年3月,JMR reviewer award in August,2019
(15) 2019年主持申报“印度洋海盆模态对东亚夏季气候的影响机理”获中国气象学会大气科学基础研究成果奖一等奖(第一完成人,待正式发布)
(16) 2018年10月14日,被授予中国科学院大学地球与行星科学学院杰出校友
(17) 2018年9月,获2018年度中国科学院优秀研究生指导教师(其指导的姚帅磊博士获2018年度中国科学院优秀博士论文奖,注:中国科学院研究生院从2011年起不参加全国优博的评选);
(18) 2018年2月,获得国家高层次人才特殊支持计划-国家万人计划领军人才证书
(19) 2018年1月, “热带印度洋气候模态的海洋动力学机制” 获2017年度广东省自然科学一等奖,个人排名第二 (广东省科技厅)
(20) 2017年12月,入选国家第三批万人计划科技创新领军人才(中组部)
(21) 2017年6月,获2016年国家创新人才推进计划中青年科技创新领军人才(国家科技部)
(22) 2017年1月,获中国科学院大气物理所先进工作者称号
(23) 2016年10月,获北京市民盟组织成立70周年活动,被授予盟务工作先进个人称号
(24) 2014年10月,获2014年度卢嘉锡优秀导师奖;
(25) 2013年11月 获2013年度中国科学院优秀研究生指导教师(其指导的屈侠博士获2013年度中国科学院优秀博士论文奖,,注:中国科学院研究生院从2011年起不参加全国优博的评选);
(26) 2013年10月,获2013年度赵九章优秀中青年科学奖 (2年1届);
(27) 2012年12月,获2012年度中国科学院大气物理所创新贡献奖;
(28) 2012年11月,获2012年度中国科学院优秀研究生指导教师(其指导的博士胡开明获2012年度中国科学院优秀博士论文奖,注:中国科学院研究生院从2011年起不参加全国优博的评选);
(29) 2012年6月,获北京气象学会中青年优秀论文三等奖;
(30) 2012年6月,获第三届全国青年科学博客大赛单项奖-最佳图片奖;
(31) 2012年11月,获中国科学院“朱李月华”优秀教师奖;
(32) 2011年11月23日,获2011年度中国科学院“科教结合”教育创新项目-教育贡献奖;
(33) 2011年9月,获第12届中国青年科技奖提名(中国科学探险协会推荐);
(34) 2010年12月和2013年1月,由于本人领导研制的数值预报系统在多次航天保障中取得重要贡献,西昌卫星中心特发感谢信对本人和团队表示感谢和进一步合作的意愿;
(35) 2010年11月,大气科学数据再分析平台的建立(为项目领导者),获中国科学院科研信息化应用优秀案例;
(36) 2010年9月,第7届全国优秀青年气象科技工作者;
(37) 2008年度中国科学院王宽诚教育基金会奖学金--国际会议项目(全额资助)(科发人教函字[2008]83号);
(38) 2005年10月,获第11届涂长望青年气象科技奖二等奖;
(39) 2001年1月,获“学笃风正”优秀博士论文奖。该博士论文被评为中国科学院大气物理研究所优秀博士论文并获全国优博提名;博士论文题目为“从区域和全球观点来看东亚夏季风的南北异常活动”;导师:叶笃正院士;
(40) 1999年1月,获“学笃风正”全国青年大气科学研讨会优秀论文奖。文章发表在科学通报,1999年第4期,论文题目为:东亚夏季风环流异常指数及其年际变化,作者:黄刚、严中伟, 科学通报, Vol.44, No.4, 421-424, 1999
Editorial Board of Frontiers in Atmospheric Science,since 2013
Lead Guest Editor of Advances in Meteorology(SCI),since 2014
Guest Editor of Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (SCI, IF = 1.479, 2014),since 2014
Editor of PeerJ (SCI,IF=2.1770,2016) since 2017
Guest Editor for Sustainability(SCI,IF=2.576,2019)since 2020
Editor of Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (SCI, IF = 5.8, 2022),since 2022
Chief editor of section Climate in Geosciences(SCI, IF=2.7,2022),since 2022,链接
Editor of The Innovation Geoscience,since 2023 证书
Editor of Scientific reports(SCI)(IF= 4.9967,2022);
(1) 中国科学院特聘研究员;北京市科学技术奖励评审专家;北京市科学技术委员会专家;北京市自然科学基金评审专家;南京信息工程大学博士生导师资格评审专家;山东省杰出青年基金评审专家;中国气象局同行评议专家;NSFC基金评审专家;中国博士后科学基金评审人;国家科技部重大科学研究计划项目评审专家;北京市自然科学基金会评专家及环境评审组组长;国家科学技术奖励评审专家; 国家教育部学位中心通讯评审专家;国家重点研发计划项目会评专家;国家自然科学奖评审专家
(2) 中国科学院大气物理所发展战略调研组委员;成都信息工程学院高原大气与环境研究中心学术委员会委员;中国气象学会动力气象委员会委员; 第六届CNC-WCRP(中国气候研究委员会)委员;中国科学院大气物理所第九届学位评定委员会委员;大气科学常务编委;气候与环境研究编委;气象学报编委;中国科学数据编委;中国科学院大气物理研究所所学术委员会委员
(3) 成都信息工程学院大气科学学院兼职教授硕士生导师;安徽理工大学硕士生导师;中国科学院网络信息中心交叉培养研究生导师;南京信息工程大学兼职教授博士生导师;中国科学院大学岗位教授;南京大学大气科学学院联合导师;American Association for the Advancement of Science—AAAS会员(美国科学促进会会员)
(4) 为国外40家SCI杂志的评审人(包括如下杂志---按先后顺序:
Reviewer of
Journal of the meteorological society of Japan (IF=1.233,2012);
Journal of Climate (IF=4.362, 2013);
Monthly Weather Review (IF= 2.758, 2013);
Climate Dynamics (IF=4.602, 2012);
Journal of Geophysical Research—Atmospheres (IF= 3.174, 2013);
Climate Research (IF= 2.684, 2013);
Theoretical and Applied Climatology (IF=1.942, 2012);
Meteorological Applications (IF=1.411, 2012);
International Journal of Climatology (IF=2.906, 2012);
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (IF=1.327, 2013);
Geophysical Research Letters (IF=3.982, 2013);
Nature Communications (IF=10.742, 2014);
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics. (IF=1.062,2014);
Atmosphere (IF=0.226,2014);
Global and Planetary Change (IF=2.766, 2014) ;
Scientific Reports(IF=5.578,2015)
Hydrological Sciences Journal (IF=2.222,2016)
Science of the Total Environment (IF=4.9,2016)
Deep-Sea Research Part I (IF=2.48, 2016)
Atmospheric Research (IF=4.0343, 2017)
Renewable & sustainable energy reviews(IF=8.05, 2017)(12.11,2019)
PlOS One(IF=2.806,2017)
Atmospheric Science Letters(IF=1.198,2017)
Environmental Research Letters (IF=6.096,2019)
Advances in Meteorology (IF=1.577,2019)
Ocean Engineering (IF=3.068, 2019)
Weather and Climate Extremes (IF=4.698, 2019)
Earth’s Future (IF=6.141, 2019)
Journal of Maps (IF=2.654, 2020)
Climatic Change (IF=4.743, 2020)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (IF=4.223,2020)
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (IF=6.1325,2021)
Journal of Cleaner Production(IF=11.0717,2021)
Modern Physics Letters B(IF=1.9480,2021)
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences(IF=6.4994,2021)
Remote Sensing(IF=5.3493,2021)
Nature Climate Change(IF=28.6610,2021)
NPJ climate and atmospheric science(IF=9.4475,2022)
(5) 为国内11家SCI ,12家CSCD杂志的评审人(包括国内SCI杂志以及CSCD杂志如下:
Journal of Mountain Science (IF= 2.3713,2021)
Advances in Climate Change Research IF=4.130,2020;
中国科学-地球科学(中国科学D辑:地球科学)(Science in china series d-earth sciences, IF=1.588,2012);
科学通报(Chinese Science Bulletin, IF=1.319,2013);
CHINESE PHYSICS B (IF=1.148,2013);
物理学报(Acta Physica Sinica, IF= 1.016,2013);
大气科学进展 (Advances in atmospheric Sciences(AAS), IF= 1.338,2013);
气象学报(Journal of Meteorological Research (JMR),IF=0.799, 2013)
海洋学报(Acta Oceanologica Sinica),IF=0.728,2017)
中国海洋湖沼学报(Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, IF =0.577, 2013 );
中国海洋大学学报(Journal of Ocean University of China (JOUC),since 2012 SCIE);
气候与环境研究(Climatic and Environmental Research);
热带海洋学报(Journal of Tropical Oceanography);
南京气象学院学报(后改为大气科学学报Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences);
大气科学(Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences);
大气海洋快报英文版(Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters(AOSL));
长江流域资源与环境(Resources and Environment in The Yangtze Basin);
计算物理(Chinese Journal of Computational Physics);
地球科学进展(Advances in Earth Science);
气象科学(Journal of the Meteorological Sciences);
中国科学技术大学学报(Journal of University of Science and Technology of China);
兰州大学学报(自然科学版)(Journal of Lanzhou University(Natural Sciences))
(6) AGU(American Geophysical Union 美国地球物理协会)会员,中国气象学会 (Chinese Meteorological Society) 会员,AAAS(American Association for the Advancement of Science美国科学促进会)会员;
(7) 中国科学院研究生院夏季学期“气候变化研究最新进展”的主讲老师和课程组织者(20学时)(2009-2014);每年评分均为优秀;
(8) 自2011年9月起, 被香港中文大学聘为香港中文大学高级环境规划技术理学硕士课程的特邀授课老师并多次访问香港中文大学进行授课;
(9) 2013年2月,被邀请为第三次《气候变化国家评估报告》第5章的首席作者并担任具体编写工作;
(10) 2013年11月, Editorial Board of Frontiers in Atmospheric Science (Swiss, Gold open-access academic publisher)
(11) 2014年2月24日-25日,2014科学数据大会—科研大数据与数据科学“程序委员会”委员,并担任地球与空间科学(大气、海洋、资源、环境、地球观测)大数据及应用分会的召集人和主席
(12) 2014年4月,Lead Guest Editor of Advances in Meteorology (SCI, IF = 1.239, 2013)
(13) 2014年12月,第二十八届气象学报编委
(14) 2015年8月25日-27日,2015科学数据大会—数据、科学与丝绸之路经济带“程序委员会”委员
(15) 2014-2015,Guest Editor of Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (SCI, IF = 1.479, 2014)
(16) 中国科学院大学研究生课程“气候动力学”的主讲老师(40学时)(2015-至今);评分为优秀课程;
(17) 2016第三届科学数据大会程序委员会委员,中国上海
(18) 2015年12月,被聘为中国科学数据首届编委(CN11-6035/N)
(19) 2016年6月, 被聘为教育部“10000个科学难题”海洋科学卷的编写专家和审稿专家
(20) 2016年12月,被聘为CNC-WCRP第7届委员
(21) 2016年12月,被聘为第四届(2017)科学数据大会程序委员会委员
(22) 2016年12月,被聘为中国气象学会青年人才托举工程指导老师
(23) 2017年3月,被邀请为“瞭望智库专家库”的首批入驻专家
(24) 2017年9月30日,Editor of PeerJ (SCI,IF=2.1770,2016)
(25) 2017年11月,被聘为复旦大学碳排放与环境大数据研究所专家咨询委员会委员
(26) 2018年11月,被聘为中国民用航空飞行学院航空气象实验室学术委员
(27) 2019年4月,IPCC AR6 Expert Reviewer
(28) 2020年3月,入选中科院大气物理研究所学术委员会委员
(29) 2020年3月,JMR reviewer award in August,2019
(30) 2020年3月,被聘为河海大学兼职教授博士生导师
(31) 2020年8月,被聘为天津市海洋气象重点实验室学术委员
(32) 2020年9月,Guest Editor for Sustainability(IF=2.576,2019)
(33) 2020年11月,被聘为兰州大学半干旱气候变化教育部重点实验室第三届学术委员会委员
(34) 2020年11月,Guest Editor for Frontiers in Earth Science(IF=2.689)
(35) 2020年12月,科学探索奖评议和提名专家Expert Team of THE XPLORER PRIZE
(36) 2022年7月,Editor of Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (SCI, IF = 3.9, 2021)
(37) 2022年7月,广东海洋大学深圳研究院客座教授
(38) 2022年8月,担任北京市科学技术委员会、中关村科技园区管理委员会科技项目评审专家;
(39) 2022年8月,成都信息工程大学云南自然灾害防御技术研发中心学术委员会委员
(40) 2022年11月,北京市科学技术协会创新服务中心“**进千企”首批专家服务团产业特派员
(41) 2023年3月,Editor of Scientific reports(SCI)(IF= 4.9967,2022)
(42) 2023年3月,担任国家自然科学基金A3前瞻计划项目学术领导小组副组长
(43) 2023年8月,担任气象科学(CSCD)的常务编委
屈侠 博士研究生 070601-气象学
杜振彩 博士研究生 070601-气象学
胡开明 博士研究生 070601-气象学
刘永 博士研究生 070601-气象学
梁丹青 博士研究生 070601-气象学
温冠环 博士研究生 070601-气象学
丁兆敏 硕士研究生 070601-气象学
张珊 硕士研究生 070601-气象学
胡莉梭 硕士研究生 085229-环境工程
陶炜晨 博士研究生 070601-气象学
刘映雪 硕士研究生 070601-气象学
姚帅磊 博士研究生 070601-气象学
赵桂洁 博士研究生 070601-气象学
董丹宏 博士研究生 070601-气象学
朱丽华 博士研究生 070601-气象学
王志彪 博士研究生 070601-气象学
姜文萍 博士研究生 070601-气象学
胡莉梭 博士研究生 070601-气象学
刘波 博士研究生 070601-气象学
田群 博士研究生 070601-气象学
陈思思 博士研究生 070601-气象学
汪亚 硕士研究生 070601-气象学
王素 硕士研究生 085229-环境工程
马晓帆 博士研究生 070601-气象学
周士杰 博士研究生 070601-气象学
周春江 博士研究生 083002-环境工程
王素 博士研究生 070601-气象学
甘如玉 博士研究生 070601-气象学
王秋琳 博士研究生 070601-气象学
汪亚 博士研究生 070601-气象学
侯虹宇 博士研究生 070601-气象学
唐颢苏 博士研究生 070601-气象学
张迦文 博士研究生 070601-气象学
宿小蕴 博士研究生 070601-气象学
许晓琪 博士研究生 070601-气象学
张文 博士研究生 070601-气象学
徐震昊 博士研究生 070601-气象学
律成林 博士研究生 070601-气象学
陈昱同 硕士研究生 070600-大气科学
卢童 硕士研究生 070600-大气科学
郭颖 硕士研究生 070600-大气科学
刘一萱 硕士研究生 070600-大气科学
解朝阳 硕士研究生 070600-大气科学
项龙祯 硕士研究生 070600-大气科学
SCI(E)203篇,其中第一作者(含通讯作者)118篇,包含139篇1区SCI文章(其中Journal of Climate30篇,Climate Dynamics 35篇,包括TOP期刊15篇(PNAS1篇,Nature Climate Change 3篇,Science Advances2篇,Nature Geoscience3篇, Nature Communications3篇,Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences1篇,NPJ climate and atmospheric science2篇,BAMS1篇)等);27篇影响因子大于9的文章;
CSCD 67篇,其中第一作者(含通讯作者)27篇,包含3篇(AOSL)第一作者(含通讯作者);
其中发表的SCI刊物 (203篇,44种期刊) 影响因子和列表如下(影响因子合计1,307.1):
期刊名 | 影响因子(2022) | 发表数量 |
Nature Climate Change | 28.6610 | 3 |
Nature Geoscience | 21.5314 | 3 |
Science Bulletin(SB) | 20.5776 | 6 |
Nature Communications | 17.6939 | 3 |
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences | 16.3040 | 1 |
Science Advances | 14.9579 | 2 |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(PNAS) | 12.779 | 1 |
Desalination | 11.211 | 1 |
Science of The Total Environment | 10.753 | 2 |
Environmental Pollution | 9.988 | 2 |
NPJ climate and atmospheric science | 9.4475 | 2 |
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 9.1162 | 1 |
Energy | 8.857 | 2 |
Earth’s Future | 8.852 | 2 |
Renewable Energy | 8.6341 | 1 |
Quarterly journal of the royal meteorological society | 7.237 | 1 |
Environmental Research Letters | 6.947 | 7 |
Journal of Environmental Sciences | 6.9 | 1 |
Frontiers in Public Health | 6.4608 | 1 |
Journal of the American Heart Association(JAHA) | 6.106 | 1 |
Atmospheric Environment | 5.755 | 1 |
Metabolites | 5.5810 | 1 |
Geophysical Research Letters(GRL) | 5.576 | 13 |
Atmospheric Research | 5.5 | 1 |
Frontiers in Environmental Science | 5.4110 | 1 |
Journal of Climate(JC) | 5.380 | 30 |
Remote Sensing | 5.3493 | 2 |
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere | 5.217 | 6 |
Scientific Reports | 4.996 | 1 |
Climate Dynamics(CD) | 4.901 | 35 |
BMC Public Health | 4.5 | 1 |
Quaternary Science Reviews | 4.456 | 1 |
Geoscience Letters | 4.375 | 3 |
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences(AAS) | 3.9 | 16 |
PLOS One | 3.752 | 1 |
Frontiers in Marine Science | 3.7 | 1 |
Frontiers in Earth Science | 3.661 | 2 |
International Journal of Climatology(IJC) | 3.651 | 9 |
Theoretical and Applied Climatology(TAC) | 3.409 | 26 |
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan(JMSJ) | 3.356 | 1 |
Hydrological Processes | 3.2 | 1 |
Journal of Meteorological Research (JMR) | 2.569 | 2 |
Atmospheric Sciences Letters(ASL) | 2.992 | 3 |
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans(DAO) | 2.049 | 1 |
**SCI第一作者和通讯及共同通讯作者论文(115篇):其中下划线代表1区杂志,其中 包括TOP期刊8篇(Nature Climate Change(2017),Science Advances(2020), Nature Geosciences(2021,2022),PNAS(2022),Nature Communications(2023),NPJ(2023),BAMS(2023))
1 Zhang S, Qu X* and Huang, G*. 2024: Enhanced impacts of the North Pacific Victoria Mode on the Indian summer monsoon onset in recent decades. Geoscience Letters. (SCI)
2 Wang, Y. , G. Huang*, B. Pan, P. Lin, N. Boers, W. Tao, Y. Chen, B. Liu and H. Li, 2024: Correcting Climate Model Sea Surface Temperature Simulations with Generative Adversarial Networks: Climatology, Interannual Variability, and Extremes, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376 -024-3288-6 (SCI)
3 Zhang, S., Xia Qu*, G. Huang*, P. Hu, S. zhou and L. Wu, 2024:Delayed Onset of Indian Summer Monsoon in Response to CO2 Removal,Earth's Future,12(2)e2023EF004039,https://doi.org/10.1029/2023EF004039(SCI)
4 Chen, Y., Y. Wang*, G. Huang* and Q. Tian, 2024: Coupling Physical Factors for Precipitation Forecast in China with Graph Neural Network, Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL106676. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GL106676 (SCI)
5 Zhang, S. X. Qu*, G. Huang*, P. Hu, X. Yang, Y. Wang and L. Wu,2024: Resilience of Amazon rainfall to CO2 removal forcing, Environmental Research Letters ,19(1)014073, https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ad193d (SCI)
6 Zhang, S., P. Hu*, G. Huang* and X. Qu,2024: Observed impacts of the North Pacific Victoria Mode on Indian summer monsoon onset, Atmospheric Research,297(2024)107126,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.107126 (SCI)
7 Gan ,R., G. Huang* and K. Hu, 2024: The diverse impacts of El Niño on northeastern Canada and Greenland surface air temperatures, Journal of climate,37(1), 335–348, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0677.1 (SCI)
8 Qu, X. and G. Huang*, 2023: The primary factors influencing the cooling effect of carbon dioxide removal, NPJ climate and atmospheric science , 6, 215 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41612-023-00547-4 (SCI)
9 Wang, Y., G. Huang*, K. Hu and W. Tao, 2023: The role of nonlinear energy advection in forming asymmetric structure of ENSO teleconnections over the North Pacific and North America, Geophysical Research Letters,50, e2023GL105277,https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GL105277 (SCI)
10 Hou, H., Q. Xia* and G. Huang*,2023:Persistently Southward of the South Asian High during the Radiative Forcing Stabilization, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere ,e2023JD038616,https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JD038616 (SCI)
11 Xu, Z., G. Huang* , F. Ji* and B. Liu,2023: Multi-scale variability features of global sea surface temperature over the past century, Frontiers in Marine Science, 10(2023),https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2023.1238320 (SCI)
12 Tao, W. G. Huang* ,P. Wang, Y. Wang , H. Gong and D. Dong ,2023: The onset and cessation of rainy season over the Hengduan Mountains, Climate Dynamics, 61, 4773–4791 (2023),https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-023-06832-5 (SCI)
13 Miao, H., H. Xu, G. Huang* and K. Yang*.2023: Evaluation and future projections of wind energy resources over the Northern Hemisphere in CMIP5 and CMIP6 models, Renewable Energy ,211(7)809-821,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2023.05.007 (SCI)
14 Tang, H., K. Hu*,G. Huang*,W. Jiang, W. Tao, Y. Wang and H. Hou,2023: Weak persistence of Northwest Pacific anomalous anticyclone during post–El Niño summers in CMIP5 and CMIP6 models, Climate Dynamics,61,3805-3830(2023),https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-023-06772-0 (SCI)
15 Wang,L.*, G. Huang*, W. Chen and T. Wang,2023:Super Drought under Global Warming: Concept, Monitoring Index and Validation, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS), 104(5),E943–E969, https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0182.1 (SCI)
16 Zhang, S., X. Qu*, G. Huang* and P. Hu,2023: Asymmetric Response of South Asian Summer Monsoon Rainfall in a Carbon Dioxide Removal Scenario, NPJ climate and atmospheric science,(2023) 6:10 , https://doi.org/10.1038/s41612 -023-00338-x (SCI)
17 Chen, Y., G. Huang*, Y. Wang*, W. Tao*, Q. Tian, K. Yang, J. Zheng and H. He,2023,Improving the heavy Rainfall forecasting using a weighted deep learning model, Frontiers in Environmental Science,11:1116672., https://10.3389/fenvs. 2023. 1116672 (SCI)
18 Gan, R., Q. Liu*, G. Huang*, K. Hu and X. Li, 2023:Synchronized effects of greenhouse warming and internal variability have increased the frequency of extreme and central Pacific El Niño since 1980, Nature Communications,14, 394 (2023), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-36053-7 (SCI)
19 Wang, Q., G. Huang*, L. Wang, J. Piao, T. Ma, P. Hu, C. Chotamonsak and A. Limsakul, 2023: Mechanism of the summer rainfall variation in Transitional Climate Zone in East Asia from the perspective of moisture supply during 1979–2010 based on the Lagrangian method, Climate Dynamics, 60, 1225–1238 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06344-8 (SCI)
20 Tang, H., X. Wang,Y. Kang,C. Zheng, X. Cao, Y. Tian,Z. Hu,L. Zhang, Z. Chen, Y. Song, R. Gu,J. Cai, G. Huang* and Z. Wang*, 2022: Long-Term Impacts of Diurnal Temperature Range on Mortality and Cardiovascular Disease: A Nationwide Prospective Cohort Study, Metabolites ,2022, 12, 1287. https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo12121287 (SCI)
21 Wang, Q., L. Wang*, G. Huang* and T. Wang, 2022: Mechanism of the Summer Rainfall Interannual Variability in Transitional Climate Zone in East Asia: Roles of Teleconnection Patterns and Associated Moisture Processes, Climate Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06618-1 (SCI)
22 Tang, H., C. Zheng, X. Cao, S. Wang, L. Zhang, X. Wang, Z. Chen, Y. Song, C. Chen, Y. Tian, W. Jiang, G. Huang* and Z. Wang*, 2022: Blue sky as a protective factor for cardiovascular disease,Frontiers in Public Health ,10:1016853.,https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.1016853 (SCI)
23 Ma, X., G. Huang*, X. Li and S. Li,2022: The potential mechanisms of the dominant timescale of AMOC multidecadal variability in CMIP6/CMIP5 preindustrial simulations, Climate Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382- 022-06440-9 (SCI)
24 Xu, Z., G. Huang*, F. Ji*, B. Liu and F. Chang, 2022: Robustness of the long-term nonlinear evolution of global sea surface temperature trend, Geoscience letters,9,25(2022), https://doi.org/10.1186/s40562-022-00234-x (SCI)
25 Wang, Y., G. Huang*, K. Hu*, W. Tao, H. Gong, K. Yang and H. Tang,2022: Understanding the eastward shift and intensification of the ENSO teleconnection over South Pacific and Antarctica under greenhouse warming, Frontiers in Earth Science, 10:916624.,https://doi.org/10.3389/ feart.2022.916624 (SCI)
26 Tang, H.,J. Wang, K. Hu*, G. Huang*, J. Chowdary, Y. Wang, Z. Wang and B. Tang,2022: Increasing 2020-like boreal summer rainfall extremes over Northeast Indian subcontinent under greenhouse warming, Geophysical Research Letters,49(11)e2021GL096377,https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL096377 (SCI)
27 Yang, K., W. Cai*, G. Huang*, K. Hu, B. Ng and G. Wang,2022: Increased variability of western Pacific subtropical high under greenhouse warming, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS),Vol.119,No.23, e2120335119, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2120335119 (SCI)
28 Wang S. G. Huang*,T. Dai* and K. Hu, 2022: The First 5-year Clean Air Action Did Increase the Blue Days in winter over Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Science Bulletin,67(8):774-776, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2022.01.009 (SCI)
29 Wang, S.,G. Huang*, K. Hu*, L. Wang, T. Dai and C. Zhou,2022: The Deep Blue Day is Decreasing in China, Theoretical and Applied Climatology,147, 1675-1684(2022), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-021-03898-1 (SCI)
30 Wang, Y., G. Huang*, K. Hu et al. 2022:Asymmetric impacts of El Niño and La Niña on the Pacific-South America teleconnection pattern. Journal of Climate,35(2):1825-1838, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0285.1 (SCI)
31 Wang, L.*, W. Chen, Q. Fu, G. Huang*, Q. Wang, C. Chotamonsak and A. Limsakul, 2022:Super Droughts over East Asia since 1960 under the Impacts of Global Warming and Decadal Variability, International Journal of Climatology,42(9),4508-4521, https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.7483 (SCI)
32 Lin, J., #*, C. Zhou, #, L. Chen, #, G. Huang,*, J.F. Lamarque, J. Nie, J. Yang, K. Hu, P. Liu, J. Wang and Y. Hu,2022: Comparable sulfate climate impacts by consumption of developed and developing countries despite large emission differences,Nature Geosciences, 15,184-189(2022), https://doi.org/10.1038 /s41561-022-00898-2 (SCI)
33 Ma, X., G. Huang* and J. Cao,2022: The significant roles of anthropogenic aerosols on surface temperature under carbon neutrality, Science Bulletin, 67(5) 470-473, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2021.10.022 (SCI)
34 Tang, H., K. Hu*, G. Huang*, Y. Wang and W. Tao, 2022:Intensification and Northward Extension of Northwest Pacific Anomalous Anticyclone in El Niño Decaying Mid-Summer: An Energetic Perspective, Climate Dynamics, (2022) 58:591–606, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-021-05923-5 (SCI)
35 Wang, Y., K. Hu* ,G. Huang* and W. Tao. 2021:Asymmetric impacts of El Niño and La Niña on the Pacific-North American teleconnection pattern: the role of subtropical jet stream, Environmental Research Letters,16(2021)114040, https://doi.org/10.1088/ 1748-9326/ac31ed (SCI)
36 Hou, H., X. Qu* and G. Huang*, 2021: Reversal Asymmetry of Rainfall Change over the Indian Ocean During the Radiative Forcing Increase and Stabilization, Earth’s Future, 9, e2021EF002272. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021EF00227 (SCI)
37 Li, S., G. Huang*, X. Li* , J. Liu and G. Fan, 2021: An assessment of the Antarctic sea ice mass budget simulation in CMIP6 historical experiment,Frontiers in Earth Science,9(2021)649743, https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2021. 649743 (SCI)
38 Ma, X., W. Liu, N. Burls, C. Chen, J. Cheng, G. Huang* and X. Li,2021:Evolving AMOC multidecadal variability under climate change,Climate Dynamics,57,593-610 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-021-05730-y (SCI)
39 Hu, K.*,G. Huang*, P. Huang, K. Yu, and S-P. Xie,2021: Intensification of El Niño-induced atmospheric anomalies under greenhouse warming, Nature Geoscience,14,377-382(2021),https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-021-00730-3 (SCI)
40 Ding, Z., G. Huang*, F. Liu, R. Wu and P. Wang, 2021: Responses of global monsoon and seasonal cycle of precipitation to precession and obliquity forcing, Climate Dynamics,56,3733–3747(2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-021– 05663-6 (SCI)
41 Tao, W., G. Huang*, D. Dong*, P. Wang, T. Yu and N. Gong, 2021: Dominant modes of interannual variability in precipitation over the Hengduan Mountains during rainy seasons, International Journal of Climatology ,41(4):2795-2809, https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.6990 (SCI)
42 Gan, R., K. Hu* and G. Huang*, 2021: The role of internal variability in multi‑decadal trends of summer rainfall over East Asia–Northwest Pacific, Climate Dynamics, 56, 245-257(2021),https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-020-05480 -3 (SCI)
43 Zhu, L., G. Huang*,G. Fan, X. Qu, Z. Wang, W. Hua and X. Lai,2021: Evaluation of the dependence of the sensible heat flux trend on elevation over the Tibetan Plateau in CMIP5 models, International Journal of Climatology,41(S1):3101-3121, https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.6908 (SCI)
44 Zhou, S.,G. Huang* and P. Huang*,2020:Inter-model spread of the changes in the East Asian summer monsoon system in CMIP5/6 models,Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere,125, 2020JD033016. https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2020JD033016 (SCI)
45 Ma, X., W. Liu, R. Allen, G. Huang* and X. Li, 2020: Dependence of regional ocean heat uptake on anthropogenic warming scenarios, Science Advances, 6(45):eabc0303, https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abc0303 (SCI)
46 Wang, Y., G. Huang* and K. Hu**,2020: Internal Variability in Multidecadal Trends of Surface Air Temperature over the Antarctica in Austral Winter in model simulations, Climate Dynamics,55, 2835–2847(2020),https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-020-05412-1 (SCI)
47 Zhou, C., P. Liu, G. Huang*, J. Lin,**, K. Hu, L. Chen, J. Wang, S. Li, S. Wang and R. Ni, 2020: The impact of secondary inorganic aerosol emissions change on surface air temperature in the Northern Hemisphere, Theoretical and Applied Climatology,141,857-868, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-020-03249-6 (SCI)
48 Miao, H., D. Dong, G. Huang* , K. Hu, Q. Tian and Y. Gong,2020:Evaluation of Northern Hemisphere surface wind speed and wind power density in multiple reanalysis datasets,Energy,200 (2020) 117382, https://doi.org/10.1016/ j. energy. 2020.117382 (SCI)
49 Zhou, S., G. Huang* and P. Huang*,2020:A bias-corrected projection for the changes in East Asian summer monsoon rainfall under global warming, Climate Dynamics,54,1-16,DOI:10.1007/s00382-019-04980-1(SCI)
50 Li, S., L. Chen, G. Huang*, J. Lin*, Y. Yan, Y. Wang, Y. Huo and Z. Wang, 2020: Retrieval of surface PM2.5 mass concentrations using visibility measurements and GEOS-Chem simulations: application and validation in North China Plain, Atmospheric Environment, ,222(2020):117121, https://doi.org/10.1016/ j. atmosenv.2019.117121 (SCI)
51 Hu, L. and G. Huang*, 2020: The changes of high temperature extremes and its links with atmospheric circulation over Northern Hemisphere , Theoretical and Applied Climatology,139,261-274, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-019-02970-1 (SCI)
52 Tao, W., G. Huang*, William K. M. Lau, D. Dong, P. Wang and G. Wen,2020: How can the resolution and biases of CMIP5 AGCMs influence precipitation in mountain areas—the Hengduan Mountains? ,54(1):159-172, Climate Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-019-04993-w (SCI)
53 Zhou, S., P. Huang*,G. Huang* and K. Hu, 2019: Leading source and constraint on systematic spread of the changes in East Asian and western North Pacific summer monsoon,Environmental Research Letters,14(2019)124059, https://doi. org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab547c (SCI)
54 Hu,L.,J. Luo*,G Huang* and M. Wheeler, 2019: Synoptic features responsible for Heat waves in Central-Africa, a region with strong multi-decadal trend, Journal of climate, 32(22):7951-7970, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0807.1 (SCI)
55 Tao, W. G. Huang*, P. Wang, Y. Liu, G. Wen and D. Dong,2019: Dominant modes of CMIP3/5 models simulating northwest Pacific circulation anomalies during post-ENSO summer and their SST dependence, Theoretical and applied Climatology,138(3-4),1809-1820,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-019-02936-3 (SCI)
56 Chen, L. X. Qu, G. Huang* and Y. Gong, 2019: Projections of East Asian summer monsoon under 1.5°C and 2°C warming goals, Theoretical and Applied Climatology,137(3-4):2187-2201,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-018- 2720-1 (SCI)
57 Wang, S., G. Huang*, J. Lin, K. Hu*, L. Wang and H. Gong, 2019: Chinese Blue Days: A novel index and spatiotemporal variations, Environmental Research Letters,14(2019)074026, https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab29bb (SCI)
58 Wen, G.*, G. Huang*, H. Huang, C. Liu and X. Bi, 2019:Observed rainfall asymmetry of Tropical cyclone in the process of making landfall in Guangdong, South China, International Journal of Climatology, 39(7):3379-3395, https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.6027 (SCI)
59 Jiang,W., G. Huang*, P. Huang*, R. Wu, K. Hu and W. Chen, 2019: Northwest Pacific anticyclone anomalies during post-El Niño summers determined by the pace of El Niño decay, Journal of climate,32(12):3487-3503, https://doi.org/ 10.1175/JCLI-D-18- 0793.1 (SCI)
60 Wang, L., G. Huang* and W. Chen, 2019: Towards a theoretical understanding of multiscalar drought indices based on the relationship between precipitation and standardized precipitation index, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 136(3):1465-1473, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-018-2578-2 (SCI)
61 Zhu, L., G. Huang*, G. Fan, X. Qu, Z. Wang and W. Hua, 2019: Elevation-dependent sensible heat flux trend over the Tibetan Plateau and its possible causes, Climate Dynamics,52(7-8):3997-4009, https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00382-018-4360-7 (SCI)
62 Tian,Q.,G. Huang∗, K. Hu and D. Niyogi, 2019: Observed and global climate model based changes in wind power potential over the Northern Hemisphere during 1979-2016, Energy,167(2019),1224-1235,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy. 2018.11. 027 (SCI)
63 Liu, B., G. Huang*, K. Hu, R. Wu, H. Gong, P. Wang and G. Zhao,2018: The multidecadal variations of the interannual relationship between the East Asian summer monsoon and ENSO in a coupled model, Climate Dynamics, 51:1671-1686, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-017-3976-3 (SCI)
64 Wang, L., G. Huang*, W. Chen, W. Zhou and W. Wang, 2018: Wet-to-Dry shift over Southwest China in 1994 tied to the warming of tropical warm pool, Climate Dynamics, 51(7-8):3111-3123, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-018-4068-8 (SCI)
65 Gong,Z., G. Feng, M. Dogar and G. Huang*, 2018: The possible physical mechanism for the EAP–SR co-action, Climate Dynamics, 51(4)1499-1516, ttps://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-017-3967-42016 (SCI)
66 Tao, W., G. Huang*, R. Wu, K. Hu, P. Wang and H. Gong, 2018: Origins of biases in CMIP5 models simulating northwest Pacific summertime atmospheric circulation anomalies during the decaying phase of ENSO, Journal of Climate,31(14): 5707-5729, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0289.1 (SCI)
67 Liu, B. G. Zhao, G. Huang*, P. Wang and B. Yan, 2018: The Dependence on Atmospheric Resolution of ENSO and Related East Asian-Western North Pacific Summer Climate Variability in a Coupled Model, Theoretical and Applied Climatology,133(3-4):1207-1217,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-017-2254-y (SCI)
68 Zhang, S., G. Huang*, Y. Qi and G. Jia, 2018: Impact of Urbanization on Summer Rainfall in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolis under Different Climate backgrounds, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 133(3-4):1093-1106, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-017-2225-3 (SCI)
69 Hu, L., G. Huang* and K. Hu, 2018:The performance of multiple datasets in characterizing the changes of extreme temperature over China during 1979 to 2012, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 133(1),619-632, https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s00704-017-2215-5 (SCI)
70 Qu, X. and G. Huang*, 2018: Different multi-year mean temperature in mid-summer of South China under different 1.5 °C warming scenarios, Scientific Report,8:13794, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-32277-6 (SCI)
71 Liu, F., J. Zhao, X. Fu and G. Huang*, 2018:The role of shallow convection in promoting the northward propagation of boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 131(3), 1387-1395, https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s00704-017-2064-2 (SCI)
72 Dong, D., G. Huang*, W. Tao, R. Wu, K. Hu and C. Li, 2018: Interannual variation of precipitation over the Hengduan Mountains during rainy season, International Journal of Climatology,38(4):2112-2125,https://doi.org/10.1002/ joc.5321 (SCI)
73 Hu, K., G. Huang*, R. Wu and L. Wang,2018, Structure and dynamics of a wave train along the wintertime Asian jet and its impact on East Asian climate, Climate Dynamics,51:4123-4137,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-017-3674-1 (SCI)
74 Hu, K., S. Xie and G. Huang*, 2017: Orographically Anchored El Niño Effect on Summer Rainfall in Central China, Journal of Climate,30(24):10037- 10045, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0312.1 (SCI)
75 Tao, W., G. Huang*, R. Wu, K. Hu, P. Wang and D. Chen,2017: Asymmetry in summertime atmospheric circulation anomalies over the northwest Pacific during decaying phase of El Niño and La Niña, Climate Dynamics, 49(5), 2007-2023 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-016-3432-9 (SCI)
76 Zhu, L., G. Huang*,G. Fan and X. Qu, 2017: Evolution of Surface Sensible Heat over the Tibetan Plateau Under the Recent Global Warming Hiatus, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 34(10):1249-1262,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-017- 6298-9 (SCI)
77 Wang, L., W. Chen, G. Huang* and G. Zeng, 2017: Changes of the Transitional Climate Zone in East Asia: Past and Future, Climate Dynamics, 49(4), 1463-1477, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-016-3400-4 (SCI)
78 Yao, S., J. Luo*, G. Huang* and P. Wang, 2017: Distinct global warming rates tied to multiple ocean surface temperature changes, Nature Climate Change, 7, 486–491, https://doi.org/10.1038/NCLIMATE3304 (SCI)
79 Hu, L., G. Huang* and X. Qu, 2017: Spatial and temporal features of summer extreme temperature over China during 1960-2013,Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 128(3): 821–833, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-016-1741-x (SCI)
80 Jiang,W., G. Huang*, K. Hu, R. Wu, H. Gong, X. Chen and W. Tao, 2017: Diverse relationship between ENSO and Northwest Pacific summer climate among CMIP5 models: Dependence on the ENSO decay pace, Journal of Climate, 30(1):109-127, https://doi.org/10.1175/ JCLI-D-16-0365.1 (SCI)
81 Liu, F., Z. Chen and G. Huang*, 2016:Role of delayed deep convection in the Madden-Julian Oscillation, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 126(1):313-321, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-015-1587-7 (SCI)
82 Wen, G., G. Huang*, W. Tao and C. Liu, 2016: Observed trends in light precipitation events over global land during 1961-2010, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 125(1):161-173, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-015-1500-4 (SCI)
83 Liu, F., L. Zhou, J. Ling, X. Fu, and G. Huang*, 2016: Relationship between SST anomalies and the intensity of intraseasonal variability, Theoretical and Applied Climatology,124(3): 847-854, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-015-458-2 (SCI)
84 Yao,S., J. Luo and G. Huang*, 2016: Internal Variability-Generated Uncertainty in East Asian Climate Projections Estimated with 40 CCSM3 Ensembles. PLOS ONE 11(3): e0149968, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-015-2602-5 (SCI)
85 Qu, X. and G. Huang*, 2016, The global warming-induced South Asian High change and its uncertainty, Journal of Climate,29(6):2259-2273, https://doi.org/ 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0638.1 (SCI)
86 Wang, L., G. Huang*, W. Zhou and W. Chen, 2016: Historical change and future scenarios of sea level rise in Macau and the adjacent waters. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 33(4), 462-475, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-015-047 -1 (SCI)
87 Yao, S. , G. Huang*, R. Wu, X. Qu and D. Chen, 2016: Inhomogeneous warming of the Tropical Indian Ocean in the CMIP5 model simulation during 1900-2005 and associated mechanisms, Climate Dynamics, 46(1): 619-636, https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s00382-015-2602-5 (SCI)
88 Tao, W., G. Huang*,K. Hu, H. Gong ,G. Wen and L. Liu, 2016: A study of biases in simulation of the Indian Ocean basin mode and its capacitor effect in CMIP3/ CMIP5 models, Climate Dynamics,46(1): 205-226, https://doi.org/10.1007/ 00382-015-2579-0 (SCI)
89 Yao S.L,G. Huang* and R. Wu, 2016: The global warming hiatus - a natural product of interactions of a secular warming trend and a multi-decadal oscillation, Theoretical and Applied Climatology,123(1):349-360, https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00704-014-1358-x (SCI)
90 Liu, F., J. Chai, G. Huang*,J. Liu and Z. Chen, 2015: Modulation of the decadal El Niño Southern Oscillation by effective solar radiation, Dynamics of Atmosphere and Ocean,72:52-61, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dynatmoce.015.10. 003 (SCI)
91 Zhao, G., G. Huang*, R. Wu, W. Tao, H. Gong, X. Qu and K. Hu. 2015: A New Upper-level Circulation Index for the East Asian Summer Monsoon Variability, Journal of Climate,Vol.28,No.24.9977-9996,https://doi.org/10.1175 /JCLI-D-15-0272.1 (SCI)
92 Dong, D., G. Huang*, X. Qu, W. Tao and Fan. G., 2015: Temperature trends-altitude relationship in China during 1963-2012, Theoretical and Applied Climatology,122(1):285-294,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-014-1286-9 (SCI)
93 Liu, F.,G. Huang* and Yan,M.,2015:Role of sea surface temperature structure on coupling the Kelvin and Rossby waves of the intraseasonal oscillation, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 121(3-4):623-629, https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s00704-014-1266-0 (SCI)
94 Qu, X. and G. Huang*,2015: The decadal variability of the Tropical Indian Ocean SST-the South Asian High Relation: CMIP5 Model Study, Climate Dynamics,45(1):273-289,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-014-2285-3 (SCI)
95 Wen, G., G. Huang*, K. Hu, X. Qu, W. Tao and H. Gong,2015:Changes in the characteristics of precipitation over northern Eurasia, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 119(3-4):653-665, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-014-1137-8 (SCI)
96 Tao, W., G. Huang*, K. Hu, Qu, X., G. Wen and H. Gong, 2015: Interdecadal modulation of ENSO teleconnections to the Indian Ocean Basin Mode and their relationship under global warming in CMIP5 models, International Journal of Climatology ,35:391-407, https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.3987 (SCI)
97 Qu, X., G. Huang*, K. Hu, S.-P. Xie, Y. Du, X. Zheng and L. Liu, 2015: Equatorward shift of the South Asian high in response to anthropogenic forcing, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 119(1-2):113-122, https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s00704-014-1095-1 (SCI)
98 Hu, K., G. Huang*, X. Zheng, S.-P. Xie, X. Qu, Y. Du and L. Liu,2014: Interdecadal variations in ENSO's influences on the Northwest Pacific and East Asia summertime climate simulated in the CMIP5 models, Journal of Climate, 27(15), 5982–5998, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00268.1 (SCI)
99 Tao, W., G. Huang*, K. Hu, X. Qu and G. Wen,2014: Different influences of two types of El Niños on the Indian Ocean SST variations, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 117(3):475-484, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-013-1022-x (SCI)
100 Qu, X., G. Huang* and W. Zhou, 2014: Consistent responses of East Asian summer mean rainfall to global warming in CMIP5 simulations, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 117(1-2):123-131, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704 -013 -0995-9 (SCI)
101 Huang, G.* and G. Wen, 2013: Spatial and temporal variations of light rain events over China and the mid-high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2013, 58(12):1402-1411, https://doi.org/10.1007/ s11434-012-5593-1 (SCI)
102 Hu, K., G. Huang* and R. Wu, 2013: A Strengthened Influence of ENSO on August High Temperature Extremes over the Southern Yangtze River Valley since the Late 1980s. Journal of Climate, 26(7), 2205–2221, https://doi.org/10.1175/ JCLI-D-12-00277.1 (SCI)
103 Qu, X. and G. Huang*, 2012: An enhanced influence of tropical Indian Ocean on the South Asia High after the late 1970s. Journal of Climate, 25(20):6930-6941, https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.2378 (SCI)
104 Liu, F., G. Huang* and L. Feng, 2012: Critical roles of convective momentum transfer in sustaining the multi-scale Madden-Julian oscillation. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 108(3):471-477, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-011-0541 -6 (SCI)
105 Qu, X. and G. Huang*, 2012: Impacts of tropical Indian Ocean SST on the meridional displacement of East Asian jet in boreal summer. International Journal of Climatology, 32(13): 2073-2080, https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.2378 (SCI)
106 Hu, K., G. Huang*, X. Qu and R. Huang, 2012: The Impact of Indian Ocean variability on high temperature extremes across south of Yangtze River Valley in late summer. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 29(1):91-100, https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s00376-011-0209-2 (SCI)
107 Liu, F., G. Huang* and L. Feng, 2011: Why do 2-day waves propagate westward? Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 106(3-4):443-448, https://doi.org/10.1007 /s00704-011-0450-8 (SCI)
108 Liu, F., J. Chao, G. Huang * and L. Feng, 2011: A semi-analytical model for the propagation of Rossby waves in slowly varying flow. Chinese Science Bulletin, 56(25): 2727-2731, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11434-011-4626-5 (SCI)
109 Liu, Y., G. Huang* and R. Huang, 2011: Inter-decadal variability of summer rainfall in Eastern China detected by the Lepage test. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 106(3-4):481-488, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-011-0442-8 (SCI)
110 Hu, K., G. Huang* and R. Huang,2011: The impact of tropical Indian Ocean variability on summer surface air temperature in China. Journal of climate, 24(20):5365-5377, https://doi.org/10.1175/2011JCLI4152.1(SCI)
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113 Huang, G.*, K. Hu and S.-P. Xie, 2010: Strengthening of tropical Indian Ocean teleconnection to the Northwest Pacific since the mid-1970s: An atmospheric GCM study. Journal of climate, 23(19):5294–5304, https://doi.org/10.1175 /2010JCLI35 77.1 (SCI)
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** CSCD第一作者(含通讯作者)(26篇)
116 黄荣辉,黄刚*,2024:缅怀我们的恩师—叶笃正先生的学术成就和治学精神 大气科学,48(1):1−7.(CSCD)
Huang, R and G. Huang*.2024:In Memory of Our Mentor and Academician Prof. Ye Duzheng : Overview of His Academic Achievements and Serious and Careful Spirit of Scholarship [J]. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (in Chinese), 48(1): 1−7. https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2310.23302
117 黄刚*, 胡开明, 唐颢苏, 等. 2024. 从能量学角度理解气候背景场对 ENSO 热带和热带外遥相关的影响 [J]. 大气科学, 48(1): 218−227. https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2305.23304(CSCD)
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118 杨凯,冯信贤,黄刚*,2023:海陆气协同作用对华北地区夏季高温热浪的影响,气候与环境研究,28(6): 665-675,https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2023.23035 (CSCD)
Yang, K. X. Feng and G. Huang*,2023: Impact of land-ocean-atmosphere interaction on summer heat waves in North China, Climatic and Environmental Research, 28(6): 665-675,https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2023.23035 (CSCD)
119 Huang, G*, Z. Xu, X. Qu, J. Cao, S. Long, K. Yang, H. Hou, Y. Wang and X. Ma, 2022: Critical climate issues towards carbon neutrality targets, Fundamental Research,2(3):396-400,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fmre.2022.02.011 (Scopus)
120 Li, H. , K. Fang *, J. Du, F. Zhou, Z. Dong, P. Zhang and G. Huang *,2020:Modulations of the West Pacific Sea Surface Temperature on the covarying Eurasian droughts since the Little Ice Age,Quaternary 2020, 3(2), 16; 1-13,https://doi.org/10.3390/quat3020016 (ESCI)
121 王素,黄刚*,胡开明,王林,2020:1980~2014年中国中东部持续性霾天气的多尺度变化特征,气候与环境研究25(1):103-112,https://doi.org/10.3878 /j.issn.1006-9585.2019.19049 (CSCD)
Wang, S., G. Huang*, K. Hu and L. Wang.2020. An Analysis of the Multi-scale Variations of Persistent Haze Events in Central and Eastern China from 1980 to 2014 [J]. Climatic and Environmental Research (in Chinese), 25(1): 103-112. doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2019.19049
122 陈思思,张井勇,黄刚*, 2018: 时间尺度分离在华南夏季极端高温预测中的应用,气候与环境研究,23(2):185-198,https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006 – 9585.2017.16220 (CSCD)
Chen, S. J. Zhang and G. Huang*, 2018: Short-term Climate Prediction for Summer extreme high-temperature events in South China Based on Time-scale Decomposition Statistical Method, Climate and Environmental Research,23(2):185-198, DOI:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2017.16220.
123 赵文灿,胡开明,黄刚*,陈元昭, 2016:北京城区夏季污染建立、维持、消退的天气过程,气候与环境研究,21(4),479-489, https://doi.org/10.3878/ j.issn1006-9585.2016.15242 (CSCD)
Zhao,W., K. Hu and G. Huang*,2016: Establishing, maintaining, and fading processes of summer pollution in urban Beijing, Climatic and Environmental Research (in Chinese), DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2016.15242
124 黄刚*,胡开明、屈侠、陶炜晨、姚帅磊、赵桂洁、姜文萍,2016:热带印度洋海温海盆一致模的变化规律及其对东亚夏季气候影响的回顾,大气科学, 40(1):121-130, https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1505.15143(CSCD)
G. Huang*, K. Hu, Q. Xia, W. Tao, S. Yao, G. Zhao and W. Jiang. 2016: A Review about Indian Ocean Basin Mode and ItsImpacts on East Asian Summer Climate, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 40(1):121-130, https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1505.15143 (English Version)
125 董丹宏,黄刚*,2015: 中国最高、最低温度及日较差在海拔高度上变化的初步分析,大气科学,39(5):1011-1024, https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006- 9895.1501.14291(CSCD)
Dong, D. and G. Huang*, 2015.Relationship between Altitude and Variation Characteristics of the Maximum, Minimum Temperature and Diurnal Temperature Range in China[J].Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 39(5):1011-1024, DOI:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1501.14291. (in Chinese)
126 张珊,黄刚*,王君,刘永,贾根锁,任改莎, 2015:城市地表特征对京津冀地区夏季降水的影响研究,大气科学, 39(5):911-925, https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1411.14199 (CSCD)
Zhang, S, G. Huang*, J. Wang, Y. Liu, G. Jia and G. Ren, 2015.Impact of Urbanization on Summer Rainfall in Beijing-Tianjin-HebeiArea. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 39(5):911-925, https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1411.14199 (English Version)
127 黄刚*,温冠环, 2013: 中国与北半球中高纬小雨事件的时空变化特征. 科学通报, 58(8):680–689, https://doi.org/10.1360/csb2013-58-8-680 (CSCD)
128 Hu, K. and G. Huang *, 2011: The oscillation between tropical Indian Ocean and North Pacific: Evidence and possible impact on winter climate in China. Atmospheric Oceanic Science Letters, 4(1):57–63. (CSCD)
129 Huang, G.* and Y. Liu, 2011: Simulation of the East Asian Subtropical Westerly Jet Stream with GFDL AGCM (AM2.1). Atmospheric Oceanic Science Letters, 4(1):24–29. (CSCD)
130 刘飞,巢纪平,黄刚*,冯立成, 2011: 适用于缓变流中罗斯贝波传播的半解析模型. 科学通报, 56(24):2040(简报), https://doi.org/10.1360/csb2011-56-24-2040 (CSCD)
131 Hu, K. and G. Huang *, 2010: The formation of precipitation anomaly pattern during the developing and decaying phase of ENSO. Atmospheric Oceanic Science Letters, 3(1):25-30. (CSCD)
132 黄刚*,屈侠,王鹏飞,2010: 气象数据分析和诊断可视化平台的设计和构想及其在互联网络上的实现.大气科学学报, 33(2):153-159, http://dqkxxb.cnjournals.org/dqkxxb/article/abstract/20100204?st=article_issue (CSCD)
Huang, G.*,X. Qu and P. Wang, 2010: Design of meteorological data analysis and diagnosis visualization system and its realization on the internet. Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences, 33(2):153-159( in Chinese)
133 黄刚*,屈侠,2009: IPCC AR4 模式中夏季西太平洋副高南北位置特征的模拟. 大气科学学报,32(3):351-359,http://dqkxxb.cnjournals.org/dqkxxb/article/ abstract/20090302?st=article_issue (CSCD)
Huang, G.* and X. Qu, 2009: Merdional Location of West Pacific Subtropical High in Summer in IPCC AR4 Simulation. Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences, 32(3):351-359 ( in Chinese)
134 黄刚*,胡开明,2009: 利用大气环流模式讨论舍入误差对东亚以及西太平洋夏季气候模拟的影响. 南京气象学院学报, 32(2):155-163, http://dqkxxb. cnjournals.org/dqkxxb/article/abstract/20090201?st=article_issue (CSCD)
Huang, G.* and K. Hu, 2009: Influence of Round-off Error on Simulation of Summer Climate in the Northwestern Pacific and East Asia in an AGCM. Journal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, 32(2):155-163 ( in Chinese)
135 黄刚*,胡开明,2008: 夏季北印度洋海温异常对西北太平洋低层反气旋异常的影响. 南京气象学院学报, 31(6):749-757, http://dqkxxb.cnjournals.org/ dqkxxb/article/abstract/20080601?st=article_issue (CSCD)
Huang, G.* and K. Hu, 2008: Impact of North Indian Ocean SSTA on Northwest Pacific Lower Layer Anomalous Anticyclone in Summer. Journal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, 31(6):749-757 ( in Chinese)
136 黄刚*, 2006: NCEP/NCAR和ERA40再分析资料以及探空观测资料分析中国北方地区差价的年代际气候变化的差异. 气候与环境研究, 11(3):310-320, https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2006.03.07 (CSCD)
Huang, G.*, 2006: The Assessment and Difference of the Interdecadal Variations of climate change in Northern Part of China with the NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 Reanalysis Data. Climatic and Environmental Research, 11(3):310-320. (in Chinese)
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**第二作者及其他SCI (85篇);其中 包括TOP期刊7篇(Nature Climate Change, Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Science Advances)
149 Zhou, S., P. Huang*, L. Wang, K. Hu and G. Huang, 2024: Robust changes in global subtropical circulation under greenhouse warming, Nature Communications,15, 96 (2024), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-44244-5 (SCI)
150 Li, Y*, J. Yang and G. Huang,2023: Microstructural characterization of depth hoar and ice-crust layers using a micro-CT, and hypothesis of ice-crust formation under a thunderstorm,37(12) e15060 , Hydrological Processes, https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.15060 (SCI)
151 Liu, B., K. Yang*, X. Liu, G. Huang and B. Ng,2023: Improved Indian Ocean dipole seasonal prediction in the new generation of CMA prediction system, Geoscience Letters,10, 60 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40562-023-00315-5 (SCI)
152 Zheng, C.; H. Tang; X. Wang; Z. Chen; L. Zhang; J. Cai; X. Cao; R. Gu; Y. Tian; Z. Hu; G. Huang and Z. Wang*, 2023: Air Pollution is Associated with Abnormal Left Ventricular Diastolic function: A Nationwide Population-based Study, BMC Public Health,2023 Aug 12;23(1):1537. https://doi.org/10.1186/ s12889-023-16416-x (SCI)
153 Huangfu, J.* ,Y. Tang, Z. He, G. Huang, W. Chen and R. Huang, 2023: Influence of synoptic-scale waves on the interdecadal change in tropical cyclone activity over the western North Pacific in the early 2010s,Geophysical Research Letters,50(5), e2022GL102095, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL102095 (SCI)
154 Wang, Z.*; Wu, R.; Chen, Z.; G. Huang and Yang X.; Reasons for east Sibe-ria winter snow water equivalent increase in the recent decades. Remote Sens. 2023, 15(1), 134, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15010134 (SCI)
155 Lu, T., Z. Zhu*, Y. Yang J. Ma and G. Huang,2023: Formation mechanism of the ENSO-independent summer western North Pacific anomalous anticyclone, Journal of Climate,36(6),1711-1726,https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0271.1 (SCI)
156 Wang, S. T. Dai *, C. Li, Y. Cheng, G. Huang and G. Shi, Remote Sensing, 2022: Improving clear-sky solar power prediction over China by assimilating Himawari -8 aerosol optical depth, Remote Sensing, 2022, 14,4990, https://doi.org/10.3390 /rs14194990 (SCI)
157 Wang, S., J. Huang*, G. Huang , F. Luo , Y. Ren and Y. He,2022: Enhanced impacts of Indian Ocean sea surface temperature on the dry/wet variations over Northwest China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2022JD036533. https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2022JD036533 (SCI)
158 Xu, X., J. Liu* and G. Huang, 2022: Understanding Sea Surface Temperature Cooling in the central-east Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean during 1982-2020,Geophysical Research Letters, 49(10), e2021GL097579,,https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL097579 (SCI)
159 Zhou, S., P. Huang*, S-P Xie, G. Huang and L. Wang, 2022: Varying contributions of fast and slow responses cause asymmetric tropical rainfall change between CO2 ramp-up and ramp-down, Science Bulletin,67(16):1702-1711,https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.scib.2022.07.010 (SCI)
160 Liu, F. , C. Gao* , J. Chai , A. Robock , B. Wang* , J. Li , X. Zhang , G. Huang and W. Dong, 2022:Tropical volcanism enhanced the East Asian summer monsoon during the last millennium, Nature Communications, 13, 3429 (2022),https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-31108-7 (SCI)
161 Zhu, L.*,G. Huang, G. Fang and W. Hua, 2022:Influence of anthropogenic activities on elevation-dependent weakening of annual temperature cycle amplitude over the Tibetab Plateau, Geophysical Research Letters,49(10), e2021GL095494,https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL095494 (SCI)
162 Qu, X*., G. Huang, H, Hou, Z. Chen and Y. Du, 2022:The opposite response of the South Asian high to increasing CO2 at different heights, Atmospheric Science Letters, 23(8)e1093, https://doi.org/10.1002/asl.1093 (SCI)
163 Zheng, C., H. Tang, X. Wang, Z. Chen, L. Zhang, Y. Kang, Y. Yang, L. Chen, H. Zhou, J. Cai , X. Cao, G. Huang and Z. Wang*,2022: Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction and Cardiovascular Disease in Different Ambient Air Pollution conditions: A prospective cohort study, Science of the Total Environment,831(2022)154872,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154872 (SCI)
164 Jiang,W.*, H. Gong, P. Huang, L. Wang G. Huang, and L. Hu,2022: Biases and improvements of the ENSO- East Asian winter monsoon teleconnection in CMIP5 and CMIP6 models, Climate Dynamics,59,2467–2480(2022), https://doi.org/10.1007 /s00382-022-06220-5 (SCI)
165 Wang, L.*, G. Huang, W. Chen, T. Wang, Chakrit Chotamonsak and Atsamon Limsakul. 2022:Decadal background for active extreme drought episode in the decade of 2010–2019 over southeastern mainland Asia. Journal of Climate, 35(9):2785–2803, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0561.1 (SCI)
166 Cao, X., H .Tang, C. Zheng, Y. Kang, L. Zhang, X. Wang, Z. Chen, Y. Yang, H. Zhou, C. Lu, G. Huang and Z. Wang*,2021: Association of heating fuel types with mortality and cardiovascular events among non-smokers in China, Envirmental Pollution, 291(2021)118207, https://doi.org/10.1016 /j.envpol. 2021.118207 (SCI)
167 Yang ,Y., L. Wu*, Y. Guo, W. Cai*, G. Huang, X. Li, T. Geng, Z. J, S. Li and S.-P Xie, 2021: Greenhouse warming intensifies north tropical Atlantic climate variability, Science Advances,7(35):eabg9690(2021), https://doi.org/10.1126 /sciadv.abg9690 (SCI)
168 Lv, Y., J. Guo*, J. Li, L. Cao, T. Chen, D. Wang, D. Chen, Y. Han, X. Guo,H. Xu, L. Liu, R. Solanki and G. Huang, 2021: Spatiotemporal characteristics of atmospheric turbulence over China estimated using operational high-resolution soundings, Environmental Research Letters, 16(5) 054050, https://doi.org/ 10.1088/1748-9326/ abf461 (SCI)
169 Ying*,J.,T. Lian, P. Huang, G. Huang, D. Chen and S. Chen, 2021: Discrepant effects of atmospheric adjustments in shaping the spatial pattern of SST anomalies between extreme and moderate El Niños, Journal of Climate, 34,5229–5242, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0757.1 (SCI)
170 Kang,Y.,H. Tang, L. Zhang, S. Wang, Z. Wang*,X. Wang, Z. Chen, C. Zheng, Y. Yang, G. Huang and R. Gao,2021:Long-term temperature variability and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases: a large, representative cohort study in China,Environmental Pollution,278(2021),116831, https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.envpol.2021.116831 (SCI)
171 Yang, K., W. Cai*, G. Huang, B. Ng and G. Wang,2021: Is preconditioning effect on strong positive Indian Ocean Dipole by a preceding Central Pacific El Niño deterministic? Geophysical Research Letters,48, e2020GL092223.,https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL092223 (SCI)
172 Jiang,W.* ,P. Huang*,G. Huang and J. Ying, 2021:Origins of the excessive westward extension of ENSO SST simulated in CMIP5/6 models, Journal of Climate ,34,2839-2851, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0551.1 (SCI)
173 Zheng, C., X. Wang, H. Tang, Z. Chen, L. Zhang, S. Wang, Y. Kang, Y. Yang, L. Jiang ,G. Huang and Z. Wang*,2021:Habitation Altitude and Left Ventricular Diastolic Function: A population-based Study,Journal of the American Heart Association,2021;10:e018079. https://doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.120.018079 (SCI)
174 Cai, W.*, K. Yang, L. Wu,*, G. Huang, A. Santoso, B. Ng, G. Wang and T. Yamagata, 2021: Opposite response of strong and moderate positive Indian Ocean Dipole to greenhouse warming,Nature Climate Change , 11:27-32(2021),https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-020-00943-1 (SCI)
175 Wang, Q., L. Wang*, G. Huang, J. Piao and Chotamonsak, Chakrit,2021: Temporal and Spatial Variation of the Transitional Climate Zone in Summer during 1961-2018, International Journal of Climatology, 41(3):1633-1648, https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.6902 (SCI)
176 Jiang, W., ,P. Huang*, G. Li and G. Huang,2020: Emergent constraint on the frequency of central Pacific El Niño under global warming by the equatorial Pacific cold tongue bias in CMIP5/6 models, Geophysical Research Letters 47(19) e2020GL089519, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL089519 (SCI)
177 Long, S*., K. Hu, G. Li, G. Huang and X. Qu, 2021:Surface Temperature Changes Projected by FGOALS Models under Low Warming Scenarios in CMIP5 and CMIP6, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences ,38(2):203-220, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-020-0177-5 (SCI)
178 Kang, Y., Z. Wang*, H. Tang, G. Huang etc, 2020: Air temperature variability and high-sensitivity C reactive protein in a general population of China,Science of the Total Environment ,749(2020)141588, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv. 2020.141588 (SCI)
179 Yang, K., W. Cai*, G. Huang, G. Wang, B. Ng and S. Li,2020: Oceanic processes in ocean temperature products key to a realistic presentation of positive Indian Ocean Dipole nonlinearity, Geophysical Research Letters,46, e2020GL089396. https://doi. org/10.1029/2020GL089396 (SCI)
180 Qu,X* and G. Huang, 2020: CO2-induced heat source changes over the Tibetan Plateau in boreal summer-part II: the effects of CO2 direct radiation and uniform sea surface warming, Climate Dynamics, 55, 1631–1647(2020), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-020-05349-5 (SCI)
181 Qu,X*,G. Huang and Li,Zhu,2020:CO2-induced heat source changes over the Tibetan Plateau in boreal summer-Part I:the total effects of the increased CO2,Climate Dynamics, 55, 1793–1807(2020),http://doi.org/10.1007/s00382 -020-05353-9 (SCI)
182 Liu, F*, X. Chen; J. Li; B. Wang, J. Chai, C. Gao, G. Huang, J. Liu and D. Chen, 2020:Can Taal Volcano eruption trigger an El Niño and lead to Eurasian warming? Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,37(7):1-8,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-020 -2041-z (SCI)
183 Zhou, S., G. Huang, and P. Huang*, 2020: Excessive ITCZ but negative SST biases in the tropical Pacific simulated by CMIP5/6 models: The role of the meridional pattern of SST bias. J. Climate, 33,5305-5316,https://doi.org/10.1175 /JCLI-D-19-0922.1 (SCI)
184 Long, S., S-P Xie, Y. Du*, Q. Liu, X. Zheng, G. Huang, K. Hu, and J. Ying , 2020: Effects of ocean slow response under low warming targets, Journal of climate, 33(2):477-496, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0213.1 (SCI)
185 Hu,K.*, Y. Liu, G. Huang, Z. He and S-M Long,2020: Contributions to the interannual summer rainfall variability in the mountainous area of central China, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 37(3)259-268, https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00376-019- 9099-5. (SCI)
186 Hu, K.*, G. Huang ,S-P Xie, and S-M Long, 2019:Effect of the mean flow on the anomalous anticyclone over the Indo-Northwest Pacific in post-El Niño summers, Climate Dynamics,53(9-10),5725-5741,DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00382-019-04893-z (SCI)
187 Qu, X.*, G. Huang, L. Zhu, 2019: The CO2-induced sensible heat changes over the Tibetan Plateau from November to Apri. Climate Dynamics,53(9-10): 5623-5635 , https://doi.org/10.1007/ 2-019-04887-x (SCI)
188 Zhang, C., C. Hu*, G. Huang, C. Yao, Z. Zheng, T. Wang, S. Yang and D. Chen, 2019:Perspective on Landfalling Frequency and Genesis Location Variations of Southern China Typhoon during Peak Summer, Geophysical Research Letters, 46,6830-6838,https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL083420 (SCI)
189 Fang, K.*, D. Chen, L. Ilvonen, L. Pasanen, L. Holmström, H. Seppä, G. Huang, T. Ou and H. Linderholm,2019: Oceanic and atmospheric modes in Pacific and Atlantic Oceans since the Little Ice Age (LIA): towards a synthesis, Quaternary Science Review,215(1):293-307, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.05.014 (SCI)
190 Dong, D., W. Tao*, W.K.M. Lau, Z. Li, G. Huang and P. Wang, 2019: Interdecadal variation of precipitation over the Hengduan Mountains during rainy seasons, Journal of Climate, 32(12):3743-3760, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D -18 -0670.1 (SCI)
191 Li,G.*, Y. Jian, S. Yang, Y. Du, Z. Wang, Z. Li, W. Zhuang, W. Jiang and G. Huang,2019: Effect of excessive equatorial Pacific cold tongue bias on the El Niño-Northwest Pacific summer monsoon relationship in CMIP5 multimodel ensemble, Climate Dynamics,52(9-10):6195-6212,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382 -018-4504-9(SCI)
192 Qu, X.* and G. Huang, 2019: Global monsoon changes under Paris Agreement temperature goals in CESM1-CAM5, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,36(3):279-291, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-018-8138-y (SCI)
193 Hu, K.*, G. Huang and S-P, Xie, 2019:Assessing the internal variability in multi-decadal trends of summer surface air temperature over East Asia with a large ensemble of GCM simulations, Climate Dynamics,52(9-10):6229-6242, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-018-4503-x (SCI)
194 Hu, K.*, Johnny C.L. Chan , G. Huang, G. Chen and W. Mei, 2018: A train-like extreme multiple tropical cyclogenesis event in the Northwest Pacific in 2004, Geophysical Research Letters, 45(16):8529-8535,https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2018GL078749(SCI)
195 Hu, C.*, D. Chen, G. Huang, and S. Yang,2018: Dipole Types of Asia-Pacific Autumn Precipitation Oscillation Modulated by Shifting ENSO,Geophysical Research Letters ,45(17):9123-9130, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018GL078982 (SCI)
196 Gong, H., L. Wang, W. Chen, R. Wu, G. Huang and D. Nath, 2018: Diversity of the Pacific-Japan pattern among CMIP5 models: Role of SST anomalies and atmospheric mean flow, Journal of Climate, 31(17): 6857-6877, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0541.1 (SCI)
197 Jiang, W., G. Huang ,P. Huang* and K. Hu, 2018: Weakening of Northwest Pacific anticyclone anomalies during post-El Niño summers under global warming, Journal of Climate, 31(9):3539-3555, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D -17-0613.1 (SCI)
198 You, T., R. G. Wu*, and G. Huang, 2018: Differences in meteorological conditions between days with persistent and non-persistent pollution in Beijing, China. J. Meteor. Res., 32(1), 81–98, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13351-018-7086-x (SCI)
199 Wang, Z., R. Wu*, S. Chen, G. Huang and L. Zhu, 2018: Influence of western Tibetan Plateau summer snow cover on East Asian summer rainfall, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres,123(5):2371-2386, https://doi.org/10.1002 /joc.5221 (SCI)
200 Ma, J.*, R. Chadwick, K. Seo, C. Dong, G. Huang, G. R. Foltz and J. H. Jiang,2018: Responses of the tropical atmospheric circulation to climate change and connection to the hydrological cycle, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 46:549-580, https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-earth-082517-010102 (SCI)
201 Zhou, S., G. Huang and P. Huang*, 2018: Changes in the East Asian summer monsoon rainfall under global warming: Moisture budget decompositions and the sources of uncertainty. Climate Dynamics, 51(4):1363-1373, https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s00382-017-3959-4 (SCI)
202 Liu, F.*, J. Li, B. Wang, J. Liu, T. Li, G. Huang and Z. Wang, 2018: Divergent El Niño responses to volcanic eruptions at different latitudes over the past millennium, Climate Dynamics, 50(9-10):3799-3812, https://doi.org/10.1007 /s00382-017-3846-z (SCI)
203 Wang Z., R. Wu* and G. Huang, 2018: Low-frequency snow changes over the Tibetan Plateau, International Journal of Climatology, 38(2):949-963, https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.5221 (SCI)
204 Shi, S., J. Li, J. Shi, Y. Zhao and G. Huang, 2017: Three centuries of winter temperature change on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau and its relationship with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Climate Dynamics. 49(4):1305-1319, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-016-3381-3 (SCI)
205 You, T., R. Wu, G. Huang and G. Fan, 2017: Regional meteorological patterns for heavy pollution events in Beijing, Journal of Meteorological Research, 31(3):597-611,https://doi.org/10.1007/s13351-017-6143–1 (SCI)
206 Ma, J.*, Gregory R. Foltz, Brian J. Soden, G. Huang, J. He and C. Dong, 2016: Will surface winds weaken in response to global warming? Environmental Research Letters,11 (2016) 124012, https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ 11/12/124012 (SCI)
207 Chen S.*, J. Zhang and G. Huang, 2016: An interdecadal shift in the number of hot nights around 1997 over Eastern China, Atmospheric Science Letters,17(9),501-509, https://doi.org/10.1002/asl.684 (SCI)
208 Xie, S., K. Yu , D. Yan, K. Hu, Jasti Chowdary and G. Huang, 2016: Indo-western Pacific ocean capacitor and coherent climate anomalies in post-ENSO summer, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 33(4): 411-432, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-015-5192-6 (SCI)
209 Wang, L. W. Chen, W. Zhou and G. Huang, 2016: Understanding and detecting super extreme droughts in Southwest China through an integrated approach and index. Quarterly journal of the royal meteorological society,142(694):529-535, https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00376-015-5047-1 (SCI)
210 Wang, L. W. Chen, W. Zhou and G. Huang, 2015:Teleconnected influence of tropical Northwest Pacific sea surface temperature on interannual variability of autumn precipitation in Southwest China, Climate Dynamics, 45(9): 2527-2539, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-015-2490-8 (SCI)
211 Gong, H.-N., L. Wang, W. Chen, D. Nath, G. Huang and W.-C.Tao,2015:Diverse influences of ENSO on the East Asian-western Pacific winter climate tied to different ENSO properties in CMIP5 models, Journal of Climate, 28(6):2187-2202, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00405.1 (SCI)
212 Liu, Y., Wang, P.* and G. Huang, 2015: Study on the reliable computation time of the numerical model using the sliding temporal correlation method. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 119(3-4):539-550, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-014 -1128-9 (SCI)
213 Huang, P.*, P. Wang, K. Hu, G. Huang, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu and B. Yan, 2014: An Introduction to the Integrated Climate Model of the Center for Monsoon System Research and Its Simulated Influence of El Niño on East Asian-Western North Pacific Climate, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 31(5):1136-1146, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-014-3233-1 (SCI)
214 Wu, R., G. Huang, Z. Du and K. Hu, 2014:Cross-season relation of the South China Sea precipitation variability between winter and summer, Climate Dynamics, 43(1-2):193-207, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-013-1820-y (SCI)
215 Liu, L.,S.-P. Xie, X. Zheng, T. Li, Y. Du, G. Huang and W. Yu, 2014: Indian Ocean variability in the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble: The Zonal Dipole mode, Climate Dynamics,43(5-6):1715-1730, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-013-2000 -9 (SCI)
216 Du, Y., S.-P. Xie, Y.-L. Yang, X.-T. Zheng, L. Liu and G. Huang, 2013: Indian Ocean variability in the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble: The basin mode. Journal of Climate, 26(18):7240-7266, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00678.1 (SCI)
217 Huang, P., S.-P. Xie, K. Hu, G. Huang and R. Huang, 2013: A unifying view on seasonal patterns of tropical rainfall response to global warming. Nature Geoscience, 6(5) :357-361, https://doi.org/10.1038/NGEO1792 (SCI)
218 Zheng, X.-T., S.-P. Xie, Y. Du, L. Liu, G. Huang and Q. Liu, 2013: Indian Ocean Dipole response to global warming in the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble. Journal of Climate, 26(16):6067-6080, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00638.1 (SCI)
219 Wu, L., J. Zhang and G. Huang, 2012: The role of soil moisture –atmosphere coupling in summer light precipitation variability over East Asia. Atmospheric Sciences Letters, 13(4):296-302. https://doi.org/10.1002/asl.398 (SCI)
220 Wu, R., S. Yang, Z. Wen, G. Huang and K. Hu, 2012: Interdecadal change in the relationship of southern China summer rainfall with tropical Indo-Pacific SST, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 108(1-2):119-133, https://doi.org/10.1007 /s00704-011-0519-4 (SCI)
221 Zhang, J., L. Wu, G. Huang, W. Zhu and Y. Zhang, 2011: The role of May vegetation greenness on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau for East Asian summer monsoon prediction. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, D05106, https://doi.org/10.1029/2010JD015095 (SCI)
222 Zhang, J., L. Wu, G. Huang and M. Notaro, 2011: Relationships between large-scale circulation patterns and carbon dioxide exchange by a deciduous forest. Journal of Geophysical Research,116, D04102, https://doi.org/10.1029 /2010JD014738 (SCI)
223 Li, J., S.-P. Xie, E. R. Cook, G. Huang, R. D’Arrigo, F. Liu, J. Ma and X. Zheng, 2011: Interdecadal modulation of El Niño amplitude during the past millennium. Nature Climate Change, 1(2):114–118, https://doi.org/10.1038/ NCLIMATE1086 (SCI)
224 Xie, S.-P., Y. Du, G. Huang, X. Zheng, H. Tokinaga, K. Hu and Q. Liu, 2010: Decadal Shift in El Niño Influences on Indo–Western Pacific and East Asian Climate in the 1970s. Journal of Climate, 23(12):3352-3368, https://doi.org/ 10.1175/ 2010JCLI3429.1 (SCI)
225 Matsumura, S.,G. Huang,S.-P. Xie and K. Yamazaki, 2010: SST-forced and internal variability of the atmosphere in an ensemble GCM simulation. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 88(1):43-62, https://doi.org/10.2151/ jmsj.2010-104 (SCI)
226 Ren, D., J. Wang, R. Fu, D. J. Karoly, Y. Hong, L. M. Leslie, C. Fu and G. Huang, 2009: Mudslide-caused ecosystem degradation following Wenchuan earthquake 2008. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L05401, https://doi.org/ 10.1029/2008GL036702 (SCI)
227 Du, Y., S. -P. Xie, G. Huang and K. Hu, 2009: Role of Air–Sea Interaction in the Long Persistence of El Niño–Induced North Indian Ocean Warming. Journal of Climate,22(8):2023–2038,https://doi.org/10.1175/2008JCLI2590.1 (SCI)
228 Xie, S.-P., K. Hu, J. Hafner, H. Tokinaga, Y. Du, G. Huang and T. Sampe, 2009: Indian Ocean Capacitor Effect on Indo–Western Pacific Climate during the Summer following El Nino. Journal of Climate, 22(3):730–747, https://doi.org/ 10.1175/2008JCLI2544.1 (SCI)
229 Cui, X., G. Huang, W. Chen and A. Morse, 2009: Threatening of climate change on water resources and supply: Case study of North China. Desalination, 248 (2009): 476-478, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.desal.2008.05.090 (SCI)
230 Li, S., J. Lu, G. Huang and K. Hu, 2008: Tropical Indian Ocean basin warming and East Asian Summer Monsoon: a multriple AGCM study. Journal of Climate, 21(22):6080-6088, https://doi.org/10.1175/2008JCLI2433.1 (SCI)
231 Cui, X., G. Huang and W. Chen, 2008: Notes of Numerical Simulation of Summer Rainfall in China with a Regional Climate Model REMO. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 25(6):999-1008, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-008- 0999-z (SCI)
232 Huang, R., J. Chen and G. Huang, 2007: Characteristics and Variations of the East Asian Monsoon System and Its Impacts on Climate Disasters in China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 24(6):993-1023, https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00376-007-0993-x (SCI)
233 Wang, P., G. Huang and Z. Wang, 2006: Analysis and Application of Multiple Precision Computation and Round-off Error for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems. Advances in Atmospheric Science, 23(5):758-766, https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00376-006 -0758-y (SCIE)
**国外专著章节 (2篇)
234 R.H. Huang, G. Huang and Z. Wei, 2005: Climate Variations of the Summer Monsoon over China, Chang, C.-P.,ed., 2005. East Asian Monsoon. World Scientific Series on Meteorology of East Asia, Vol. 2, World Scientific, 600pp.(est.) (SCI)
235 Huang, R., B. Ren and G. Huang, 2000: Further Investigation on the Impact of the Tropical Western Pacific on the East Asian summer Monsoon, No.3, P107-117, Climate System Research, Japan
236 首席作者:谢尚平*,杜岩*,黄刚*,;贡献作者:龙上敏,罗义勇,郑小童,许丽晓,甘波澜,胡开明,张涟漪,方越,程旭华,王春在,李熙晨,刘钦燕, 2020:第八章 太平洋-印度洋-中国海的气候变化, 海洋与气候变化国家评估报告,科学出版社
237 CODATA中国全国委员会编著(黄刚为编写人员之一),2014:大数据时代的科研活动(Scientific Discovery In Big Data Era),科学出版社,ISBN 978-7-03-040183-0
238 Steffen, W.著,符淙斌等译(黄刚为译者之一),2010: Global change and the Earth System-A Planet Under Pressure(全球变化与地球系统-一颗重负之下的行星),气象出版社(IGBP全球变化系列丛书之4)
239 黄荣辉, 黄刚, 顾雷等, 2009: 我国暴雨洪涝灾害的变化特征及影响评估, 我国重大高影响天气气候灾害及对策研究,气象出版社, 33-56.
240 王鹏飞,黄刚,王军,2006: 基于网络的大气科学数据分析和可视化平台的设计,科学数据库与信息技术论文集,第八集,中国环境科学出版社,243-250.
241 马柱国, 黄刚, 2004: 近代中国北方干湿变化趋势的多时间尺度特征,北方干旱化的趋势分析和预测研究,气象出版社,218-230.
**第二作者及其他CSCD文章: 48篇
242 张珊*,王宗敏,黄刚,薛学武. 基于WRF-LES的崇礼复杂地形局地风场模拟研究. 高原气象. 2023, 42(1): 197-209,https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn. 1000-0534.2022.00011(CSCD)
Shan ZHANG , Zongmin WANG , Gang HUANG , Xuewu XUE. Local Wind Simulation over Complex Terrain of Chongli Using WRF-LES. Plateau Meteorology.2023,42(1):197-209,https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000–0534.2022..00011 (CSCD)
243 刘映雪, 胡开明*, 黄刚. 2022. 热带海温对亚马逊旱季降水年际变率的影响及机制[J]. 气候与环境研究, 27(2): 263−275,https://doi.org/10.3878/j. issn.1006-9585.2021.20151
244 Qu, X, G. Huang and X. Wang, 2021: The level of maximum radiative heating enhancement to increasing CO2 over global monsoon area, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters,14(2021)100037: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aosl.2021. 100037 (CSCD)
245 Wang, B.*, X. Zeng and G. Huang, 2020: Estimation of Reference Crop Evapotranspiration in Northwest China, Earth Sciences. Special Issue: Recent Advances in Hydrological Cycle Process: Evaporation and Precipitation. Earth Sciences,9(3)2020, 89-99. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.earth.20200903.11 (CSCD)
246 唐颢苏, 胡开明*, 黄刚. 2019. El Niño衰退年夏季西北太平洋异常反气旋季节内演变特征及其机制.气候与环境研究,24(4):525−536. https://doi.org/10.3878/ j.issn.1006-9585.2019.18156 (CSCD)
247 王鹏飞*,李建平,黄刚,2019:高阶Runge-Kutta-Li算法对二维线性平流方程的计算检验,气候与环境研究,24(4),417-429, https://doi.org/10.3878 /j.issn.1006-9585.2019.18169 (CSCD)
248 王鹏飞*, 楚苹瓖, 王立志,周任君,黄刚,2019: Runge-Kutta算法与Li差分法不同阶数配合对计算精度影响研究,大气科学,43(1),99-106, https://doi.org/ 10.3878/ j.issn.1006-9895.1805.17238 (CSCD)
249 Cheng, L.*, G. Wang, J. P. Abraham and G. Huang, 2018:Decadal ocean heat redistribution since the late 1990s and its association with key climate modes,Climate,6(4),91,P1-19, https://doi.org/10.3390/cli6040091 (Scopus)
250 Song,X.*, Z.Chen, H. Wang, W. Yu, F. Yu, F. Qiao, F. Chai, X. Lin, F. Wang, D. Hu, L. Shi, B. Zou, M. Lin, X. Jiang, L. Cheng, G. Huang, J. Zhu, B. Wang, M. Jiang, W. Peng, J. Han, J. Yu, Y. Gu, P. Li, X. Guan, J. Huang, Y. Lin, Y. Luo, A. Tao, J. Zheng, Y. Du and D. Wang,2018:China’s Vision towards the Tropical Pacific Observing System (TPOS) 2020,CLIVAR Exchanges,P6-12
251 龙上敏,谢尚平,刘秦玉,郑小童,黄刚,胡开明,杜岩*, 2018: 海洋对全球变暖的快慢响应与低温升目标, 科学通报, 63, 558-570, https://doi.org/10.1360 /N972017-01115 (CSCD)
252 黄勇*,黄刚,王业桂,王颖,2017:中低纬海气相互作用的耦合模态变化研究, 热带气象学报, 33(6): 861- 873, https://doi.org/10.16032/j.issn.1004– 4965.2017.06.007(CSCD)
253 丁兆敏,黄刚,王鹏飞*,屈侠,2017:耦合模式ICM模拟的近千年气候特征,气候与环境研究,22(6):717-732, https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006 -9585.2017.16208(CSCD)
254 Wang. L*, W. Chen, W. Zhou and G. Huang, 2015: Drought in Southwest China: A Review . Atmospheric Oceanic Sciences Letters, 8(6), 339-344, https://doi. org/10.3878/AOSL20150043 (CSCD)
255 Ren, D*., Lance M. Leslie, X. Shen, Y. Hong*, Q. Duan, R. Mahmood, Y. Li, G. Huang, W. Guo and M. Lynch, 2015: The Gravity Environment of Zhouqu Debris Flow of August 2010 and Its Implication for Future Recurrence, International Journal of Geosciences, 6, 317-325. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236 /ijg.2015.64025
256 王鹏飞,丁兆敏,林鹏飞,黄刚, 2015: 时间滑动相关方法在SST可预报性及可信计算时间研究中的应用.气候与环境研究, 20(3),245-256, https://doi. org/10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2015.14141 (CSCD)
257 郑崇伟, 潘静, 黄刚, 2014:利用WW3模式实现中国海击水概率数值预报[J] 北京航空航天大学学报, 40(3): 314-320, 0, https://doi.org/10.13700/j.bh. 1001-5965.2013.0247 (CSCD)
258 王鹏飞,温冠环,黄刚, 2014:集合平均所构成的动力系统及其特性研究,大气科学学报,37(6):723-731, https://doi.org/10.13878/j.cnki.dqkxxb.20131030001 (CSCD)
259 Yang Y.-L., Y. DU, Y.-L. Wu, G. Huang and Y.-S. Zhang , 2012: The interannual variations of summer precipitation in the northern Indian Ocean associated with ENSO, Atmospheric Oceanic Sciences Letters, 5(4), 301–305. (CSCD)
260 周德刚,黄刚,马耀明, 2012: 中国西北干旱区戈壁下垫面夏季的热力输送. 大气科学学报, 35(5):541-549, http://dqkxxb.cnjournals.org/dqkxxb/article/abstract /20120504?st=article_issue (CSCD)
261 杜振彩, 黄荣辉, 黄刚, 陈际龙, 2011: 亚洲季风区积云降水和层云降水时空分布特征及其可能成因分析.大气科学, 35(6):993-1008. https://doi.org/ 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2011.06.01 (CSCD)
262 杜振彩,黄荣辉,黄刚, 2010: 滑动窗区空间相关系数加权集合方法及其在IPCC-AR4多模式集合模拟和预测中的应用. 大气科学, 34(6):1168-1186. https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2010.06.11 (CSCD)
263 刘洪韬,严中伟,戴新刚,黄刚, 2010: 20世纪新安江水库4次泄洪极端降水与环流背景分析. 大气科学学报, 33(2):198-204. http://dqkxxb.cnjournals.org/ dqkxxb/article/abstract/20100210?st=article_issue (CSCD)
264 Ye, D., Z. Yan and G. Huang, 2009: How should we address climate change? Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 23(4):208-211. (CSCD)
265 周德刚,黄荣辉,黄刚,2009: 近几十年来长江上游流域气候和植被覆盖的变化. 大气科学学报, 32(3):377-385. http://dqkxxb.cnjournals.org/dqkxxb/ article/abstract/20090305?st=article_issue (CSCD)
266 张志华,张人禾,黄刚, 2009: 用OPA9全球海洋环流模式模拟不同类型El Nino事件. 南京气象学院学报, 32(2):164-171. http://dqkxxb.cnjournals.org/ dqkxxb/article/abstract/20090202?st=article_issue (CSCD)
267 张志华,黄刚, 2008: 不同类型El Nino事件及其与我国夏季气候异常的关系. 南京气象学院学报, 31(6):782-789, http://dqkxxb.cnjournals.org/dqkxxb/ article/abstract/20080605?st=article_issue (CSCD)
268 黄荣辉,顾雷,陈际龙,黄刚, 2008: 东亚季风系统的时空变化及其对我国气候异常影响的最近研究进展. 大气科学, 32(4):691-719. https://doi.org/ 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2008.04.02 (CSCD)
269 叶笃正,严中伟,黄刚,2007: 我们应该如何应对气候变化. 中国科学院院刊, 22 (4) :327-329. (CSCD)
270 王林,陈文,黄荣辉,黄刚, 2007: 北半球定常波输送西风动量的气候态及其年变化. 大气科学, 31(3):377-389. https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006– 9895.2007.03.01 (CSCD)
271 王鹏飞, 王在志, 黄刚, 2007: 舍入误差对大气环流模式结果的影响. 大气科学, 31(5):815-825. https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2007.05.06 (CSCD)
272 高晓清, 黄刚, 曲迎乐, 2006: 南水北调背景下华北水资源优化调配研究. 气候与环境研究, 11(3):354-361. https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006 -9585.2006.03.12 (CSCD)
273 王鹏飞, 黄刚, 2006: 数值模式预报时效对计算精度和时间步长的依赖关系研究. 气候与环境研究, 11(3):395-403. https://doi.org/10.3878/j. issn.1006-9585.2006.03.17 (CSCD)
274 黄荣辉,陈际龙,黄刚, 张启龙, 2006: 中国东部夏季降水的准两年周期振荡及其成因. 大气科学, 30(4):545-561. (CSCD)
275 马柱国, 黄刚, 甘文强, 陈明林, 2005: 近代中国北方干湿变化趋势的多时段特征. 大气科学, 29(50):671-682. https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006 -9895.2005.05.01 (CSCD)
276 Ren, B., R. Huang and G. Huang, 1999: Temporal Structure of the Western Pacific Warm Pool SST and Its Comparison with Nino3 SST. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 23(4):367-376. (CSCD)
277 Huang, R., G. Huang and B. Ren, 1999: Advances of the Studies on the East Asian Summer Monsoon and Problems to Be Studied Further. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 23(2):122-138. (CSCD)
278 黄荣辉, 黄刚, 任保华, 1999: 东亚夏季风的研究进展及其需进一步研究的问题. 大气科学, 23(2):129-141. https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1999. 02.01 (CSCD)
279 Huang, R., Z. Zhang, G. Huang and B. Ren, 1998. Characteristics of the Water Vapor Transport in East Asian Monsoon Region and its Differences from that of South Asian Monsoon Region in Summer. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 22(4):368-379. (CSCD)
280 黄荣辉, 张振洲, 黄刚, 任保华, 1998. 夏季东亚季风区水汽输送特征及其与南亚季风区水汽输送的差别. 大气科学, 22(4):460-469. https://doi.org/ 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1998.04.08 (CSCD)
NOTE: * means Corresponding author
**国际会议论文集:International Conference Paper List 46篇
1. Critical climate issues towards carbon neutrality targets, Gang Huang*, The 2nd workshop on the A3 Foresight Program “Networking Climate Change Research Hubs for Promoting Future Earth Over Northeast Asia”, Dec.24,2023, zhuhai, China
2. Solving the Mystery of Summer Climate Disasters in East Asia,Huang Gang*, 2023 International Conference on Frontiers of Ocean Science and Technology (ICFOST), Changsha, China, October 13-15, 2023(Invited Talk)
3. 破解东亚夏季灾害的谜团-谈ENSO对东亚夏季降水的影响及其未来变化,黄刚*,“东亚能量水分循环及其与季风相互作用国际研讨会”(邀请报告),2023年8月20日-25日,敦煌,中国
4. The impact of ENSO on summer precipitation in East Asian and its future changes, Huang Gang*,2023,1st Joint Workshop on the A3 Foresight Program: Networking Climate Change Hubs for Promoting Future Earth Over Northeast Asia, Busan, Korea, Apr. 18-19
5. The impact of ENSO on East Asian summer rainfall and its future change,Huang Gang*,2022 International Conference on Sea-Air Interaction and Climate Dynamics, Changsha,P.R. China,Nov19-21,(Invited Talk)
6. The Definition, Variations, Reasons, and Forecast of Blue Days, Huang Gang* etc International year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development -- International Forum for Basic Sciences in Climate Changes and Sustainable Development, Nov 22st – 26th, 2022, Beijing (Invited Talk)
7. Solving the Mystery of Summer Climate Disasters in East Asia,Huang Gang*,International Training Course on Marine Scientific Research in the South China Sea, online,22-26,Agust 2022,China and ASEAN Member States (AMS) young Scientist(http://scs.fio.com.cn/Training2022)(Invited Talk)
8. The impact of ENSO on summer precipitation in East Asia and its future changes ,Huang Gang*,2021 China-Thailand Symposium on Decadal Change of Climate Extremes in Southeast Asian Region,online,Dec 6, 2021(Invited report)
9. Distinct global warming rates tied to multipleocean surface temperature changes, Huang Gang* etc, The 5th China-Thailand Joint Conference on Climate change,27-29 Nov,2017, Chiangmai, Thailand
10. A New Circulation Index for the East Asian Summer Monsoon Variability, Huang Gang* etc, The 13th ‘General Circulation Model Simulations of the East Asian Climate' (EAC) workshop’- East Asian Climate under Global Warming: Understanding and Projection, 24-25 March, 2016,Beijing,China (Invited Speakers )
11. A New Dynamical Index for the East Asian Summer Monsoon, Huang Gang* etc, Second International Symposium on Climate and Earth System Modeling, Oct.15-16, 2015, Nanjing (Invited)
12. The impact of ENSO on Northwest Pacific summer climate simulated in CMIP5 models, Huang Gang*, Ocean-atmospheric dynamics in the changing climate, 2015.12.10-12.12 , Climate Atmosphere Science and Physical Oceanography (CASPO), Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA
13. A New Upper-level Circulation Index for the East Asian Summer Monsoon Variability, Huang Gang* etc, 'Recent and expected climate change along the Chinese coastal zones’ workshop, Sept.10-11, 2015,Qingdao (Invited)
14. Indian Ocean air-sea interaction and its climate effects,Huang Gang*,Public Seminar, Curtin University Australia, 9 April 2015, Perth, Australia (invited talk)
15. Coupled ocean-atmosphere dynamics of global warming, Huang Gang*,The 12th NIMR-IAP Joint Research Workshop, 1-5 Apr.2014, Jeju-do, Korea (Invited)
16. Spatial and temporal variations of light rain events over China and the mid-high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, Huang Gang*, Workshop on Climate Change and Urban Adaptation Science and Practice: Exploring the Challenges,8-15 December 2013,Raglan, New Zealand (Invited)
17. Ocean’s Role in Regional Climate Change under Global Warming, Huang Gang*, Beijing Symposium on Global Change 2013(Global Change and Sustainable Development),23-25 Sept,2013,Beijing ,China
18. Equatorward shift of the South Asian high in response to anthropogenic forcing,Gang Huang* and Xia Qu, Physical Processes in outer and near-earth space and XII Young scientists’ Conference (BSFP-2013), Sep 9 – 14, 2013, Irkutsk,Russia (Invited)
19. Equatorward shift of the South Asian high in response to anthropogenic forcing, Gang Huang* etc, the Third Korea-China Joint Symposium,2-6 May 2013 in Guilin, China (Invited)
20. An Enhanced Influence of Tropical Indian Ocean on the South Asia High after the Late 1970s,Gang Huang* etc, International Workshop on Seasonal to Decadal Prediction, 13-16 May 2013 in Toulouse, France.
21. The Decadal Change in the Relation Between ENSO and WNP/EA Summer Climate in CMIP5 Simulation, Gang Huang* etc, Workshop on IAP and Met-office Jan15-Jan18,2013, UK (Invited)
22. Decadal change in the impact of summer Indian Ocean SST anomaly on the western North Pacific summer monsoons in the late 1970s,Gang Huang*, Workshop on Variability in the Western Tropical Pacific: Mechanisms, Teleconnectio-ns and Impacts on Sub-Seasonal, Inter-Annual and Inter-Decadal Time Scales, Nov. 12 – Nov.16., ICTP, Italy, 2012
23. An enhanced influence of tropical Indian Ocean on the South Asia High after the late 1970s, Gang Huang*, The first workshop of the weather and climate in East-south Asia, Aug.2012,chuxiong,Yunnan Province, China
24. Interannual variability in East Asian climate and its association with tropical Indian Ocean conditions in CMIP5 models, Gang Huang*, The 11th IAP-NIMR Joint Research Workshop, Beijing, May2012,China (Invited)
25. Interannual variability in East Asian climate and its association with tropical Indian Ocean conditions in CMIP5 models;Gang Huang*, Kaiming Hu, Xia Qu, WCRP Workshop on Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase5 (CMIP5) Model Analysis, Mar5-9, 2012, Hawaii, IPRC,U.S.A
26. The Impact of Indian Ocean variability on high temperature extremes across south of Yangtze River Valley in late summer: Gang Huang*, Kaiming Hu, The China-Korea Joint Workshop on the East Asian Monsoon Variability, Apr. 4- 8 ,2011,Guangzhou (Invited)
27. Strengthening of tropical Indian Ocean teleconnection to the Northwest Pacific since the mid-1970s:An atmospheric GCM study: Gang Huang*, Kaiming Hu, Shang-ping Xie, Proceedings of the 10th NIMR-IAP Joint Research Workshop, Oct.28-29 ,2010, ByeonSan, Jeolla-do,Korea,PP59 (Invited)
28. Threatening of climate change on water resources and supply: case study of northwest China: Cui, X.; Huang, G.; Chen, W.; Morse, A.EGU2008-A-01959, EGU General Assembly 2008
29. Impact of Summer Indian Ocean SST variability on Asian Monsoon: Gang Huang*, Kaiming Hu, 2008 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Number: 49, Cairns, Australia, 29 July - 1 August 2008
30. Long persistence of El Nino-induced Indian Ocean warming: Role of air-sea interaction: Yan Du, Shang-ping Xie, G. Huang, K.M.Hu, 2008 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Number: 263, Cairns, Australia, 29 July - 1 August 2008
31. Indian Ocean capacitor effect: El Nino's long grip on the Asian-western Pacific summer monsoon, Shang-Ping Xie, K.M.Hu, J.Hafner, Y.Du, G. Huang, H.Tokinaga, 2008 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Number: 261(invited), Cairns, Australia, 29 July - 1 August 2008
32. Impact of Summer Indian Ocean SST variability on Asian Monsoon: Differences between North and South, Huang Gang* and Hu kaiming,42, Joint Conference on the 6th International Symposium on Asian Monsoon System (ISAM6) and the 9th East Asian Climate Workshop (EAC9), 10-13 December,2007 ACROS Fukuoka, Japan
33. Differences between the NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 reanalysis data over East Part of China,Huang Gang*,The 5th International Symposium on Asian Monsoon System (ISAM5),11-15 october,2005, Korea
34. The Variability of the Wind System Circulating round the West Side of the Tibetan Plateau and Its Relation to the Asian-African Summer Monsoon,Huang Gang* and Johnny C.L .Chan, IAMAS 2005, Beijing
35. An Index meansuring the international variation of the East Asian summer monsoon-The EAP index, Gang Huang*, The Fourth International Symposium on Asian Monsoon System(ISAM4),Kunming,China,2004, 24-29May
36. Interannual Variations of the Summer Monsoon over China, Huang Gang*, International workshop on climate variability in Asian Monsoon Region: Past to Future, 2-4 Dec 2003, Bangkok, Thailand (Invited report)
37. Further Study about A 20-member Ensemble Simulation with An AGCM forced by Observed SSTs, Huang Gang*, Shang-Ping, Xie and Shinji Matsumura ,The Third International Symposium on Asian Monsoon System(ISAM3) ,December 11-14, 2001, Nago, Okinawa, Japan
38. A 20-members ensemble simulation using CCSR/NIES AGCM forced by observed SST, Huang Gang* etc. Challenges of A Changing Earth, 10-13 July,2001 Amsterdam, Netherlands
39. The study of NAO by using a 20-member Ensemble Simulation by CCSR/NIES AGCM, Huang Gang*, The Fifth Atmospheric Dynamics academic meeting, April, 2001. Yang Zhou
40. About Ensemble simulation using CCSR/NIES AGCM, Huang Gang*, International Pacific Research Center (IPRC) seminar,Hawaii, USA, Dec30,2000
41. North China and North Africa Drought in Global Viewpoint, Huang Gang*, The Second International Symposium on Asian Monsoon System (ISAM2), Cheju, Korea, March 27-31, 2000
42. The Climate Background of the Drought in North China and Dry in Yellow River, Huang Gang*, The meeting of “The Climate and the Continual Development”; Taipei, Taiwan, 1999.6, 51-55
43. The Relationship between the East Asian Summer Monsoon Circulation Anomaly and the climatic Variation over China and Korea. Huang Gang*, Yan Zhongwei, Baek-Jo Kim, Proceedings of International Conference on the Variability and Predictability of the Asian Monsoon (ICAM), September22-26, 1998, Xian, China, 26-29
44. Interannual Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon associated with the thermal states of the tropical Pacific, Ren Baohua, Huang Ronghui, Huang Gang, Proceedings of International Conference on the Variability and Predictability of the Asian Monsoon (ICAM), September 22-26,1998, XiAn, China, 258-262
45. The East Asian Summer Monsoon Circulation Anomaly Index and the Interannual Variation of the East Asian Summer Monsoon, Huang Gang*, Yan Zhongwei, International Conference on Monsoon and hydroloic Cycle, Kyongju, Korea, 22-25, April, 1998, 236-241
46. The Study of East Asian Summer Monsoon strength index and the relationship with East Asian summer monsoon interannual variability, Huang Gang*, The fourth Atmospheric Dynamics academic meeting, Sept.1997, WuYi Mountain, Fujian
1 2023,11月3日-4日,碳中和背景下的干旱变化评估和动力学研究(特邀报告),黄刚,第三届中国西部大气科学发展及战略研讨会,兰州
2 2023年02月17日 黄刚,国家杰出&优秀青年科学基金申报经验交流,中山大学海洋科学讲座,线上,特邀报告
3 2022年11月26日,黄刚,蓝天的定义、变化、模拟及影响,IYBSSD大会议程完整版| 气候环境变化与可持续发展国际论坛,线上,特邀
4 2022年4月22日,黄刚,ENSO对东亚夏季降水的影响及其未来变化,南京信息工程大学2022年科技活动月——龙山环境论坛(第40期),线上,特邀报告
5 2020年11月26日至27日,全球变暖背景下高低排放对海洋吸热的影响(特邀报告),黄刚,兰州大学半干旱气候变化教育部重点实验室2020年度实验室发展战略研讨会,兰州
6 2019年11月21日,黄刚,西北太平洋反气旋的前世今生和未来,中山大学海洋科学学术讲座,珠海,特邀
7 2019年5月8日,黄刚,东亚夏季降水年际预测再认识——地形作用,南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心,南京,特邀
8 2017年7月20日-21日,黄刚,全球变暖与海洋的调控,季风与极端气候事件研讨会,兰州,
9 2017年11月11-12日, 黄刚,全球变暖的不同阶段海洋的贡献及其与碳排放的关系,复旦大学大数据研究院碳排放与环境大数据研究所成立仪式暨学术研讨会,上海,
10 2017年10月26-27日,黄刚,近百年以来热带海温的多年代际变化及其对全球变暖的贡献,第四届青年科学家论坛(邀请报告),杭州
11 2014年11月10日,黄刚,印度洋增暖及其对东亚夏季气候的影响,浙江大学地球科学学院,杭州,特邀
1. 一个新的东亚夏季风急流指数,黄刚,2016 兩岸气象合作台风暴雨学术研讨会,1月20日-22日,台湾高雄(特邀报告, 30分钟)
2. Orographically Anchored El Nino Effect on Summer Rainfall in Central China, 黄刚,2019两岸台风暴雨及短期气候学术研讨会,2019年1月19日-23日,(特邀报告,30分钟)台北
1 黄刚,全球变暖是忽悠吗? 2015年5月17日 中国科学院第11届公众科学日科普报告
2 黄刚,全球变暖? 2016年4月13日 中关村第四小学二年级科普报告
境外媒体:Nature Climate Change; Nature Geoscience;NBC news; Discovery; Yahoo; PlanetSave; Daily India; Science Daily; Star advertiser; Hawaii Public Radio; Tusco Citizen; Scripps Magazine; ClimateWire; 香港南华早报(South China Morning Post)等
国内媒体:人民日报,光明日报,China Daily,财新网,财新周刊, 21世纪经济报道,中国城市报,环球科学,中外对话,东方早报,京华时报,新京报,新华网,凤凰网,新浪网;中国科学报,科学网,中国气象报,中国科学院院网(中英文),人民网等
2“高级环境规划技术理学硕士课程”---香港中文大学的特邀授课老师, (从2011年起-至今);黄刚(15学时);讲课内容:气候变化与城市规划及其数值模拟(Climate change,Urban Planning and their simulations)
5“海洋对干旱半干旱气候的影响”讲习班,2016年4月19日,报告人:黄刚;讲课内容:热带海气相互作用对东亚夏季气候的影响;中国兰州, 兰州大学
6“海洋对干旱半干旱气候的影响”讲习班(第二届),2018年4月23日,报告人:黄刚;讲课内容: ENSO对中国地形降水的影响;中国兰州, 兰州大学
大气科学数据再分析平台的建立 (项目领导者)
大气科学与环境数据库的建立 (八五,九五,十五以及十一五等主要参加者)http://data.iap.ac.cn
1. 黄刚,王林,ERA-40资料的再分析以及说明手册,2005,资料中心内部资料,1-50
2. 王鹏飞,徐予红,马晓光,简文生、黄刚等,大气科学数据管理系统的设计和实现,2005,中科院大气所内部资料手册,1-122
3. 黄刚,东亚季风系统数据库说明,2002,大气所网页,http://data.iap.ac.cn;
4. 黄刚,常用大气科学资料、模式、以及研究单位的检索和分类,2002,http://hg.lasg.ac.cn/article/240
5. 黄刚,赵桂洁. (2019). 东亚夏季风指数(1851-2021). 国家青藏高原科学数据中心, DOI: 10.11888/Meteoro.tpdc.270323. CSTR: 18406.11.Meteoro.tpdc.270323.
The East Asian summer monsoon index (1851-2021). National Tibetan Plateau Data Center, DOI: 10.11888/Meteoro.tpdc.270323. CSTR: 18406.11.Meteoro.tpdc.270323. ] (下载引用: RIS格式 | RIS英文格式 | Bibtex格式 | Bibtex英文格式 )
[HUANG Gang, ZHAO Guijie. (2019).
Editorial Board of Frontiers in Atmospheric Science, since 2013
Lead Guest Editor of Advances in Meteorology (SCI),since 2014
Guest Editor of Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (SCI, IF=1.479, 2014),since 2014
Editor of PeerJ (SCI, IF=2.1770,2016),since 2017
Guest Editor for Sustainability(SCI,IF=2.576,2019), since 2020
Guest Editor for Frontiers in Earth Science (SCI,IF=2.689,2019), since 2020
Editor of Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (SCI, IF = 3.9, 2021),since 2022
Section Editor-in-Chief role for the section Climate in Geosciences (ISSN 2076-3263) (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/geosciences/sections/climate) ,since 2022
Editor of The Innovation Geoscience, since 2023
Editor of Scientific reports, since 2023
(1) 中国科学院特聘核心研究员;北京市科学技术奖励评审专家;北京市科学技术委员会专家;北京市自然科学基金评审专家;南京信息工程大学博士生导师资格评审专家;山东省杰出青年基金评审专家;中国气象局同行评议专家;NSFC基金评审专家;中国博士后科学基金评审人;国家科技部重大科学研究计划项目评审专家;北京市自然科学基金会评专家及环境评审组组长;国家科学技术奖励评审专家; 国家教育部学位中心通讯评审专家;国家重点研发计划项目会评专家;国家自然科学奖评审专家;国家教育部长江奖励学者会评专家;多个大学人才项目的评审专家(南京大学,中国农大,西安交通大学等)
(2) 中国科学院大气物理所发展战略调研组委员;成都信息工程学院高原大气与环境研究中心学术委员会委员;中国气象学会动力气象委员会委员;中国气象学会高原气象委员会委员;第六届CNC-WCRP(中国气候研究委员会)委员;中国科学院大气物理所第九届学位评定委员会委员;大气科学常务编委;气候与环境研究编委;气象学报编委;中国科学数据编委
(3) 成都信息工程学院大气科学学院兼职教授硕士生导师;安徽理工大学硕士生导师;中国科学院网络信息中心交叉培养研究生导师;南京信息工程大学兼职教授博士生导师;中国科学院大学岗位教授;南京大学大气科学学院联合导师;American Association for the Advancement of Science—AAAS会员(美国科学促进会会员)
(4) 为国外40家SCI杂志的评审人(包括如下杂志---按先后顺序:
Journal of the meteorological society of Japan (IF=1.233,2012);
Journal of Climate (IF=4.362, 2013);
Monthly Weather Review (IF= 2.758, 2013);
Climate Dynamics (IF=4.602, 2012);
Journal of Geophysical Research—Atmospheres (IF= 3.174, 2013);
Climate Research (IF= 2.684, 2013);
Theoretical and Applied Climatology (IF=1.942, 2012);
Meteorological Applications (IF=1.411, 2012);
International Journal of Climatology (IF=2.906, 2012);
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (IF=1.327, 2013);
Geophysical Research Letters (IF=3.982, 2013);
Nature Communications (IF=10.742, 2014);
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics. (IF=1.062,2014);
Atmosphere (IF=0.226,2014);
Global and Planetary Change (IF=2.766, 2014) ;
Scientific Reports(IF=5.578,2015)
Hydrological Sciences Journal (IF=2.222,2016)
Science of the Total Environment (IF=4.9,2016)
Deep-Sea Research Part I (IF=2.48, 2016)
Atmospheric Research (IF=4.0343, 2017)
Renewable & sustainable energy reviews(IF=8.05, 2017)(12.11,2019)
PlOS One(IF=2.806,2017)
Atmospheric Science Letters(IF=1.198,2017)
Environmental Research Letters (IF=6.096,2019)
Advances in Meteorology (IF=1.577,2019)
Ocean Engineering (IF=3.068, 2019)
Weather and Climate Extremes (IF=4.698, 2019)
Earth’s Future (IF=6.141, 2019)
Journal of Maps (IF=2.654, 2020)
Climatic Change (IF=4.743, 2020)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (IF=4.223,2020)
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (IF=6.1325,2021)
Journal of Cleaner Production(IF=11.0717,2021)
Modern Physics Letters B(IF=1.9480,2021)
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences(IF=6.4994,2021)
Remote Sensing(IF=5.3493,2021)
Nature Climate Change(IF=28.6610,2021)
NPJ climate and atmospheric science(IF=9.4475,2022)
(5) 为国内12家SCI ,12家CSCD杂志的评审人如下:
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology(IF=1.6,2022)
Journal of Mountain Science (IF= 2.3713,2021)
Advances in Climate Change Research (IF=4.130,2021);
中国科学-地球科学(中国科学D辑:地球科学)(Science in china series d-earth sciences, IF=1.588,2012);
科学通报(Chinese Science Bulletin, IF=1.319,2013);
CHINESE PHYSICS B (IF=1.148,2013);
物理学报(Acta Physica Sinica, IF= 1.016,2013);
大气科学进展 (Advances in atmospheric Sciences(AAS), IF= 1.338,2013);
气象学报(Journal of Meteorological Research (JMR),IF=0.799, 2013)
海洋学报(Acta Oceanologica Sinica),IF=0.728,2017)
中国海洋湖沼学报(Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, IF =0.577, 2013);
中国海洋大学学报(Journal of Ocean University of China (JOUC),since 2012 SCIE);
气候与环境研究(Climatic and Environmental Research);
热带海洋学报(Journal of Tropical Oceanography);
南京气象学院学报(后改为大气科学学报Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences);
大气科学(Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences);
大气海洋快报英文版(Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters(AOSL));
长江流域资源与环境(Resources and Environment in The Yangtze Basin);
计算物理(Chinese Journal of Computational Physics);
地球科学进展(Advances in Earth Science);
气象科学(Journal of the Meteorological Sciences);
中国科学技术大学学报(Journal of University of Science and Technology of China)
兰州大学学报(自然科学版)(Journal of Lanzhou University(Natural Sciences))
(6) AGU(American Geophysical Union 美国地球物理协会)会员,中国气象学会 (Chinese Meteorological Society) 会员,AAAS(American Association for the Advancement of Science美国科学促进会)会员;
(7) 中国科学院研究生院夏季学期“气候变化研究最新进展”的主讲老师和课程组织者(20学时)(2009-2014);每年评分均为优秀;
(8) 自2011年9月起, 被香港中文大学聘为香港中文大学高级环境规划技术理学硕士课程的特邀授课老师并多次访问香港中文大学进行授课;
(9) 2013年2月,被邀请为第三次《气候变化国家评估报告》第5章的首席作者并担任具体编写工作;
(10) 2013年11月, Editorial Board of Frontiers in Atmospheric Science (Swiss, Gold open-access academic publisher)
(11) 2014年2月24日-25日,2014科学数据大会—科研大数据与数据科学“程序委员会”委员,并担任地球与空间科学(大气、海洋、资源、环境、地球观测)大数据及应用分会的召集人和主席
(12) 2014年4月,Lead Guest Editor of Advances in Meteorology (SCI, IF = 1.239, 2013)
(13) 2014年12月,第二十八届气象学报编委
(14) 2015年8月25日-27日,2015科学数据大会—数据、科学与丝绸之路经济带“程序委员会”委员
(15) 2014-2015,Guest Editor of Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (SCI, IF = 1.479, 2014)
(16) 中国科学院大学研究生课程“气候动力学”的主讲老师(40学时)(2015-至今);评分为优秀课程;
(17) 2016第三届科学数据大会程序委员会委员,中国上海
(18) 2015年12月,被聘为中国科学数据首届编委(CN11-6035/N)
(19) 2016年6月, 被聘为教育部“10000个科学难题”海洋科学卷的编写专家和审稿专家
(20) 2016年12月,被聘为CNC-WCRP第7届委员
(21) 2016年12月,被聘为第四届(2017)科学数据大会程序委员会委员
(22) 2016年12月,被聘为中国气象学会青年人才托举工程指导老师
(23) 2017年3月,被邀请为“瞭望智库专家库”的首批入驻专家
(24) 2017年9月30日,Editor of PeerJ (SCI,IF=2.1770,2016)
(25) 2017年11月,被聘为复旦大学碳排放与环境大数据研究所专家咨询委员会委员
(26) 2018年11月,被聘为中国民用航空飞行学院航空气象实验室学术委员
(27) 2019年4月,IPCC AR6 Expert Reviewer
(28) 2020年3月,入选中科院大气物理研究所学术委员会委员
(29) 2020年3月,JMR reviewer award in August,2019
(30) 2020年3月,被聘为河海大学兼职教授博士生导师
(31) 2020年8月,被聘为天津市海洋气象重点实验室学术委员
(32) 2020年9月,Guest Editor for Sustainability(IF=2.576,2019)
(33) 2020年11月,被聘为兰州大学半干旱气候变化教育部重点实验室第三届学术委员会委员
(34) 2020年11月,Guest Editor for Frontiers in Earth Science(IF=2.689)
(35) 2020年12月,科学探索奖评议和提名专家Expert Team of THE XPLORER PRIZE
(36) 2022年7月,Editor of Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (SCI, IF = 3.9, 2021)
(37) 2022年7月,广东海洋大学深圳研究院客座教授
(38) 2022年8月,担任北京市科学技术委员会、中关村科技园区管理委员会科技项目评审专家;
(39) 2022年8月,成都信息工程大学云南自然灾害防御技术研发中心学术委员会委员
(40) 2022年11月,北京市科学技术协会创新服务中心“**进千企”首批专家服务团产业特派员
(41) 2023年3月,Editor of Scientific reports(SCI)(IF= 4.9967,2022)
(42) 2023年3月,担任国家自然科学基金A3前瞻计划项目学术领导小组副组长
(43) 2023年8月,担任气象科学(CSCD)的常务编委
海外合作导师:谢尚平教授(美国Roger Revelle Chair教授);
2010年起,与美国著名气象学家Xie Shang-ping教授联合招生;
谢尚平教授简历 http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/~xie/(美国夏威夷大学气象系教授)
http://scrippsscholars.ucsd.edu/sxie/ (美国UCSD SCRIPPS荣誉教授,AGU and AMS Fellow,
海洋科学最高奖Sverdrup Gold Medal)
国内合作导师: 吴仁广教授(浙江大学教授);
美国马里兰大学:K.M.Lau(刘家铭)教授(AGU,AMS Fellow)
Director, Centre for Southern Hemisphere Oceans Research (CSHOR),澳洲科学院院士, Wenju Cai(蔡文炬)
美国NCAR:Clare Deser,Senior Scientist,(AGU,AMS Fellow)
Dev Niyogi(美国Purdue大学,教授)
Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at University of California Riverside
JiPing Liu,Associate Professor,University at albany,State University of New York
Qinghua Ding,Associate Professor,University of California Santa Barbara
Jian Lu,Earth Scientist,PNNL
Wei Mei,
Yu Kosaka,Associate Professor,The University of Tokyo
Email: hg@mail.iap.ac.cn
MSN: hgiap@hotmail.com
个人主页Web: http://hg.lasg.ac.cn
中国科学院大学教师主页 http://people.ucas.ac.cn/~hg
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SCI被引9301,Web of Science)
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8692-7856
Scopus Author ID: 57204798521