DARS, short for Degree Audit Reporting System, is an automated system that compares a student’s completed coursework with the requirements for their degree and produces a report (sometimes called an audit) detailing their progress towards that degree.
The report also lists classes that need to be taken, making it a great planning tool for future semesters. All of this information is contained in your DARS report which is available online via MyUTK.
A DARS report can also evaluate different scenarios (degree options like minors, second degrees, changing the degree you are seeking) that you may want to consider.
Currently, Banner DARS is only available to undergraduate students. For questions pertaining to the content of their DARS audit, students should contact their advisor or advising office. Final certification of degree requirements rests with the Office of the University Registrar.
In short, a DARS report (audit) will show:
- which degree requirements have been met;
- which requirements are incomplete and what has to be done to complete them;
- how transfer courses apply toward requirements;
- the student’s current GPA; and
- any exceptions that have been made for a student.
Faculty and Advisor Access for Banner DARS
Access to Banner DARS is based on your Banner security access. For Banner access, please complete the Banner System Account Request Form.
For further information, visit our Banner access and training page.