The Hill Group

1314, 1318, 1322 Venable Hall

Follow us on Twitter - @SmwhLab

Learn more about Sidney's trajectory to an organic chemistry professor at UNC on the Science Olympiad Podcast, the STEM YARD.


11-26-24: The Hill group welcomes new graduate students Ellia Osofsky and Colin Priest!

06-18-24: We are grateful to receive an NIH MIRA Grant!

06-06-24: Congratulations to Isaiah Eckart-Frank for being selected for the Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine Graduate Research Symposium!

05-20-24: The Hill group welcomes our summer REU student, Jake Watson! For more about UNC's SUROC program, see:

04-25-24: Congratulations to our PI Sidney on receiving the Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award!

04-01-24: Congratulations Adam Zahara and our collaborator Prof. Brandon Haines! Our preprint study on using halomucononitriles as pyridinimine nitrile precursors is now published in Org. Lett.

02-20-24: Congratulations to our PI Sidney on being awarded the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship!

12-12-23: Congratulations Sidney on being awarded the FMC Young Investigator Award!

11-21-23: The Hill group welcomes new graduate students Timothy Lewis, Liam Murphy, and Emily Arnold!

08-08-23: Congratulations Isaiah Eckart-Frank your publication on spirocyclobutane synthesis out now in JACS!

07-26-23: Congratulations Joey Mancinelli and our collaborators Prof. Dean Tantillo, Wang-Yeuk Kong, and Wentao Guo (UC Davis)  on your publication on fluorocyclopropenium ion intermediates out now in JACS!

03-29-23: Congrats to 2nd year Charles Teeples on landing the NSF GFRP! Way to go!

03-22-23: Congrats to undergraduates Spencer Hurely and Zak Billo for winning the ACS Undergraduate Award in Organic Chemistry.

01-10-23: Sidney has been recognized with the UNC Tanner Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching!

12-27-22: We are grateful to receive an NSF CAREER award!

11-18-22: The Hill group welcomes incoming first year student Charlotte Ridgway!

09-28-22: Congratulations Adam Zahara and our collaborator Prof. Brandon Haines on completing another study! Read our preprint about using halomucononitriles as Zincke nitrile precursors on  ChemRxiv!

08-08-22: Congratulations Doug Johnson, Charles Teeples and Nick Akkawi on your publication on orphaned cyclopropanes out now in JACS!

05-27-22: Congratulations Joey Mancinelli on your publication on boron-phosphorus cooperativity now out in OBC.

04-26-22: Congratulations Adam Zahara on being selected to attend the 2022 Graduate Research Symposium in Santa Barbara! Way to go!

03-31-22: We are currently accepting applications for a fully funded 2-year post doc position. Please apply online at

03-31-22: We a grateful to receive the ACS Herman Frasch Foundation Grant!

01-16-22: The group welcomes undergraduate student Zakari Billo!

01-14-22: Congrats Nina and Adam on your study on divergent hydrazone reactivity now published in JACS!

01-14-22: The Hill group welcomes new graduate student Charles Teeples!

03-11-21: Congratulations Andrew Morrow on receiving the ACS Undergraduate Award in Organic Chemistry!

02-22-21: The team has been recognized for with the Organic Letters Lectureship Award!

01-12-20: Way to go! Sidney has received UNC's Junior Faculty Development Award!

11-16-20: Sidney has contributed to an Editorial on Diversity Equity and Inclusion in Organic Synthesis led by Beth Elacqua at Penn State, which is now online.  Congratulations!

11-16-20: The Hill group welcomes new graduate students Nicholas Akkawi, Isaiah Eckart-Frank and Ryan Flores.

10-06-20: Our study on the synthesis and reactivity of halogenated mucononitriles is now online! Congratulations Adam Zahara and Dr. Elsa Hinds!

09-11-20: Our study on B(C6F5)3 catalyzed cyclopropanation reactions is now online.  Congratulations Joseph Mancinelli!

09-01-20: The group welcomes undergraduate researcher Prisca Lim!

07-16-20: Congratulations Joseph Mancinelli for passing second year oral exams

07-07-20: The group welcomes summer students Nicholas Akkawi and Isaiah Eckart-Frank.

06-01-20: Welcome back to the Hill lab (with social distancing)!

03-20-20: The Lab is closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic until further notice

02-25-20: Congrats Doug Johnson for passing his second year oral exams!

02-18-20: Congrats Adam Zahara for passing his second year oral exams!

01-06-20: The Hill group welcomes our new undergraduate student Andrew Morrow

11-18-19: The Hill group welcomes our new students Nina Cok and Ling Xu!

06-10-19: The Hill group welcomes our new postdoc  Elsa Hinds and summer research student Miles Mason!

02-14-19: The Hill group is now seeking applications for postdoctoral candidates.  Please mail cover letter, CV, and research summary by March 15th to:

Prof. Sidney M. Wilkerson-Hill

UNC Chemistry Department , CB #3290 

Chapel Hill, NC  27599-3290 

02-15-19: The Hill group welcomes new graduate student Joseph Mancinelli

11-29-18: Congratulations Sidney for being awarded the Thieme Chemistry Journal Award!

10-26-18: The Hill group welcomes new graduate students Doug Johnson and Adam Zahara

08-30-18: The Hill group welcomes undergraduate researcher Andrew Nguyen

07-06-18: The Hill group is now taking applications for undergraduate researcher scientists!

07-02-18: The Hill group welcomes summer student Doug Johnson!

03-11-18: Seeking enthusiastic graduate students to start Summer (July 1st) 2018!