(A) Schematic of the immune editing co-culture system and
the ProCode/CRISPR library. 4T1 cells (+/−Cas9, +/−GFP/RFP) were
transduced with a library of 56 ProCode/CRISPR vectors, co-cultured with
activated Jedi T cells, and analyzed by CyTOF. (B) Frequency of
GFP+ and RFP+ 4T1 cells was measured by flow cytometry. Representative dotplots
are shown. Jedi 1:2 and Jedi 1:10 is 2-fold and 10-fold multiple of T cells to
cancer cells, respectively. (C) Frequency of GFP+ and RFP+ 4T1-Cas9
cells was measured by flow cytometry. Representative dotplots are shown.
(D) viSNE visualization of the 4T1-GFP and 4T1-RFP Pro-Code
populations co-cultured alone or with activated Jedi T cells. Each cluster
corresponds to a different Pro-Code. (E) viSNE visualization of the
4T1-GFP-Cas9 and 4T1-RFP-Cas9 Pro-Code populations co-cultured alone or with
activated Jedi T cells. Each cluster corresponds to a different Pro-Code.
(F) viSNE visualization of 56 Pro-Code/CRISPR populations
(GFP-4T1-Cas9, Jedi 1:10) colored by the target: orange=B2m, cyan=Ifngr2,
purple=scramble, navy=others. (G, H) Frequency of each
Pro-Code/CRISPR populations among the GFP-4T1-Cas9 (G) and RFP-4T1-Cas9 (H)
cells in the absence (no Jedi) or presence (Jedi 1:2, Jedi 1:10) of GFP-
specific Jedi T cells. (I) GFP and H2Kd expression on 4T1-Cas9-GFP
cells expressing gRNAs targeting B2m, Ifngr2 and all other genes.
(J) GFP and H2Kd expression levels Pro-Code/CRISPR populations
in GFP-4T1-Cas9 cells resisting T cell killing (Jedi 1:10); (K) GFP
and H2Kd expression on selected Pro-Code populations (from J). Data
is representative of 3 independent experiments.