Wiktionary:Word lists
The following pages are some lists of words that are more commonly used in everyday life. The icons at the end show the status of word list completion.
- Simple English word list (help choose simple words)
- Basic English 850 selected words by Charles Ogden
- Basic English 1500 more selected words
- Basic English picture wordlist
- Most frequent 1000 words in English (long list with all forms)
- BNC1000 headwords (long list with only one form of each word)
- Most frequent 1000 words in English (short list, only one form for each word; marked as BN850, BN1500)
- BNC1000 compressed (short list, only one form, compressed)
- Comparison list between the BE850 and the BNC1000
- General Service List
- Academic word list
- Most frequent 1000 words in Simple English Wikipedia
- Combined Simple English Wikipedia Wiktionary word list
- Wiktionary:Database reports/Interwiki links from Simple English Wikipedia