Rat liver 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase exhibits a diurnal rhythm of activity which coincides with a diurnal rhythm of reductase protein and reductase mRNA levels. This diurnal rhythm of reductase activity, polypeptide mass, and mRNA exists in rats fed a normal diet (unsupplemented rat chow) and in rats fed a diet supplemented with cholestyramine plus or minus mevinolin. Levels of reductase protein were determined by 8 M urea/sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting. Reductase mRNA was measured by in vitro translation or blot hybridization of liver RNA. Functional reductase mRNA levels in rats fed a normal diet were approximately 10-fold higher during the middle of the dark cycle than during the middle of the light cycle. Maximum induction of functional reductase mRNA was observed in rats fed cholestyramine and mevinolin. This latter level was 157-fold higher than the level measured at the diurnal low point in rats fed a normal diet. Blot hybridization of liver RNA showed two predominant mRNAs of 4.6 and 4.2 kilobase pairs and a minor species at 6.9 kilobase pairs. These mRNAs exhibited a diurnal rhythm for rats on all three diets and reached peak levels during the 12-h dark period. These data indicate that the diurnal rhythm of reductase mass and activity is closely paralleled by the level of its mRNA.