Upcoming Events
Latest Sites Launched
New and Updated Documentation
- New - A checklist guide for Site Managers looking to complete the essential steps when building a new site.
- Updated - Two new field options have been added to the migration .csv file for content to be added to the 'research' and 'membership' fields.
- New - Instructions for quickly assigning a person to a single piece of content, such as a Person profile, as a restricted user with the Contributor role.
- Updated - SiteFarm has moved its video library from Vimeo to Aggie Video. Links now point to our new playlist, the first video "Logging into SiteFarm" includes a side panel with the other videos in the list. We note that the videos are old and overdue for an update. This is on our list of tasks for the first half of 2025.
- New - The text highlighter feature is available from your WYSIWYG's Text Extras submenu.