
IBC2024 Terms & Conditions


1. Nature of Terms and Conditions - These terms and conditions ("Terms") govern your registration as an IBC Attendee and the terms and conditions upon which you are permitted entry to the IBC Convention as an Attendee. A description as to what an Attendee is entitled to by virtue of registration as a particular category of visitors is set out in IBC’s website, https://show.ibc.org. No other terms and conditions shall apply and all other terms, representations and warranties relating thereto whether verbal or in writing are hereby expressly excluded. IBC advises that you print these Terms and Conditions and keep a copy safe once IBC has accepted your application. You are advised to read (and are responsible for reading) these Terms. Your application to register as an attendee constitutes your confirmation that you have read the Terms and that you accept and abide by them. Where you sign on behalf of a company, organisation or other legal entity, you confirm and warrant that you are authorised to so sign on that entity’s behalf. For the avoidance of doubt, these Terms do not regulate the contract between an Exhibiting company and IBC, separate terms and conditions apply to such arrangements.   Where you register on behalf of other attendees, you undertake to IBC that you will expressly draw each attendees attention to the Terms and ensure that each such attendee complies with the Terms.  To the extent that such attendee fails to comply with the Terms of any of them, you will be responsible for the failure to IBC and shall reimburse IBC for all and any losses that IBC or others may suffer as a result of the failure of such attendee to so comply with the Terms.

2. IBC, and all contracted data handlers

(a) "IBC" means International Broadcasting Convention LLP, a partnership registered in England (OC 446386) with registered address 5 Yeomans Court, Hertford SG13 7HJ and with its principal place of business at IBC LLP, The Brew Eagle House, 163 City Road, London, EC1V 1NR (“IBC”). Helpdesk Tel: +44 (0) 20 4534 1000, Email: support@ibc.org Website: https://show.ibc.org (opening hours 9am to 5pm BST Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). For the avoidance of doubt,  

(b) Various Organisations operate registration services, the attendee portal and mobile applications relating to the Convention and on behalf of IBC and they are authorised to act on behalf of IBC in the exercise of IBC’s obligations, rights or discretion hereunder, but is not a party to the contract between IBC and you.  

(c) "Convention" means the IBC Convention to be held in The RAI Convention Centre Amsterdam (hereafter referred to as The RAI) for which you register as an attendee hereunder and to be held on such dates as are set out in the IBC website or as may be notified from time to time.  

(d) "Attendee" means anyone attending the IBC Convention held in the RAI. 

3. Right to refuse to register or to enter the Convention - IBC reserves the right in its entire discretion to refuse to register any person as an Attendee without liability and without giving reasons as well as refusing any person entry to the Convention as set out elsewhere in these Terms. A mere application to register as an Attendee does not give any person the absolute right to entry to the Convention as an Attendee even if IBC confirms such application. 

4. Payment of Relevant Fee - Payment of the relevant fee (if any) must be received by IBC, or its nominated agent, at or prior to the time of application. Failure to pay the relevant fee will invalidate any Attendee registration. IBC reserves the right to specify the payment method required on a case-by-case basis.  

5. Credit Card & Debit Card details – If payment is made by credit or debit card to pay a sum due under these terms, IBC will use all reasonable endeavours to keep your credit or debit card details secure by IBC and/ or its nominated agents appointed to process such payments on behalf of IBC. Please note that IBC complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards. Where payment is made by credit or debit card, any refunds made in accordance with these Terms shall only be made to the credit or debit card used to make payment for the registration. 

6. No Children under 16 - No children under the age of 16 may register or be registered as an Attendee or be admitted to the Convention.  

(a) Minors
IBC is subject to the Minimum Age Limit of 16 years. Any Attendees under the Minimum Age Limit shall be considered a minor (“Minor”) and will be subject to a specific approval process before entry to an Event. The Attendee recognises that the Event is a Trade show for Businesses and that the attendance of Minors is not conducive to a trade event of the nature operated by IBC.

Any Attendee who believes they have extenuating circumstances and wishes to bring a Minor to IBC must seek written approval from IBC’s Director of Operations prior to registration.  Such approval is granted at IBC’s sole discretion and IBC will not be required to disclose any reasoning for denial of entry.

The Attendee must always accompany the Minor and is responsible for ensuring both the Minor’s safety and the Minor’s compliance with all rules and regulations, including all health and safety protocols. The Attendee will be personally liable to IBC and its Exhibitors for any damage or loss suffered as a result of the Minor’s attendance at IBC. Attendees are asked to help maintain a professional, disturbance-free environment. For safety reasons, Minors are not permitted entry to an Event venue during build-up and dismantling. Minors are not covered by any Event insurance policies, and it is the Attendee’s responsibility to always have and maintain adequate insurance coverage for the Minor during the Event.

7. No refunds except in accordance with these terms - No refunds will be made to an Attendee who is refused entry to the Convention. Other than as set out in these Terms, Attendees are advised to consider whether a visa for entry into the Netherlands is required (and if appropriate apply in advance) as (inter alia) no refunds can be made if an Attendee is unable to attend the Convention for reasons connected to failure to obtain correct visa or other entry papers.  

8. Refund eligibility: Refunds will not apply to Exhibitor Stand Personnel.

9. The following cancellation terms shall apply to all paid for attendee passes, including all Visitor and Delegate pass types: Day of booking until 15th August: 25% cancellation charge; 16th August to 29th August: 50% cancellation charge 30th August onwards: 100% cancellation charge. Should the event be cancelled because of COVID-19, the Attendee will be offered a choice of a voucher for 100% of the amount already paid to be used at IBC2025; or a full cash refund less an administration charge of £25. Please note that written notice of cancellation must be received by IBC or its nominee within the aforementioned periods. You can cancel your order by sending the notice of cancellation by email to support@ibc.org ensuring that you quote your name, address and your registration ID. For the avoidance of doubt, if no notice of cancellation is received no refund can be made. There is an option to transfer the registration into a colleague’s name to avoid the cancellation fees. 

10. Mode of Refunds - Once IBC receives notification from you that you wish to withdraw from the contract (in accordance with these Terms) the appropriate refund will be credited to the credit or debit card account that was used for the purchase as soon as reasonably possible and in any event within 30 days after receipt of your cancellation notification as referred to in paragraph 9.  

11. Data Protection – As part of your attendance at the Event your personal data may be passed to our partner companies who provide event registration services and lead capture services. The full list of our verified suppliers can be found here: https://show.ibc.org/verified-suppliers and you can find details about how we process your personal data here: https://www.ibc.org/ibc-policies/privacy-policy

12. Use of Email - You agree that email can be used as a means of communication between IBC and you. You must check the email confirming your booking, with IBC being informed of any inaccuracies or omissions.  

13. Variation of Terms - These Terms may be varied by IBC from time to time and you are advised to check the terms and conditions applicable to your registration on the IBC website (https://show.ibc.org). IBC will publicise any change to the terms and conditions on its website. Any such change shall be binding on you from the date of publication. Any such variation of the Terms may include, among other things, any rules or regulations imposed on IBC or the Convention by the owner of the Convention’s venue (including the RAI) or any relevant authority or governmental agency.  



14. Admittance times etc - Attendees are admitted to the Convention on such days and at such hours as IBC shall from time to time determine  

15. Identification - You agree to always carry with you during the Event, government issued photo identification, for example, a passport, driving license (with photo card where applicable), or a national ID card. You agree to produce such identification upon request.   

16. Right to refuse admission etc - IBC reserves the right to refuse admission to the Convention or to any part of the Convention to any person, or to require a person already admitted to leave the Convention in IBC’s entire discretion, without liability and without giving reasons, including (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) by reason of a breach of IBC’s Code of Conduct, or if the Attendee’s presence is deemed inappropriate or causes or is liable to cause annoyance to the public, or to endanger or be liable to endanger exhibitors, other attendees, staff of IBC, The RAI or the fabric of the building, for failure to comply with the Covid Conditions of entry as set out below, or otherwise in IBC’s discretion. In addition, IBC reserve the right to remove from the Convention any person who breaches any of these Terms where, in IBC’s sole discretion, such breach merits the removal of that person from the Convention.  


IBC and must comply with all applicable US, UK, EU and other relevant sanctions that may be imposed on IBC by any applicable or relevant Governmental or similar body. The Attendee undertakes to IBC that neither the Attendee, nor any person or entity for whom the Attendee is registering, are registering subject to any such sanctions or similar prohibitions or are affiliated or connected to any entity or person or group who may be subject to such regulations. If the Attendee or any person, entity or organization with which the Attendee is affiliated become subject to sanctions prior to the Attendee’s arrival date, then IBC must be notified immediately.

IBC may immediately cancel the Attendee and any impacted person’s access to the Event, without penalty or liability, if IBC reasonably believes it is necessary to do so in order to comply with its obligations under applicable laws, sanctions or regulations. Termination and cancellation under this section will result in forfeiture of all fees paid to IBC by the Attendee.

Subject to IBC’s further written notification to the contrary, or additional conditions that may be imposed from time to time whether by IBC, the RAI or by any governmental or local authority organisation with competent authority, all attendees must comply with the following conditions which are put in place as a result of the global COVID pandemic: 

- If you are displaying COVID-19 symptoms, or if anybody in your household is displaying COVID-19 symptoms, or if you are otherwise self-isolating (either due to a recent positive COVID-19 test or otherwise), you must not attend the Convention; 

- you must follow all Dutch government and local Amsterdam guidance in respect of testing and self-isolation that may apply from time to time;  

17. Right to close all or part of Convention - IBC reserves the right to close all or part of the Convention at any time without prior notice in its discretion including (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) in the interests of safety and security. If it is necessary to close the Convention temporarily during normal opening hours, Attendees may be prevented from leaving whilst such closure is in force.  

18. Refusal to admit and confiscation of bags etc - IBC reserves the right to refuse to allow any Attendees to bring any bag, case, parcel etc into the Convention (or to remove or confiscate such item before, during or after entry into the Convention) or to require any Attendee to submit to inspection by IBC any bag, case, parcel, coat or the Attendee’s person either before, during or after it has been brought into the Convention.   

19. Right to remove bags etc - No bag, case, parcel etc may be left unattended anywhere in the Convention. IBC reserves the right to remove, destroy or otherwise deal with any such object as it deems fit in its discretion and IBC will accept no liability for damage, which may be caused in consequence. 

20. Cloakroom - The cloakroom at the Convention is operated by The RAI and not IBC. Items left in the cloakroom are left at your own risk and IBC accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage sustained.  

21. No solicitation of business - No Attendee is permitted to solicit any business from any other Attendee or exhibitor or otherwise commercially exploit entry into or attendance at the Convention.  

22. Need to obey authorised instruction – Attendees must obey all instruction without delay given by IBC or its representatives, The RAI, or relevant security officers  

23. Photography and Image Release – As an Attendee, you may take photographs for your own private use. No commercial photography, filming or recording of any part of the IBC is allowed without IBC’s prior written consent by emailing press@ibc.org. For the avoidance of doubt, you may not video, film, transmit or otherwise record (including audio recordings) any seminar, session, exhibit or attendee without the prior written consent of IBC. All photographic rights are reserved by IBC.  IBC may at its sole discretion arrange for photographs and/or video and/or sound recordings to be made at or in connection with IBC. In consideration for being granted admission to IBC as an Attendee you agree to be photographed and/or recorded whilst attending the Convention and hereby: (i) grant IBC permission to use all photographs and recordings featuring you (the Images) throughout the world in connection with advertising, reporting on and promoting IBC and any related activities in all and any media including without limitation in IBC’s publications, presentations, promotional materials, broadcasts, advertising of IBC’s services including without limitation on IBC’s websites, ; and (ii) consent to IBC storing copies of the Images for those purposes in any location and to IBC storing your contact details in connection with the Images 

24. Accessibility – IBC is dedicated to ensuring that the event is accessible and inclusive for all attendees regardless of specific needs. Attendees requiring special assistance during their visit to the Convention should contact IBC in advance of their visit.  IBC will make every effort to accommodate any accessibility requirement - support@ibc.org.

25. Smoking – Smoking and vaping are banned inside The RAI Convention Centre at all times in accordance with Dutch Law.  

26. Animals – animals are prohibited except for guide dogs, companion dogs for disabled Attendees and security dogs in and around the venue. 

27. ICT Network  - Access to The RAI ICT network by whatever method is prohibited unless specifically authorised by IBC. IBC provide a dedicated Wi-Fi network for attendees and exhibitors which have dedicated SSID’s which may or may not be available depending on the accessibility provided by IBC.  All users must obey any instructions to desist or alter any such use if given by IBC, or The RAI or their authorised representatives. Exhibitors are not permitted to set up their own unofficial Wi-Fi networks as this will interfere with existing dedicated networks. Please order a Wired Internet Connection for any critical systems and activities. RAI Amsterdam cannot support any devices you bring yourself or those provided by third parties.   

28. Radios etc – Attendees must obtain the prior written approval before using any radio or other transmission or broadcasting equipment while attending the Convention. The latest information regarding the use of equipment and the application form can be found on the Netherlands Radiocommunications Agency website. The form should be filled and singed and sent to the Radiocommunications Agency by email or post. Licence applications should be made at least two weeks in advance of IBC. 

29. Enforcement of these terms and conditions: Any IBC officer, agent or employee or RAI Officer, agent or, employee, may enforce these Terms.  



30. Death, personal injury etc - Nothing in these Terms excludes or limits the liability of IBC for (i) death or personal injury caused by IBC’s negligence or (ii) fraudulent misrepresentation. For the avoidance of doubt, but without prejudice to the foregoing, IBC accepts no liability to you for any illness you may contract prior to, during or after the Convention including for COVID-19 or similar illnesses or variants. 

31. No liability for errors/omissions - IBC does not accept liability for any errors and omissions on its website and reserve the right to change the format and content of the Convention and/or identity of Exhibitors, speakers and/or contributors without notice.  

32. Maximum total liability of IBC under these Terms - IBC’s total liability in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation or otherwise, arising in connection with these Terms shall be limited to the greater of the price paid for any registration or €100 (One Hundred Euros)  

33. Exclusion of warranties etc - All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from the Terms.  

34. No liability for indirect loss, counterfeit products or piracy of Intellectual Property Rights or any links to any services relating to counterfeit products or piracy of Intellectual Property Rights.  etc - IBC does not accept liability for any indirect loss, consequential loss, loss of data, loss of income or profit, wasted expenditure, loss of damage to property and/or loss from claims of third parties whatsoever whether arising out of your attendance at the Convention or otherwise.  

35. Insurance - Attendees are advised to obtain adequate insurance to cover all reasonable potential eventualities in connection with their visit to the Convention, or otherwise.  

36. Onsite Catering – All catering facilities provided at the IBC Convention are operated by The RAI or other third-party contractors. As such IBC has no liability whatsoever to the Attendee with respect to any food or beverages consumed by the Attendee during the Convention. 



37. Force Majeure - IBC reserves the right without liability to suspend, abandon, defer the date of the Convention or to cancel the Convention or alter or reduce the scope of the Convention or move the Convention (or any part of it) to another venue for any reason whatsoever including due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of IBC including, without limitation, acts of God, governmental actions, war or national emergency, riot, civil commotion, terrorism, outbreak of infectious or contagious disease, pandemics (including COVID and related diseases), governmental regulations, legal restrictions, fire, explosion, flood, epidemic, lock-outs, strikes or other labour disputes (whether or not relating to its workforce), or restraints or delays affecting carriers or inability or delay in obtaining supplies of adequate or suitable materials. In such circumstances, for the avoidance of doubt, IBC shall have no liability to the Attendee whatsoever.  



38. VAT/BTW - Dutch Value Added Tax (BTW) is payable by all Attendees irrespective of their country of origin at the rate applying at the time of payment (at the time of publication of these Terms 21%). All VAT charges made in respect of the Convention should be recoverable and relevant information can be provided to all Attendees who request such information. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of these VAT arrangements, IBC cannot be responsible for any changes, inaccuracies or alterations thereof. (All registrants will be sent an electronic VAT receipt at the time of registration).  

39. Termination for breach - In the event that the Attendee breaches any of the provisions of these Terms, IBC may in its discretion terminate the contract between IBC and the Attendee without prejudice to any claim IBC may have against the Attendee.  

40. Delay in enforcement - Failure or delay by IBC to enforce or partially enforce any provision of the Terms will not be construed as a waiver of any of its rights under the Terms and any waiver by IBC of any breach of, or any default under, any provision of the Terms by you will not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or default and will in no way affect the other terms of the Terms.  

41. Severability - If any provision of the Terms is found by any court, tribunal or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be wholly or partly illegal, invalid, void, voidable, unenforceable or unreasonable it shall to the extent of such illegality, invalidity, voidness, voidability, unenforceability or unreasonableness be deemed severable and the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.  

42. Entire Agreement - The Terms and any documents referred to in it constitute the entire agreement between the parties. 

43. Assignment etc - IBC may assign or subcontract the contract with you or any part of it to any person, firm or Company. You are not entitled to assign the Contract or any part of it without the prior written consent of IBC.  

44. Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 - A person who is not a party to the Contract or any other Contract between IBC and the buyer shall have no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any of its items. Any revision variation amendment or waiver to or of this Contract or any other Contract between IBC and you shall not require the consent or approval of any person who is not a party to such a Contract.  

45. Law - These Terms shall be subject to and construed in accordance with English Law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of English courts.  

46. Complaints - Any complaints regarding any contract relating to you as an Attendee to the Convention or should be directed to the IBC office, FAO the IBC Head of Operations, at the address given above (Section A2a). 



IBC has a Code of Conduct for attendees of the event which can be found at show.ibc.org/codeofconduct. All attendees are expected to adhere to this code of conduct. 

March 2024.

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