Siracusa, la Sicilia, l'Europa Scritti in onore di Giuseppe Voza a cura di R. Amato, G. Barbera, C. Ciurcina, 2020
Il comitato promotore e i curatori di questo volume desiderano esprimere gratitudine ai docenti, ... more Il comitato promotore e i curatori di questo volume desiderano esprimere gratitudine ai docenti, colleghi e amici che lo hanno arricchito con i loro preziosi contributi. Per varie vicissitudini il volume viene pubblicato con notevole ritardo rispetto alla data di consegna dei materiali, nella maggior parte dei casi avvenuta tra il 2018 e il 2019. Altri studiosi, amici del professor Voza, che pure avrebbero voluto o potuto partecipare alla Festschrift sono menzionati nella Tabula gratulatoria, scusandoci di ogni involontaria omissione. In particolare vogliamo ricordare qui gli amici che avevano già dato la loro adesione -Françoise Fouillard, Antonio Giuliano, Giuseppe Pagnano e Antonio Pavone -ma che purtroppo ci hanno lasciati prematuramente, e il carissimo Sebastiano Tusa che ha fatto in tempo invece a consegnarci il suo saggio pochi mesi prima della tragica scomparsa. Un ringraziamento speciale va alla casa editrice Torri del Vento, nelle persone di Daniele Anselmo e Luigi Di Salvo, e al grafico Alberto Musco per la professionalità e l'infinita pazienza. Siamo grati infine (last but certainly not least!) a Cettina Pipitone Voza, che ha seguito dietro le quinte tutte le fasi di realizzazione del libro, per il continuo affettuoso monitoraggio ai curatori.
Papers by Anita Crispino
I Micenei e la Sicilia" a cura di Anita Crispino e Reinhard Jung.
Siracusa, Museo Archeologico Regionale “Paolo Orsi”
11 maggio – 9 ottobre 2024
nella Soprintendenza di Siracusa, il difficile passaggio da Paolo Orsi a Giuseppe Cultrera. Su quest’ultimo,
Direttore della Sezione staccata di Palermo in un primo tempo e poi Soprintendente unico per tutta l’isola,
convergono le relazioni dei lavori di Paolino Mingazzini e di Jole Bovio Marconi; e su di lui si accentrano le
attenzioni degli studiosi interessati a lavorare su materiali siciliani (Giulio Emanuele Rizzo) o a continuare
lavori intrapresi nel corso della gestione di Paolo Orsi (Paola Zancani Montuoro). L’archivio privato di Giuseppe
Cultrera, conservato presso la Soprintendenza di Siracusa e quello di Rosario Carta, restituiscono momenti
interessanti, e anche umanamente rivelatori, di alcune vicende e personaggi di quegli anni fra Palermo
e Siracusa.
SUMMARY - During the ‘30s of last century the museum at Palermo was renewed and the superintendence
of Syracuse passed from Paolo Orsi to Giuseppe Cultrera. The activites of Paolino Mingazzini and Jole Bovio
Marconi focus on Cultrera, director of the detached section of Palermo and, for a brief period, Superintendent
for the whole Sicilian territory, as well as a lot of archaeologists interested in the Sicilian materials
(Giulio Emanuele Rizzo) or willing to continue works started during Paolo Orsi’s direction (Paola Zancani
Montuoro). The private archives of Giuseppe Cultrera, kept in Siracusa Superintendence, and Rosario Carta
show us interesting and humanly revealing stories about people and events of those years between Palermo
and Siracusa.
Parole chiave: Sicilia, anni 30, archivio, archeologia, ricerca.
Key words: Sicily, the 30s, archive, archaeology, research.
Bronze Age settlement of Castelluccio, a site which has given
its name to a cultural complex found throughout much of
Sicily at this period, has always been seen as an unusual
architectural complex. It is one of a number of rare bi-apsidal
longhouses with an oval ground plan cut into the bedrock. It
not only has the largest internal surface area of all the oval
longhouses so far discovered but is also the only one with
the remains of a second, rectangular structure inside it. This
»house within a house« raised the question of whether the two
structures, oval and rectangular, were contemporary and
what purposes they served. A research project was therefore
initiated in 2o15 whose aim was to analyse the architecture of
the buildings and the materials used for their construction.
This paper presents the initial results of a detailed investigation
of the earthen building remains and possible reconstructions
of the above-ground elements of the buildings, as well as
discussing their functions and phases of use.
Located 2 km North of Siracusa, is a complex cave consisting of a number of long narrow corridors. The excavations carried out in 1958 by S. Tinè recorded a deposit containing different main levels dated from Late Neolithic to Late Copper Age. Interestingly, from these levels come two Bell Beakers fine vesselsand in 2015, thanks to the contribution of State Office for Hertitage Management and Archaeology Saxony-Anhalt – State Museum of Prehistory di Halle (Saale), they were dated back to 2500 BC. Fromthis data we can make some absumptionsabout the diffusion of thiskind of vase in Sicily and its use.
PAROLE CHIAVE: Sicilia, grotta, bicchiere campaniforme, 14C, Tarda Età del Rame.
KEYWORD: Sicily, cave, Bell Baker, radiocarbon dating, Late Copper Age.
ware vessels thought to have been used in food preparation and/or storage. All of the vessels tested were recovered from Hut 8. ORA results of this pilot project revealed challenging lipid preservation conditions known to occur in the Mediterranean region. Lipid analysis showed a possible animal contribution, although a plant input could not be excluded. Wine was not identified in the vessels tested.,rVDBVR%7EM
The most interesting opportunity to explore the most important area of the island was the work needed for the new paving of Piazza Duomo. Several excavations of this vast area were carried out between 1992 and 1999.
In 1998, during the excavation of the area situated in front of the present building of the Soprintendenza, a well was found, which was completely explored; it was cut into the limestone up to a depth of about 12 meters and its excavation brought to light a chronologically homogeneous filling deposit, made of stones and even large
rock fragments, charcoals, animal bones and pottery sherds related to the so-called Messina Ricadi facies, that have been dated by the presence of a single Castelluccian fragment and by a radiocarbon dating carried out on a bone sample.
The study of the typology of the well excavation technique, the analysis of the pottery shapes as well as of the faunal and botanical remains, allowed us to reconstruct the environmental features and to reflect about the settlement of Ortygia during the Early Bronze Age.
13 novembre 2017
École française de Rome,
Piazza Navona 62
00186 Roma
I Micenei e la Sicilia" a cura di Anita Crispino e Reinhard Jung.
Siracusa, Museo Archeologico Regionale “Paolo Orsi”
11 maggio – 9 ottobre 2024
nella Soprintendenza di Siracusa, il difficile passaggio da Paolo Orsi a Giuseppe Cultrera. Su quest’ultimo,
Direttore della Sezione staccata di Palermo in un primo tempo e poi Soprintendente unico per tutta l’isola,
convergono le relazioni dei lavori di Paolino Mingazzini e di Jole Bovio Marconi; e su di lui si accentrano le
attenzioni degli studiosi interessati a lavorare su materiali siciliani (Giulio Emanuele Rizzo) o a continuare
lavori intrapresi nel corso della gestione di Paolo Orsi (Paola Zancani Montuoro). L’archivio privato di Giuseppe
Cultrera, conservato presso la Soprintendenza di Siracusa e quello di Rosario Carta, restituiscono momenti
interessanti, e anche umanamente rivelatori, di alcune vicende e personaggi di quegli anni fra Palermo
e Siracusa.
SUMMARY - During the ‘30s of last century the museum at Palermo was renewed and the superintendence
of Syracuse passed from Paolo Orsi to Giuseppe Cultrera. The activites of Paolino Mingazzini and Jole Bovio
Marconi focus on Cultrera, director of the detached section of Palermo and, for a brief period, Superintendent
for the whole Sicilian territory, as well as a lot of archaeologists interested in the Sicilian materials
(Giulio Emanuele Rizzo) or willing to continue works started during Paolo Orsi’s direction (Paola Zancani
Montuoro). The private archives of Giuseppe Cultrera, kept in Siracusa Superintendence, and Rosario Carta
show us interesting and humanly revealing stories about people and events of those years between Palermo
and Siracusa.
Parole chiave: Sicilia, anni 30, archivio, archeologia, ricerca.
Key words: Sicily, the 30s, archive, archaeology, research.
Bronze Age settlement of Castelluccio, a site which has given
its name to a cultural complex found throughout much of
Sicily at this period, has always been seen as an unusual
architectural complex. It is one of a number of rare bi-apsidal
longhouses with an oval ground plan cut into the bedrock. It
not only has the largest internal surface area of all the oval
longhouses so far discovered but is also the only one with
the remains of a second, rectangular structure inside it. This
»house within a house« raised the question of whether the two
structures, oval and rectangular, were contemporary and
what purposes they served. A research project was therefore
initiated in 2o15 whose aim was to analyse the architecture of
the buildings and the materials used for their construction.
This paper presents the initial results of a detailed investigation
of the earthen building remains and possible reconstructions
of the above-ground elements of the buildings, as well as
discussing their functions and phases of use.
Located 2 km North of Siracusa, is a complex cave consisting of a number of long narrow corridors. The excavations carried out in 1958 by S. Tinè recorded a deposit containing different main levels dated from Late Neolithic to Late Copper Age. Interestingly, from these levels come two Bell Beakers fine vesselsand in 2015, thanks to the contribution of State Office for Hertitage Management and Archaeology Saxony-Anhalt – State Museum of Prehistory di Halle (Saale), they were dated back to 2500 BC. Fromthis data we can make some absumptionsabout the diffusion of thiskind of vase in Sicily and its use.
PAROLE CHIAVE: Sicilia, grotta, bicchiere campaniforme, 14C, Tarda Età del Rame.
KEYWORD: Sicily, cave, Bell Baker, radiocarbon dating, Late Copper Age.
ware vessels thought to have been used in food preparation and/or storage. All of the vessels tested were recovered from Hut 8. ORA results of this pilot project revealed challenging lipid preservation conditions known to occur in the Mediterranean region. Lipid analysis showed a possible animal contribution, although a plant input could not be excluded. Wine was not identified in the vessels tested.,rVDBVR%7EM
The most interesting opportunity to explore the most important area of the island was the work needed for the new paving of Piazza Duomo. Several excavations of this vast area were carried out between 1992 and 1999.
In 1998, during the excavation of the area situated in front of the present building of the Soprintendenza, a well was found, which was completely explored; it was cut into the limestone up to a depth of about 12 meters and its excavation brought to light a chronologically homogeneous filling deposit, made of stones and even large
rock fragments, charcoals, animal bones and pottery sherds related to the so-called Messina Ricadi facies, that have been dated by the presence of a single Castelluccian fragment and by a radiocarbon dating carried out on a bone sample.
The study of the typology of the well excavation technique, the analysis of the pottery shapes as well as of the faunal and botanical remains, allowed us to reconstruct the environmental features and to reflect about the settlement of Ortygia during the Early Bronze Age.
13 novembre 2017
École française de Rome,
Piazza Navona 62
00186 Roma
Divisa in otto sezioni, nasce come approfondimento di conoscenza della straordinaria civiltà, ricordata nei testi ittiti col nome di Aḫḫijawa, che, intorno alla metà del II millennio a.C., prende forma nella Grecia continentale, definita micenea dal nome del più importante sito di questa fase, Micene in Argolide. Essa occuperà l’intero arco della tarda età del Bronzo in Grecia, tra il XVII/ XVI e l’XI sec. a.C., definito Tardo Elladico.
Le tematiche in cui è suddiviso il progetto sono dedicate agli aspetti caratteristici della società micenea tramite testimonianze della cultura materiale che meglio potessero riflettere la ricchezza e la complessità sociale in questa fase della storia del Mediterraneo.
Ce volume collectif, convoquant conjointement les témoignages de l’histoire, de l’histoire du droit, de l’archéologie, de l’anthropologie biologique et de l’épigraphie, tente d’apporter quelques réponses à ces questions à travers une série d’études de cas principalement centrées sur le monde gréco-romain du premier millénaire av. J.-C. jusqu’à la fin de l’Antiquité. Aboutissement de trois journées d’études internationales tenues à Rome entre 2015 et 2017, il présente à la fois une approche pluridisciplinaire de ces questions, un bilan des acquis récents et une mise en perspective des avancées, problématiques et méthodologiques, de la réflexion en archéologie funéraire de la Méditerranée antique.