Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene
La Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene (SAIA) fu istituita nel 1909. E' l'unica istituzione archeologica italiana all'estero, sotto la direzione del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo e del Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca.
Svolge, promuove e supporta ricerche sulla Grecia e sulle aree di cultura greca dalla preistoria all'età bizantina, nelle interazioni con l'Oriente, l'Africa, l'Europa continentale e nei settori dell'archeologia, storia dell'arte, topografia, architettura, epigrafia, numismatica, storia, storia delle religioni, letteratura e filosofia.
Si dedica alla formazione di giovani studiosi, al sostegno di programmi di ricerca e alla diffusione dei risultati, alla valorizzazione del patrimonio archeologico greco.
La Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene ha in concessione dal Ministero della Cultura Ellenico le principali ricerche archeologiche italiane in Grecia e svolge progetti in collaborazione con istituzione greche.
Sostiene ricerche individuali, di istituzione italiane e internazionali mettendo a disposizione la biblioteca e gli archivi, gli alloggi delle sedi di Atene, Creta e Lemno, richiedendo alle autorità greche permessi di studio e pubblicazione.
LA Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene organizza seminari, convegni, conferenze, presentazioni di volumi.
Pubblica articoli, saggi e l'edizione finale di ricerche nell'Annuario, nei Supplementi dell'Annuario e nelle Monografie.
Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia, borse di ricerca post-dottorato (Perfezionamento), programmi per gli allievi delle Scuole di dottorato italiane, tirocini per studenti universitari e laureati (Erasmus Plus).
Le attività formative sono seguite da un tutor e comprendono lezioni, seminari, visite a scavi e musei, viaggi di istruzione, e il coinvolgimento degli allievi nelle attività di ricerca.
Phone: 0030 2109239163
Address: odòs Parthenonos 14
GR 11742 Atene
Svolge, promuove e supporta ricerche sulla Grecia e sulle aree di cultura greca dalla preistoria all'età bizantina, nelle interazioni con l'Oriente, l'Africa, l'Europa continentale e nei settori dell'archeologia, storia dell'arte, topografia, architettura, epigrafia, numismatica, storia, storia delle religioni, letteratura e filosofia.
Si dedica alla formazione di giovani studiosi, al sostegno di programmi di ricerca e alla diffusione dei risultati, alla valorizzazione del patrimonio archeologico greco.
La Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene ha in concessione dal Ministero della Cultura Ellenico le principali ricerche archeologiche italiane in Grecia e svolge progetti in collaborazione con istituzione greche.
Sostiene ricerche individuali, di istituzione italiane e internazionali mettendo a disposizione la biblioteca e gli archivi, gli alloggi delle sedi di Atene, Creta e Lemno, richiedendo alle autorità greche permessi di studio e pubblicazione.
LA Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene organizza seminari, convegni, conferenze, presentazioni di volumi.
Pubblica articoli, saggi e l'edizione finale di ricerche nell'Annuario, nei Supplementi dell'Annuario e nelle Monografie.
Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia, borse di ricerca post-dottorato (Perfezionamento), programmi per gli allievi delle Scuole di dottorato italiane, tirocini per studenti universitari e laureati (Erasmus Plus).
Le attività formative sono seguite da un tutor e comprendono lezioni, seminari, visite a scavi e musei, viaggi di istruzione, e il coinvolgimento degli allievi nelle attività di ricerca.
Phone: 0030 2109239163
Address: odòs Parthenonos 14
GR 11742 Atene
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EVENTI by Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene
Il seminario si terrà Giovedì 28 novembre 2024 alle ore 18.00 nell’Aula Magna “Doro Levi”, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
Per seguire in presenza o da remoto, via Zoom, siete invitati a registrarvi al seguente link:
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στο δεύτερο Σεμινάριο του Τρίτου Ορόφου του Amedeo VISCONTI (Πανεπιστήμιο Suor Orsola Benincasa, Νάπολη), με τίτλο «Debating the origins. Traces of dialectics between Lesbos and Asian Aiolis in the tradition on ‘Aiolian migration’ (and beyond)», και με τον συντονισμό του Massimiliano LANZILLO (Post Doc, ΙΑΣΑ).
Το σεμινάριο θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Πέμπτη 28 Νοεμβρίου 2024 στις 6 μ.μ. στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων "Doro Levi", οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
Για να παρακολουθήσετε ζωντανά ή εξ αποστάσεως μέσω Zoom, μπορείτε να δηλώστε συμμετοχή στον ακόλουθο σύνδεσμο:
The Italian Archaeological School at Athens invites you to the 2nd Seminar of the 3rd Floor: “Debating the origins. Traces of dialectics between Lesbos and Asian Aiolis in the tradition on ‘Aiolian migration’ (and beyond)", delivered by Amedeo VISCONTI (University Suor Orsola Benincasa, Naples), and coordinated by Massimiliano LANZILLO (IASA Post-Doc Fellow).
The seminar will be held on Thursday, November 28th 2024 at 6 p.m. in the ‘Doro Levi’ Lecture Hall, odòs Parthenonos 14.
To follow in presence or remotely, via Zoom, you are invited to register at the following link:
Il seminario si terrà Mercoledì 6 novembre 2024 alle ore 18.00 nell’Aula Magna “Doro Levi”, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
Per seguire in presenza o da remoto, via Zoom, siete invitati a registrarvi al seguente link:
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στο πρώτο Σεμινάριο του Τρίτου Ορόφου του Bastien RUEFF (Post Doc, École française d’Athènes), με τίτλο «Insight into Minoan Perfumery. A material culture and experimental perspective», και με τον συντονισμό της Thea Messina (Post Doc, ΙΑΣΑ).
Το σεμινάριο θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Τετάρτη 6 Νοεμβρίου 2024 στις 6 μ.μ. στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων "Doro Levi", οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
Για να παρακολουθήσετε ζωντανά ή εξ αποστάσεως μέσω Zoom, μπορείτε να δηλώστε συμμετοχή στον ακόλουθο σύνδεσμο:
The Italian Archaeological School at Athens invites you to the 1st Seminar of the 3rd Floor: “Insight into Minoan Perfumery. A material culture and experimental perspective", delivered by Bastien RUEFF (Post Doctoral Fellow, École française d’Athènes), and coordinated by Thea MESSINA (IASA Post-Doc Fellow).
The seminar will be held on Wednesday, November 6th 2024 at 6 p.m. in the ‘Doro Levi’ Lecture Hall, odòs Parthenonos 14.
To follow in presence or remotely, via Zoom, you are invited to register at the following link:
🎥 Per seguire a distanza il Convegno, potete cliccare qui:
🇬🇷 Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στο Διεθνές Συνέδριο «22nd International Congress on Ancient Bronzes. Bronzes in Context», που διοργανώνεται σε συνεργασία με την Γαλλική Σχολή Αθηνών και την Αμερικάνικη Σχολή Κλασικών Σπουδών, και θα πραγματοποιηθεί από τις 14 έως τις 18 Οκτωβρίου 2024.
🎥 Για να παρακολουθήσετε το Συνέδριο ηλεκτρονικά, παρακαλώ πατήστε εδώ:
🇬🇧 The Italian School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the "22nd International Congress on Ancient Bronzes. Bronzes in Context", organized in collaboration with the École française d’Athènes (ÉFA) and the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA), which will be held between October 14th and 18th, 2024.
🎥 To attend online, please click here:
L’evento si terrà Venerdì 11 ottobre 2024 alle ore 19.00 nell’Aula Magna “Doro Levi”, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
🇬🇷 Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στην εκδήλωση της Δρ. Ilaria Cristofaro(EIE, Potenza, Ιταλία), με τίτλο «Possible Applications of Skyscape Archaeology at Hellenic Temples – The Feast Project», που διοργανώθηκε με την συνεργασία του Ελληνικού Ινστιτούτου Αιγυπτιολογίας και του Εθνικού Ιδρύματος Ερευνών της Ιταλίας.
Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Παρασκευή 11 Οκτωβρίου 2024 στις 7 μ.μ. στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων "Doro Levi", οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
🇬🇧 The Italian Archaeological School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the conference "Possible Applications of Skyscape Archaeology at Hellenic Temples – The Feast Project", held by Dr. Ilaria Cristofaro (NCR, Potenza, Italy), co-organized by the Hellenic Institute of Egyptology and the Superior Institute for Cultural Heritage - National Centre for Research.
The event will be held on Friday, October 11th 2024, at 7 p.m. in the 'Doro Levi' Lecture Hall, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
Per partecipare al workshop distanza, potete scansionare il QRcode sulla locandina e ottenere il link alla piattaforma Zoom.
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στο Διεθνές Συνέδριο «Corinth-Syracuse. Current research and perspectives», που διοργανώνεται σε συνεργασία με την Scuola Normale Superiore της Πίζας, την Αμερικάνικη Σχολή Αθηνών, την Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Κορινθίας, το Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico di Siracusa την Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali di Siracusa, και θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 5 και 6 Ιουλίου 2024 στην Scuola Normale Superiore της Πίζας.
Για να συμμετάσχετε στο Συνέδριο, με φυσική ηλεκτρονικά, παρακαλείστε να σκανάρετε το QRcode στην συνημμένη αφίσα για να λάβετε το σύνδεσμο στην πλατφόρμα Zoom.
The Italian School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the International Congress "Corinth-Syracuse. Current research and perspectives", organized in collaboration with the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, the Ephorate of the Antiquities of Corinthia, the Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico di Siracusa and the Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali di Siracusa, which will be held on July 5th and 6th, 2024, at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa.
To attend online, please scan the QRcode in our flyer to get the link to the Zoom platform.
L’evento si terrà Mercoledì 15 maggio 2024 alle ore 18.00 nell’Aula Magna “Doro Levi”, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
La conferenza potrà essere seguita anche a distanza, sul Canale YouTube della SAIA:
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στην εκδήλωση του Καθ. Alessandro Naso (Πανεπιστήμιο της Νάπολης), με τίτλο «Etruscan and Italic votive offerings in Greek sanctuaries».
Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Τετάρτη 15 Μαίου 2024 στις 6 μ.μ. στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων "Doro Levi", οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
Η εκδήλωση μπορεί επίσης να παρακολουθηθεί εξ αποστάσεως, στο κανάλι YouTube της ΙΑΣΑ.
The Italian Archaeological School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the conference "Etruscan and Italic votive offerings in Greek sanctuaries", held by Prof. Alessandro Naso (University of Naples).
The event will be held on Wednesday, May 15th 2024, at 6 p.m. in the 'Doro Levi' Lecture Hall, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
The conference can also be followed remotely through the IASA YouTube channel.
L’evento si terrà Venerdì 8 marzo 2024 alle ore 19.00 nell’Aula Magna “Doro Levi”, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
La conferenza potrà essere seguita anche a distanza, sul Canale YouTube della SAIA:
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στην εκδήλωση του Δρ. Σεργίου Μενελάου (Williams Fellow in Ceramic Petrology Fitch Laboratory | British School at Athens), με τίτλο «Longevity, creativity, and mobility at the "oldest city in Europe": ceramic insights from prehistoric Poliochni-Lemnos».
Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Παρασκευή 8 Μαρτίου 2024 στις 7 μ.μ. στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων "Doro Levi", οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
Η εκδήλωση μπορεί επίσης να παρακολουθηθεί εξ αποστάσεως, στο κανάλι YouTube της ΙΑΣΑ.
The Italian Archaeological School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the conference "Longevity, creativity, and mobility at the "oldest city in Europe": ceramic insights from prehistoric Poliochni-Lemnos", held by Dr. Sergios Menelaou (Williams Fellow in Ceramic Petrology Fitch Laboratory | British School at Athens).
The event will be held on Friday, March 8th 2024, at 7 p.m. in the 'Doro Levi' Lecture Hall, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
The conference can also be followed remotely through the IASA YouTube channel.
Speaker: Dr. Francesca CECI (Musei Capitolini)
Title: "Between Greece and Rome. Greek masterpieces and artists in the collections of the Capitoline Museums".
This event is organized by Dr. Gianluca MANDATORI (Post-Doc Fellow at the Italian Archaeological School at Athens).
The third Seminar of the 3rd Floor will be held on December, Friday, 8th 2023, at 5.00 p.m. in 'Doro Levi Lecture Hall', at the Italian Archaeological School at Athens.
Please register to attend IN PERSON in Athens here:
Please register to attend ONLINE via Zoom emaling us at:
(Università del Salento)
"Character and resilience of Byzantine Italy".
This event is organized by Dr. Rossana VALENTE (Post-Doc Fellow at the Italian Archaeological School at Athens).
The second Seminar of the 3rd Floor will be held on November, Friday, 24th 2023, at 5.00 p.m. in 'Doro Levi Lecture Hall', at the Italian Archaeological School at Athens.
Please register to attend IN PERSON in Athens here:
Please register to attend ONLINE via Zoom emaling us at:
Prof. Alessandra INGLESE
(Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
"Writing and Space in Archaic Thera: the Case of the 'Agora of the Gods".
This event is organized by Dr. Antonio Paolo PERNIGOTTI (Post-Doc Fellow at the Italian Archaeological School at Athens).
The first Seminar of the 3rd Floor will be held November, Friday, 3rd 2023, at 5.00 p.m in 'Doro Levi Lecture Hall', at the Italian Archaeological School at Athens.
Please register to attend IN PERSON in Athens here:
Topics presented fall within the wide-range of the Fellows’ research interests and address in particular the themes of their own projects.
The talks are aimed at providing opportunity for debate and discussion.
Attendance of young scholars and students is particularly encouraged. However, the talks are open to everyone interested.
Up to 50 attendees will be admitted.
To participate in person, attendees must register by filling up the following form:
The seminars can also be followed online, via Zoom.
Please email us about 24 hours before each appointments at
and we will send you the link to attend the lecture online.
Thank you!
L'incontro si terrà lunedì 8 maggio 2023, alle ore 19:00, presso il Cinema Maroula, Sala Galiouri, a Myrina (Lemnos).
Con i nostri più cordiali saluti
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών έχει τη χαρά να σας προσκαλέσει στην Επιστημονική Ημερίδα με θέμα: «Η Λήμνος κάτω από τα νερά. Οι Ελληνο-ιταλικές υποβρύχιες αρχαιολογικές έρευνες στο νησί του Ηφαίστου», η οποία διοργανώνεται σε συνεργασία με την Ιταλική Εφορεία για την Υποβρύχια Πολιτιστική Κληρονομιά, την Εφορεία Εναλίων Αρχαιοτήτων, την Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Λέσβου, το Ιταλικό Επίτιμο Προξενείο στη Λήμνο και τον Οργανισμό Εκπαίδευσης, Πολιτισμού και Αθλητισμού του Δήμου Λήμνου.
Η Επιστημονική Ημερίδα θα πραγματοποιηθεί τη Δευτέρα 8 Μαΐου 2023, στις 19:00, στον Κινηματογράφο Μαρούλα, αίθουσα Γαλιούρη, στη Μύρινα (Λήμνος).
Με τους θερμότερους χαιρετισμούς μας
The Italian Archaeological School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the Workshop “Lemnos Under the Sea. Underwater archaeological research on the island of Hephaestus”, organised in collaboration with the Italian Superintendence for Underwater Cultural Heritage, the Superintendence of Underwater Antiquities, the Superintendence of Antiquities of Lesvos, the Honorary Consular Correspondence in Lemnos and the Organism for Education, Culture and Sport of the Municipality of Lemnos.
The workshop will be held on Monday, May 8th 2023, at 19:00, at the Maroula Cinema, Galiouri Hall, in Myrina (Lemnos).
With our warmest regards
PASSEGGIATE ITALIANE (Traduzione italiana) di Semni Karouzou.
L’evento si terrà Giovedì 11 maggio 2023 alle ore 19.00 nell’Aula Magna “Doro Levi”, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
Emanuele PAPI (SAIA)
Lila MARANGOU (Università di Ioannina)
Paola PELAGATTI (Accademia dei Lincei)
Gerasimos ZORAS (Università Nazionale Capodistriana di Atene)
Maurizio De Rosa (EPTbooks)
L'evento sarà coordinato da Emeri FARINETTI (Università di Roma 3 - SAIA)
Seguirà un rinfresco.
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στην παρουσίαση του βιβλίου PASSEGGIATE ITALIANE (μετάφραση στα ελληνικά), της Σέμνης Καρούζου.
Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Πέμτη 11 Μαίου 2023 στις 7 μ.μ. στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων "Doro Levi", οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
Emanuele PAPI (IAΣΑ)
Lila MARANGOU (Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων)
Paola PELAGATTI (Accademia dei Lincei)
Gerasimos ZORAS (ΕΚΠΑ)
Maurizio De Rosa (EPTbooks)
με συντονίστρια την Emeri FARINETTI (Università di Roma 3 - ΙΑΣΑ)
Θα ακολουθήσει δεξίωση
The Italian Archaeological School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the Book Launch of:
PASSEGGIATE ITALIANE (Traduzione italiana) by Semni Karouzou.
Thursday, May 11th, 2023.
"Doro Levi Lecture Hall", Parthenonos 14, Athens, at 7 p.m.
Emanuele PAPI (IASA)
Lila MARANGOU (University of Ioannina)
Paola PELAGATTI (Accademia dei Lincei)
Gerasimos ZORAS (National and Capodistrian University of Athens)
Maurizio De Rosa (EPTbooks)
The event will be coordinated by:
Emeri FARINETTI (University of Rome 3 - IASA)
A reception will follow.
It will be held on Friday and Saturday, May 5th and 6th at the Italian School, 'Doro Levi Lecture Hall', from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Address: odòs Parthenonos 14, 11742, Athens.
For further informations, please contact:
Per partecipare al workshop distanza, potete scansionare il QRcode sulla locandina e ottenere il link alla piattaforma Zoom.
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στο Διεθνές Συνέδριο «Greek Pottery Between the Aegean and the Central Mediterranean in the 8th and 7th Centuries BC. Productions, styles and iconographies, functions and contexts», που διοργανώνεται σε συνεργασία με το Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού και Αθλητισμού και τη Γαλλική Σχολή Αθηνών και θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 9, 10 και 11 Μαρτίου 2023 στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων Ντόρο Λέβι, στην Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών, οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
Για να συμμετάσχετε στο Συνέδριο, με φυσική ηλεκτρονικά, παρακαλείστε να σκανάρετε το QRcode στην συνημμένη αφίσα για να λάβετε το σύνδεσμο στην πλατφόρμα Zoom.
The Italian School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the International Workshop "Greek Pottery Between the Aegean and the Central Mediterranean in the 8th and 7th Centuries BC. Productions, styles and iconographies, functions and contexts", organized in collaboration with the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sport and the French School of Athens, which will be held on March 9th, 10th and 11th, 2023, in “Doro Levi Lecture Hall”, Italian Archeological School at Athens, odòs Parthenonos 14.
To attend online, please scan the QRcode in our flyer to get the link to the Zoom platform.
ci è gradito invitarVi all’Incontro di Studi, organizzato dalla Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene e dalla Fondazione Luigi Rovati, "La stele di Kaminia, gli Etruschi e l'isola di Lemno" organizzato in occasione del prestito temporaneo della stele di Kaminia al Museo d'arte della Fondazione dal Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Atene (21 dicembre 2022 - 16 luglio 2023).
L'incontro si terrà lunedì 6 marzo 2023, alle ore 17:00, presso il Museo d'arte della Fondazione Luigi Rovati, in Corso Venezia 52, Milano.
In allegato troverete il programma dell'incontro e una brochure sull'esposizione della stele.
Vi saremmo grati se poteste confermare la Vostra presenza, possibilmente entro il 3 marzo, all'indirizzo:
Con i nostri più cordiali saluti
με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλούμε στην Ημερίδα που διοργανώνεται από την Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών και το Ίδρυμα Luigi Rovati, με θέμα: «Η Στήλη των Καμινίων, οι Ετρούσκοι και το νησί της Λήμνου», με αφορμή τον προσωρινό δανεισμό της Στήλης στο Μουσείο Τέχνης του Ιδρύματος από το Εθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Αθηνών (21 Δεκεμβρίου 2022 - 16 Ιουλίου 2023).
Η Ημερίδα θα πραγματοποιηθεί τη Δευτέρα 6 Μαρτίου 2023, στις 5 μ.μ., στο Μουσείο Τέχνης του Ιδρύματος Luigi Rovati, Corso Venezia 52, Μιλάνο.
Συνημμένα θα βρείτε το πρόγραμμα της ημερίδας και ένα φυλλάδιο για την έκθεση της στήλης.
Θα σας παρακαλούσαμε να επιβεβαιώσετε τη συμμετοχή σας, ει δυνατόν έως τις 3 Μαρτίου, στη διεύθυνση:
Με τους θερμότερους χαιρετισμούς μας
Dear All,
it is our pleasure to invite you to the Workshop organised by the Italian Archaeological School at Athens and the Luigi Rovati Foundation, "The Stele of Kaminia, the Etruscans and the Island of Lemnos", on the occasion of the temporary loan of the Stele of Kaminia, a short-term loan resulting from the collaboration between the Foundation's Art Museum and the National Archaeological Museum of Athens (21 December 2022 - 16 July 2023).
The Workshop will be held on Monday March 6th, 2023, at 5 p.m., at the Luigi Rovati Foundation Art Museum, Corso Venezia 52, Milan.
Attached you can find the programme of the Workshop and a leaflet on the exhibition of the stele.
We would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance by March 3rd by emailing to:
With our warmest regards
GREEK LANGUAGE, ITALIAN LANDSCAPE di Manuela Pellegrino (Centre for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University).
L’evento si terrà Giovedì 9 febbraio 2023 alle ore 18.00 nell’Aula Magna “Doro Levi”, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
Saluti introduttivi di Carmelo DI NICUOLO (Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene)
Manuela PELLEGRINO (Centre for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University)
Christina PETROPOULOU (Università Panteion)
L'evento sarà coordinato da Carmelo DI NICUOLO (SAIA)
Seguirà un rinfresco.
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στην παρουσίαση του βιβλίου GREEK LANGUAGE, ITALIAN LANDSCAPE, της Manuela Pellegrino (Centre for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University).
Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Πέμτη 9 Φεβορυαρίου 2023 στις 7 μ.μ. στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων "Doro Levi", οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
Εισαγωγή του Carmelo DI NICUOLO (Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών)
Manuela PELLEGRINO (Centre for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University)
Christina PETROPOULOU (Πάντειον Πανεπιστήμιο)
με συντονιστή τον Carmelo DI NICUOLO (Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών)
Θα ακολουθήσει δεξίωση
The Italian Archaeological School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the Book Launch of:
by Manuela Pellegrino (Centre for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University).
Thursday, February 9th, 2022.
"Doro Levi Lecture Hall", Parthenonos 14, Athens, at 6 p.m.
Greatings and Introduction by Carmelo DI NICUOLO (Italian Archaeological School at Athens)
Manuela PELLEGRINO (Centre for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University)
Christina PETROPOULOU (Panteion University)
The event will be coordinated by:
A reception will follow.
L’evento si terrà Martedì 24 gennaio 2023 alle ore 19.00 nell’Aula Magna “Doro Levi”, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
La conferenza potrà essere seguita anche a distanza, via Zoom. Per ricevere il collegamento, siete pregati di scrivere a:
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στην εκδήλωση της Καθ. Δρ. Dr. h. c. Έλενας Walter-Καρύδη, με τίτλο Lapide pingere. “Painting with Stone” in the Late Classical and Hellenistic mosaic.
Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Τρίτη 24 Ιανουαρίου 2023 στις 7 μ.μ. στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων "Doro Levi", οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
Η εκδήλωση μπορεί επίσης να παρακολουθηθεί εξ αποστάσεως, μέσω Zoom. Για να λάβετε τον σύνδεσμο, παρακαλούμε γράψτε μας στη ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση:
The Italian Archaeological School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the conference Lapide pingere. "Painting with Stone" in the Late Classical and Hellenistic Mosaics, held by Prof. Dr, Dr. h. c. Elena Walter-Karydi.
The event will be held on Tuesday, January 24th at 7 p.m. in the 'Doro Levi' Lecture Hall, in odòs Parthenonos 14th.
The conference can also be followed remotely, via Zoom. To receive the link, please write to:
Per partecipare al Workshop, sia in presenza sia a distanza, potete registrarvi al seguente link:
Per ulteriori informazioni, potete consultare il sito:
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στο Διεθνές Συνέδριο «Borders in 1st millennium BC Crete», που διοργανώνεται σε συνεργασία με τη Βελγική Σχολή Αθηνών και θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 20 και 21 Ιανουαρίου 2023.
Για να συμμετάσχετε στο Συνέδριο, ηλεκτρονικά ή σε ζωντανή μετάδοση, παρακαλείστε να εγγραφείτε στον ακόλουθο σύνδεσμο:
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, μπορείτε να επισκεφτείτε την ακόλουθη ιστοσελίδα:
The Italian School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the International Workshop "Borders in 1st millennium BC Crete", organized in collaboration with the Belgian School of Athens, which will be held on January 20th and 21st 2023.
To attend (online or in person), please register here:
For further information on the workshop click below:
🧑🏫 Topics presented fall within the wide-range of the Fellows’ research interests and address in particular the themes of their own projects. The talks are aimed at providing opportunity for debate and discussion. Attendance of young scholars and students is particularly encouraged. However, the talks are open to everyone interested.
📌 Up to 50 attendees will be admitted.
📌 To participate, attendees must register by filling up the following form: Google:
📌 The seminars can also be followed online, via Zoom.
Please email us about 24 hours before each appointments at:
📩 and we will send you the link to attend the lecture online.
Thank you!
Il seminario si terrà Giovedì 28 novembre 2024 alle ore 18.00 nell’Aula Magna “Doro Levi”, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
Per seguire in presenza o da remoto, via Zoom, siete invitati a registrarvi al seguente link:
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στο δεύτερο Σεμινάριο του Τρίτου Ορόφου του Amedeo VISCONTI (Πανεπιστήμιο Suor Orsola Benincasa, Νάπολη), με τίτλο «Debating the origins. Traces of dialectics between Lesbos and Asian Aiolis in the tradition on ‘Aiolian migration’ (and beyond)», και με τον συντονισμό του Massimiliano LANZILLO (Post Doc, ΙΑΣΑ).
Το σεμινάριο θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Πέμπτη 28 Νοεμβρίου 2024 στις 6 μ.μ. στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων "Doro Levi", οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
Για να παρακολουθήσετε ζωντανά ή εξ αποστάσεως μέσω Zoom, μπορείτε να δηλώστε συμμετοχή στον ακόλουθο σύνδεσμο:
The Italian Archaeological School at Athens invites you to the 2nd Seminar of the 3rd Floor: “Debating the origins. Traces of dialectics between Lesbos and Asian Aiolis in the tradition on ‘Aiolian migration’ (and beyond)", delivered by Amedeo VISCONTI (University Suor Orsola Benincasa, Naples), and coordinated by Massimiliano LANZILLO (IASA Post-Doc Fellow).
The seminar will be held on Thursday, November 28th 2024 at 6 p.m. in the ‘Doro Levi’ Lecture Hall, odòs Parthenonos 14.
To follow in presence or remotely, via Zoom, you are invited to register at the following link:
Il seminario si terrà Mercoledì 6 novembre 2024 alle ore 18.00 nell’Aula Magna “Doro Levi”, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
Per seguire in presenza o da remoto, via Zoom, siete invitati a registrarvi al seguente link:
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στο πρώτο Σεμινάριο του Τρίτου Ορόφου του Bastien RUEFF (Post Doc, École française d’Athènes), με τίτλο «Insight into Minoan Perfumery. A material culture and experimental perspective», και με τον συντονισμό της Thea Messina (Post Doc, ΙΑΣΑ).
Το σεμινάριο θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Τετάρτη 6 Νοεμβρίου 2024 στις 6 μ.μ. στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων "Doro Levi", οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
Για να παρακολουθήσετε ζωντανά ή εξ αποστάσεως μέσω Zoom, μπορείτε να δηλώστε συμμετοχή στον ακόλουθο σύνδεσμο:
The Italian Archaeological School at Athens invites you to the 1st Seminar of the 3rd Floor: “Insight into Minoan Perfumery. A material culture and experimental perspective", delivered by Bastien RUEFF (Post Doctoral Fellow, École française d’Athènes), and coordinated by Thea MESSINA (IASA Post-Doc Fellow).
The seminar will be held on Wednesday, November 6th 2024 at 6 p.m. in the ‘Doro Levi’ Lecture Hall, odòs Parthenonos 14.
To follow in presence or remotely, via Zoom, you are invited to register at the following link:
🎥 Per seguire a distanza il Convegno, potete cliccare qui:
🇬🇷 Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στο Διεθνές Συνέδριο «22nd International Congress on Ancient Bronzes. Bronzes in Context», που διοργανώνεται σε συνεργασία με την Γαλλική Σχολή Αθηνών και την Αμερικάνικη Σχολή Κλασικών Σπουδών, και θα πραγματοποιηθεί από τις 14 έως τις 18 Οκτωβρίου 2024.
🎥 Για να παρακολουθήσετε το Συνέδριο ηλεκτρονικά, παρακαλώ πατήστε εδώ:
🇬🇧 The Italian School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the "22nd International Congress on Ancient Bronzes. Bronzes in Context", organized in collaboration with the École française d’Athènes (ÉFA) and the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA), which will be held between October 14th and 18th, 2024.
🎥 To attend online, please click here:
L’evento si terrà Venerdì 11 ottobre 2024 alle ore 19.00 nell’Aula Magna “Doro Levi”, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
🇬🇷 Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στην εκδήλωση της Δρ. Ilaria Cristofaro(EIE, Potenza, Ιταλία), με τίτλο «Possible Applications of Skyscape Archaeology at Hellenic Temples – The Feast Project», που διοργανώθηκε με την συνεργασία του Ελληνικού Ινστιτούτου Αιγυπτιολογίας και του Εθνικού Ιδρύματος Ερευνών της Ιταλίας.
Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Παρασκευή 11 Οκτωβρίου 2024 στις 7 μ.μ. στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων "Doro Levi", οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
🇬🇧 The Italian Archaeological School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the conference "Possible Applications of Skyscape Archaeology at Hellenic Temples – The Feast Project", held by Dr. Ilaria Cristofaro (NCR, Potenza, Italy), co-organized by the Hellenic Institute of Egyptology and the Superior Institute for Cultural Heritage - National Centre for Research.
The event will be held on Friday, October 11th 2024, at 7 p.m. in the 'Doro Levi' Lecture Hall, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
Per partecipare al workshop distanza, potete scansionare il QRcode sulla locandina e ottenere il link alla piattaforma Zoom.
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στο Διεθνές Συνέδριο «Corinth-Syracuse. Current research and perspectives», που διοργανώνεται σε συνεργασία με την Scuola Normale Superiore της Πίζας, την Αμερικάνικη Σχολή Αθηνών, την Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Κορινθίας, το Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico di Siracusa την Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali di Siracusa, και θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 5 και 6 Ιουλίου 2024 στην Scuola Normale Superiore της Πίζας.
Για να συμμετάσχετε στο Συνέδριο, με φυσική ηλεκτρονικά, παρακαλείστε να σκανάρετε το QRcode στην συνημμένη αφίσα για να λάβετε το σύνδεσμο στην πλατφόρμα Zoom.
The Italian School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the International Congress "Corinth-Syracuse. Current research and perspectives", organized in collaboration with the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, the Ephorate of the Antiquities of Corinthia, the Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico di Siracusa and the Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali di Siracusa, which will be held on July 5th and 6th, 2024, at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa.
To attend online, please scan the QRcode in our flyer to get the link to the Zoom platform.
L’evento si terrà Mercoledì 15 maggio 2024 alle ore 18.00 nell’Aula Magna “Doro Levi”, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
La conferenza potrà essere seguita anche a distanza, sul Canale YouTube della SAIA:
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στην εκδήλωση του Καθ. Alessandro Naso (Πανεπιστήμιο της Νάπολης), με τίτλο «Etruscan and Italic votive offerings in Greek sanctuaries».
Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Τετάρτη 15 Μαίου 2024 στις 6 μ.μ. στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων "Doro Levi", οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
Η εκδήλωση μπορεί επίσης να παρακολουθηθεί εξ αποστάσεως, στο κανάλι YouTube της ΙΑΣΑ.
The Italian Archaeological School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the conference "Etruscan and Italic votive offerings in Greek sanctuaries", held by Prof. Alessandro Naso (University of Naples).
The event will be held on Wednesday, May 15th 2024, at 6 p.m. in the 'Doro Levi' Lecture Hall, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
The conference can also be followed remotely through the IASA YouTube channel.
L’evento si terrà Venerdì 8 marzo 2024 alle ore 19.00 nell’Aula Magna “Doro Levi”, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
La conferenza potrà essere seguita anche a distanza, sul Canale YouTube della SAIA:
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στην εκδήλωση του Δρ. Σεργίου Μενελάου (Williams Fellow in Ceramic Petrology Fitch Laboratory | British School at Athens), με τίτλο «Longevity, creativity, and mobility at the "oldest city in Europe": ceramic insights from prehistoric Poliochni-Lemnos».
Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Παρασκευή 8 Μαρτίου 2024 στις 7 μ.μ. στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων "Doro Levi", οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
Η εκδήλωση μπορεί επίσης να παρακολουθηθεί εξ αποστάσεως, στο κανάλι YouTube της ΙΑΣΑ.
The Italian Archaeological School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the conference "Longevity, creativity, and mobility at the "oldest city in Europe": ceramic insights from prehistoric Poliochni-Lemnos", held by Dr. Sergios Menelaou (Williams Fellow in Ceramic Petrology Fitch Laboratory | British School at Athens).
The event will be held on Friday, March 8th 2024, at 7 p.m. in the 'Doro Levi' Lecture Hall, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
The conference can also be followed remotely through the IASA YouTube channel.
Speaker: Dr. Francesca CECI (Musei Capitolini)
Title: "Between Greece and Rome. Greek masterpieces and artists in the collections of the Capitoline Museums".
This event is organized by Dr. Gianluca MANDATORI (Post-Doc Fellow at the Italian Archaeological School at Athens).
The third Seminar of the 3rd Floor will be held on December, Friday, 8th 2023, at 5.00 p.m. in 'Doro Levi Lecture Hall', at the Italian Archaeological School at Athens.
Please register to attend IN PERSON in Athens here:
Please register to attend ONLINE via Zoom emaling us at:
(Università del Salento)
"Character and resilience of Byzantine Italy".
This event is organized by Dr. Rossana VALENTE (Post-Doc Fellow at the Italian Archaeological School at Athens).
The second Seminar of the 3rd Floor will be held on November, Friday, 24th 2023, at 5.00 p.m. in 'Doro Levi Lecture Hall', at the Italian Archaeological School at Athens.
Please register to attend IN PERSON in Athens here:
Please register to attend ONLINE via Zoom emaling us at:
Prof. Alessandra INGLESE
(Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
"Writing and Space in Archaic Thera: the Case of the 'Agora of the Gods".
This event is organized by Dr. Antonio Paolo PERNIGOTTI (Post-Doc Fellow at the Italian Archaeological School at Athens).
The first Seminar of the 3rd Floor will be held November, Friday, 3rd 2023, at 5.00 p.m in 'Doro Levi Lecture Hall', at the Italian Archaeological School at Athens.
Please register to attend IN PERSON in Athens here:
Topics presented fall within the wide-range of the Fellows’ research interests and address in particular the themes of their own projects.
The talks are aimed at providing opportunity for debate and discussion.
Attendance of young scholars and students is particularly encouraged. However, the talks are open to everyone interested.
Up to 50 attendees will be admitted.
To participate in person, attendees must register by filling up the following form:
The seminars can also be followed online, via Zoom.
Please email us about 24 hours before each appointments at
and we will send you the link to attend the lecture online.
Thank you!
L'incontro si terrà lunedì 8 maggio 2023, alle ore 19:00, presso il Cinema Maroula, Sala Galiouri, a Myrina (Lemnos).
Con i nostri più cordiali saluti
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών έχει τη χαρά να σας προσκαλέσει στην Επιστημονική Ημερίδα με θέμα: «Η Λήμνος κάτω από τα νερά. Οι Ελληνο-ιταλικές υποβρύχιες αρχαιολογικές έρευνες στο νησί του Ηφαίστου», η οποία διοργανώνεται σε συνεργασία με την Ιταλική Εφορεία για την Υποβρύχια Πολιτιστική Κληρονομιά, την Εφορεία Εναλίων Αρχαιοτήτων, την Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Λέσβου, το Ιταλικό Επίτιμο Προξενείο στη Λήμνο και τον Οργανισμό Εκπαίδευσης, Πολιτισμού και Αθλητισμού του Δήμου Λήμνου.
Η Επιστημονική Ημερίδα θα πραγματοποιηθεί τη Δευτέρα 8 Μαΐου 2023, στις 19:00, στον Κινηματογράφο Μαρούλα, αίθουσα Γαλιούρη, στη Μύρινα (Λήμνος).
Με τους θερμότερους χαιρετισμούς μας
The Italian Archaeological School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the Workshop “Lemnos Under the Sea. Underwater archaeological research on the island of Hephaestus”, organised in collaboration with the Italian Superintendence for Underwater Cultural Heritage, the Superintendence of Underwater Antiquities, the Superintendence of Antiquities of Lesvos, the Honorary Consular Correspondence in Lemnos and the Organism for Education, Culture and Sport of the Municipality of Lemnos.
The workshop will be held on Monday, May 8th 2023, at 19:00, at the Maroula Cinema, Galiouri Hall, in Myrina (Lemnos).
With our warmest regards
PASSEGGIATE ITALIANE (Traduzione italiana) di Semni Karouzou.
L’evento si terrà Giovedì 11 maggio 2023 alle ore 19.00 nell’Aula Magna “Doro Levi”, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
Emanuele PAPI (SAIA)
Lila MARANGOU (Università di Ioannina)
Paola PELAGATTI (Accademia dei Lincei)
Gerasimos ZORAS (Università Nazionale Capodistriana di Atene)
Maurizio De Rosa (EPTbooks)
L'evento sarà coordinato da Emeri FARINETTI (Università di Roma 3 - SAIA)
Seguirà un rinfresco.
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στην παρουσίαση του βιβλίου PASSEGGIATE ITALIANE (μετάφραση στα ελληνικά), της Σέμνης Καρούζου.
Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Πέμτη 11 Μαίου 2023 στις 7 μ.μ. στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων "Doro Levi", οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
Emanuele PAPI (IAΣΑ)
Lila MARANGOU (Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων)
Paola PELAGATTI (Accademia dei Lincei)
Gerasimos ZORAS (ΕΚΠΑ)
Maurizio De Rosa (EPTbooks)
με συντονίστρια την Emeri FARINETTI (Università di Roma 3 - ΙΑΣΑ)
Θα ακολουθήσει δεξίωση
The Italian Archaeological School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the Book Launch of:
PASSEGGIATE ITALIANE (Traduzione italiana) by Semni Karouzou.
Thursday, May 11th, 2023.
"Doro Levi Lecture Hall", Parthenonos 14, Athens, at 7 p.m.
Emanuele PAPI (IASA)
Lila MARANGOU (University of Ioannina)
Paola PELAGATTI (Accademia dei Lincei)
Gerasimos ZORAS (National and Capodistrian University of Athens)
Maurizio De Rosa (EPTbooks)
The event will be coordinated by:
Emeri FARINETTI (University of Rome 3 - IASA)
A reception will follow.
It will be held on Friday and Saturday, May 5th and 6th at the Italian School, 'Doro Levi Lecture Hall', from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Address: odòs Parthenonos 14, 11742, Athens.
For further informations, please contact:
Per partecipare al workshop distanza, potete scansionare il QRcode sulla locandina e ottenere il link alla piattaforma Zoom.
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στο Διεθνές Συνέδριο «Greek Pottery Between the Aegean and the Central Mediterranean in the 8th and 7th Centuries BC. Productions, styles and iconographies, functions and contexts», που διοργανώνεται σε συνεργασία με το Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού και Αθλητισμού και τη Γαλλική Σχολή Αθηνών και θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 9, 10 και 11 Μαρτίου 2023 στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων Ντόρο Λέβι, στην Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών, οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
Για να συμμετάσχετε στο Συνέδριο, με φυσική ηλεκτρονικά, παρακαλείστε να σκανάρετε το QRcode στην συνημμένη αφίσα για να λάβετε το σύνδεσμο στην πλατφόρμα Zoom.
The Italian School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the International Workshop "Greek Pottery Between the Aegean and the Central Mediterranean in the 8th and 7th Centuries BC. Productions, styles and iconographies, functions and contexts", organized in collaboration with the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sport and the French School of Athens, which will be held on March 9th, 10th and 11th, 2023, in “Doro Levi Lecture Hall”, Italian Archeological School at Athens, odòs Parthenonos 14.
To attend online, please scan the QRcode in our flyer to get the link to the Zoom platform.
ci è gradito invitarVi all’Incontro di Studi, organizzato dalla Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene e dalla Fondazione Luigi Rovati, "La stele di Kaminia, gli Etruschi e l'isola di Lemno" organizzato in occasione del prestito temporaneo della stele di Kaminia al Museo d'arte della Fondazione dal Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Atene (21 dicembre 2022 - 16 luglio 2023).
L'incontro si terrà lunedì 6 marzo 2023, alle ore 17:00, presso il Museo d'arte della Fondazione Luigi Rovati, in Corso Venezia 52, Milano.
In allegato troverete il programma dell'incontro e una brochure sull'esposizione della stele.
Vi saremmo grati se poteste confermare la Vostra presenza, possibilmente entro il 3 marzo, all'indirizzo:
Con i nostri più cordiali saluti
με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλούμε στην Ημερίδα που διοργανώνεται από την Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών και το Ίδρυμα Luigi Rovati, με θέμα: «Η Στήλη των Καμινίων, οι Ετρούσκοι και το νησί της Λήμνου», με αφορμή τον προσωρινό δανεισμό της Στήλης στο Μουσείο Τέχνης του Ιδρύματος από το Εθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Αθηνών (21 Δεκεμβρίου 2022 - 16 Ιουλίου 2023).
Η Ημερίδα θα πραγματοποιηθεί τη Δευτέρα 6 Μαρτίου 2023, στις 5 μ.μ., στο Μουσείο Τέχνης του Ιδρύματος Luigi Rovati, Corso Venezia 52, Μιλάνο.
Συνημμένα θα βρείτε το πρόγραμμα της ημερίδας και ένα φυλλάδιο για την έκθεση της στήλης.
Θα σας παρακαλούσαμε να επιβεβαιώσετε τη συμμετοχή σας, ει δυνατόν έως τις 3 Μαρτίου, στη διεύθυνση:
Με τους θερμότερους χαιρετισμούς μας
Dear All,
it is our pleasure to invite you to the Workshop organised by the Italian Archaeological School at Athens and the Luigi Rovati Foundation, "The Stele of Kaminia, the Etruscans and the Island of Lemnos", on the occasion of the temporary loan of the Stele of Kaminia, a short-term loan resulting from the collaboration between the Foundation's Art Museum and the National Archaeological Museum of Athens (21 December 2022 - 16 July 2023).
The Workshop will be held on Monday March 6th, 2023, at 5 p.m., at the Luigi Rovati Foundation Art Museum, Corso Venezia 52, Milan.
Attached you can find the programme of the Workshop and a leaflet on the exhibition of the stele.
We would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance by March 3rd by emailing to:
With our warmest regards
GREEK LANGUAGE, ITALIAN LANDSCAPE di Manuela Pellegrino (Centre for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University).
L’evento si terrà Giovedì 9 febbraio 2023 alle ore 18.00 nell’Aula Magna “Doro Levi”, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
Saluti introduttivi di Carmelo DI NICUOLO (Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene)
Manuela PELLEGRINO (Centre for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University)
Christina PETROPOULOU (Università Panteion)
L'evento sarà coordinato da Carmelo DI NICUOLO (SAIA)
Seguirà un rinfresco.
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στην παρουσίαση του βιβλίου GREEK LANGUAGE, ITALIAN LANDSCAPE, της Manuela Pellegrino (Centre for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University).
Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Πέμτη 9 Φεβορυαρίου 2023 στις 7 μ.μ. στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων "Doro Levi", οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
Εισαγωγή του Carmelo DI NICUOLO (Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών)
Manuela PELLEGRINO (Centre for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University)
Christina PETROPOULOU (Πάντειον Πανεπιστήμιο)
με συντονιστή τον Carmelo DI NICUOLO (Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών)
Θα ακολουθήσει δεξίωση
The Italian Archaeological School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the Book Launch of:
by Manuela Pellegrino (Centre for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University).
Thursday, February 9th, 2022.
"Doro Levi Lecture Hall", Parthenonos 14, Athens, at 6 p.m.
Greatings and Introduction by Carmelo DI NICUOLO (Italian Archaeological School at Athens)
Manuela PELLEGRINO (Centre for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University)
Christina PETROPOULOU (Panteion University)
The event will be coordinated by:
A reception will follow.
L’evento si terrà Martedì 24 gennaio 2023 alle ore 19.00 nell’Aula Magna “Doro Levi”, in odòs Parthenonos 14.
La conferenza potrà essere seguita anche a distanza, via Zoom. Per ricevere il collegamento, siete pregati di scrivere a:
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στην εκδήλωση της Καθ. Δρ. Dr. h. c. Έλενας Walter-Καρύδη, με τίτλο Lapide pingere. “Painting with Stone” in the Late Classical and Hellenistic mosaic.
Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Τρίτη 24 Ιανουαρίου 2023 στις 7 μ.μ. στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων "Doro Levi", οδός Παρθενώνος 14.
Η εκδήλωση μπορεί επίσης να παρακολουθηθεί εξ αποστάσεως, μέσω Zoom. Για να λάβετε τον σύνδεσμο, παρακαλούμε γράψτε μας στη ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση:
The Italian Archaeological School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the conference Lapide pingere. "Painting with Stone" in the Late Classical and Hellenistic Mosaics, held by Prof. Dr, Dr. h. c. Elena Walter-Karydi.
The event will be held on Tuesday, January 24th at 7 p.m. in the 'Doro Levi' Lecture Hall, in odòs Parthenonos 14th.
The conference can also be followed remotely, via Zoom. To receive the link, please write to:
Per partecipare al Workshop, sia in presenza sia a distanza, potete registrarvi al seguente link:
Per ulteriori informazioni, potete consultare il sito:
Η Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή Αθηνών με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στο Διεθνές Συνέδριο «Borders in 1st millennium BC Crete», που διοργανώνεται σε συνεργασία με τη Βελγική Σχολή Αθηνών και θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 20 και 21 Ιανουαρίου 2023.
Για να συμμετάσχετε στο Συνέδριο, ηλεκτρονικά ή σε ζωντανή μετάδοση, παρακαλείστε να εγγραφείτε στον ακόλουθο σύνδεσμο:
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, μπορείτε να επισκεφτείτε την ακόλουθη ιστοσελίδα:
The Italian School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the International Workshop "Borders in 1st millennium BC Crete", organized in collaboration with the Belgian School of Athens, which will be held on January 20th and 21st 2023.
To attend (online or in person), please register here:
For further information on the workshop click below:
🧑🏫 Topics presented fall within the wide-range of the Fellows’ research interests and address in particular the themes of their own projects. The talks are aimed at providing opportunity for debate and discussion. Attendance of young scholars and students is particularly encouraged. However, the talks are open to everyone interested.
📌 Up to 50 attendees will be admitted.
📌 To participate, attendees must register by filling up the following form: Google:
📌 The seminars can also be followed online, via Zoom.
Please email us about 24 hours before each appointments at:
📩 and we will send you the link to attend the lecture online.
Thank you!
Santo Privitera, The mind of an octopus. An LM IIIB ceremonial storage jar from Hagia Triada and the theoretical value of Mycenaean capacity measures
Giorgia Di Lorenzo, Italic and Central European metals found in Western Greece during the LHIIIC period: for a contextual approach
Salvatore Vitale, The Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age transition on Kos: a preliminary report on “new” and old data from the “Serraglio”, Eleona, and Langada
Eleonora Pappalardo, Un pithos tipo “officina di Afratì” dall’edificio monumentale VA/VD sulla Patela di Priniàs
Carlo De Domenico, Il Leone di Kea. Una scultura colossale di età arcaica nelle isole Cicladi
Giulio Amara, Korinthiaka akragantina. Nuove evidenze dal tempio D e vecchi dati dalla città
Federica Cordano, Le iscrizioni sulle anfore arcaiche dalla necropoli del Rifriscolaro (Camarina, RG). Scavi P. Pelagatti 1969-79
Georgios Gavalas, Giuseppe Mazzilli, Votive columns from the Archaic period on the Acropolis of Siphnos
Ralf Krumeich, Καὶ παρέστηκεν ἵππος. Pferdeführergruppen des 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. auf der Akropolis von Athen und ihr Weiterleben in der römischen Kaiserzeit
Elena Walter-Karydi, Lapide pingere: on the materiality of Late Classical and Hellenistic mosaic
Ioannis Bitis, The Temple (?) of the Goddes Basileia in Thera and its conversion into the chapel of Aghios Nikolaos Marmaritis. Architecture through history
Fabrizio Oppedisano, Ignazio Tantillo, Gli imperatori e la pecunia sacra della dea Dictynna. A proposito di alcune iscrizioni cretesi
Gaetano Arena, Istruzione e accesso alle cure mediche nell'età di Settimio Severo: potenzialità e limiti del consulto epistolare
Massimo Vitti, Γιώργος Καραδέδος, Ένα κτήριο τοπόσημο επί της οδού Εγνατία στο κέντρο της Θεσσαλονίκης
Yuri A. Marano, Skilled labour mobility and the early Byzantine building industry
Margherita Elena Pomero, Un sigillo di Anastasio vescovo di Lemno
Cecilia Luschi et alii, AskGate - studi e ricerche sull'antica città di Ashkelon 2020-23
Gianluca Mandatori, La nomina di Doro Levi alla direzione della SAIA, Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli e gli antichisti italiani
Pietro Militello et alii, Scavi della missione archeologica italiana a Festòs. Le indagini delle campagne 2021-23
Antonella Pautasso et alii, Prinias: studies and research. The Siderospilia necropolis: a preliminary report
Jacopo Bonetto et alii, Il santuario di Apollo Pythios a Gortina: nuovi dati sulle fasi protogeometriche e geometriche
Enrico Zanini, Elisabetta Giorgi, Ricerche sulle fasi tardoantiche e protobizantine del Pythion di Gortina di Creta/2
Rita Sassu, Sotiria Kiorpe, Carina Mkrtchiyan, Giulia Vannucci, Who was buried in the great Mausoleum of Gortyn? A preliminary analysis of new osteological data from the Praetorium district
Marta De Pari, Chiara Mendolia, Area dell’acropoli arcaica di Efestia (Lemno). Relazione sui risultati della campagna di prospezioni geofisiche del 2022
Riccardo Di Cesare, Germano Sarcone, Il santuario dell’acropoli arcaica di Efestia (Lemno): l’area centrale. Scavi e ricerche del 2023
Carlo De Domenico, L’area del porto orientale di Efestia (Lemno). Relazione degli scavi della quinta missione archeologica (2023)
Giuseppe Mazzilli, Architettura, spazi, funzioni: nuove osservazioni sulla basilica paleocristiana nell’area del porto orientale di Efestia
Rossana Valente, The shifting tides of the Middle Byzantine Aegean: maritime networks through the lens of the ecclesiastical complex at Hephaestia (Lemnos - Greece)
Emeri Farinetti, Panagiota Avgerinou, WeMALP (Western Megaris Archaeological Landscape Project): the 2022-2023 campaigns
Atti della Scuola 2023, Emanuele Papi
Francesco Tomasello, Festòs: fornace a ovest del piazzale I
Francesca Nani, «Una fornace minoica "a riverbero" ritrovata a Festòs». Commento a una memoria inedita di Luigi Pavan
Enrico Zanini, Elisabetta Giorgi et alii, Ricerche sulle fasi tardoantiche e protobizantine del Pythion di Gortina di Creta
Riccardo Di Cesare, Germano Sarcone, Il santuario dell'acropoli arcaica e l'abitato classico-ellenistico di Efestia (Lemno). Scavi e ricerche del 2022
Carlo De Domenico et alii, L'area del porto orientale di Efestia (Lemno). Relazione degli scavi della quarta missione archeologica (2022)
Giuseppe Mazzilli, La basilica paleocristiana presso il porto orientale di Efestia (Lemno): appunti per un'ipotesi preliminare di ricostruzione degli ordini del colonnato
Barbara Davidde Petriaggi, Stavroula Vrachionidou, Salvatore Medaglia, Theotokis Theodoulou et aliii, Italian-Greek underwater archaeological research in Lemnos. Preliminary report of the 2022 campaign
Lorenzo Campagna, Sophia Karapanou, Marco Miano, Skotoussa, la campagna di scavo 2022 nel Settore A
Giampaolo Graziadio, Salvatore Vitale, Morella Massa, Mario Benzi
Elisa Chiara Portale, Gioacchino Francesco La Torre
Massimo Frasca, Dario Palermo
Maria Antonietta Rizzo, Ilaria Symiakaki/Ιλαρία Συμιακάκη
Atti della Scuola 2022, Emanuele Papi
Ilaria Caloi, Pedestalled bowls with a central hole in Protopalatial Crete: a ritual and communal function?
Theodore Eliopoulos, A bronze decorated double axe-tool in the Kanellopoulos Museum, Athens
Germano Sarcone, Borea e Orizia sull’Acropoli di Atene: il frontone del Barbablù, le Grandi Panatenee e l’Ur-Parthenon
Paola Pelagatti, Due crateri corinzi da Camarina Rifriscolaro con vicende cimiteriali diverse: “ritual breaking” e una doppia deposizione. Enchytrismoi e antropologia
Nassi-Athanasia Malagardis, Un objet énigmatique du Musée du Louvre ou l’éloge des paradis artificiels
Jaimee P. Uhlenbrock, The votive terracottas of Sicilian Naxos. A preliminary report
Giovanni Marginesu, Serialità e modularità. Aspetti tecnici ed economici della statuaria bronzea nelle iscrizioni ateniesi d’età classica
Evgenia Vikela, Bemerkungen zu einer außergewöhnlichen Kultdarstellung. Zur Bedeutung der Arrephorie und zur Ikonographie der Arrephoren
Massimiliano Papini, Inexplicabilis multitudo: le statue in bronzo del IV-I sec. a.C.
Rosario Maria Anzalone, Furtim delineavit Halbherr. Nota intorno a ICr IV.101
Χαράλαμπος Κριτζάς, Οι επιγραφές του λεγόμενου βωμού του Θεού Υψίστου της Γορτύνος
Enrica Culasso Gastaldi, Il cippo di Hephaistia: bentornato tra noi!
Theodosia Stefanidou-Tiveriou, Hadrians Himation: Eigenart eines philhellenischen Kaisers oder Ausdrucksform einer innovativen Politik?
Francesco Sorbello, Il Colosso di Porto Rafti nel contesto dei demi di Prasiai e Steiria in età romana
Theodosia Stefanidou-Tiveriou, A portrait head of Pupienus from Thebes. Typological commitments and iconographic initiatives in imperial portraits produced by Greek workshops
Adalberto Magnelli, Drusilla Firindelli Attività edilizia a Gortina sotto l’episcopato di Vetranio: rilettura di un’iscrizione proveniente da Mavropapa
Salvatore Cosentino, Discutendo un’iscrizione di Mavropapa
Drusilla Firindelli, Un’iscrizione bizantina dalla chiesa della Metamorphosis tou Sotiros a Skandali (Lemno)
Giacomo Fadelli, Il programma anatolico di Alessandro Della Seta
Massimiliano Santi, La Scuola e la Colonia
Rachele Dubbini, La Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene nel contesto politico e culturale del conflitto italo-ellenico
David Blackman, Bartoccini and the excavation of the ancient shipsheds at Rhodes
Giacomo Fadelli L’Annuario di Alessandro Della Seta
Antonella Pautasso, Salvatore Rizza, Eleonora Pappalardo, Anno Hein, Giacomo Biondi, Rossella Gigli Patanè, Katia Perna, Valeria Guarnera, Priniàs. Scavi e ricerche nel 2021
Jacopo Bonetto, Anna Bertelli, Eliana Bridi, Edoardo Brombin, Valeria de Scarpis di Vianino, Maria Chiara Metelli, Il Santuario di Apollo Pythios a Gortina di Creta: nuovi dati e nuove considerazioni dalle ricerche del 2016 e del 2019
Enrico Zanini, Elisabetta Giorgi, Nicola Lapacciana, Luca Luppino, Jacopo Scoz, Indagini archeologiche nell'area del Quartiere Bizantino del Pythion di Gortina: settima relazione preliminare (campagne 2016-2021)
Riccardo Di Cesare, Germano Sarcone, Il santuario dell'acropoli arcaica e l'abitato classico-ellenistico di Efestia (Lemno). Scavi e ricerche del 2021
Carlo De Domenico, L'area del porto orientale di Efestia (Lemno). Scavi e ricerche del 2021
Giuseppe Mazzilli, La basilica paleocristiana presso il porto orientale di Efestia (Lemno): osservazioni preliminari sulla sua architettura
Gioacchino F. La Torre, Sophia Karapanou, Vassiliki Noula, Lorenzo Campagna, Marco Miano, Mariacristina Papale, Skotoussa, il cd. Grande Edificio del settore A: scavi 2014-2018
Emeri Farinetti, Panagiota Avgerinou, WEMALP (Western Megaris Archaeological Landscape Project): ricerche nella Megaride Occidentale 2020-2021
In memoriam
Nunzio Allegro, Antonino Di Vita dieci anni dopo
Roberto Spadea, Angelo Maria Ardovino
Pietro Giovanni Guzzo, Ettore M. De Juliis
Isabella Baldini, Raffaella Farioli Campanati
Emanuele Papi, Elisa Lissi Caronna
Luciano Canfora, Paolo Moreno
Atti della Scuola 2021
Vasiliki Eleni Dimitriou, The Athenian Acropolis in Prehistory. The Neolithic "hut": ceramic assemblage and stratigraphic evidence
Simona Todaro, "Rationalising" redistribution in the Late EBA Aegean: plain cups and the mobilization of collective labour in the EM III Mesara (Crete).
Γεωργία Αλεξοπούλου, Σοφία Κασκανδίρη, Τα μυκηναϊκά νεκροταφεία στο Βρυσάρι και το Μανέσι Καλαβρύτων: νεώτερα ανασκαφικά ευρήματα
Salvatore Vitale, Toula Marketou, Calla McNamee, Maria Michailidou, The Kos Archaeological Survey Project and the site of Ayios Panteleimon in the northeast Koan region
Athanasios Kalpaxis, Christina Tsigonaki, Nikolia Spanou, Ioannis Bitis, Of Gods and Men: continuities and disruptions in the sacred topography of the Acropolis at Eleutherna
Germano Sarcone, A flower for Nikandre. On the iconography of the first kore
Giulia Rocco, Una prothesis tra celebrazione rituale e mito: su due placchette eburnee da Sparta
Nassi-Athanasia Malgardis, Une katabasis d'Heracles sur un vase du Louvre
Annalisa Lo Monaco, Recinti nei recinti: temene, phragmata e periboli nei santuari in Grecia
Giovanni Marginesu, Manutenzione delle "macchine" e manualità dell'architetto nella Grecia antica. Note epigrafiche
Giuseppe Rignanese, Un capitello ionico nel British Museum. Modelli, forma e contesto
Dario Anelli, ΘΕΟΙΣ ΛΑΒΕ. Appunti per lo studio di una particolare classe di thymiateria di produzione cnidia
Benedetta Adembri, Luca Cipriani, Filippo Fantini, Prime riflessioni sulla sala ottagonale delle Piccole Terme di Villa Adriana alla luce dei recenti restauri
Giuseppe Mazzilli, Da Atene a Berlino e viceversa: su un capitello ionico del tipo "Eretteo" presso l'Antikensammlung
Paolo Baronio, Capitelli corinzi a Kos tra V e VI secolo d.C.
Manolis Petrakis, More Erechteian echoes and the Temple of Apollo Patroos
Nadia Coutsinas, Marianna Katifori, Konstantinos Roussos, Athanasios Argyriou, The settlement patterns of the Praisos region (East Crete) from the Classical to the Venetian periods, as revealed through the SettleInEastCrete program
Elisabetta Giorgi, Gestire l'acqua, costruire il paesaggio. L'impatto ecologico dell'acquedotto romano bizantino di Gortina sull'ambiente naturale e l'insediamento umano
Carmelo Di Nicuolo, Le ricerche di Domenico Valentino Zancani nel territorio di Ialysos (Rodi)
Local responses to the roman impact on the greek landscape
Emeri Farinetti, Local responses to the roman impact on the Greek landscape. An introduction
Vasilis Evangelidis, The impact of Rome on the landscapes of Aegean Thrace: an archaeological approach
Sophia Karapanou, Gioacchino Francesco La Torre, Skotoussa after the battle of Kynoskephalai (197 BC)
Philip Bes, Patrick Monsieur, Jeroen Poblome, A rising tide lifts all boats? Republican and Roman Imperial Italian pottery in Boeotia and the Central Greek landscape
Kalomira Mataranga, Kephallenia: the "mysterious island" of the Ionian Sea between East and West
Amedeo Rossi, Phaistos and the Western Messara in the Roman Age: the agrarian land-use
David Gilman Romano, Some considerations of the land between Corinth and Sykion during the II and I centuries BC
Yannis Lolos, Sykion during the "interim period" and the Early Roman era: literary tradition and material record
Kyriakos Loulakoudis, Archaeological evidence for wine and oil production in agricultural complexes of Southern Greece in the Roman period
Michalis Karambinis, Urban developments in Roman Greece: an overview
Salvatore Vitale, Aleydis Van de Moortel, The Late Helladic IIIB phase at Mitrou, East Lokris: pottery, chronology, and political relations with the palatial polities of Thebes and Orchomenos / Glas
Luca Bombardieri, The Necropoli a mare reloaded. Fifty years after the Italian Archaeological Project at Late Bronze Age Ayia Irini, Cyprus
Angelo Bottini, In search of the origins of Metapontion: the tombs of Fondo Giacovelli
Riccardo Di Cesare, «Gli interi colonnati». Un’ipotesi per l’iscrizione dell’Apollonion di Siracusa
Vincenzo Bellelli, Et numquam ad vastas irrita tela feras (Prop. El. IX.40). Eracle saettante in Grecia, Magna Grecia ed Etruria
Jérémy Lamaze, Nourrir les dieux par inhalation. La fumée sacrificielle en Grèce ancienne comme mode de communication entre les hommes et les puissances divines
Pieter Heesen, Stories to be told: unknown Athenian little-master cups in the National Archaeological Museum of Florence
Mario Iozzo, Un coperchio “calcidese” riguadagnato e il duello fra xiphephoroi e doryphoroi
Francesca Mermati, Note sul ruolo dell’isola di Capri nel commercio mediterraneo di età arcaica: un’anfora laconica dalla collezione Cerio e altri disiecta membra
Giovanni Marginesu, Note sui fattori di rischio nei cantieri edilizi d’età classica
Daria Russo, Assemblee sull’Acropoli di Atene: dati e riflessioni
Maria Chiara Monaco, Il cd. Pompeion del Ceramico: un ginnasio efebico e le lampadedromie
Andreas G. Vordos, Red figured krater with torch race scene from Aigion, Achaea
Marco Tentori Montalto, Storia e diplomazia di Mylasa (fine del III – metà del II sec. a.C.). Il problema dei decreti Rigsby 1996, NN. 187-209 in relazione ai decreti di asylia di Teos
Luca Di Franco, Una statua medio-ellenistica da Taranto: iconografia, modelli e diffusione del Dioniso tipo Hope e di Artemide Bendis
Gianfranco Adornato, Worshipping Priapos: Erotes and Psychai in Dionysian imagery. Iconographic notes on the ivory veneers from Villa dei Papiri, Herculaneum
Luigi Taborelli, Silvia Maria Marengo, La micropisside ceramica “deux fois tronconique”: gli esemplari con iscrizione
Paolo Storchi, Alcune considerazioni sui giochi gladiatori nel mondo greco e la proposta dell’identificazione dell’anfiteatro della Colonia Pellensis
Michalis Petropoulos, Antonella Pansini, The Roman stadium of Patras: excavations, analysis and reconstruction
Niccolò Cecconi, Lo Stadio Panatenaico
Luca Salvaggio, Un “pilastro” marmoreo iscritto dalle pendici settentrionali dell’Acropoli di Atene (IG II/III2 13210). Una nuova ricostruzione
Orazio Licandro, La Constitutio Antoniniana del 212 d.C. e il paradigma urbano. Una “diversa” lettura di P Gissen 40.I
Κατερίνα Μανούσου-Ντέλλα, Νέα στοιχεία πολεοδομικής ανάλυσης της πόλης της Ρόδου κατά την ύστερη αρχαιότητα
Eleni Kolaiti, Palaeoshoreline reconstruction of Agios Vlassis Bay (ancient Epidaurus, East Peloponnese, Greece)
Scavi e ricerche
Germano Sarcone, La ceramica G2-3 a Lemno. Nuovi dati e problemi
Carlo De Domenico, La prima esplorazione italiana dell’isola di Lemno (1923)
Giacomo Fadelli, L’Artemision di Afratì (Creta centro-meridionale): le indagini di Gaetano De Sanctis
In memoriam
Marcella Frangipane, Enrica Fiandra
Atti della Scuola: 2020 (E. Papi)
Ilaria Caloi, Breaking with tradition? The adoption of the wheel-throwing technique at Protopalatial Phaistos: combining macroscopic analysis, experimental archaeology and contextual information
Elisabetta Borgna, Gaspare De Angeli, Ordinary people in the flow of history. Tomb 6 from the Trapeza cemetery, Aigion, and the Mycenaeans in Eastern Achaea
Manolis I. Stefanakis, Evidence and some speculations on Bronze Age presence at wider area of Kymissala, Rhodes
Germano Sarcone, Statue arcaiche in terracotta da Efestia (Lemno)
Paolo Persano, L'amazzone tardo-arcaica dagli Horti Sallustiani: riesame di una scultura greca a Roma
Federico Figura, Il destino di un vaso. La lekanis del Pittore di Berlino, dalla bottega al Persephoneion locrese
Tommaso Serafini, Telesterion: contributo alla definizione di una tipologia architettonica e funzionale
Barbara Carè, Bones of bronze: new observations on the astragalus bone metal replicas
Paolo Storchi, Ricerche sull'urbanistica dell'antica Calcide
Paolo Carafa, Paesaggi di Magna Grecia
Anna Anguissola, Sara Lenzi, La policromia degli elementi non figurati nella scultura greca e romana. Proposte per uno studio del colore di puntelli, sfondi, basi
Filippo Coarelli, Tessalonica, Segni e il culto isiaco
Jessica Piccinini, The Roman Agora of Apollonia in Illyria: a space for the imperial cult
Antonella Merletto, The forica of Kos in the peristyle typology of Roman public toilets
Niccolò Cecconi, L'edificio di od. Misaraliotou ad Atene e il suo contesto urbano
Simona Antolini, Silvia Maria Marengo, Yuri A. Marano, Roberto Perna, Luan Përzhita, La prima attestazione del culto dei santi Cosma e Damiano nell'Epirus Vetus dagli scavi della fortificazione di Palokastra (Valle del Drino, Albania)
Maria Cecilia D'Ercole, Measures, prices and values of salt in ancient societies
Massimiliano Santi, La Scuola e il Possedimento
Giacomo Fadelli, L'esplorazione dell'isola di Gavdos di Antonio Maria Colini e Doro Levi (agosto 1925)
In ricordo di Dina Peppa Delmouzou
Giovanni Marginesu, Segreti di bottega e trasparenza amministrativa. Il caso della fusione del bronzo nell'Attica classica
Daniela Marchiandi, Ancora sul peribolo di Menyllos ovvero la microstoria di una famiglia di Halai Aixonides
Enrica Culasso Gastaldi, Kabirion di Lemnos: le iscrizioni rinvenute nell'Esedra e nel quartiere tardo-romano
Manuela Mari, Un regno e le sue "capitali". Frammenti della storia di Anfipoli in età ellenistica
Adalberto Magnelli, Per una ipotesi di rilettura dell'accordo fra Gortina e Festo, ICr iV 165 (240-222 a.C.)
Francesco Camia, Sacrificare agli imperatori: una dedica su altare a Settimio Severo da Filippi (CIPh II.1, N.24)
Scavi e ricerche
Eleonora Pappalardo, Urne figurate da Priniàs (Creta). Il "Protogeometrico B" tra Dark Age e alto arcaismo
Riccardo Di Cesare, Il santuario arcaico dell'acropoli di Efestia (Lemno): l'Edificio con stipe. Seconda relazione preliminare (scavi 2019)
Carlo De Domenico, Dario Anelli, Rossana Valente, La basilica del porto orientale di Efestia (Lemno). Relazione preliminare delle ricerche del 2019
Rossella Pansini, Luca Passalacqua, Le cave orientali di Efestia (Lemno). Relazione delle attività del 2019
Ilaria Trafficante, Il teatro di Efestia (Lemno): scavi 1937 e 1939
Barbara Davidde Petriaggi, Panagiota Galiatsatou, Salvatore Medaglia, The submerged "Villa of the dolia" near ancient Epidaurus. The preliminary results of the first excavation and conservation campaign
Panagiota Galiatsatou, Barbara Davidde Petriaggi, Angelos Tsompanidis, The 2018 underwater survey in Hormos Agiou Vlassi (ancient Epidaurus): preliminary results
Emeri Farinetti, Panagiota Avgerinou, Ricerche nella Megaride occidentale
Atti della Scuola: 2019 (E. Papi)
G. Sarcone, Un grande tripode con Gorgone dall’Acropoli di Atene
M. Iozzo, Un’anfora dimenticata: note di iconografia e problemi epigrafici
A. F. Ferrandes, Storie di migranti. Nuovi dati sulla presenza di maestranze straniere a Roma e sul rinnovamento della cultura materiale medio-tirrenica nella prima metà del IV sec. a.C.
P. Storchi, Ipotesi di riconoscimento dei teatri di Pella e della Colonia Pellensis mediante immagini telerilevate
L. Taborelli, S. M. Marengo, Microcontenitori per il λύκιον in area greca. Esemplari smarriti, discussi e trovati
E. Rinaldi, Instrumenta publica dai contesti urbani epiroti di età ellenistica
A. Rossi, Paesaggi della Messarà occidentale tra l’età tardo-ellenistica e l’età romana: topografia, analisi archeomorfologica e nuove prospettive di ricerca
D. Anelli, Il culto dei Lari in Grecia
D. Kosmopoulos, Kos, “santuario del porto”. Analisi architettonica e relazioni tra diversi linguaggi stilistici
N. Cecconi, Sectilia pavimenta e lastricati marmorei di Atene
S. Pafumi, Sculture del teatro romano di Catania: grandi tazze marmoree con fregio figurato
L. Kosmopoulos, Il Monopteros dell’Agora di Atene: revisione stilistica e cronologica dei frammenti architettonici
A. Ottati, Considerazioni su sigle e tracciati di cantiere nella Biblioteca di Adriano ad Atene
P. Vitti, Il ninfeo adrianeo di Argo
P. Fileri, Colonne palmiformi nella Grecia romana
S. Leone, Dreizehnmal Ti. Claudius Atticus Herodes und Vibullia Alcia? Visuelle Präsenz einer prominenten Familie im kaiserzeitlichen Athen
M. Galli, Nota sulle dimore di Erode Attico ad Atene
Y. Marano, Taxpayers and sinners: una nota su IG XII 62 1266
R. Valente, Amphorae in Early and Middle Byzantine Corinth: continuity and changes
R. Graells i Fabregat, Sobre el nacimiento de los estudios de armas defensivas antiguas griegas como disciplina arqueológica
G. Fadelli, Federico Halbherr a Creta e l’esplorazione delle regioni di Mylopotamos e Amari (1894)
S. Struffolino, Federico Halbherr e la topografia della Cirenaica antica. Documenti inediti dagli archivi della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene e dell’Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati
Ν. Σακκά, Οι ανασκαφές της Ιταλικής Σχολής Αθηνών στη Ρωμαϊκή Αγορά και τη Βιβλιοθήκη του Αδριανού (1941-1943)
Scavi e ricerche
E. Brombin, F. G. Cavallero, Il quartiere a sud dell’Acropoli di Atene. Analisi e ricostruzione di un paesaggio urbano
A. Pautasso, «...the result can be bold and startling». Crateri figurati d’età geometrica dalla necropoli di Siderospilia (Priniàs)
N. Allegro, E. C. Portale, Gortina. Nuovi dati dagli scavi dell’insediamento di Profitis Ilias
L. M. Caliò, A. M. Jaia, R. Sassu, L’area monumentale settentrionale nella zona del Pretorio di Gortina. Gli scavi a est del ninfeo. Nota preliminare
R. Di Cesare, Il santuario arcaico dell’acropoli di Efestia (Lemno): l’Edificio con stipe. Relazione preliminare (scavi 2018)
C. De Domenico, La basilica del porto di Efestia (Lemno). Relazione preliminare delle ricerche del 2018
M. Ch. Monaco, Il Cabirio di Lemno – Scavi 1937-1939. I. L’esedra e il quartiere tardo-romano tra le due terrazze
P. Ralli, La decorazione pavimentale della chiesa di Hagios Christophoros a Pallantion (Arcadia)
In memoriam
E. Ghisellini, AntonioGiuliano
G. Rocco, Enzo Lippolis
E. Papi, 18 settembre 1938
Atti della Scuola: 2018 (E. Papi)
D. Marchiandi, Riflessioni in merito allo statuto giuridico di Lemno nel V secolo a.C. La ragnatela bibliografica e l'evidenza archeologica: un dialogo possibile?
G. Marginesu, Spoglio, reimpiego e vendita di materiali architettonici. Spigolature epigrafiche ateniesi
C. Lasagni, IG II2 958 e la στοὰ τοῦ Ῥωμαίου
G. Baldacci, La doppia ascia decorata con farfalle da Festòs
J. Zurbach, Question foncière et départs coloniaux. À propos des apoikiai archaïques
G. Aversa, D'un point de vue à un autre... et retour
E. Farinetti, Fluctuating landscapes: the case of the copais basin in ancient Boeotia
Traverso et al. Risultati preiminari di analisi archeobotaniche su campioni provenienti da Poliochni (Lemnos)
C. Cardete, De friefos a siciliotas. La dimensiòs étnica del Congreso de Gela
G. Falezza, "..Ne quid sacro in loco violaretur" (Liv. 44.7.2). I santuario di Dion nel passaggio tra l'età greca e l'età romana
L. Mercuri, Contributi allo studio degli spazi pubblici delii: l'agora di Teofrasto
P. Vitti, Argo, la copertura ad intercapedine della grande aula: osservazioni sul sistema costruttivo della volta
A. Taddei, I monumenti protobizantini dell'acropoli di Amphipolis
B. Montecchi, Note d'analisi testuale delle tavolette in Lineare A di Haghia Triada
L. Gasparri, Kouroi "vestiti" fra vasi configurati e figurine ionico-arcaiche
Α. Γκαδόλου, Ομάδα ταφικών πίθων από ένα νεκροταφείο γεωμετρικών χρόνων στην Τράπεζα Αιγίου
M.A. Rizzo, I sigilli del 'Gruppo del suonatore di lira' dalla stipe dell'Athenaion di Jalysos
B. Montecchi, Alcune riflessioni sugli ἀνδρεῖα e sulle ἀγέλαι cretesi
L. Beschi, Importazioni di ceramica arcaica a Lemno
A. Antonucci, Frustulo iscritto di età arcaica dal quartiere del Pythion di Gortina
St. Gallotta, Teres, sovrano Odrisio
M. Trabucco, Un edificio scomparso nella fontana Arsinòe di Messene?
E. Κόλια, Τοπογραφία της Βούρας και της χὠρας της: νεότερες έρευνες
G. Bevilacqua - F. Ferrandini Troisi, Due amuleti funerari dalla necropoli occidentale di Egnazia
C. Tsigonaki, Le villes crétoises aux VIIe et VIIIe siècles: l'apport des recherches archéologiques à Eleutherna
V. Meirano, Claude Rolley, un ricordo
I. Caloi, La ceramica fine del MM IIA di Festòs
V. Lenuzza, Il periodo tardo-prepalaziale a Festòs: una nuova lettura del saggio Levi sotto il Piazzale LXX
M.G. Tofi, La coppia e la famiglia nell'iconografia funeraria della Licia arcaica e classica
A. D'Amico, Le Terme dell'Olympieion di Atene
V. Di Napoli, Appendice - Le sculture provenienti dalla zona delle Terme a N dell'Olympieion
A. Babbi, Πάρε το ύπνο το παιδί, cullando gli dei sull'isola dalle cento città all'alba dell'età storica. Note a margine di M. Prent, Cretan Sanctuaries and Cults. Continuity and Change from Late Minoan IIIC to the Archaic Period, (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World 154), Brill editore, Leiden-Boston, 2005
S. Di Tonto, N. Momigliano (a cura di), Knossos Pottery Handbook. Neolithic and Bronze Age (Minoan), (ESA Studies 14), London 2007
V. La Rosa, M.R. Cataudella - A. Greco - G. Mariotta (a cura di), Gli storici e la lineare B cinquant'anni dopo (Firenze 24-25 novembre 2003), (Acta Sileni I), S.A.R.G.O.N. Editrice e Libreria, Padova 2006
S. Vitale, E.B. French-W.D. Taylour, The Service Areas of the Cult Centre. Well Built Mycenae, The Helleno-British excavations within the Citadel Area at Mycenae, 1959-1969 (Fascicule 13), Oxbow Books, Oxford 2007
S. Privitera, S.E. Iakovidis, The Mycenaean Acropolis ofAthens, (The Archaeological Society at Athens Library 206), Athens 2006
M. Saporiti, G.V. Lalonde, Horos Dios (Ηόρος Διός). An Athenian shrine and cult of Zeus, (Monumenta Graeca et Romana, 11), Brill editore, Leiden/Boston 2006
C. Lucchese, U. Knigge, Der Bau Z. Kerameikos. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen, XVII, ed. Hirmer, Muenchen, 2005
H. Matthaeus, F. Sciacca, Patere baccellate in bronzo. Oriente, Grecia, ltalia in età orientalizzante, (Studia Archaeologica 139), "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, Roma 2005
G. Marginesu, R.S. Stroud, The Athenian Empire on Stone, David M. Lewis Memorial Lecture, Oxford 2006; Elleniki Epigraphiki Etaireia, Athinai 2006
L. Botarelli, C. Abadie-Reynal, La céramique romaine de Argos (fin du II siècle avant J-C. - fìn du IV' siècle après J-C.), (ÉtPél XIII), Athènes 2007
V. La Rosa, Considerazion sull'area ad W del c.d. Bastione di Haghia Triada
D. Francisci - M. Bressan, Gortyna (Creta). Lo scavo 2006 presso il teatro del Pythion
E. Zanini - E. Giorgi - E. Vattimo, Indagini archeologiche nell'area del Quartiere Bizantino del Pythion di Gortyna: quarta relazione preliminare (campagne 2005-2006)
R. Farioli Campanati - E. Borboudakis, Basilica di Mitropolis. Scavi 2006
M. Ricciardi - E. Borboudakis, Scavi alla Rotonda di Mitropolis. Notizie Preliminari
M. Petropoulos - A. Pontrandolfo - A.D. Rizakis, Quinta campagna di ricognizioni archeologiche in Egialea (settembre/ottobre 2006)
E. Greco et alii, Hephaestia 2006
E. Greco - S. Luppino et alii, Sibari 2006. Campagna di scavo a Casa Bianca
Studi Ateniesi
C. Carusi, Alcune considerazioni sulle syngraphai ateniesi del V e del IV secolo a.C.
E. Lippolis, Lo spazio per votare e altre note di topografia sulle agorai di Atene
A. Borlenghi, La "Dexameni" dell'acquedotto romano di Atene: elementi e riflessioni per una nuova indagine
D. Marchiandi, Tombe di filosofi e sacrari della filosofia nell'Atene tardo-antica: Proclo e Socrate nella testimonianza di Marino di Neapolis
F. Buscemi, "Pian d'Athènes avec ses monuments restaurés": un inedito di Sebastiano lttar
B. Montecchi, Santuari micenei e produzione artigianale: i casi di Pilo, Micene, Tirinto e Dimini
V. Bellelli - M. Cultraro, Leoncino etrusco da Kavala
A. Perfetti, La ceramica di Naxos dall'VIII al VII secolo a.C.
L. Beschi, Plastica lemnia arcaica: monumenti e problemi
S. Savelli, La Vergine e l'Epinetron: la tomba 44 della necropoli di età classica ad Efestia (Lemno)
G. Marginesu, Prestigio dello scriba e autenticità dello scritto: il caso di Spensithios
M.T. Granese, Culto e pratiche rituali nel santuario arcaico di Francavilla Marittima (Sibari - CS)
F. Cordano, A Project of Greek Colonisation from Sicily to Etruria?
G. Bagnasco Gianni, A Project of Greek Colonisation from Sicily to Etruria? The Role of Tarquinia
M.C. Lentini, Naxos of Sicily: The First Colonial Settlement
E. Culasso Gastaldi, Lemnos: i cippi di garanzia
M.W. Baldwin Bowsky, Highways and Byways of Roman Hierapytna (Crete): Four New Claudian Road lnscriptions
K. Bairami - A. Katsioti, Funerary Monuments of Late Roman and Early Christian Period from Nisyros
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Dissertazioni di diploma
L. Girella, Ceramica da cucina dal sito di Haghia Triada. Rapporto preliminare da un deposito ceramico del MM III
G. Camponetti, Atene nel periodo della Pace di Nicia. Politica e scelte programmatiche nell'edilizia e nella cultura figurativa
C. Lucchese, Statuette teatrali e riti di passaggio. I contesti di Atene
D. Marchiandi, Abitare a Sud dell'Acropoli. Riflessioni a margine di M.S. Brouskari, Οι ανασκαφές νοτίως της Ακροπόλεως. Τα γλυπτά, (ArchEph 141, 2002), εν Αθήναις 2004 e di S. Eleutheratou (a cura di), Το Μουσείο καί η Ανασκαφή. Ευρήματα από τον χώρο ανεγέρεης του μουσείου της Ακρόπολης. Αθήνα 2006
L. Mercuri, Rivisitazioni riletture citazioni: la stratificazione interpretativa della terrazza di Attalo a Delfi
I. Caloi, D. Lefèvre-Novaro, Osservazioni sulle dinamiche insediamentali della Messara Occidentale. A proposito di L.V. Watrous - D. Hadzi-Vallianou - H. Blitzer (a cura di). The Plain of Phaistos. Cycles of Social Complexity in the Mesara Region of Crete, (Monumenta Archaeologica 23), Los Angeles 2004
M.Ch. Monaco, A. Rouveret - S. Dubel -V. Nass (a cura di), Couleurs et matières dans l'Antiquité: textes, techniques et pratiques, Paris 2006
G.L. Grassigli, M.L. Catoni, Schemata. Comunicazione non verbale nella Grecia antica, Pisa 2005
E. Pala, R. Panvini, Le ceramiche attiche figurate del museo archeologico di Caltanissetta, Bari 2005
C. Miedico, B. Schmidt-Dounas, Geschenke erhalten die Freundschaft. Politik und Selbstdarstellung im Spiegel der Monumente. Berlin (Akademie Verlag), 2000
I. Baldassarre, G.S. Dontas, Les portraits attiques au Musèe de l'Acropole, Corpus Signorum Imperii romani - Corpus des sculptures du monde romain, Volume I, fascicule I, Athènes 2004
A. Borlenghi, F. Tomasello, Fontane e ninfei minori di Leptis Magna, (Monografie di Archeologica Libica XXVII), Roma 2005
P. Vitti, Lynne C. Lancaster, Concrete Vaulted Constructions in Imperial Rome. Innovations in Context, Cambridge University Press 2005
Scavi e ricerche
S. Anastasio, La missione archeologica italiana in Mesopotamia del 1933 e lo scavo di Kilizu (Qasr Shamamuk, Iraq): i materiali conservati a Firenze
G. Rizza et alii, Priniàs. Scavi e ricerce degli anni 2004 e 2005
E. Lippolis, Il tempio del Caput Aquae a Gortyna e il tessuto urbano circostante: campagna di scavo 2005
F. Ghedini, J. Bonetto, Gortyna. Lo scavo 2005 presso il teatro del Pythion
R. Farioli Campanati, M. Bourboudakis, Basilica di Mitropolis. Scavi 2005
M. Petropoulos, A. Pontrandolfo, A.D. Rizakis, Quarta campagna di ricognizioni archeologiche in Egialea (settembre-ottobre 2005)
S. Santoro et alii, L'anfiteatro romano di Durazzo. Studi e scavi 2004-2005
S. De Maria, Ricerche e scavi archeologici a Phoinike (Epiro)
L. Beschi, Saggi di scavo (1977-1984) nel Santuario arcaico di Efestia
M. Massa, Un pozzo tardo-antico nell'area santuariale di Efestia
E. Greco, E. Papi et alii, Hephaestia 2005
E. Greco, S. Luppino, Sibari 2005. Campagna di scavo a Casa Bianca settembre-dicembre et alii
I. Caloi, Il vano β e il MM IB ad Haghia Fotinì di Festòs
V. Adrimi Sismani, L. Godart, Les Inscriptions en Linéaire B de Dimini / Iolkos et leur contexte archéologique
S. Vitale, L'insediamento di "Serraglio" durante il Tardo Bronzo
L. Beschi, Culto e riserva delle acque nel Santuario arcaico di Efestia
F. Mallegni, Lo scheletro umano rinvenuto durante gli scavi del pozzo C del santuario di Efestia
J. Pollini, A Bronze Gorgon Handle Ornament of the Ripe Archaic Greek Period
L. Danile, Le coppe "da parata" con decorazione figurata sotto il piede: un nuovo esemplare da Himera
F. Copani, Paesaggio ed organizzazione del territorio nella colonia siracusana di Eloro
O. Palagia, A New Interpretation of Menander's Image by Kephisodotos II and Timarchos
A. Celani, Scultura dell'Ellenismo. Problemi di metodo
A. Baudini, Pausania - La Descrizione dell'Ellade come fonte di informazione sull'età romana in Greci
Dissertazioni di diploma
S. Di Tonto, Considerazioni preliminari sulla ceramica neolitica dei recenti scavi di Festòs
S. Privitera, Pregare insieme, libare da soli: i vasi capovolti tra rituale individuale e comunitario nella Creta minoica
E. Santaniello, Produzione ceramica a Gortina tra età orientalizzante e arcaica. I rinvenimenti dell'Oikopedo SAIA
F. Camia, L'intervento di Roma nella controversia territoriale tra Sparta e Megalopoli (163 a.C.)
M.Ch. Monaco, La colmata persiana: appunti sull'esistenza e la definizione di un fantasma. Riflessioni su M. Steskal, Der Zerstoerungsbefund 480/79 der Athener Akropolis. Eine Fallstudie zum Etablierten Chronologiegerüst, Hamburg 2004
D. Marchiandi, Riflessioni sui santuario delle Ninfe e di Pan nell'Attica classica. A proposito di G. Schoerner - H.R. Goette, Die Pan-Grotte von Vari. Mit epigraphischen Anmerkungen von K. Hallof, (Band 1), Philipp von Zabern, Mainz am Rhein 2004
L. Mercuri, E. Soccal, Immagini e potere. Note di scultura pergamenta attraverso nuovi studi e proposte intepretative
F. Longo, A. Santoriello, Ricognizioni archeologiche di superficie in Peloponneso. A proposito dell'Asea Survey Project (AVS), in J. Forsén-B. Forsén, the Asea Valley Survey. An Arcadian Mountain Valley from the Paleolithic Period until Modern Times, (Acta Instituti Atheniensis Regni Sueciae, Series in 4°, LI), Paul Åströms Förlag, Stockholm, 2003
G. Graziadio, L. Steel, Cyprus before History. From the Earliest Settlers to the End of the Bronze Age, Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., Londra 2004
R. Di Cesare, A. Schnapp Gourbeillon, Aux origines de la Grèce. XIIIe-VIIIe siècles avant notre ère. La genèse du politique, Les Belles Lettres, Paris 2002
G. Aversa, I colori del bianco. Policromia nella scultura antica, Musei Vaticani, Collana di Studi e Documentazione I, De Luca Editori d'Arte, Roma 2004
G. Bejor, A. Bammer - U. Muss, Der Altar des Artemisions von Ephesos, unter mitarbeit vom Buyukkolanci M., Forschungen in Ephesos XII/2, Verlag der Oesterreichiscen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 2001
S. Foresta, Th. Mavrogiannis, Aeneas und Euander: Mythische Vergangenheit und Politik im Rom vom 6. Jh. v. Chr. bis zur Zeit des Augustus, (Pubblicazioni dell'Università degli Studi di Perugia), Napoli 2003
M. Pedrina, C. Servadei, La figura di Theseus nella ceramica attica. Iconografia e iconologia del mito dell'Atene arcaica e classica (Studi e Scavi n.s. 9), Ante Quem, Bologna 2005
A. Pontrandolfo, V. Sabetai, Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Greece 6. Thebes I, (Union Académique Internationale), Research Centre for Antiquity. The Academy of Athens, Athens 2001
F. Longo, A. Bottini, E. Setari, La necropoli italica di Braida di Vaglio in Basilicata. Materiali dallo scavo del 1994, con una appendice di Mario Torelli e Luciano Agostiniani, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Monumenti Antichi Serie Miscellanea - Volume VII - LX della serie generale), Giorgio Bretschneider Editore, Roma 2003
V. Di Napoli, Θ. Παπαθανασόπουλος, Το Τρόπαιο, Ερμής editore, Atene 2003
A. Lo Monaco, M.B. Savo, Culti, Sacerdozi e Feste delle Cicladi dall'età arcaica all'età romana I. Io, Nasso, Sifno, Serifo, Citno, Siro (Ricerche di Filologia, Letteratura e Storia, 2), Ed. Tored, Roma 2004
C. Malacrino, A Oikonomou-Laniado, Argos Paléochretienne. Contribution à l'étude du Péloponnèse Byzantin, (BAR International Series 1173), Oxford 2003
Scavi e ricerche
V. La Rosa, I saggi della campagna 2004 a Festòs
A. Di Vita, Gortyna Odeion: saggi di scavo 2004
G. Bejor, Gortyna. Campagna 2004. Le ricerche dell'Università di Milano nell'area a Sud del Pretorio
J. Bonetto, Gortyna. Lo scavo 2004 presso il teatro del Pythion
E. Zanini, Indagini archeologiche nell'area del quartiere bizantino del Pythion di Gortyna: terza relazione preliminare (campagna 2004)
R. Farioli Campanati, M. Borboudakis, Basilica di Mitropolis
M. Petropoulos, A. Pontrandolfo, A.D. Rizakis, Terza campagna di ricognizioni archeologiche in Egialea (ottobre 2004)
E. Greco et alii, Hephaestia 2004
E. Greco, S. Luppino et alii, Sibari 2004
Pubblicazioni ricevute
Studi Ateniesi
M. Valdés Guìa, La inauguraciòn del ágora del Cerámico: una perspectiva històrica
V. Consoli, Atena Ergane. Sorgere di un culto sull'acropoli di Atene
L. Mercuri, Programmi pergameni ad Atene: la stoa di Eumene
M.E. Micheli, I rilievi a tre figure: dalla redazione romana al monumento greco
E. Borgna, P. Càssola Guida, Note sui modi e sulla natura dello scambio tra Italia peninsulare e mondo egeo alla fine dell'età del bronzo
F. Aversa, Tra iconografia e storia: Τάρας e Πύλιος su un'anfora tardo-corinzia
S. Batino, Θόλος, Περιφερές Οἰκοδόμημα. Considerazioni su "Rundbau" e "Rechteckbau" nel Kabirion tebano
M.G. Tofi, I santuari del Potters' Quarter di Corinto
L. Beschi et alii, Il Telesterio ellenistico del Cabirio di Lemno
A. Corso, Il sostrato storico-politico dell'Afrodite Cnidia
A. Santoriello, Acaia Survey Project: le ragioni di un metodo
Dissertazioni di diploma
S. Todaro, Il deposito AM I del piazzale dei Sacelli di Haghia Triada: i modellini architettonici
D. Puglisi, Il Bastione Tardo Minoici I ad Haghia Triada: nuove osservazioni su cronologia e funzione
M. E. Alberti, I sistemi ponderali dell'Egeo nell'età del bronzo. Studi, storia, pratica e contatti
I. Ferrari, Il Tempio B di Kommòs tra continuità e rifunzionalizzazione
R. Di Cesare, Il significato delle korai e altre note sulla scultura votiva dell'Acropoli di Atene
E. Santaniello, N. Kourou, Corpus vasorum antiquorum, Athens, National Museum no. 5, Greece no. 8, Attic and Atticizing Amphorae of the Protogeometric and Geometric Periods, Athens 2002
H. Matthäus, W. Johannowsky, Il santuario sull'acropoli di Gortina II (Monografie della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente XVI), Atene 2002
E. Greco, R. Étienne, Athènes, espaces urbains et histoire. Des origines à la fin du siècle ap. J.-P., Paris 2004
G. Marginesu, Annotazioni sopra una recente storia di Atene arcaica e classica. A proposito di A. Queyrel, Athènes. La cité archaïque et classique, Édition Picard, Paris 2003
M.Ch. Monaco, J. Papadopoulos, Ceramicus Redivivus. The Early Iron Age Potters' Field in the Area of the Classical Athenian Agora, Hesperia Suppl. 31, Princeton 2003
R. Di Cesare, Wolf-DIetrich Niemeier, Der Kuros vom Heiligen Tor. Überraschende Neufunde archaischer Skulptur im Kerameikos in Athen, Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz am Rhein 2002
R. Di Cesare, L'Aropole d'Athènes. Monuments, cultes et histoire du sanctuaire d'Athèna Polias, éditions A. et J. Picard, Paris 2003
S. Barresi, M. Baggio, I gesti della seduzione. Tracce di comunicazione non-verbale nella ceramica greca tra VI e IV sec. a.C., "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, Roma 2004
R. Di Cesare, V. Franciosi, Il "Doriforo" di Policleto. Prefazione di P.G. Themelis, Napoli 2003
A. Polosa, M. Oeconomides, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Grèce 3. Musée Numismatique d'Athènes. Collection Antoine Christomanos. Première partie: Italie-Eubée, Athènes 2004
C.G. Malacrino, E. De Miro, Agrigento. II. I santuario extraurbani: l'Asklepieion, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2003
Scavi e ricerche
V. La Rosa, La fascia subito a Nord del cd. Muraglione a denti ad Haghia Triada. Vecchi scavi e nuove acquisizioni
M. Civitillo, B. Greco, Il complesso protopalaziale di Apodoulou Amariou: riflessioni preliminari
A. L. D'Agata, N. Karamaliki, Campagna di scavo 2003 a Thronos/Kephala (Creta)
G. Rizza et alii, Priniàs. Scavi degli anni 2002 e 2003
G. Bejor, G. Sena Chiesa, Gortyna (Creta). Campagna 2002. I lavori sull'acropoli
G. Bejor, G. Sena Chiesa, Gortyna (Creta). Campagna 2003. Le Ricerche dell'Università di Milano a Sud del Pretorio
G. Fabrini, E. Lippolis, G. Rocco, M. Livadiotti, Gortyna di Creta: scavi nella zona del Pretorio
J. Bonetto, F. Ghedini, Gortyna (Creta). Scavo del teatro del Pythion-Campagna 2003
E. Zanini, E. Giorgi, Indagini nell'area del "Quartiere Bizantino" di Gortyna: seconda relazione preliminare (campagna 2003)
M. Petropoulos, A. Pontrandolfo, A.D. Rizakis, Seconda campagna di ricognizioni in Egialea (aprile-maggio / settembre / ottobre 2003)
L. Beschi, Il primitivo Telesterio del Cabirio di Lemno (campagne di scavo 1990-1991) con Appendice di G. Gorini
E. Greco et alii, Hephaestia 2003
Pubblicazioni ricevute
Studi Ateniesi
D. Marchiandi, L'Accademia: un capitolo trascurato dell'"Atene dei Tiranni"
S. Batino, Οἱ ἐκ τῶν φυλῶν e ἀπὸ Σονίο. Ruolo di un genos nella definizione degli spazi sacri nella città e nel suo territorio
E. Lippolis, I primi scavi di Eleusi: Trittolemo e i "giganti" di Atene
P. Bonini, "Erat Athenis spatiosa et capax domus...". Architettura domestica di Atene romana
L. Girella, La morte ineguale. Per una lettura delle evidenze funerarie nel Medio Minoico III a Creta
L. Beschi, Ceramiche arcaiche di Lemno: alcuni problemi
G. Marginesu, Lo scudo di Eubolidas
M. Saporiti, L'Heroon di Ippolito a Trezene
S. Privitera, I tripodi dei Dinomenidi e la decima dei Siracusani
A. Zarkadas, "Il ratto di Europa" del pittore di Filottrano
T. Mavrojannis, La tradizione letteraria sul Sema, la topografia e i modelli sepolcrali della "necropoli reale" di Alessandria
A. Lo Monaco, Olimpia e Augusto: evoluzione dello spazio sacro all'inizio del principato
G.L. Grassigli, Il Missorium di Teodosio: tra iconografia e iconologia
The research is structured into three parts.
Part I (Historical, Cultural, and Economic-Political Framework) is divided into three chapters.
Chapter 1: Historical Framework offers a chronological overview of events between the 2nd and 3rd cen- turies CE, with emphasis on the relationships between emperors, institutions, and Athenian citizens.
Chapter 2. Cultural Framework describes Athens as a centre of collective cultural experience, high- lighting the Second Sophistic, the intellectual life centred on Athens, philosophy, education, festivals and performances.
Chapter 3. Economic-Political Framework analyses the political structure, economic measures and the institution of public benefaction.
Part II (Areas of Investigation) is dedicated to describing the data (contexts, architectural structures, and infrastructure) that shaped the urban landscape of Athens during the years between Hadrian and Gallienus.
Part III (Reconstructing and Narrating the Urban Landscapes) builds on the relationship between Parts I and II and is divided into two chapters.
Chapter 1. Interpreted Landscape proposes hypotheses for the reconstruction of the urban land- scapes of three key periods in Athens during the mid-Imperial era: the Hadrianic age, the Antonine age (post-Hadrian), and the period between the Severan dynasty and the time of Gallienus. Each chapter con- tains sections that critically analyse the findings discussed in Part II.
Chapter 2. Narrated Landscape provides a concise final narrative on the transformation of Athens’ urban landscapes.
The text is accompanied by a section that gathers images, maps, plans, sections and reconstructions, all created using the available data.
Avant-propos 1
1. Alain Duplouy, In search of Attica: The spatial roots of Athenian politics and society 5
2. Nikolas Papadimitriou, Mycenaean Attica: How much "Mycenaean" and how much "Attica"? 45
3. Konstantinos Kalogeropoulos, Around the Erasinos river. The northern and southern Mesogeia plain in the Late Bronze Age 77
4. Floris van den Eijnde, Between polis and ethnos. A network approach to the development of the Athenian polis 117
5. Maximilian Rönnberg, Changing preferences and local particularities in the placement of burials in Attica from the Late Helladic to the Archaic period 151
6. Nikolaos Arvanitis, Alain Duplouy and Anastasia Strousopoulou, Vari: Anatomy of an Attic district 189
7. James Whitley, From cups to kraters: The surfaces of writing in Early Attica (800-500 BC) 223
8. Tonio Hölscher, The Archaic Agora of Athens. Its location within the topographical system of the city 257
9. Anarita Doronzio, Κατά κώμας. Athenian settlement dynamics 291
10. Vincenzo Capozzoli, The so-called “urban demes” of Athens during the Archaic period: Challenging multidimensional spaces beyond a binary logic 309
11. Alexandra Alexandridou, Regionalism within Early Iron Age Athens: The domestic nucleus at the Academy 341
12. Pavlos Karvonis, Land use in Roman Attica: The archaeological data 369
13. Emeri Farinetti, Beyond Attica: Landscape approaches to the neighbouring regions of Boeotia and Megaris 387
14. Paolo Carafa, Politics, people and landscapes: From Attica to ancient Latium 413
15. Roald Docter et al., The Thorikos Archive: Digitisation, annotation and operationalisation of the legacy data collection 445
16. Barbora Weissova and Clarissa Haubenthal, 40 years of research in Attica: The Attica Archive of Ruhr University Bochum goes digital 451
17. Annarita Doronzio, The Atlas of the Athenian Funerary Evidence (11th-7th c. BC): A first comparison of data on the funerary ritual of Submycenaean and Protogeometric graves 469
18. Alain Duplouy, The Chronique archéologique de la religion grecque goes digital: A new tool for the study of cults 475
This book collects and examines all the published and partly unpublished evidence from the cities of Corinth and Sparta, the two most significant centres of the Peloponnese for craft production and building sites between the Hellenistic and Roman periods (3rd century BC – 3rd century CE).
The work consists of two specular parts, each one dedicated to a city and structured in four sections. The first one is the catalogue of the stamps, which contains all the data relative to the stamped support (description, conservation, measurements), the topographical and archaeological context of its discovery and the inscription (cartouche, transcription and remarks and bibliography). The second section is dedicated to the prosopographical and epigraphical study of the stamps, in which first the series, types and variants documented by bibliographical, archival or storage study are examined, followed by the distinction of public and private production based on the stamps or matrices. In the third part, brickstamps are examined according to the archaeological contexts of their discovery in urban and extra-urban areas. In particular, the identified series are connected to the construction phases of the buildings they came from, in an attempt to attribute the destination of the productions they marked to specific building complexes. In the last section, a general picture of the system of production, sale, distribution and laying of bricks in Corinth and Sparta in the Hellenistic and Roman periods is sketched out on the basis of the categories identified on the stamps.
Following the two parts dedicated to the two centres examined, are tables summarising the catalogued stamps and the contexts in which they were found, and Greek words and emblems indexes. The volume closes with a complete overview of the attestations from Corinth and Sparta, and a series of synoptic tables with the digital survey of the documented series, types and variants.
Emanuele Papi, Prefazione
PARTE PRIMA. Scritti per Françoise Fouilland
Kees Neeft, 1. Observations on the Scale-Pattern Workshop
Paola Pelagatti, 2. Per una tipologia delle lekythoi "samie" dalla Grecia dell'Est alla Sicilia: bottiglie per unguenti, profumi e farmaci in contesti di VI sec.
Michel Gras, 3. Gélon et Mégara Hyblaia. Le contexte historique
Pier Giovanni Guzzo, 4. Lipàra, il possesso comune delle terre, Diodoro Siculo
Federica Cordano, 5. Le donne di Camarina
Marcella Pisani, 6. Una insolita statuetta di Dionysos da un bothros presso il Tempio Ionico di Siracusa
Giuseppina Monterosso, 7. Un deinos a figure nere dai depositi del Museo archeologico Paolo Orsi di Siracusa
Angela Maria Manenti, 8. Ornamenti personali, marcatori funerari nella Sicilia arcaica al Museo Archeologico Paolo Orsi di Siracusa
Concetta Ciurcina, 9. Di una tomba arcaica di adolescente a Siracusa-Giardino Spagna
Rosalba Amato, 10. Due arule dipinte da Ortigia, Siracusa
Sophie Bouffier, 11. Una chambre rupestre dans l'aqueduc du Galermi: tombe ou sanctuaire extra-urbain?
Reine-Marie Bérard, 12. Prévoir le remploi? Sur quelques aménagements originaux de tombes mégariennes
Henrdi Dudaym 13. Mégara Hyblaia, les tombes de la nécropole méridionale remontée près du rempart occidental. Recherches dans une nécropole «factice»
Roberta Salibra, 14. Sulla lekythos di Lydos dalla tomba 805 della necropoli da Rifriscolaro a Camarina. L'uccisione di Tityos per mano di Apollo e Artemide
Giovanni Di Stefano, 15. Camarina. Una nota sul corredo della tomba 2213 (scavi 1987) della necropoli di Rifriscolaro
Laurence Mercuri, 16. Retour à Castiglione et à Monte San Mauro
Massimo Frasca, 17. Le melagrane bronzee di Monte San Mauro (Caltagirone)
Ghislaine Noyé, 18. Dalle terme di Copia Thurii al quartiere episcopale
Maria Letizia Arancio, 19. Gli scavi francesi a Bolsena (1946-1986) e il lungo percorso del riordino e della ricollocazione dei materiali
Vincent Jolivet - Benjamin Houal, 20. Sphinx, lion ou chimère? Le «monstre» de la tombe Lattanzi à Norchia
Fernando Gilotta, 21. Un gorgoneion perugino
Giuseppina Spadea, 22. Aspetti dell'archeologia in Liguria tra Restaurazione e Unità d'Italia
Aliki Moustaka, 23. Una base fittile di periodo arcaico dal Museo Kanellopoulos di Atene
Paola Pelagatti, 24. Archeologia e archivio all'École française de Rome: una nota
Emmanuel Turquin, 25. La gestione dell'archivio archeologico all'École française de Rome
Concetta Pipitone Voza, 26. Un vento fresco della Loire: Françoise Henriette Marcelle
PARTE II. Scritti inediti di Françoise Fouilland
Attività scientifica
Note bibliographique / Nota bibliografica
Françoise Fouilland, Syracuse-Ortygie. Un bothros d'époque classique
Françoise Fouilland, Mégara Hyblea 1891 - Une fouille inédite dans la nécropole occidentale du VIème siècle
Catherine Virlouvet, Postface
R. Cantilena, Ricerche sugli aspetti monetari e sociali di Creta in età ellenistica: le ragioni di un confronto
R. Cantilena, Investigations on monetary and social aspects of Crete in the Hellenistic age: the reasons for a debate
Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan, "The Wild East": Eastern Mirabello before and after 100 BC
Nadia Coutsinas, Hellenistic Olous: Connectivity and Defence
Fausto Longo, Phaistos in the Hellenistic period: research questions and perspectives
Nunzio Allegro, Maria Ricciardi, Le fortificazioni ellenistiche di Gortina vent'anni dopo
Jacopo Bonetto, Anna Bertelli, Edoardo Brombin, The transformation of the Sanctuary of Apollo Pythios at Gortyna in the Hellenistic period
Patrizio Fileri, Egyptian cults in late Hellenistic Gortyn
Giacomo Biondi, Niki Oikonomaki, The Patela and the area of Prinias in Hellenistic times
Nota Karamaliki, Hellenistic Rithymna
Μαρία Σκόρδου, Θέση Καμπί ή Μνήματα Άνω Καλάθαινες Κίσάμου: οικιστικά και ταφικά δεδομένα μιας άγνωστης ελληνιστικής θέσης στη δυτική Κρήτη
Federica Di Biase, Crete in the Hellenistic period: some reflections about domestic space
Κατερίνα Τζανακάκη-Μαρία Σκόρδου, Αγροικία στο Καλάμι (επικράτεια αρχαίας Απτέρας, Χανίων): οικονομία του οίκου κατά τους ελληνιστικούς χρόνους
Pasquale Valle, Falasarna: anfore, guerre e pirati
Giovanni Marginesu, L'economia di Gortina dopo il IV sec. a.C. Note epigrafiche
François Chevrollier, Le rôle de l'État dans l'économie des cités crétoises à l'époque hellenistique d'après les sources épigraphiques
Adam Pałuchowski, Les formes de dépendance dans la Crète hellénistique: essai de classification dans le contexte socio-politique et économique de l'époque
Caroline Carrier, La monnaie, una source fondamentale de l'histoire de Cnossos (III-II siècles)
Irene Vagionakis, The ethnic in the onomastic formula of Cretans outside Crete
Lorenzo Cigaina, Il koinon nomisma mancato: federalismo e convergenze regionali nella monetazione di Creta (III-I sec. a.C.)
Vassiliki E. Stefanaki, Caroline Carrier, Les monnaies crétoises du premier tiers du I s. av. J.-C.: état de la question et perspectives de recherce
Federico Carbone, Rhythms of coin production in III-II century BC: a focus on Gortyna and Phaistos
Annalisa Polosa, Itanos: production et circulation monétaire
Γεώργιος Κακαβάς, Ο «θησαυρός» των Χανίων IGCH 254 & CH VII 104. Μια νέα προσέγγιση
Kleanthis Sidiropoulos, Hoards from Crete or the island in foreign footsteps
Eva Apostolou, Crète-Cyrénaïque et Rhodes: relations continues et influences monétaires
Alessandro Cavagna, Tra la Grecia, l'Asia e l'Egitto: monete "straniere" nella Creta ellenistica
Eveline Markou, Vassiliki E. Stefanaki, From Cypriot kingdoms to Cretan city-states: monetary policies and practices
Niki Tsatsaki, Numismatic evidence from Hellenistic burials at Sfakaki, Rethymnon
Manolis Marinakis, The influence of sculpture on the iconography of Hellenistic Cretan coins
Claudia Devoto, The coinage of Knossos: a first approach (320-67 BC)
Charikleia Papageorgiadou, The emergence of Cretan in the Hellenistic times
Federico Carbone, Indexes
Emanuele Papi, Presentazione
Annalisa Lo Monaco, Introduzione
John Davies, "Economics" and the "economics of cult": can a marriage be arranged"
Annalisa Lo Monaco, I mercati degli dei
Stavros Vlizos, Metallwerkstaetten, Produktion und Infrastruktur des Heiligtums: der Fall des spartanischen Amyklaions
Rita Sassu, The treasures of Athena: hoarding processes in the sanctuaries of Athens and Argos
Valentina Mussa, Economical officials and management of sanctuaries in classical Athens: the case of Eleusinians officials
Manuela Mari, Disputes over sacred goods and revenues in Hellenistic Macedonia
Elisabetta Interdonato, Economy in the sacred spaces: Fundraising systems and management of the revenues in the Asklepieion of Kos
Sven Th. Schipporeit, Frauen, Kult und Geld. Ueberlegungen zur finanzierung von Frauenheiligtuemern
Elena Muniz-Grijalvo, Processions and the ideal of public financiation in Greek cities of Roman times
Francesco Camia, Aspetti economici della festa nella Grecia post-classica
Research on ancient Greek mosaics, consisting of both articles and monographs, has reached an advanced state but is not yet considered to have been exhausted. What is still missing, above all, is an analytical study dedicated to one of the most significant cities: Athens.
A large part of the existing body of research, moreover, suffers from the lack of new editions and the absence of a consistent methodology in data processing and common terminology, due partly to the absence of an AIEMA affiliated national branch such as those already formed in Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Tunisia, Cyprus, Turkey, Canada and the United States.
For this reason, the results of the research in this text are presented in accordance with the methods established by AIEMA (International Association for the Study of Ancient Mosaics) and AISCOM (Italian Association for the Study and Conservation of Mosaics), who operates through annual conferences and the online platform TESS, the most up to date system for digital cata- loguing of ancient pavements, used for recording all examples in Italy but which can also be used to collect data acquired from other nations. Recent monographs using this methodology have recently been produced by Francesca Rinaldi for the mosaics of Venice, Michele Bueno for those of Tuscany, Andrea Salcuni for the repertoire of Abruzzo, Giovanna Paolucci for the mosaic cul- ture of Emilia Romagna and recently by Francesca Ghedini, Marta Novello, Francesca Rinaldi and Michele Bueno for the mosaics of Aquileia.
The study addressed various aspects of mosaic production, ranging from the more strictly technical to those relating to the choice of decorative themes and the relationship between mosa- ics and the architectural space within which they were employed.
With regards to the chronological framework, four macro phases are utilised, consistent with the canonical chronological divisions for ancient Greek artistic/artisanal culture:
a. Classical and proto-Hellenistic (500-300 BCE) b. Hellenistic (300-50 BCE)
c. Roman (50 BCE-300 CE)
d. Late Imperial/Paleochristian (300-600 CE)
The urban area is divided into fourteen zones, which coincide with the selections made in the volumes of the Topografia di Atene of the Italian Archaeological School at Athens.
The repertoire taken into consideration is composed of all the attestations referable to geo- graphical contexts with a distinct urban character and excludes rural areas.
168 Mosaici e pavimenti di Atene (V sec. a.C.-VI sec. d.C.)
The research presented in the text consists of the study of the mosaics, which have been surveyed and analysed according to execution techniques following the criteria of the separation into distinct components of the floor (edge/field). This typological study constitutes Part I of the text, which con- siders pebble, chip and irregular tessera mosaics, cement, opus tessellatum, opus vermicolatum, opus sec- tile and terracotta mosaics. The study of each class of mosaic is introduced by a brief synopsis of the history of studies and current state of research. This is followed by a brief description of the repertoire under examination and a detailed investigation of the floor treatments and decorative motifs of the edges, the composition of the fields, and the figurative repertoire. Each motif and decorative pattern is accompanied by an alpha-numeric code consisting of the acronym DM (Mosaic Decoration) and a number referring to the table of the volumes of the Le décor géométrique de la mosaïque romaine. If a decorative motif is not present in the volumes, only the name of the motif or composition is indicated. Comparisons with other specimens within the Greek territory accompany each decoration, as well as, in cases of particularly significant examples, other areas of the Mediterranean.
Part II of the volume is dedicated to the reconstruction of data derived from the analysis of the mosaics. Chapter 1 reports the quantitative data, which constitutes the documentary basis of Chapter 2, in which a historical-topographical synthesis of the mosaic culture of the macro-peri- ods under examination is presented. This section of the study offers useful indications for recon- structing the evolution of the repertoire, the relationships between various micro/macro-regional areas, and the development of local workshops or, alternatively, the involvement of non-local craftsmen brought into the city.
Each chronological-topographical section is accompanied by a section dedicated to the relation- ship between the mosaic and the architectural context for which they were produced, useful for un- derstanding the role of mosaics in the broader context of the decorative system of ancient buildings.
Part III consists of the catalogue of identified specimens, each accompanied by a numerical code consisting of a Roman numeral and an Arabic number. The Roman numeral indicates the chrono- logical context: I: Classical and Proto-Hellenistic; II: Hellenistic; III: Roman; IV: Late Imperial/ Paleochristian. The Arabic number represents the division of the territory under study into the ur- ban macro-areas mentioned above. A specific section of the catalogue is reserved for mosaics with an unidentified chronological and topographical context (identified with the abbreviation EX), as well as for sectilia pavimenta and polychrome marble paving (identified with the abbreviate OS). The numerical code is also reported alongside each mosaic mentioned in Parts I, II, III and IV of the text.
Each catalogue entry consists of the following information: numerical code; name of the building and relevance; the pages where the mosaic is mentioned in the text; the table number in which the sample image appears; L: location of conservation; A: environment; S: scan of the floor covering; I: layout type; CL: colour scheme and lithotypes; DM: dimensions; P: subfloor prepara- tion; ECA: complimentary decorative elements; D: short description; C: chronology and dating elements (if a new proposal for dating is advanced the pages of the text in which it is discussed is indicated); B: basic bibliography.
Finally, Part IV presents the tables in which the mosaics are collected inserted, where possible, into the plan of the relevant architectural complex. The plans were drawn up in detail using all avail- able published and unpublished data. The archaeological drawings were created through scientific reconstructions resulting from the study conducted in the manner described below. The plans of the buildings are presented in grey, including those resulting from reconstruction. The preserved sections of the mosaics are presented in black or red while the reconstructed examples are presented in grey or blue. An exception was made for intact or largely preserved mosaics with published zenith photos or high quality drawings. In these cases, the image was mounted inside the plan (for example in the balaneion of the Serangeion [I.68-69], the Odeion of Herodes Atticus [III.24-25, OS.4], in the House of the National Gardens [IV-36-42], and the Church of Hag. Petros Stavromenos [EX.2]). Finally, the graphical section is equipped with a collection of maps, consisting of aerial satellite pho- tos made with Google Earth Pro, which identified the location of all mosaics under examination, recognisable thanks to the catalogue number presented as well in an introductory synoptic table.
Fede Berti, Doro Levi e Iasos
Gianfranco Maddoli, Artemis Astias a Iasos
Simonetta Angiolillo, Iasos παλαιόπλουτος. Testimonianze di scultura architettonica di età arcaica: ipotesi e interrogativi
Nicolò Masturzo, Iasos. I naiskoi ad ante nel santuario di Zeus
Maurizio Landolfi, Ancora sui thymiateria di Iasos
Maria Adele Ibba, Antonella Pautasso, I vecchi scavi sulle terrazze orientali dell'acropoli di Iasos. Un'indagine retrospettiva per una proposta di lettura.
Daniela Baldoni, Immagini di divinità nella coroplastica di Iasos
Fede Berti, Il recinto delle doppie asce, ovvero il posto di Zeus nell'agora di Iasos
Lucia Innocente, L'iscrizione C.Ia4
Roberta Fabiani, Kathoi kai proteron. Un contributo all'interpretazione di I.Iasos 219
Marcello Spanu, Un monumento ellenistico a ghirlande da Iasos?
Valentina Cabiale, Il c.d. martyrion della basilica paleocristiana nell'agora di Iasos: un problema aperto
Fabrice Delrieux, Les monnaies trouvées sous la basilique de l'agora d'Iasos
Diego Peirano, La basilica cristiana dell'acropoli di Iasos
Alister Filippini, Alcune iscrizioni tardoantiche e bizantine dalla basilica dell'acropoli e da altri edifici cristiani di Iasos
Francesco Tomasello, La basilica cristiana presso il Balik Pazari di Iasos. Aggiornamento di una lettura
Fabrice Delrieux, Les monnaies de fouilles d'Iasos à types isiaques. Le culte d'Isis Pelagia en Carie au II siecle p.C.
Beatrice Palma Venetucci, Culti egizi da Iasos ad Antium
Pier Giovanni Guzzo, Immagini divine a Ripacandida?
The status and functions of the images for the construction and transmission of the cultural identity of a social group, or of its segments, and the mediation devices in the relational dynamics internal and external to it, are arguments that have been debated for a long time and whose fields of investigation go beyond the perimeter of the historical and archaeological disciplines and indeed derive from consolidated sociological and ethno- anthropological traditions.
When applied to ancient communities, and in particular to the ones involved in the “colonial phenomenon” in southern Italy in the Archaic period - Greek, indigenous and “hybrid”- the study of the processes related to the development of their own cultural heritage and to the forms of their manifestation within ethnic and territorial contexts, different from those of Greece, has brought some fundamental problems to the attention of scholars. This concerns the variability of Hellenic experiences in the Mediterranean and the relationship between the social complexity of the communities that created it and that of the ideological and symbolic universe expressed by them; the origin, composition and status of apoikoi groups; their relationship with the socio-cultural context of origin and the forms of their interaction with their new homes; the role of indigenous peoples in the development of such relationships; the existence of “original” cultural identities and their possible correlation with substrates or matrices of ethnic type; the documentary significance of the testimonies of ancient authors about the events and characteristics of the first colonial communities and the correct epistemological approaches to these sources of information, in particular in relation to what is prefigured by archaeological phenomenology.
In the context of these problems, which, especially over the last three decades, have been the corner- stones of a deep, sometimes radical, rethinking of the “Greek colonization” of the archaic period and of the hermeneutical categories with which it has traditionally been approached, we can place the theme of the role and informative contribution of figurative expressions as projections of specific ideological and identity traits.
To analyze these issues, we chose a methodological approach in which the images are analyzed inside the context in which they were exposed or used and represent the variables of multiple relationships with other objects, architecture and fieldwork in the specific point in time during the history of the site they were part of. Following this approach, the book is organized into three sections, corresponding to three different moments of the research.
The first is entitled “Quadro archeologico e attestazioni iconografiche” and collects the results obtained from an overview of the figurative documents found in the territories examined in the chronological period defined above. This survey of the iconographic dossier comprising the corpus of this research was carried out within the more general classification of the sites that made up the ancient landscape of the communities covered by the study. Each of these is analyzed and described in the light of the available topo- graphic, stratigraphic and architectural data, and, where possible, identified by its nature and functional destination in the periods considered. For each site the contexts that belonged to it were identified: houses, productive buildings, religious and funerary sites and those of uncertain definition. The objects found in each one were also identified, as well as those of uncertain origin. The description of sites, contexts and associated iconographies is discussed according to a diachronic sequence based on archaeologically detect- able transformations. This allowed us to outline a distribution scheme of images in the territory, organized on the basis of the historical sequence of their production/use and abandonment connected to the history of the sites where they were used and the type of supports on which they were reproduced.
The second section details the «Repertorio delle immagini e dei Tipi iconografici». In it the images are organized according to the type of support to which they are associated and classified according to iconographic criteria. The iconographies were analyzed in the light of their stylistic and formal characteristics and seen within the broader panorama of the craft traditions of the Aegean and colonial area.
Subsequently, the possible semantic values of each figurative document were examined in depth, considering the conditions suggested by the context of discovery and/or of use and their possible relations with other objects or buildings associated with them.
Finally, the third section consists of a “Commento”. In it the information offered by the iconographies identified in the “Quadro” and analyzed in the “Repertorio” are integrated and related to the universe of sources (archaeological, literary, epigraphic, etc.) available for the contexts considered. This chapter delves further into the questions and issues evoked by the examination of iconography, questions for which iconographic analysis alone is insufficient. Thus the “Commento” completes, as far as possible, the pro- cess of recomposing the original connections between systems of signification and the other aspects that composed an ancient reality and which constituted the perimeter within which the visual imagery of the community was expressed.
The volume is completed by a cartographic apparatus including period and phase maps of the territories considered, plans of the sites and contexts analyzed, tables and significant comparisons for the figurative documents examined, and, finally, a list of indexes and tables of concordance of the images and of the contexts studied.
Elisabetta Borgna – Andreas G. Vordos, Mycenaeans and Achaeans. Preliminary notes on the occupation of the Trapeza at Aigion during the Late Bronze Age and Early Historical times
Βασίλης Αργυρόπουλος, Ευρήματα των Μυκηναϊκών και των Μέσων Γεωμετρικών χρόνων σε Μεσοελλαδικό κτιστό θαλαμοειδή τάφο στην περιοχή των Φαρών. Η ερμηνεία των στοιχείων
Walter Gauss, Mycenaean Aigeira. A summary of excavations and research from 2011 to 2016
Konstantina Aktypi – Michalis Gazis, Indications of post-Mycenaean use of the cemetery at Voudeni, Achaea
Francesco Quondam, Early Iron Age Southern Italian Societies and colonial inte- raction: case studies from Sybaris to Locri
Demetrius U. Schilardi, Aspects of continuity in the cult of Poseidon at Helike
Anastasia Gadolou, Votives and symbolisms on the sea route from the Northern Peloponnese to Magna Grecia during the 8th century BC
Andreas G. Vordos, Monuments and cult at the sanctuary of Trapeza at Aigion from the 8th century BC
Nils Hellner, The temple site on the Trapezá Aigiou
Andrea G. Vordos, The pediments of the temple at Trapeza. Their religious and political importance
Gregorio Aversa, Nuove considerazioni per una definizione dell’architettura arcai- ca degli Achei d’Occidente
Χριστίνα Κατσαρού, Η ανασκαφή μιάς αχαϊκής κώμης: η περίπτωση της Φελλόης
Artemis Maniaki, New Research in the cemetery of Drepanon in Achaea: preliminary results
Erophili-Iris Kolia, Recent investigations in sanctuaries of Aigialeia
Emanuele Greco, Sybaris: the urban space of a great Achaean city in the West
Greta Balzanelli – Maria Rosaria Luberto, Kroton in the Archaic period
Μιχάλης Πετρόπουλος, Χάλκινα γεωμετρικά ευρήματα από το Ιερό της Αρτέμιδος Αοντίας στο Άνω Μαζαράκι (Ρακίτα) της Αχαΐας,
Teresa E. Cinquantaquattro – Andrea D’Andrea – Carlo Rescigno, Tra Acaia e Occidente. Le forme e lo spazio del sacro nel santuario di S. Biagio alla Venella (Metaponto)
Carlo Rescigno, Botteghe e plasticatori architettonici in Italia al tempo di Sibari
Maria Cecilia Parra, Il santuario di Punta Stilo a Kaulonia (Monasterace, RC): monumenti e contesti votivi, tra VIII e III sec. a.C.
Maria Rosaria Luberto, Archaic pottery from Sybaris, Kroton and Kaulonia
Βασιλική Τσακνάκη, Αρχαϊκό οικοδόμημα στην περιοχή της Ωλένου
Fausto Longo, From Sybaritic Teichos to Poseidonia. Reflections on the origins and early decades in the Life of an Achaean apoikia
Marina Cipriani, Dinamiche di sviluppo e processi di trasformazione a Poseidonia dal tardo arcaismo alla fine del V sec. a.C.
Κώστας Φίλης, Τράπεζα Διακοπτού Αιγιαλείας: εμπορικές επαφές και δύκτυα επικοινωνίας
Emanuele Papi, Prefazione
Giovanni Marginesu, Introduzione
Giovanni Marginesu, I costi dell’edilizia nel mondo greco
Niccolò Cecconi, Pavimenti e mosaici
Carlo De Domenico, Costi dei laterizi e della manodopera nei cantieri della Grecia classica ed ellenistica
Giovanni Marginesu, I costi delle statue. Esercizi di calcolo
Silvio Leone, Le statue onorarie: prassi ed economia nell’Atene di epoca classica ed ellenistica
Riccardo Di Cesare, Per una visione economica della pittura antica tra artigianato e arte
Maria Chiara Monaco, «Con un obolo la prendi, ed è bellissima». Sui prezzi della ceramica attica
Oliver Pilz, I prezzi delle terrecotte figurate. Un tentativo di ricostruzione
Irene Berti, I costi della scrittura pubblica
Spencer Pope, It Takes Money to Make Money: Die Engravers and the Production of Greek Coins
Dall’Acropoli trasformata in spettacolo della rovina e museo della guerra, passando per il cuore storico di Atene elevato, con il rimpatrio delle ossa di Teseo, a baricentro del nascente ‘impero’, dall’Agora del Ceramico e dal cimitero di Stato dei caduti in guerra lungo un percorso eroico culminante nel ginnasio dell’Accademia, la città di Cimone, diventata anche una capitale dell’arte, assume una sua identità in bilico tra l’attualità e il passato.
In un momento di rifondazione la città chiama in causa
le figure esemplari della sua tradizione. Teseo, campione nazionale, assurge al rango di eroe per tutti gli alleati; mentre l’antichità primordiale della polis è richiamata dalla figura di Cecrope, il primo re, autoctono figlio della Terra.
Il titolo del libro si ispira a una delle poche voci letterarie contemporanee a Cimone, il poeta del suo circolo, Melanzio, che celebra in versi la bellezza della “piazza cecropia”, ornata in quegli anni di magnifiche pitture.
La citazione è preziosa e metaforica e puòessere estesa
a tutta la città di Cecrope, che nella dialettica tra rovina e ricostruzione riscopre, produce e reinventa la sua memoria storica.
In the Shaft Graves Period, less than ten sites are known in Attica, only two of which (Eleusis and Vrana - Marathon) were continuously inhabited during the Middle Helladic.West of Hymettus, Athens and Eleusis appear as large settlements, situated within seemingly ‘empty’ plains. In eastern Attica, conversely, the presence of several fortified citadels hint at a high level of competition between peer polities. In LH IIB/IIIA1, however, citadels such as Kiapha Thiti and Brauron were apparently abandoned, whereas new, long-lasting cemeteries were established in the nearby lowlands. At the end of the period, the beginning of the ‘Mycenaeanization’ of Attica is clearly hinted at by the appearance of the first chamber tomb (at Athens) and tholos tombs (Thorikos) in LH IIA.The fact that another tholos tomb was later built (LH IIB) at Marathon leads one to wonder whether the local introduction of corbelled tombs of monumental size could have been considered more ‘fashionable’ by groups who were already used to the Middle Helladic custom of embedding built chamber tombs within earth mounds (tumuli).
In LH IIB, new cemeteries were established on the West coast (Halyki, Varkiza) and in Mesogeia (Vourvatsi, Kopreza, Merenta, Spata, GlykaNera), which lasted until LH IIIC early. Meanwhile, the settlements at Athens and Eleusis kept thriving. In the latter, it is worth stressing the presence of several monumental buildings, as well as the expansion of the Western Cemetery. The cemeteries consisting of more than forty tombs (Athens, Eleusis, Halyki, GlykaNera and Chamolia-Lapoutsi) attest to the largest settlements in Attica. With the exception of Eleusis, they all mainly consist of chamber tombs. At Eleusis, four such tombs were built later, in LH IIIA2 or LH IIIB. Prestige burials are characterized by the deposition of tinned vessels (at Athens and Brauron only), golden objects, and above all by bronze arms (daggers, swords, spearheads, etc.), the latter of which attests to the spread of hunting, rather than warfare, as a widespread elite activity.
During LH IIIB, unlike the majority of settlements in Attica, Athens seemingly underwent a progressive decline, evident in the very low number of burials so far known. Not far from it, at any rate, at Acharnes (ca. 10 km Northward) a monumental tholos tomb was built and used within this very phase, the context of which is still ill-defined. One can wonder whether Acharnes temporarily took over Athens’ function as a central site within the plain of Lekanopedio; at any rate, the latter’s importance seems to have been fully restored at the very end of the LH IIIB2, when the so-called ‘Pelasgian’ fortifi cations on the Acropolis were built. A chamber ‘warrior’s tomb’, dug on the South slope of the Acropolis in LH IIIC early can be easily referred to the very elite, who was in charge of it by this time. In spite of other proposals (Iakovidis, Mountjoy), it seems plausible to date the terraces which were laid out across the eastern sector of the Acropolis plateau to the beginning of LH IIIC early. Indeed, it is the author’s contention that all of the Acropolis terrace system belongs to this phase. Unlike Athens, all over Attica several settlements were abandoned, both on the west coast (Halyki), and inland (Glyka Nera, Vourvatsi). In eastern Attica, conversely, the cemeteries of Chamolia-Lapoutsi attest to the presence of a thriving settlement in the Brauron area; a few kilometers to the South, the impressive cemetery of Perati seems to confirm the key-role played throughout LH IIIC by the harbors of the eastern coast in the context of long term trade routes originating in Cyprus and the Near East.To sum up, no conclusive evidence exists that attests to the palatial character of Athens during LH IIIA-B; in fact, the Acropolis was fortified at a very late stage of LH IIIB2, that is, already on the eve of the mainland’s postpalatial period. If an elite residence actually existed on its top, which could have inspired Homer’s reference to the ‘well-built house of Erechtheus’, it could have possibly been lived in from LH IIIB2 onwards, during which period, at any rate, no political unity of the region is supported by the available evidence.
It may seem paradoxical that his area, so sacred and highly acclaimed, when considered as a whole, has received limited attention from researchers. With some notable exceptions (Beschi 1967/68), the bibliography has often dealt with the analysis of individual gods such as Asclepius. On the other hand, the wealth of minor cults which are included in various ways within the temenos of the god of good health (Hermes, Pan, Nymphs, Themis, Isis, Hercules, Tyche Agathe) or external
to it (Kalos, Bouzyges, hero at Blaute) has been undoubtedly neglected. The individual sacred contexts have been reconstructed as far as possible and this research outlines the layered system of cults located on the southern slopes of the Acropolis of Athens.
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