Greetings fellow archers of Calontir from HL Alessandra de Piro, Calontir Archer General.
Welcome to the Scorekeeping System for Calontir. I will be your faithful servant in keeping this site up to date along with the web minister of this site Forester Muldonny. This site will not only be an active database for Royal Rounds, but will also serve as a database for scores from the King's Company of Archers Competition held each year.
If your name appears without the SCA Name, a Mundane Name, a Group, a Bow Type, or is spelled incorrectly, please let me know so I can make corrections. King's Company scores will not have mundane name.
How to submit scores? |
If you have scores to report, please either:
- Update them through the marshals page (if you are a marshal with score submitting authority)
- Send them to ArcherGeneral@calontir.org
- Mail them to my address (published in the MEWS every month)
Please include information below if emailed or snail mailed:
- The name and date of the event the shoot was held at
- The name of the archery marshal overseeing the shoot and the marshal`s SCA number
- Each archer`s Society name, modern name, and Society group
- Each archer`s bow type (longbow, recurve, crossbow)
- Scores for each round, and the total score
How do I get an Account? |
If you are a warranted archery marshal of Calontir and wish to have an account to submit scores, please contact the Archer General, HL Alessandra de Piro.
What is the 'Easy to Remember' address for this site? |
Well you always have the option of bookmarking almost any page. But, the easy to remember address for this site is:
Any questions, comments, or corrections, please contact me. |
HL Alessandra de Piro, Archer General, Calontir |